Page Two ME COLLEGIAN PLATFORM . . i , .. 'For A Better'Penn State' 1. Open the now buildings. 2. Pa, higher faculty salaries. 3 Relieve the housing situation through In spection and new dormitories. 4 Centralize agencies for student financial help 5. Change the College name. 6 Postoone Penn State's enrollment in creases to allow time for internal devel- opmenl , 7 Build a strong, active alumni 8 Erect a Student Union Building and a Field House. 9. Improve student and faculty relations. 10. Inspire a growing College spirit and pride and encourage increased participation in extra-curricular activities. STRIKE UP THE BAND COLLEGE EDITORS and, in fact, all °the' s w:m have an inch or two of white space in which to pi mt what they say, love to hold forth on war It is a good subject• It is vital, it is Intel eating, and the editor is liable to think it is easy The conclusion to such an editorial has been easy. We don't want win. Now that conclusion is due foi a change. Not long from now it will be a re-phrasing of the one 25 years ago that worked so well. We've got to make the world sate for democracy. Because our American democracy has be come a government of some of the people, by some of the people, for some of the peo ple, we will get into this war and we as col lege students will get the living hell knock - - c I out of us so the world can he made safe rot that kind of democracy The American people have elinquished their hold on government and President Roosevelt, to be a good American politician, has had to be a realist When a power ful group of American democrats face him with cold dollars and cents facts, he will take us into war because—like all men who have been president in time of war—he is not strong enough to keep us out Like the doomed man who asks the firing squad to aim carefully, Amencan youth must make a request of its President: Prepare us well. Strike up the band Ixt us thin], we are really saving Amer ica Let us think we are i eally fighting for ideals that are workable and worthwhile Let us think we ale saving some happi ness for whom we love at home Let us think—as ow enemies thplc— lheie is no light on the other side Let us think the men we are killing are dirty, treacherous b .. ds Let us think God knows we are right and they ale wrong Let us think there is a God. Let us feel like heroes. Let us die full of faith And when we me dead (if you me to) ~ how the living we were fools, show them the Cl uelty with which we fought and the ci uelty for which we fought, show what you got for What we died, show them every thing, but never let us know. Go 1, we're gonna get those German I) . ds PENN STATE COLLEGIAN "For A Better Penn State" Successor to The Free Lance, established 1887 Published semi-weekly during the College year, except In holidays by the students of the Pennsylvania State College. In the interest of the College, the students facul ty, alumni and friends PO• NATIONAL •W[MIfINO ST National Advertising Service, Me. Collar Posdhsbersltepresnstahre 440 MADISON AVE NEW YORK. N coo.. • NM. Los mom. SAT Flamm Tuesday, May 21, 1940 THE MANAGING BOARD ADAM A SMYSER 41 Editor LAWRENCE S DRIEVER 41, Busineas Manager VERA I. KEMP '4l. Women's Editor ROBERT H - LANE 11 JOHN H THOMAS 41 Managing Editor Advertising Manager RICHARD C PETERS 41 10BERT G ROBINSON 41 Sports Editor Circulation Manager WILLIAM E FOWLER '4l RUTH GOLDSTEIN 41 NeWS Editor Senior Secretary LESLIE H LEWIS 41 EDWARD J. MCLORIC 41 Senior Secretary Feature Editor ARITA L HEFFERAN 41 BAYARD BLOOM 41 Women s Managing Editor Assistant Managing Editor EDVTHE B RICKEL '4l EDGAR V HALL 41 Women s Promotion Assistant Sports Editor Manager I=l Cohn A Baer 42 Alice M Murray 12 R Helen Gordon 42 Pat Nagelberg 42 Ross B Lehman '42 Stanley J PoKempner 42 William J McKnight '42 Jeanne C Stiles '42 Thomas W Allison '42 Paul Al Goldberg '42 Jame, E. McCaughey '42 Charles L VanMangan 42 T Blair Wallace '42 Mai garet I. Embury '42 Virginia Ogden '42 Fire E Rees '42 Member Pssociated Collegiiate Press Drursbutor of Collegiate Digest Managing Editor This Issue Pat Nagelberg '42 News Editor This Issue, Stanley J PoKempner '42 Women's Issue Editor Vera L Kemp '4l Entered as second-class matter July 5. 