The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 24, 1940, Image 1
;£=j= | (Thr latlg 0 (Eolbgt VOL. 37—No. 8 Dance Dates listed For Year Dates for the year’s important All-College-dances were set at a meeting of the Student Union Board held in Old Main last night. The dances are as follows with' the day of the week indicated in parenthesis:. . First Semester —-Collegian, Oct. 11 (Friday); Cwen Dance, Oct. 18 (Friday); Beaux Arts, Oct. 19 (Sat urday); Houseparty, Nov. 1 and 2 (Friday and Saturday); Mortar Board, Nov. 9 (Saturday); Soph Hop, Nov. 15 (Friday); Harvest Ball, Dec. 6 (Friday); Forestry Society, Dec. 13 (Friday); Pan hellenic Dance, Jan. 10 (Friday); and Penn State Club, Jan. 11 (Sat urday). . Second Semester Thespian Dance, Feb. 4 (Tuesday); Military Ball, Feb. 7 (Friday); Physical Ed ucation Dance, Feb. 8 (Saturday); WRA Valentine Dance, Feb. 14 (Friday); Senior Ball, Feb. 28 (Fri day); Engineer’s Ball, March 14 (Friday); WSGA Dance, March 21 (Friday); IMA Ball, March 22 Sat urday); Interfraternity Ball, April 4 (Friday); Ag Frolic, April. 19 (Saturday); All-College Circus, April 26 (Saturday); Junior Prom, May 2 Friday); Spring Houseparty, June 6 and 1 (Friday and Satur day). The board took ncr action on scheduling a Freshman Glass dance and decided to abandon the Senior Women’s Dance. Only new dance scheduled was a Aysical Educa tion Dance on February 8. Attending the meeting were Jack Brand ’4l, A. John Currier ’42, Frank R. Flynn ’43, Marjory A. *~."Harwick ’41," W." Ray 'Herrmann ’4l, H. Leonard Krouse ’42, Arnold C. Laich ’4l, Theodore C. Rice’4l,' Harriet Singer ’4l, Adam A. Smy ser ’4l, H. Edward Wagner ’4l, and Elinor. L. Weaver ’41.. IMA Council Will Meet Tomorrow The Central Council of the Inde pendent Men’s Association will hold its first meeting of- the year in 418 Old Main tomorrow night. Officers of the council will meet at 7 p. m., with the entire group .•convening at 7:30. Representatives from approximately 10 IMA units are expected to attend the- con clave. Slated for the evening’s program are the appointment of a member ship campaign committee and the discussion of unit athletics and social activities. The IMA, founded two years ago for the purpose of fostering closer relationships between non-fratern ity men socially, athletically, and for representation in student gov ernment affairs, will seek, accord ing to Council President W. Rae Herrmann ’4l, to increase its mem bership over last year’s* when 17 units -comprising some 1400 non fraternity men were members. Members of the council in addi tion to Herrmann are Henry J. Eavis ’42, vice-president; John M. Byerly ’42, secretary; Elden T. Shaut ’42, treasurer; Emer C. , Flounders ’4l, social chairman; and ■ ■ Boyd C. Gartley ’4l,.athletic chair '.r man. _ 'L# 1600 Freshmen Receive ManfauxT.B.Tesl OUt of 1600 to take the tubercu £.'rlosis;test at the College ;DispenSary fifty have repoi-ted for ex grjhmhdationof test br.'Ritenour re- that. all these ( report im flmejiiately. Transfers as well as freshmen jf iairel required. to: take t tuberculin ffetesk's ■ feHT* •• V TUESDAY. MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1940, ST-ATE. COLLEGE, PA. imiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wakeman r 4O And Father Killed In Plane Crash Edward A. Wakeman Jr. ’4O was killed in an airplane crash Saturday when the plane he was piloting crashed into a mountain side ten miles from Wilkes- Barre, his home and destination. With him at the time of the fatal accident was his step father who also died. Mystery shrouded the details of the crash. Wakeman. and his brother-in law were apparently returning to Wilkes-Barre after a trip to Philadelphia. No clue as to the cause of the accident has yet been discovered. Wakeman was a member of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity. His funeral will be held in Wilkes- Barre today. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii '4O Rushinq Total Released By IFC IFC last evening revealed- the names of' thirty-seven men who have pledged fraternities since 6 p. m. last Thursday. These names added to the 520 previously in The Daily Collegian, bring the total number of men pledged during the 1940 rushing season to 557 which is an increase of twenty-five over the 1939 total of 532. The figures for the last ten years: Year Number of men pledged 1931 370 1932 453 1933 .. .......561 1934 ...Vrn;;r:r::.s6B' - 1935 ..507 1936 541 1937 526 . 