PAGE FOUR Finances Delay Proposed Erection Of More Dorms Plans for building additional women’s dormitories are ready but the College lacks funds to pro ceed, according to a statement re leased from President Ralph D. Hetzel’s office. There is no immediate prospect of funds for new dormitories, but in the files of the. President’s of fice are plans for two for women. In answer to WSGA and Mortar Board, senior women’s honorary,- which last spring requested more dormitory space or women, Presi dent Hetzel replied that the ad ministration is completely in ac cord with building new dormi tories. At the earliest possible date, a new women’s dormitory will be provided, he said. At least 250 transfer and fresh man women will live in town dormitories this year, Dean of Women Charlottee E. Ray has stated. There are four coopera tive houses and eight general dor mitories in town. Room deposits this year have been increased from $5 to $lO to discourage room changes and to encourage women students to no tify authorities of withdrawals so that new students may be placed on campus immediately. LOOK FOR The College Book Store 129 W. Beaver Ave. i» y * , t •* f ? k * !9 » »»»»., h «. J : ~ ; HiJiKHumiiiuMiniM I}».: h »iMim *;i»*'* !**'«)! si***?##}!*-#.r»3.a»? B.s**£B« 91 ses aa* e9*s«»#e * i i:.. i : 5 : Dean Ray to Speak Dean of Women Charlotte E. Ray will speak to all freshman women in Room 105 -White Hall at 8 a. m. Monday, September 16, but all other WSGA meet ings scheduled in the Freshman Week calendar are cancelled. All freshman women will be re quired to fill out their personnel cards in the WSGA office in White Hall sometime during Freshman Week. This indivi dual contact replaces the can celled meetings. Booklets ex plaining all campus activities, how and when to go out for them, and a campus map will be placed in rooms of all fresh man women before they arrive. College Will Open Third Practice House A third home management house, located next to Watts Hall, has been approved by President Ralph D. Hetzel to provide resi dent experience in home manage ment for the largest senior class in the history of the home economics department. The new home man agement house, formerly the Eng lish Composition Building, will be opened for use early in November. Offices are being changed into living rooms, bedrooms, and din ing rooms. A modern kitchen, laundry, and two bathrooms have been installed. Equipping and fur nishing the house will be handled by juniors in home economics classes this fall. College Diner if I - Vi !i H THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Women's Student Government Association Subordinated To Aii'College Cabinet But Still Supervises Coed Activity Responsibility Placed With Four Groups Regulation and direction of ac tivities pertaining solely to coeds is carried on by the Women’s Student Government Association although women students are in cluded in the All-College govern ment, now in its second year. Upon matriculation, member ship in this organization is auto matic for coeds. The four WSGA ruling bodies include Senate, Jun ior Service Board, House of Re presentatives, Freshman Council, and Judicial Committee. Senate consists of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasur er, town senator, and class sena tors elected by members of their respective classes. Members who holding no voting power are the chairman of Judicial Committee, women’s editor of Collegian, and editor of Co-Edition. Junior Service Board is com prised of 15 junior women eleced by WSGA Senate and the Juniors on senate. New legislation may be initiated through this body. The House of Representatives, composed of the president of each dormitory and a representative from each sorority, proposes new legislation which is acted upon by Senate. The WSGA vice-president acts as speaker of the House. Freshman Council is presided over by the sophomore senator, and deals with freshman problems and regulations. Representatives consist of women elected presi- New "Largest Diner in the World" BETWEEN THE MOVIES Always Open Russell W. Adamiix, Prop. WSGA President Elinor L. Weaver ’4l is presid ent of the Women’s Student Gov ernment Association now in its second year as a part of the All- College government. Miss Weaver was vice-president of the Associ ation last year. dents of their respective hall groups. Judicial Committee is composed of two members of each class selected their freshman year to serve four years. The sub-chair man of Freshman Council auto matically becomes a .member; the other freshman woman is selected by WSGA Senate. WSGA officers and all class senators except freshmen, are HOTEL BEAUTY SALON Over the Corner Room Hotel State College Dial 2286 ; s * *; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1940 elected in spring. One freshman senator is elected by the incoming class within one month of the be ginning of first semester. The sec ond freshman senator is named by Senate. Violators of WSGA rules are dealt with by WSGA Judicial Committee in conjunction with Senate and by the Dean of Wom en at her discretion. Regulations may be found in the Freshman Handbook. WSGA officers are Elinor L. Weaver ’4l, president; Betty M. Martin ’42, vice-president; Janet N. Holtzinger ’4l, secretary; and Pauline Crossman ’43, treasurer. Class senators include Eleanor L. Fagans ’4l, Anne M. Borton and Mildred M. Taylor ’42, Margaret K. Sherman ’43, and Jean Bab cock, town. Other Senate members are L. Eleanor Benfer ’4l, chairman of Judicial Committee, Vera L. Kemp ’4l, women’s editor of Collegian, and M. Elizabeth Baker ’4l, edi tor of Co-Edition. Miss Benfer and Marybelle Crossman are the senior members of Judicial Committee, Jane A. Stanton and Jeanne C. Stiles, jun iors ;and Ruth L. Kiesling and Marjorie L. Sykes,' sophomores. Lininger In Two Jobs Dr. Fred F. Lininger, recently elected vice-dean of the School of Agriculture, will continue as head of the department of agricultural economics, Dean Stevenson W. Fletcher announced yesterday ! Room 207 i. 't 't ; t; <