1934, at the post office at State College, Pa , under the act of March 3, 1879 OLD MANIA Another weekend with the Scabbard and Blade formal, the Blue Key Maw', the annual phikappa sig Beachcombeis' jump, and the TKE dance, to say nothing of picnics all over the place to glee the Maniac a little _news to fill these 14 long inches Shot Departtitent The lucky SPE's were hosts to a mob of Blue Key's and their women The old dependables were thcie—Ed Spencer and Gwen Harris, Bob Roelof( and Baibara Thiele, Ralph Routsong and Joyce Slayton Then there were some new com binations—Jack Brand and Malmo Strode, Bud Smysea and Elinoi Weaver, Bill Lewis and Kay Albeit, Bob Monte and Pat Altwatei, Dick May and Grace Hendershot, Ed Hall and Alice Murray' Wake Thompson who has been seeing a lot of Playmate Ruth Beach was there as were Don. Gartland and Betty Lane, Don Cresswell and Betty Rahn, Bill Yoder and Mary Jane Dalton, Bill Finn and high school di um majorette Dot 'Long, and Bill Fowlei and Betty Smith Blitzkrieg Department At an ea' ly horn Satui day morning, while Adolph Hitler's ci tick mechanind legions were smashing deep into France after mowing down the feeble resistance of the low countries, Penn State was having a mechanwed invasion of its Aimed with heavy duty lawnmowers, the in vaders, led by a imminent local merchant and file pillar of the community who made this col umn last week, clattered out of,town and vicious ly destroyed practically every blade of grass on a suburban lawn Although a strict censorship has been imposed, it is believed that a party held earlier in the evening had something to L do with the unprecedented attack Combat Department Bill Munson and Al Niedeihauser, fisigs, were having a friendly little bout with gloves as big as uillows Bill dealt a blow that his opponent claim ed didn't event hurt but when he drew his hand oack it was broken Aviation Department The Maniac wishes to take this opportunity to rectify the libelous and defamatory statement by that foul ball the Campuseer about our old friend Hairy Ace Pierce Campy insinuated that Harry, who incidentally drives a flashy blue car of his mother's, had 'level been up in an airplane much 'es', held a pilot's licence We know better Harry really has had many hours in the au in a FERRIS WHEEL , " Vive La France Department If the lest of France can muster the fury which wrapped up in petite Mme Jackie Reese, the Allies' worries are over Seems that senior class piexy Bill Bartholomew had by some manner of means taken the coat of the Theta songbad and made off with it to the cirm It was theie that the storming , Jackie caught up with Bill and light in front of God and everyone in the place gave him a tongue-lashing which would have squelched Hitler Mourning Department It looks as though both Dotty Savai d and Ann Yeager are out of circulation for good Ann got a diamond from Homer Wolf of New York City and Dotty has broken all dates to be ti ue to a Bill Murdock fiom Titusville Tanked Department There were more picnics this week-end than you could shake a stick at The Sigma Nus 'had one Saturday, so did the Fuis But we understand that the prize was the one that Couch, Anderson, Howarth, Schuler, Felbaum, etc threw Every one had a happy time i Prepare sFor Finals ! • College Outline Series e S.O.S. Outlines • Language Dictionaries • Thesis Covers • Carbon Paper • Thesis Paper e Verb Wheels .- • File PacTi CALLING CARDS FOR GRADUATION Printed - - - -85 c for 100 Engraved - -' $1.65 for 100 ... a complete selection of Correct Sizes and Stocks_ KEELER'S" - Frosh Picnic, `Fun Night' On WRA Progra'm Two Cabin Parties, Conclave On Progran For Coed Activities A tentative schedule of women's Lem eational activities foi 1940-41 was released by WRA Sunday A freshman picnic in Hort Woods, on Satui day, Septembei 14, a progres sive tennis tournament, and a "Fun Night" in White Hall high light the September program Open House and an Intl amulet Sing will be held from 7 to 9 p m Wednesday, October 16, - while the second Camp Conclave will be held at the WRA Cabin in October An over night Cabin Pm ty is plan ned rot. Friday, November 9 The annual Christmas Party for school children is slated for 3 to 5 p m Fi idav, December 13, a skat ing party for Saturday, January 11, and the formal Valentine Dance [loin 9 to 12 p in Satin - day, February 15 Elections fill the Maich eaten dai, while Sports Day is slated for April 25 to 27 WRA's formal ban quet is planned Cm the Ni tany Lion Inn on Monday, May 5, and a Spi mg Cabin Pai ly foi Salm - day, May 17 Soph, Junior Women Select Rooms Tonight Junim women will select looms fm 1940-41 in the north east lounge of Atherton at 6 30 p m today and sophomores in the southeast lounge at 7 15 p m today Freshman women will select rooms in the Freshman lounge at 6 30 p m tomorrow Co-Edits Delta Alpha Delta, women's speech professional, initiated 10 sophomores and one junior Sun day, followed by a forma] banquet at Hotel State College Initiates are sophomores Jose phine Beljan,'ma Eisen, Ceci lia Farber, Mary Greenbeig, Helen Gordon, Lois Hunter, Shitley,Lei dick, Fieida Moskalik, vets', and Barbara Varden, junmi, Edythe Rickel Gertrude Hecht was elected president for next year, Miss Noto vitz, vice - president, Rosemarie Rednagle, secretary, Miss Green berg, treasurer, Miss Rickel, so cial chairman, and Sara Bailey was announced the winner of the freshman debate tournament Zetas celebrated their first an niversary with a dinner dance at the Nittany Lion Inn Saturday Alpha Chis entertained seniors at a buffet