PAGE TWO With the Editor— , Abut Conscription And Ik Process 09 Pennsylvania Registration For the purpose of the record, it is well to set down, somewhere—and here seems like the best place—the process of registration, for conscrip tion in Pennsylvania. College students will be deferred —on request— until the end of the academic year but all be tween the ages of 21 and 36 must register, the only exceptions being advanced ROTC students. The step by step process, as reported last week by the Associated Press, follows: 1. Appointment by President Roosevelt, upon recommendation of Governor James of 420 local draft boards seven regional appeal boards. . 2. A special date is set when every man be tween the ages specified in the conscription bill must register at his local election district. 3. The chief registrar in each of the 80,690 vot ing precincts turns the registration cards over to the county commissioners, who send the cards to the local draft boards in each area. t 4. A local draft board is appointed for each 30,000 population in an area, including three vot ing members, one examining physician, and one government appeal agent. - 5.' The local boards take the registration cards of 20 to 30 election districts, up to 3,000 cards, .shuffle them, and assign serial numbers ranging, from 1 to 3,000 for each name. C. The lists are compiled and posted in each election district, and copies sent to the governor and the federal government. 7. The federal government determines the or der in which each bracket of serial numbers shall be called to military service, through a lottery drawing. - 8. Those whose serial numbers are called in the ‘first draft” are furnished with questionnaires, which they must fill out and return to their local draft boards, listing their occupations, family in come, dependents, education, etc. 0. The local boards determine who shall be called into the federal service from these ques tionnaires. . 10. Those who are rejected at first because they have dependants, are physically unfit, or are retained in 'private industry, are placed on a “de ferred” list, and may be called later if. they are needed to fill the quota. " .11. Those who. are. called in the first draft, and are not eliminated through exemption or appeal, must report on a date set for the training period to begin at a state-wide “reception center,” 'prob ably at Harrisburg, Indian town Gap, or New Cumberland. ' The Gettysburgian of Gettysburg- College re lates the story of the wrestling coach who pa tiently tried to'explain the fundamentals of: the grunt and groan art to his only mildly interested pupils. None seemed to understand, and the light of learning burned low. ! Finally in sheer depera tion he wrote in bold white letters across the gym ceiling: “If you can read this you’re in the wrong position.” THE DAILY COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn'State" Successor to the Penn State Collegian, established 1004, and the Free Lance, established 1887 Tuesday Morning, September 17, 1940 _ Published daily except Sunday and Monday during the regular College year by the students of The Pennsylvania State College. Entered- as second-class matter July 5. 1934, at the post-office at State College, Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Member GoUeftiode Press m Distributor of 4|P*V i Digest] • Editor : Business Manager Adam A. Smyser '4l Lawrence S. Driever .'4l Women's Editor—Vera L. Kemp Ml; Managing Editor Robert H. Lane Ml; Sports Editor—Richard C. Refers '4l; News Editor —William E. Fowler Ml ; Feature Editor. —Edward J. K. McLorfc Ml; Assistant Managing Editor— Bayard Bloom Ml’; Women’s Managing Editor—Arita It. Hefferan Ml; Woman’s Promotion Manager—Edythe B. Rickel Ml. _ '. 1 . , • Advertising Manager—John S. Thomas Ml; Circulation Manager—Robert G. Robinson Ml; Senior Secretary—Ruth Goldstein' ’4l; Senior Secretary—Leslie H. Lewis '4l. Junior Editorial Board —John A. ' Baer M 2, R. Helen. Gordon M 2, Ross B. Lehman M 2. William J. McKnight M 2. Alice'Ml Murray ’42, Pot NageJberg M 2, Stanley J. PoKemp ner M 2. Jeanne C. Stiles M 2. Junior Business Board—Thomas W. Allison 42, Paul M. Goldberg M 2. James E. McCaughey M 2, Charles L.- Van Inwagen M 2. T. Blair Wallace '42, Margaret L. Embury M 2, Virginia Ogden '42, Fay E. Roes M 2. ' ' Graduate Counselor C. Russell Eck Editorial and Business Office 313 OWjMain Bldg. ; Dial 711 Managing Editor This Issue Stanley J. PoKompner M 2 News Editor This Issue Hoss B. Lehman 42 Downtown Office 119-121 South Frazier St. Dial 4372 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiie LION TALES iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiio Columns, columns, columns, the Collegian is full of columns. It- seems that everybody and" his uncle have taken a crack at writing a column. I’m no exception, but if you can take it so can-I for what fool doesn’t grab at the chance to forget his inhibitions and give—on paper. All of which re minds me of the slogan of a one-jerk Missouri newspaper gone blotto years ago. .“He whq bloweth not his own bazoo, the same shall not be blown.” The paper if you’re interested was the Sedalia Bazoo. To get back to the point and turn tattler on the local has-beens, have you heard that . . . Peg De- Silver, aopi, will marry Jack Hirsh, sigma chi, on October 5 . . . A 1 Simpson, theta xi, and Gertie Cronan, dg; Ann McCracken, alfachio, and Verb Smith, pika; Betty Miller of Harrisburg and Bill Andrews, phi kappa tau; Mae Weigner,- alfachio, and Bob Cleves, lambda chi alpha-. Doris Bailey is the lucky girl who’ll marry Warren Elliott, and ~ September 28 is the big day . . . Howie Anderson is a proud papa but no one seems to know wheth er it’s a boy or girl . . . Sammy Gallu, you’ll re-, member him as King Hot. Dog, is beating it out with Fred Waring’s glee club at the Aquacade,at. • the Fair . . . The cdt-has added Bob Wilson and Pat Braun to its staff—that makes- at least two journalism graduates that got jobs. Bill