Page Two Editorial interpretation and comment will 'be a daily feature in the new Collegian THE COLLEGIAN PLATFORM i . . ...'For A Better Penn State' 1. Open the new buildings. 2. Pa r higher faculty salaries. 3. Relieve the housing situation through in spection and new dormitories. 4. Centralize agencies for student financial help. 5. Change the College name. 6. Postpone Penn State's enrollment in creases to allow time for internal devel 7. Build a strong, active alumni IL Erect n Student Union Building and a Field House. 9. Improve student and faculty relations. 10 Inspire a growing College spirit and pride and encourage increased participation in extra-curricular activities. A SENIOR WRITES HOME TO HIS DAD EDITOR'S ,NOTE—Lase May, an editorial. "A Graduating Senior Wines to His Dad," written by Emanuel Roth '4O. managing editor, appeared in the Collegian. This year. the Collegian again presents dhe article, rewritten by our ex•inanag. mg editor for the purpose of timeliness. It (pre sents a penetrating analysis of the attitude of 'the attitude of the typical 1940 graduate. IMMEEM I really don't know why I'm writing it a beautiful night nut and I guesx I should be out like the lest 01 them wa'lting, talking and enjoy ing the moon and the stets Spring in these Nit tany hills really does things to you and the only thing that isn't on my mind is the final exam I have tomorrow I'm sitting here at my desk and, with remi thscences crowding my head, I look ahead to giaduation on the pith I don't whether to be pi oud oi sad, happy or down in the dumps no foul yews now, this desk of mine has seen the unceasing snuggle—the joys, the feats, the tears, we fight to make something of myself—a some •hing you'd be proud of Those 3's you always told Aunt Minnie about, those flunks you never Leal d about, those oh-so sugary iequests for a little es o ara dough, those love letters to Lee—this desk is all a pai t of tnem - Do I hem you asking yourself if your son's gone noetie 9 No, not quite Just a little soft and, I'll confess, maybe a bit sentimental I just happened to think of my fast month at State Remember' I'd never been away from home for any length of time and the thought of being on my own ten 'fled me Guess I was some what of a mama's boy And nosy, four •years ,ater, you and Mother ‘ accuse me of being too in dependent, Incidentally, I haven't forgotten that telegram L sent you af lei I flunked that math bluebook— ,he one about how I wasn't feeling well and was quitting State' New fi lends, environment, and a helluva lot of work soon took my mind off my self I shouln be happy now, I guess I took a' short walk around campus today and watched the Seniors! You can easily spot them with their white coats. You can't blame them if they seenpsorta quiet, passive and even dejected Some of them have jobs, most of them don't Even with all the bleat ing about more Jobs this year, looks like the technical boys have it all over us when it comes to getting set for their life viork. 13in I do fcel, Dad, that most of the boys look at thinks a bit too passively They sit back like to a loq cause and proclaim that the world has nothing to oriel them, that they are membei , , of a lost generation, that-what's-the-use ozei e's-gonna-be-a-wm -anyhow The richness of life, I believe, cannot be weighted in terms of material attainment but in the ability to turn the Cull rhythms of an ordinaty i and banal existence into throbbing excitement and new experience The headlines carry ominous news for us graduating seniors, Dad Most of us are con vinced that we are now treading the road to war Getman legions are making a new Europe: the mighty British and French em pires are in the worst crises of their history. And once again, America prepares to don the cloak of Galahad and save the world from itself We see it, heat it all.tound us ' Let's get in now and save out necks before it's ton late" "They're going to get us next , " "Mote ships, more planes, mote men,' And in this turmoil of increasing war pas von. a turmoil which IS anaealluzing our senses. we, the class of 1940. are being grad , noted. What the next few months hold, no senses, we of the class of 1940. are being graduated. What the next few months hold. we can do nothing but hope. The chimes in Old Main are now sound mg midnight The house is quiet I'd better get a little.iest foi the exam tomorrow Give , my love to Mothet and the kids See you all on the 'loth PENN STATE COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Stmeessor to The Free Lance, established 1887 Published semi-weekly during the College year except 3n holidays by •the students of the Pennsylvania State College, In the interestsf the College, the students, facul ty, alumni and n Thursday, May 30, 1940 Entered as second•class matter 7uly's. 1934, at the post Mitre at State College, Pa . under the act of March 301879 CAMPUSEER 131 EMILI Three weekly humor columns will be among the special features in next year's Collegian. A DECLARATION FOR WAR (It's the subject of every bull session every prominent columnist and the scareheads in today's met It may develop into the biggest tragedy of the present American college genera tion It's something almost everybody manages to express his views on now and then So, at the risk of being rounded up by the G-men on charges of tifthlcolumn activity and high treason, the Campuseei gets in his two cents' worth i The Campuseer is ready to,go to wai In any regiment led by a member of Congress In any company led by an international hanket In an division led by a chap whose initials are F D R The Campuseel is ready to go to war For any reason except to save the world foi democracy That's where we came in The Campuseer is ready to go to wai If anybody can show him how he'll be any,bet tei off under the dictatorship which will probably follow seal win of lose The Campuseer is ready to go to vial As soon as you can get him -mad enough to give up his life to smash a little fellow with a moustache whom he has never seen The Campuseer is ready to go to wai If anybody can show him a nation which ever profited from a war Yes, the Campuseer is ready to go to war the moment the hotheads and smash-that maniac Hitler boys convince him of any of these things, the Compuseer will match tomm row Until he is shown, however, the Camp useer has just one thing to say FOR GOD'S SAKE, +FRANKLIN, TAKE IT EASY' _ HATS OFF DEPARTMENT To 'Del Hughes who has won many a love Match on the courts and is now winning one with Ginny Smith (How's that, John Jenkins'') To Ned Wakeman who wouldn't get up to see his houseparty date Sunday afternoon when she was here with Ted Baldwin's parents But he will see her at the annual graduation party of Northeast High School,' Pa To Ruth Kiesling who recently captured a Phi Kappa Sig pin which shat es honors with jewelry from the boy back home To Berm Christman who when asked by his metallurgy prof what high speed steel was, answered, "Bullets , " To 'Pete Lang whr after many long weary years has crashed through with a date for house party To Lin Brigman Howie Anderson Bob \Veil Bill Fischer and the rest of the'boys . best of luck iand 'we hope you slide through to graduation ' To Raymond Clapper . who can't under stand 'why Penn State coeds wear then sweaters 'backwards AU RESERVOIR DEPARTMENT For four long years they have struggled -to obtain service in the Corner Room (unusual achi'D They have seen the, campus torn to-rib bons . , they have seen comedy, tragedy, and sex murders , and now at last they Si e passing through the portals which lead to the Cruel, Cruel woi Id Amen What will Penn State do without the De- Silver twins ) double trouble) Jane Romig 'personality plus May Queen) Peggy Shen.' Louise a euningei Polly Sweigart (en gaged, lucky fellow even if he does go to West Checter Teachers)" Mary O'Connor Polly Wirt? (looking foi wa) d to a bull - tent career nam ed Joe Snooks) Ruth Adams Ruth (that name again) Kennedy Phil Gordon (even if she is a Theta) 0 (With the above bilge ' the Campuwei sign , off until September when he will annoy you again in the daily tag which will wow the camp us and it is with this thought that we say adieu to the chaiming little hamlet of State Col lege, Pa Toodleoooo and good morning') You'll Enjoy . s s 1 The Corner unusual PENN STATE COLLEGIAN WOMEN'S NEWS 1 A DAILY WOMEN'S PAGE WILL BE FEATURES OF THE NEW COLLEG '44 Women Excluded From Atherton Hall Will Room In McAllister Hall, Women'sguilding, And Three Downtown Dormitories, Dean States Nest vear's 320 freshman women will live in McAllister Hall, Women's Building, and at least three town dormitories, upperclass coeds in Atherton Hall and Mange Dormitory, and transfers in town 'houses, accoiding to a statement released by Dean Charlotte E Ray This plan was adopted to promote more spirit by housing women* students In mote closely 'elated groups Approximately 140 women 'ran he accominlated in McAllister Hall and 125 in