supper in Miss Julia Brill's apartment Thursday and showered Mae Weignei and Anna Maly McCraelcen Paula Wohl feld, Cecile Metz, Irene Rabino witz Houck, Ruth Marcus, '39, and Joan Weintraub and Henrietta Kauffman, students here last sem estei , visited AEPhis last week end AEPhi pledges entertained actives yesterday at Mrs Schlow's Gamma Sigs entei tamed Ema non at a reception Sunday Delta Gams teaed faculty mem bers Sunday , Women's Build ing coeds hap ode to Lakemont Park, Altoona, Saturday to picnic and square-dance at the Gillespie cottage Thetas had a faculty tea Sunday and were entertained at a garden party by Janet Twichell and Betty Albright They will pic nic with the Phi Gams tomorrow ME= -AT PENN •STATE When In Doubt About 4:llitet 123 W. NITTAN.„ AVENUE . ALL ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER Booking For Summer Session and Fall Term. Inspect The Colonial. UP ON "THE HILL" you're not already a regular visitor, it's about time that you paid a visit to the College Creamery Salesroom All dairy products are guaranteed fresh, pure and wholesome, being made "on the hill" Our Chocolate Milk Is A Real Spring Treat. Made From Pure Whole Milk and A Superior Ch'ocolate Product. - ,• CREAM • CHEESE -• BUTTER • ICE CREAM College Creamery Salesroom -- DAIRY BUILDING , ' PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Now that It has been functioning foi about a year, we can eval uate Junior Service Board, WSGA oiganization of junior women It has drawn mole women into student goveunnent work, bettered student-faculty lelattons, and aided the student emergency fund to become a campus-wide project Thole p, more work to be done, and it is hoped the newly elect ed membeis will make definite plans to broaden alumni-student contacts, inteiest town women in campus activities, and go!on with the unpublimed woik it accomplished this yea] WSGA House of Representative's tiansfei orientation plans (be gun last yea' and enlatged upon recently) have met with coed-wide approval Tn distinguish 13 ansfei:s will help knead them into activi ties and aid old students to acquaint them to the campus. Plans fm next yea] pi ormse a new meaning fm Big-Little Sisters Pi mously only a good way to inflict pie season iushing, 1940-41 Big Si4eis are being organized to Justify their use and help bewildered G eshman‘ women Old mganintion members showing new members what it is all about instead of the now wholesale tuinoveis Mations, qich as in' Atherton Hall, to check coeds with late Peimissions into Mange, Women's Building, and Mac Hall' Sororities cooperating dm ing rushing season Instead of f cutting throats, and making the new impioved code work insteadl of just fitting the need An infoimal rather than cold almosphele_ln Atherton Hall to he achieved by group suppers,.pai ties, and dances Bettei conditions in solo) ity houses—most of which aie iat chewed file hazards More eft ictent hostecqes in A the] ton Hall—well-versed in coed I egulations Better student-faculty ielations in the home economics depai t ment 'reload of the menagerie—animal home' attitude whith now prevails An all-College May Day to be held on Beaver Field who' e these ale enough bleachers More co-recreational activities, such as the present all-College Riding Club and all-College Outing Club Tennis omits rot coeds on the plot between White Hall and Ciange, and money to equip the squash court in White Hall The many little-known honorai ms coming out into the open and telling us what they are doing to better the College State College Air Depot, Inc. Government Approved We Women WE SUGGEST FOR 1940.41 Announces .' Forensic Council Award Keys To Eight Men, Eight Women At Annual Party Foicnsic Council keys foi 'par ticipating in at least four inter collegiate debates of for service %vele awarded to eight women var sity debaters and to eight men's Vaisity debaters at the Phi Kappa house last week Women given keys were Mary A Rameclia '4O, Edythe B Rickel '4l, Hums R Eisen '42, Mary I Greenbeig '42, R Helen Gordon '42,' Mai Jo' le A Kron ick '42, Frei da Moskaluk '42, and Lois E Not°. vita '42 Men - „who iecelved keys were Jonas B Kauffman '4O, David R Benjamin '4l, Lewis P Green '4l, John P Reidt '4l, Leonard S Schneider '4l, Robert I Weiss - '4l, Gerald B Dohei ty '42, and William B Harkins '42 Bernal d MOVein beig '43 won the freshman debate tournament The University of Santa Clara IS the oldest institution of higher learning in the west Yale University hac received a bequest of $500,000 to be used to tut the& the study of good English 1 DELTA TAU DELTA Will Be, Open for Summer Session t, MEN ONLY , Room and Board' For Information _ Phone: CONSULT:—ROEI,c/FS or PRICHARD 241 If t I=M:M:3 Flight School Ttiesday, May 21, 1940 GIRLS . , • We have just receive' a large shipment of-:-":4 Sheers AND - • (woe IN NELLY DONS Priced From f'bt. $1.95 to $10.95 I-, 1100RES'''.