1938 470 1939 532 1940 ....557 Fraternity totals: Acacia (7) Alpha Chi Rho (4) Alpha Chi Sigma (5) Alpha Gamma Rho (13) Alpha Kappa Pi (7) Alpha Phi Delta (11) Anthony De Cillis, Nicholas Ranieri, Mich ael Romano. Alpha Sigma Phi (7) Alpha Tau Omega (11) Alpha Zeta (6) Beaver House (17) Beta Sigma Rho (18) Beta Theta Pi (17) • Chi'Phi (2) Delta Chi (14) Delta Sigma Phi (8) Delta Tau Delta-(17) Delta Upsilon (22) Axel Ander son, Frank J. Barbera, Julius Nel son. Gamma Sigma Phi (15) Kappa Delta Rho (15) Arthur Hand Jr., Thomas D. Magill, Wil liam H. Mantz, John McCreary, Carl T. Singhouse, Charles P. Smith. - Kappa Sigma (8) Lambda Chi Alpha (16) David (Continued on page three) Hefzel And Four Deans Attend Ml Conference President Ralph D. Hetzel and the deans of four schools will leave for Harrisburg today to attend a conference with State Secretary of Commerce, Richard P. Brown. The conference will deal with the mineral industries of Pennsyl vania'and their relations to the national 'defense program. The deans accqmpaning the President are; Dean Stevenson W. Fletcher, School of 'Agriculture, Dean Harry P. Hammond, Schqol of Engineer .ing, Dean Edward Steidle, School of Mineral Industrie's, mid Dean Clifford- Wfh- itmo r e, ’School' of Chemistry- and Physics. OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Blue Band Rosier Listed By Fishbiirn Results of the tryouts for the Blue Band were announced yes terday by bandmaster Hummel Fishburn. An organization of 88 pieces was selected from a total of 299 candidates. Of these, 49 were members of last year’s band. Fif teen freshmen, 10 sophomores, 12 juniors, and two seniors were new ly elected. The complete list: Trumpets— Roy S. Boyce ’42, Andrews C: Coyle '43, Victor Dimeo ’43, Jack M. Fillman ’42, Frank Garfalo ’44, Lester W. Kutz ’4l, John Lord ’44, Charles F. Maclay Jr. ’43, Phillip Prutzman ’4l, Paul A. Stair ’4l, Richard S. Warner ’4l, Myron S. Wheeler ’42. Horns Richard Angstadt ’42, Joseph P. Gavenonis ’42, James A. Harter ’42, Adrian L. Paci ’4l, Richard W. Wiley ’42, Milton A. Wollman ’42, Robert L. Forten baugh ’4l, Eugene W. Lederer ’42. Trombones—Francis V. Gulden ’4l, Walter Hebei ’42, Walter C. James ’42, Argyle L. Johnston ’42, Russell J. Myers ’42, Elwood Olver ’44, Henry C. Suppan ’4l, Leon H. Weaver ’4l, George P. Cressman ’4l. Baritones John F. Beck ’42, Richard H. Criswell ’43, Samuel T. Davey ’4l, Albert A. Zimmer ’42. Basses—Joseph ißoscov ’44, Ed ward Chervak ’44, Dominick L. Golab ’43, Robert A. Matteson ’42, Herbert F. Turnbull ’42, Herman Weed’44. Flutes—Jack Israel ’44, Edward R. Pollock ’43, Conrad R. Hilpert ’43. (Continued on page two) Glee Club Offers Extra Concerts The Penn State' Glee Club is planning one of the busiest sea sons in the history of the organi zation, according to a statement issued by Director Richard W. Grant. ' This year for the first time, the club will be .supported financially by income received from student fees. As a result, the songsters will be able to offer three or four concerts to which students and faculty members will be admitted free. The club executive committee already has booked several single trips in neighboring communities. A ten-day concert toUr is being planned for Easter vacation or thereabouts. Tryouts to fill the vacancies left by graduation will be held to night and tomorrow. Tenor can didates are to report to Room 411, Old Main, at 7 p.m. tonight. Basses and baritones will try out at 7 p. m. tomorrow in Schwab Auditorium. Walts Hall Frosh Hold Orderly Pajama Parade The entire body of Watts Hall freshmen, under the direction of the upperclassmen headed by Px-exy Paul Moyer and Morton Saler, head of the hall tribunal, held a pajama parade on Sunday night. The group formed in the quadrangle of the men’s dormitor ies and marched in orderly fashion to the four women’s dormitories. No damage reported. At each dormitory the “frosh” serenaded toe coeds with college songs, ending with “Goodnight Ladies.” Several of the more tal ented freshmen had toe opportun ity to show their skill in oratory. Although each" dormitory res ponded with applause and offer ings, Grange seemed to appreciate it most After leaving-the Women’s building, five freshmen instrument alists held a “jam” session in toe “quad.” -• ' ; A Secretary Of Agriculture Will Speak Here Tonight U. S. Agriculture Head CLAUDE R. WICKARD School Enrollment Drops To 6972 Enrollment at the College added up to 6,972 by noon Saturday, Registrar William S. "Hoffman an nounced yesterday. Lower than last year’s mid-October figure of 72000, this year’s total is expected to be raised by additional registra tion, especially by