Diely, pride of the Delta Sigma. Phis, laid an egg last week! No fooling. He was ghowinga freshman the game room when the rushee. asked where the bathroom was. Bill, thinking the -fel low had asked about a badminton court, answered brightly “Oh, we used to have one out on the front lawn but it was too hard on the grass.” And then there were the two Pi Kappa Phis who ... were invited to go through-the SAE house when one of the brothers saw them standing at the cor--' net of Beaver and Pugh. They went Peggy Herman Harlan’S family is being well taken care of by the Sigma Nus. They pledged her brother and -Dana .Chalfont and' Rod Sachs flipped for the chance to take her sister -out. Rod- - won. We understand that Rod -was oh so thrilled when he received a letter from his last: year’s flame, Bev. Wilson. She is living in 'California now and thoughtfully remembered to send Rod her telephone number. Glad to see that the campus big-wigs who are sponsoring freshman, beauty queens have taken such a keen interest in their work .. . understand from several of the women on the staff that pro fessor Baldanza is back —what does he have that the rest of us—oh, 'well, let’s skip that . . . wish something could be done about lights going out in the middle of a meal, half the college was eating by matchlight Sunday night . . . have been asked to. appeal to the freshman in Women’s Building who-was singing hymns at 7 o’clock Sunday morn ing—you know young lady that it would be more appreciated in church or chapel 1 . . sorry to hear that Bill Hubler, Ed Hall, Peg Mcllray, Bev Wil son and the Seeds girls aren’t going to be here this year . . . that’s the best I can go for now . .. I’ll see you at the Thespian show tonight, that is all of you except "the freshmen—there won’t be room for them after the upperclassmen get all the best seats. . “So long as the state pays the expense of junior college educatjon'at the state university or the - state teachers college, there is every- reason why it should also participate in the expense of local public junior college, which operate on. the same level.” Dr. George F. Zook, president of the Am erican Council on Education, thumps for. state sup port of junior colleges. • “I hope you never belong to Youth with a cap ital ‘Y'. You ought not to be marked off- as a spe cialpressuregroup because of your age, just as women shouldn't be. marked off because of their sex. You are not a special class, but citizens.” . Mrs. Robert Taft, wife of the G.O.P. presidential hopeful, told University of Minnesota collegians the-piaee they ought to assume in national affairs. “The academic year 1939-40 will be marked in the future as the turning point in cation in the United States—a turning point away from specialization oft technological subject-mat ter in the basic four-year programs, and toward the. inclusion of an integrated stem of social-hu manistic studies wbich will tend to, make the en gineers of tomorrow a more 'rounded man' and citizen.” Columbia University’s Dean Joseph W. Barker points, to/a great grpwth in engineering curricula revision begun this year in many insti tutions. ALU's CLASSIFIEDS TWO PLEASANT comfortable rooms near campus quiet private (large second floor double room and one single suitable for grad uate or faculty man. Study and bedrooms will rent separately. Any one reasonable. 124 jS. Pat terson St. 2t-pd-CRE DOUBLE -front room, quietsection 'good single beds.' Will rant sin gle. Call State College 2717, 133 South Gill. se 13,16,17-St-pd6 ROOMS for students. Desirable classman in pleasant corner room, room and roommate for upper second 'floor. 300 S. Burrowes street. Phone 3280,- FOR RENT —Single room, private family. Inquire 316 S. Gill'street. Dial 3417. . 12-2tp-BB PENN State Hotel remodeled under new management. Stu dent rooms reasonably priced and extended dining room service. 310 E. College. FOR RENT large room, private entrance, next bath. Graduate or faculty.-Phone 3383 evenings. . lt-pd-9-17CJRE JEWISH cooking,'room and board now available, 217 E.- Foster, Phone Bertha Stem. 3fc-pd-19BSD ROOMS for rent. Suitable for two. Men students only. Available at once. Inquire 254 S. Burrowes St. PHILCO MOTOROLA STUDENTSt Our lines of desk radios, ranging froui“s9-95 to $l9-95, have been-; selected with a view to the low radio signal strength in this area, and. are guaranteed to give both day and night reception without ' the use of an outside aerial.- . .. _ . . Radio Corner Allen St. & Beaver. AVe. Opposite-Post Office,: . • 7." "7 . . Guaranteed Service On All Makes And Models, Home and Auto Radios,JOur Specialty. • - Thirteen Years Experience. Portables —Record Players—Combinations—Auto Radios — . Recorders—l.E.S. Lamps Announcing the Opening of ... MILLER’S MARKET Formerly Nittany Meadows Faim Store jr. (AIRING TO FRATERNITY, BOARWNG HOUSf, AND HWIVIDUAL TRAM / 104 W. Beaver Are, - Free Delivery TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1940 Campus Calendar— Today All women transfers must report to desk at registration "for name cards. L - Notice to students in Chem. 3, Sections L, M, N, P, and R:„ At first laboratory period,/have $3 break-, age ticket, obtained' at Bursar's .Office. Money refunded at end of semester, excepting that covering, breakage. Also bring manual, “Ex periments in. General Chemistry', 0 by Chandlee, Mack, and Currier. Notice to students in Chem. * 52, Sections' A and B: Have $lO break-, age-ticket,-obtainable at Bursar’s. Office, at firstscheduled laboratory, period. ■ • - - Campus Center Club Mixer for center transfers. Old Main Sand wich Shop, 8 p.m. / Transfers Meet Tonight 5 All new transfers, including wo men from undergraduate centers; are invited to a coffee hour in the southeast lounge of Atherton Hall today, at 7 pan. The Hpuse of Rep-' resentatives is sponsoring the af fair to help transfers get acquaints ed.. ROOM for two stu- dents in new home. Use of living room. $2.50 each.-Inquire 131 Miles Street. Dial 4000, lt-pdr9-17GR&