PAGE TWO With the Editor — About The Draft And The College And Politics And All The Rest Now that the draft is passed, the College is re lieved of some of the uncertainty which compli cated preparations for enrollment this year. It can how proceed with more certainty along lines which Will facilitate national defense. It is now assured that its students -will riot be called until next July dnd that its enrollment until that time will not be seriously affected. But the College has more thari manpower to of fer the nation, its manpower is cidser to being its least, important contribution than to being its midst importarit contribution.. Sturdy young boys who can carry gUris and stand the strain of criiribai dre a diirib d do'zeri. in telligent leaders, intelligent planning, and stddied research come high. It is the American colleges —with Penn State high among them—that must furnish these last, more important materials. The College carries on a vast research program Which last year cost tabout $700,000. From its petroleum laboratories, its engineering experi ment station* its. weather bureau, its textile re searches, its extensive work with farm crops arid farm stock, and its investigations into chemistry will come the methods which, will contribute to America’s defense. Politics is in the dir arid there is the usual talk going around about the horror of it. Some people would even like to see parties done dway with— as if they could be! There is so much about politics that is interest ing: For instance; the friendliness of it all. Two years.ago in the more suitable capacity of cub re porter, the editdr Wats assigried to cover a cam paign talk by Jim Davis, who was driving for (arid got) a third terrri in the seriate. At a country picnic, which was the scene of his principal address, Jim was really doing all right. He was just plain Jim Dayis—everybody’s friend. He chatted about the crops, led the band while explaining he had played the piccolo as a boy, met every proud father who was pushing forward an even prouder cherry-faced son, waltzed with a ten-year'• old maid, bought cokes all around, and really put his heart into the business of having a good time. in one of these interludes an oldish, flabby and well-to-do Pennsylvania Dutch farmer avalanched himself through the crowd to the senator and swarmed over him like a flock of loving puppies. “.Remember me?” he asked Jim Davis. “I sure do. I’d never forget that face, but .. . I’m blamed if I can recall your name.” ‘.‘Do you remember old Congressman Menges, Jim?” “Yes, sir! Now I’ve got you, Congressman. Yes siree, now I’ve ...” “No’. I’m not' him. I’m his friend, Klinedinst, old Postmaster Klinedinst.” Jim got out of that somehow. Politics is co operative, too. Later that same day Jim Davis gave me a copy of the speech he was going to de liver. He did deliver it too—for five minutes, that is. But. then there was a twenty-minute tirade against a democratic skunk who Senator Davis said lived in Harrisburg (which wasn’t on the hooks.) Politics is friendly. THE HAILV COLLEGIAH "For A Better Fenn State" Successor to the Pe'nn Stale Collegian, established 1904, and the Free Lance, established 1887 Thursday Morning, September Is, _IS4(J Published daily except, Sunday. and Monday, during the regular College year , By, the. students of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered a$ second-class. mattes July. 5. 1934. at the post-office at State College; - Pa., under the act of March 3. 1879. Editor Business Manager ~ Adam A. Smyser *4l . Lawrence S. Driever *4l Women’s Editor—Vera X,.. Kemp ’ll; Managing Editor —Robert H. Lane ’4l: Sportd -Editpr—Richar.d . C., PeteiJ} '41.;, News Editor—JVkHam E. Fowler .’4l.Feature Editor. —Edward J. K. McLorie ’4i; Assistant Managing Editor— Bayard Bloom '4l; Women’s Managing Editor —Arita L. Hefferan. *4l: Women’s Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel ’4l. . / ~ . Advertising Manager—John H. Thomas ’4l; Circulation Manager—Robert G-. Robinson ’4lSenior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein Ml;. Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis .’4l. Junior Editorial Board—John A. Baer- '42. R., Helen Gordon M 2. Ross B. Lehman. '42,. Witlidrh. J. McKrtight ,’42. Alice M. Murray ’42. Pdt Nagel berg '42, Stanley J. PdKesrip ner ’42. Jeanne C., Stiles.’42. ,• , Junior. Business w. Allison 42, Panl M. Goldberg '42, James E. McCaughey-.’42, Charted L - . Van Inwagen ’42, T. Blair Wallaie. ’42, Margaret L. Embury ’42, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Rees '42. ... . .... Graduate Counselor Editorial and Business Office 313 Old Main Blder. Dial 711 Managing Editor This issue William J. Mcknight ’42 News Editor This Issue John A.. Baer ’42 Soohomore Assistants Walter M. Berkov. Harry D. Cohn * » $ C. Russell Eck Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier St. • Dial 4372 . . . THE DAILY COLLEGIAN iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiim CAMPUSES! mfiiiiiniiiiriiiitiiiiitfiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiriiiiiuiiiiiilimiimiiiiiiiiliiiimuitim Go'od mo'rriihg. It’s a lovely morning. Don’t have to dash out and grab any boys for breakfast. Don’t have to turri on any personality smile. Don’t have to play class Z ping pong to keep the rushees happy, Mori’t have to keep the hole in thb rUg hidden. Don’t have to" laugh at lousy jokes or shrike fishy palms (pardcfri the scaies; bud) o’r risk dull ’44 hopefuls what courses they’re taking arid why it’s not Liberal Arts. ... What a morning!! For yesterday that period of high-pressure hell known as rushing season, staggered to ai close, leaving in its Wake shattered' nerves, tifed bodies, several thousand bad cases of the more pledges than have been acquired by . Penn State’s fraternities since last year.. •if y'bii cdll a porter to carry the bags under my eyes I’li go dowri to breakfast with you. Speakiiig (Sf Lead Pipes How corrie, the Camp'useer wants to know, that the college dorms require a one-year contract? Is or is not the administration in favor of frater nities? Afterglow As rushing season fades into the dim past Cariipy wishes to record a few passing irripres sions in the annals of—well, just the annals. How about ... The way the sigmdpis put on the do'g with a darky briskly outfitted in white duds serving cokes'on a tray . . the for rent sign the phi moo deltas had out in front Of their house all throUgh rushing sea- sori . . ; the guy who pledged KDR arid went to lurich at a certdiri nearby house ... Sidelight* If. this new and different daily rag had a society column we wouldn’t be a -bit surprised to read a black-bordered item informing the feW collitch students who can read that Peg Hafer and Ray Leffter are rio longer anticipating wed ding bells ... don’t tell “Genial Joe ” Ritenour this one. A fiosh asked at student union for some bandage. No soap, but Donovan sent hirn to the dispensary. Again, no soap!!!! Walt Chase, fiji pledge, will subscribe when he sees this . . It seems an ignominious (and unusual) way lor a kappa to - make this column but Connie Smith fell off her bicycle the other day. Poor thing .... Finis Well, maybe I can sleep the whole! thing off. CAMPY, THE COLLEGIAN DANCE Friday, Oddfier 11fH j AdniiMititi Titket Only SttbseMt Tti Thd Daily Collegian and det Yours Soft FORGtf Vote’ for a FresHnidn, Sorority, Of* Dorni biie Of ivhicß will bfe chosen COLI/EGIAN Subscribe bind Vole Now THE DAILY dO’LLfcGIAN drid a Collegian Dance Ticket ...... $2.50 Campus Calendar — Today Freshmen pay fees in the Ar mory, 9 to 5 p.m. Sophomore women Collegian candidates meet in Collegian office at i p.rii. . .Players. technical staff, Little Theatre, 7.p.m. /College Cfibir try-outs for girls, ScKwaib’ Atiditbritfiri, 7 p'.fri. . Cwen meeting at 6:45 p.m. in' WS&A rdo’fri, White Mall. , Application blanks for the John W: White arid Ltfdisb Carnegie scholarships are available fo in terested students at Roorii 11-2; PO'rid Lab'oratdry; This iriforiria tioh mUst he Compidte’d arid in the hands of thri Cdmriiitete o'ri Acad- HOME and back by Railway Express! Birfect ds a pass” is the campus-tbdibme idUadcy service, offered by RAILWAY EXPRESS. We call for your laundry, take it horire...and then bring it back to you at yorif college address. It’s as quick ." and convenient as that! Yo'ti triay setiH yo’iif laundry prepaid or collect, as you prefer. , Low rates include calling fof add deliveringin all cities and principal towns. Use RAILWAY EXPRESS, too,for - swift shipment of all packages and luggage. Just phone WESTERfI UNION OR N. ATHERTON ST. DIAL 32f1l STATE COLLEGE; PA. Railwai^express , agency itic. '■ 7. MItES EAST, PE BEULEFPKTE ADMISSION INCLUDING TAX $l.lO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940, College Choir Try-ouls -"Try-outs to fiil vacancies in tfe College Choir for girls’ voices will be. held in Schwab Auditorium at 7 p.m. tonight. Freshman girls are eligible to try oiit. • All other girl members _of ( tfjj Cfiofr from last year- are also re quested to report. ! emic Standards by September 2t, . F’enri State irierfiitetsftip ifieet iSii m M M; 6:48-$M - , ■ Safe .Driver Training .School classes b'egiri. in Room, State College High School, - at. 7 p.m;; j Candidates for .assistant ijqeni. ger of footbail report, to. Water Tower, sign up at AA Office. wft —. -*»»_ #■ &.. f *»«■«>*.. aJ-*-*-- NATION-WIDE R AIL-AIR SERVICE TONIGHT HKUMMI DANCING 9-1