The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 12, 1940, Image 6

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'44 Women To Sport Green Bows
For Customs Debut Next Wednesday
All Regular Students
Granted No Immunities
Many new students will be
green in more ways next
Wednesday afternoon when the
bliss of Freshman Week comes to
an abrupt end and freshman wom
en begin sporting brilliant .green
hair ribbons, four inches wide and
three-quarters of a yard long.
Customs will be enforced by the
Judicial Committee, composed of
upperclass women.
Customs Regulations
.1. Any student entering as a
freshman in any of the four-year
courses shall be considered a
freshman and shall be required to
undergo a year’s College customs.
All special students entering the
College with approximately the
rating of a freshman shall be re
quired to undergo a semester of
College customs. Special immun
ity shall be granted by the chair
man of the Judicial Committee.
2. The regulation hair ribbons
for freshman women will be green
and their measurements will be
four inches in width and three
quarters of a yard in length. All
freshman women are required to
wear these ribbons which will be
discarded at a Freshman Bonfire
Sing, the date to be set by Judicial
3 The regulation name cards
which freshman women are re
quired'to wear are three by five
inches. The name of each woman
is to be printed on her card in
heavy black letters one inch-high
and must be worn until Thanks
4. From 5 -p. m. .on .Saturday
until 7 a. m. Monday, and-on Fri
day night dates, women need not
wear name cards and hair ribbons.
5. At Penn State class preced
ence is a tradition. Freshman
women shall hold doors open for
upperclass women and faculty
when leaving or entering class
rooms, dining rooms, and at all
6. Except Holmes Field, 'all
freshmen shall keep off the grass
until Move-Up Day.
7. Football games must be at-
tended by all freshman women.
Except during House Party, no
freshman may have a date for a
football game.
8. When an older person or
upperclass woman comes into the
room all freshman women must
9. All freshman women who
break customs shall appear before
Taxi Office
Now In Niliany Theatre
Phone 3421
the Judicial Committee and be
punished in accordance with the
severity of their offense.
10. On Move-Up Day a fresh
man celebration will mark the re
moval of freshman regulations.
11. The responsibility of en
forcing customs Will rest with the
Freshman Council.
12. Women with deficient
scholarship will be restricted so
cially at the discretion of the Ed
ucation Committee •of Freshman
Faculty Changes
(Continued from page 4)
mallee Martin, instructor .in cloth
ings; Emma ’Wood Gardner, in
structor in home economics; Kath
erine E. Clawson, instructor in in
stitutional administration; John R.
'Lotz, research assistant in fuel
Esther L. Knowles, assistant in
home economics; Lois Allen, home
economics extension representa
tive; Glenn Z. Stevens, instructor
"in agricultural education; Otto W.
'Prochazka, instructor in journal
ism; Gray Umpleby, instructor in
■petroleum and natural gas engi
neering; George W. Wood, instruc
tor in mechanical engineering in
■undergraduate centers; -Robert S.
■Bowman, assistant in animal nu
trition; Lois E. Geywitz, circula
tion assistant in the College Li
Lawrence Tucker, instructor in
dramatics; Lois I. Frank, assistant
professor of nutrition extension;
Morris Cohen, research assistant in
economics; Kenneth L. Cornwell,
■assistant professor of vocational
teacher education; Vito di Vincen
zo, instructor: in Spanish; R, H.
Cook, instructor" in mathematics;
J. L. Dihvorth, instructor in me
'chanical engineering; R. P. Saal
bach, part-time instructor in Eng
lish composition; Oscar Miller,
part-time instructor in English
Ruth L. Bonde, assistant profes
sor of home management; W. E.
Moore, instructor in sociology; Al
bert M. Gavin, Helen E. Sharpe,
and Isabel D. Bewick, home eco
nomics extension representatives;
Howard R. Cottam, assistant pro
fessor of rural sociology; B. D.
Gleissner, instructor in economic
•entomology; E. C. Dunkle, instruc
tor in soils; Jean Swensen, instruc-
tor in physical education, and Rob
ert Grazier to serials assistant in
the College Library.
'The 13 resignations accepted by
President Hetzel included those of
•Dalai Brenes, Doris M. Unsworth,
Collin E. Fink, Mary Ellen Burk
holder, Clifford R. Horn, John J.
Uicker, Herbert R. Reichard, An
'nis Underwood, Inez J. Zeigler,
Marian W. Barbey, Alma ,IM. Ad
,'ams, Mary Janet Wood, and Mar
tha L. Boak.
Leaves of absence were granted
to Charles C. Caveny, assistant
professor of part-time education
for one year to serve as a special
agent in the defense training pro
gram, and Hans Janssen, instruc
tor in economics and German at
the Hazleton Undergraduate Cen
Complete Food and Fountain Service
'Look Af fur (oat Label/
Warns Clothing Expert
Look for labels in buying
coats at fur sales, Miss Eliza
beth M. Lippard, instructor in
clothing extension, advised yes
“The correct name of the fur
must be the last name of the de
scription,” she noted, “and all
furs that are shaded and dyed
must be so described.”
In addition, Miss Lippard sug
gested that the customer look
carefully ,at the placing of fur
trimming on a coat and note
whether it is so placed that rub
bing and friction will cause it to
show wear.
“Correct care of fur will pro
long its life,” said Miss Lip
pard. “If the label does not
give directions for care, ask the
buyer explicit information. He
will be able to help you more
than the clerk.
“It is also important to know
what kind of rayon is used in
the lining, as special care must
be used in dry-cleaning certain
kinds,” she observed.
(Continued from page I)
enrollment figures jump annually
both here and at the undergradu
ate centers. The following table .
compiled from College Catalog ,
gives a statistical history of the ,
College’s rising enrollment since
1933. Freshmen figures include
undergraduate centers, while to
tals show only campus enrollment.
Year- Freshmen Total
1933 4,255
1934 .4,621
1935 ..v.! 4,941
1936 !! 5,281
1937 5,835"
1938 ...! 6,231
1939 6,500
1940 575* ->=*6,700
estimate. .Does not undergraduate centers.
**Registrar’s estimate.
A.dmissions wi t h advanced
standing are expected to bring the
total gain up to 300 over last year.
This year’s number of applicants
was lower by 200 than last year’s.
On August 21, 2,654 had applied
for admission as compared with
2,837 a year earlier.
n Allen Street
Walke Sets New Pestion
Dr. Nelson S. Walke, who serv
ed on the faculty of the School of
Physical Education: and Athletics
California Perfume Products
For Men and Women
Local Representative—Martha C« Beezer
Phone 4203 . 8 10 a. m.—5:30 p. m. to 7:30 p.;m.
Launderers and Cry Cleaners
Extends heartiest congratulations to the
students of Penn State on the founding
1201 -2 S. Allen Dial 3171
from 1932 .to .193.6, has been.nam
ed director of the Sargent College
of Physical Education at .Boston
University. He will take up his
duties this month.