graduate stu dents, Registrar Hoffman said. Only 6,397 students have enroll ed inT State College, compared “to 6,517 listed last October. The to tal of 6,972 includes 417 enrolled in the four undergraduate centers as compared to 556 listed at five centers last year. The Uniontown center was discontinued this year. While definite causes' as to the drop in enrollment this year are not ascertainable since registra tion figures have not been broken down by? classes, it is believed that absorption into national defense industries of seniors and gradu ate students is partially responsi ble. '44 PSCA Groups To Meet Tonight Two PSCA freshman groups will convene for the first time to night when PSCA freshman coun cil will meet in Room 304 Old Main at 8 p. m. and the freshman women’s group will enjoy an “In formation Please” program at 7 p. m. Arnold C. Laich ’4l, All-College president, A. John Currier ’42, Richard C. Peters ’4l, sports edi tor of The Daily Collegian, H. Ed ward Wagner ’4l, IFC president, Robert D. Baird ’42, varsity boxer, and Andrew P. Szekely ’43, will participate in a panel discussion of extra-curricular activities. The “Information Please” pro gram is by Jeane E. Hershberger ’43, chairman, Shir ley L. Carpenter ’43, Joan E. Paul hamus ’43, Ruth E. Kocher ’43, and Julia V. Skellchock ’43. This group will work with the fresh men coeds in an advisory capacity omtil they elect their officers and committee chairman. Harold J. Berger ’42 heads a committee which will plan the men’s program and- instruct the freshmen in PSCA organization. Other - committee members are Robert T.- Struck ’42j chairman, of Commission II; John ,W. Dague ’42, cheer leader; R. Tracy Ed dinger ’42, song leader; and Her man K. Klauk ’43. I •A A- I Weather—Continued £ll 1 I Warm, Possibly Cloudy Wickard Will Inspect i College This Afternoon Opportunity of hearing a mem ber of the President’s cabinet will be given students and faculty members when Claude R. Wick ard, Secretary of Agriculture, speaks in Schwab Auditorium at 7 p. m. tonight. President Hetzel will introduce the Secretary, who will speak on “The Place of Agriculture in the National Defense Program.” Upon arrival this afternoon, the Secretary will inspect the College, especially the School of Agricul ture. He will then be honored guest at a dinner in the Nittany Lion Inn. Secretary Wickard is a practi cal farmer in Indiana and a for mer state senator. He has held a number of positions in the Depart ment of Agriculture, having been, under-secretary after M. L. Wil son was appointed Director of Ex tension and before Henry A. Wal lace resigned. A few years ago, Secretary Wickard was named a master farmer by a mid-western farm paper. . As soon as he was big enough to guide a plow, Wickard began farming with his father. Through high school and while he was at tending Purdue University, he continued to help on the home farm. Following his graduation in 1915, he took over the complete management of the 380 acres. At Washington, AAA commit teemen and other department members know Wickard as one of the most effective-speakers in the country on farm subjects, whether it’s a formal address to an audi ence of hundreds or a ten-minute off-the-record talk in his office or hotel room. '44 To Wear Signs For Soccer Opener “Beat Gettysburg” signs for the soccer opener with Gettysburg hei-e on Saturday will be worn by the freshman men on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, W. Lewis Corbin ’4l, chairman of Tribunal, announced last night. The soccer team will be opening an attempt at an eighth consecu tive unbeaten season and the fresh men will be required to wear the signs to give it a send-off, Corbin said. When the signs were used for football games in the last two years, Penn State always won. . The signs, which are fi-ee, will be available at the Athletic Store tomorrow afternoon to all fresh men. Corbin also announced a Tri bunal meeting in 305 Old Main at 7:30 p.m. today. Twelve cases will be heard. Shigley Elected President Dr. J. F. Shigley, professor of veterinary science, was elected president of the Pennsylvania Vet erinary Medical Association at toe annual meeting of the organiza tion held in Philadelphia last week in conjunction with toe bicenten nial celebration of toe University of Pennsylvania. The new president has served as secretary of toe association. May'4l Appointed 1 The appointment of Richard W. May ’4l as student representative to Borough Council was announced yesterday by Arnold C. Laich ’4l, All-College president PRICE FIVE CENTS