PAGE TWO With the Editor — To Be 'Boomed' Is Nice M Ik Question Is: TIWio f s Boomed!' There is much talk about our generation being a doomed generation. It is about time somebody stopped this. We were born in the World War, achieved adol escence in depression., and reach the age when we should be taking our place in the world when war ds the only ;.place that wants us. These things are true, if you will allow the single exception 'that a majority of the college un dergraduates were bom after the World War. The ‘term “doomed” seems to fit well. Yet, are .we sure it does? What of our parents who grew •up into the last war, were thrown out of industry •and security during the depression, and now meet ja world .faced with another war? What about /any-generation that-has lived-through war and de gression and mow faces war again? (Let’s not : be so sure 'the 'term “doomed” is apt. ‘The years from before the until 1789 •were as 'black as these, ’but who .would call that age “domed”? Those men "lived to see the .greatest birth of liberty the world has yet known. We may /be -seeing the death of one ‘era -and -the be. that -one which -controls the world’s ! greatest wealth and greatest Tesources. "Our does .not look like a doomed generation. It loks like one that shall step .into the fullness of •life-in .Americans-very-'fullest hour, its wagon /hitched to a star that is still -ascendant. Item: Ardent Willkie supporter that we are, we shud- lBB7 Published daily except. Sunday Monday during *the ‘regular 'College"year ;by -the fstudents of The .-Pennsylvania ,State College. .Entered as .second-class -matter . July 5. 1984, at,the .post-office at:State .College, *Pa., -under the -act *b£ March 3, 1879. * ' ‘ Associded Cblle&iole‘Press /Distributor j>f.. _. t Adam >A. Sxnyser**#! Women's Editor—Vera X. ;Kenrp Ml; Managing Editor * H. 'Lane '4l; Sports ‘Editor—Richard ?C. fPeters .■"MI,; :News -Editor—William .'E. bowler Ml; Feature Editor . —JMward J. ,K. McLorie ’41.; .'Assistant "Managing Editor— • JBayard Bloom "41.; 'Women's 'Managing Editor—rArita X. J fflCfferan 'MI; Women's Promotion Manager—Edythe 'B. tßickel '4l. • Advertising Manager—John JBC. Thomas *4l ; Circulation t Manager—fßobert G. Robinson Ml.; Senior -Secretary—Ruth 'Goldstein '4l; Senior Searetary—Leslie H. .Lewis Ml. j* Junior Editorial Board—John -A. :Baer *42, R. Helen ..'Gordon ’42, Ross B. Lehman *42, William. J. McKnight '42, * Alice M. Murray M 2, Pat Nagelberg '42, Stanley J. PoKempf • ner *42. Jeanne C. Stiles *42. , Junior Business Board—Thomas •W. Allison *42, Paul " M. Goldberg '42, .Tames E. McCaughey '42, Charles L. Van ! 'lnwagen *42, T. Blair Wallace *42, ’Margaret L. Embury M 2, • Virginia Ogden M 2, Fay E. Rees M 2. f Graduate Counselor f Editorial an 1 Busings Office 313 Old Main-Bldg. ... .Dial Zll - tMauagiac. £f»gelbe»o M2~ IB usiness-Monager - fbnao&!9ftS.^>xieviMr^ is a flaw in the mural, ©own ; in the lower right .part of the /painting there is a noticeable seam. : Bather resembles a badly .pasted bin board. -Per- j .haps .it is (intentional . . . we dorl't (know. Or /it ; mqy ibe a (bit -of inferior plaster, at any rate all is i .not too happy. We aren’t particularly enjoying this crawling out on .limbs, "’but we do wish some • -one would tell ns Whrit the score is. ' /MferireMowes • } Alter a Dance ; ; . i i •■'} / ■ —OT 1 M . • .. ! .! • ; last ietween Masses . 4 .. jTj I ~ . 4 ‘ . '] THE u CORNER ; - unusual THE DAILY COLLEGIAN * * # * •# . * -CASSIUS. KEELER’S mmm theatre building Text NEW AND USED FOR AU COLLEGE (GURUS STATIONERY College seal ond plain. Qualifysiaiion ery al low prices. ART MATERIALS A complete selection » < « « It*