Women's Build ing Room deposits of $lO must be paid to the Bursar's office on or berme June 7 Five dollars was added to the Come' deposit to insole reservation of looms for next year Coeds withdrawing from the College are requested to report to the Bursar before Sep tembei 1 to ieceive refunds For students who remain the deposit will be credited to fee payments next semester Keys must be returned to the desk in Atherton Hall before June 7 when the $5 key deposit will he efunded Six BWOC's Given Class Day Honors Senior• Honor Women Havd Enviable Record 'Of Cainpus Activity The six senior honor women 'their class to pat ticipate in Class Day activities at 6 p m 'Enmity, June 9 ate Jane A Ro mig, Bow Gill, Josephine A (Keeney, Slipper Git,l, Mary E Mil let, Fan Gill, Saiabell Shorn, Class Donoi , Helen L Camp, Mir ioi Gill, and Maly 11 O'Connor, Class Poet , Miss Romig became active in WSGA work asjunioi senator and continued to top place as president with Pi iLambda Theta, Ornicion Nu, and Mortal Bawd as high' lights As Mat' ix Girl, Bow Gul, member of all-College Cabinet, Alpha Omicron Pi, Home Eco nomics Club, and May , Queen,'her college life comes to a successful Close Miss Keeney, Slipper Gul, attics '3" in modesty, glades, and activi ties This LaVie personality wo man has been on WSGA Senate for two years, Cwens, Alpha Lambda Delta, 'Mortal Board, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Gamma Alpha, Louise Ho mer Club, chop, and symphony or chestra, has a 2 6 average, and still protests it was "just luck " A Home Eccer who already has a career—marriage—is Miss Miller, this , year's Fan Girl Philotes president, all-College Cabinet, Morten Board, secretary of the PSCA executive committee, or ganirer of the School of Education Student Council, Betsy has shown her versatility as Matrix Table Cap Girl All-College vice-pi esident and Class Donor Miss Sham is active in Mortar Board, Theta Phi Alpha, Players, and PSCA, but lln'ds time to collect salt and peppei shakers and play baseball Biggest thrill was election as,flist woman all- College officei Mirror Girl, Miss Camp, Wo men's Editoi of Collegian, Mortal Board, Theta_ Sigma Phi, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and blonde, wrote nonsensical verse, chatty "Us Gals," serious "We Women," pub !mind the dairy depai tment and the Girl Scouts, kept paceswitlythe boys at Centre Daily Times, played mothei confessor to lreshmen in Atherton Hall, and collected horses Miss O'Connor, Clhss Poet, who began , WRA activities as sophomore hockey manager, and culminated sports activities In the WRA presi dency, cited Sports Day as WRA's outstanding achievement this year "Bumper" was on all-College Cabi net, senior sponsor, .Cwen, Delta Gamma, Quill Girl, and a member of Home Economics Student Coun cil Operated by a spring, a new desk device dispenses a single rub ber band at a time STUDENTS —ON DISPLAY— Artcraft White Vests. LM.A. College Specialties • E. WILLARD XING Room 215, Hotel State College 2 to 5 P. M. BEST WISHES .for -a .I.OYOUS ' :VACATION • - SCHLOW'S , QUALITY SHOP , . 1 Us Gals I TO THE CLASS OF 1940 - _ As you leave Penn State portals a new campus era forges ahead Physically and spiritually Penn State changes from a ,cow college to one of America's top universities and in 1940-41 a blitzkrieg of im piovement is promised But when we wax sentimental and review four years of WSGA and WRA elections, four yea's of May Days, foul years of rushing codes, Christmas drives, and Mat nx we find that - 1936-1940 - Coeds oi gentle independent dub —late' to be Ptulotes Trustees appi ove location to] new women's dm mitm y—to be come Frances Atherton Hall Alpha Epsilon Phi accepts As triad, Zeta Tau Alpha accepts.Euk ratia, new women's, club awaits .1 ecogni lion (Chai 'tides) WSGA backs plan of joint gov ernment, Women take all-College offices, Coeds put on dance com mittees Honoraries give freshman par ties during non-dating period— sponsored by WSGA Coed awn stai ted Mortar Board sponsors leader ship and vocational confeernces * * -o This.may look imposing, seniors, but when you pei use the women's record next year we hope you will see such stories as College builds sorority quad rangle—teals down last year's Ore traps Competent hostesses appointed to Atherton Hall, Necking banned Collegian Home Ec faculty rat ing poll planned, Home Eccers re joince that freedom of speech at last hits - department All-College May Day best in Penn State history - Natural - Rushing Desired Although the first three weeks of next semester will be open rushing, Harriet Singer '4l, Pan hellenic president, warned yester day that contacts are to be natur al and not forced "Freshmen women are to be made as unaware of rushing as possible," she reminded, "and it is hoped that sorority women will keep that lad in mind " As school draws to a ' 'close, remember that with it comes-House party: >ti r .. ~, ..i • ' ( 01 ' Romancing or Danc ing You'll Need .Our , Complete Beauty .Treatment .Hotel Beauty "y Salon ABOVE CORNER 'ROOM DIAL 1286 r ONE OF THE lAN WSGA-Makes Orientation Plan For Fall WSGA plans for freshman. and transfer orientation next Fall in clude organization of freshman hall groups and a . comPulsory transfer meeting in "White Hall, September 21, to explain women's regulations Lillian M. Brandt, Nancy E Ginger, and / Ruth L Kiesling, of Freshman; Council, head the rules , committee for the '44 group • A campus tour and koffce hour in Atherton Hall, TueLday, Sep tember 17 are also', 44anned for transfer women Transfers may still sign up to be "twin sisters" in the dean of women's office or with Patricia L Patton '4l CONGRATULATIONS - ' v _ !..iit - * (LASS -OF .1 Ali 1940 EGOLF'S _ TYPICAL NIGHT AND SUNDAY RATES FROM , z..•? STATE , COLLEGE 4/ 0 9 • s FOR 3-MINUTE STATION-TO-STATION CALLS -WASHINGTON 'PITTSBURGH 'HARRISBURG :LANCASTER I D. C. PA. PA. 'PA. 40c' 40c , 35c 35c WILLIAMSPORT -READING PHILADELPHIA PA. PA. ' PA. '3sic ; 35 , c 45c SCRANTON ;BALTIMORE CHICAGO PA.ILL. 40c 40c $l.OO . These reduced long distance rates are in effec every night after 7 and all day Sunday. Take ad. vantage of them to get in touch with the folki back home and with out-of-town friends THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA - qtrp k , ( s e44&, srmi, A IrNEW JUNIOR # 1 VaSSCITNette PANTIE - G IRDLE 150 You'llgolf, Cail,,ehaee tennisballe, in-thelest of form you make thismew Junior VassarNette part of your „sports equipmentdt's in a new net fabric . devel oped-by yasearette, tbatieligltter, -sleeker, fitting, f ."air•ctioledr And ,controlling,,enough ;for ,slender 4grie of -all•ageel'.Short-legged 'enough mot to ,show ybeneathqourrbriefest.isun:togs. 'Detachable , itipigarters.'Rayon;lastex;itnd' lisle. , hop 136 Hosiery hop 136 E: College Ave. State College .State Shows at 1.30, 3:00, 6:30, 610 and Friday "The Biscuit Eater" BILLY LEE 'PROMISE," the 'Dog alurdny Only '"La Conga Nights" 'Hugh Herbert -.Dennis O'Keefe Constance Moore Monday and Tuesday - - "Turnabout" - CAROLE LANDIS JOHN :HUBBARD ADOIrPHE MENJOU Wednesday Only "Opened by +Mistake" CHARLES RUGGLES JANICE LOGAN Thursday and Friday "Bill of Divorcement" MAUREEN.- O'HARA ' , ADOLPHE MENJOU FAY BAINTER NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. 55c MILWAUKEE WIS. $1.05 jw/ '!\o -MV i•:; -4111f‘ t:77 f K ,fi• „r im - I / VI Is 446 ' I+6:s''l( Thursday, May 30, 1940 7 C• th aailiti MONDAY, JUNE 3rd 1 , 'SPECIAL . . ATTRACTION I I „ Or lie Stage in Person - SENIOR BALL'S LPOPULAR MAESTRO , AN' , sAvin , and his -, TOP HATTERS OOROHESTRAI:d , T . Direct from Stanley Theatre,Piltsburgh .., , , Pealdring .' - MOH BON ~ The Ballad Man 'With The Wrinkle-Proof Tongue IStage Presentation at: 1 10, 3-13. 5-16. 7.19, 9.22 , Continuous Showing from ' i 1 00,P. VI Box Office, Open at 12 30 For 'best seats plan to attend the performances at 3:13, 5.16.! and 9 22. '...t No Advanceinfiricesl (No Seats_Reservedl ,• Shows at-1:30, 3.00, 6:30,8030 Today 'and Friday '"Lillian" Russell" • Alice 'Faye 'Don %macho' Henry Fonda Edward , Arnoll l if Saturday Only - "Flight - Angels". : WAYNE MORRIS JANE WYMAN Monday„Tuesday,Nednesdßy_ LUCILLE SALL _ JAMES 'ELLISON, 'You Can't ,Fool Your Wife" - ADDED On , OUR 'STAGE IN PERSON "JAN SAVITT and his TOPHATTERS ORCH. Thursday, Friday EDWARD G. ROBINSON "Brother Orchid" Ann Soihern 'Humphrey Bogart -• • , ~" Showi ,at ,6:30;28:3C1 Matinee Saturday'Only , at 1:30 Today 'Only RAYMOND MASSEY , "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" 'Friday Only , ~ , GEORGE RAFT ' JOAN BENNETT' in .l "The House Acro s s ,the Bay" - , Saturday Only, , THE ,JONES FAMILY "On Their Own" Monday Only . ' '"Star 'Dust" LINDA DARNELL JOHN PAYNE Tuesday Only , Shooting'High' t GENE 'AUTRY SANE WITHERS - MARJORIE WEAVER Wednesday Only 7, , BING CROSBY • GLORIA JEAN' 1 " If I .Had My Way"— Thursday. Only , GEORGE FBRENT MERLE OBERON -in "Til ,We Meet ,Again" " Friday_oniy , EDDIE. CANTOR , "40 Little Mothers",,,,,l