To The Free Lance. E =3 VOL. 36—No 60 Brand And Hosterman Vie In A. A. Run-Off Elections Today Campus Calendar ' & News Briefs umn must be renewed at Stu dent Union Desk by 1 p.m. the clay - preceding publication) Today: ?SCA Forum• Commission meet ing 7 p m 304 Old Main Student Counselor meeting p m 316 Liberal Arts All-College inauguration. 4 p 111 Main Gate AS-College Cabinet meeting p m Alumni office LA Council meeting for all soph omores interested in belonging 4 p m 313. Old Main Clover Club meeting Pi of How ard Higbee will speak, on "When the Soil Sui veyoi Stops to Think " 730 p m Alpha Gamma Rho Ira fei nay Kappa Phi Kappa meeting, Koom 318 Old Main, 9 p. m Friars, Room 318 Old Main at 8 p m , , Louise Homer Club meeting, Room 911 Old Mein, 7 p m ttt►esnational Relations Club meeting, "Room 412 Old' Main, 715 p m ' pramalics 5 meeting Room 412 Old Main, 7 p m House of Representatives meet ing, Room 305 Old Main, 5 p m Freshman Electrical and Elec. tro-Chemieal Engineers meeting, Room 107 Main Engineering, 5 p m gplleman Smoker at Delta Chi house, 7 30, p m Si mg your friepds. Tomorrow: Last day fot swim's to get nee tickets at Student Union desk lot Not Dog party to be held'Sunday ~,', , Can and gown orders at Student "Union until 5p ' m ' .PSCA Cabinet • meeting 815 p m 304 Old Main Now York City !noun.) , Tim group reunion 530 p m Sand _ - wich Shop ' - PICA Sommers? p m 304 Old Main Alpha PM Omega, Boy Scout am vice Itateinity, election of offi cers for 1940-41 in Room 318 Old Maln at 10 p Agricultural Education fresh- men meet, Room 318 Old Main,' 7 30 p m Freshman Commission meeting, Room 304 Old Main, 7 p m ' Interfraternity Council meeting, Robin 905 Old Main, 7 p m .. \ Thursday: ffillel student council elections 1 30 to 5 p m at Hillel Founda tion • Cwon mooting for pledges and A ctives 795 p m WSGA room, 'White, Hall , • Helen L. Riedy, blind soprano, Will give concert in Schwab Au ditorium, 8 - 30 p m ' Miscellaneous: r.:l3eaver Field Pictorial salesmen should report to Student Union immediately. ,;''Rembrandt prints 'now showing in.Ait Gallery in 303 Main Engi neering ..sfiNung '4l, Named ,Nexl Yeai's Head Cheeileader 7 Walter A SOULing '4l was named Head cheerleader for the 1940-41 season, succeeding Walter H Syp liprd '4O The selection'was made lost week by a committee compos ed'ot Hummel Fishburn, Grovel rE.Mashabaugh '4O, and Sypherd VAssociate cheerleaders who were elected with, Sottung are Ed ward S Jones , !4l, , and Joseph C. Sewnlll '4l'. Fiist assistant cheer feidErs ; chosen Were George W. Leworthey "42, John W Dague '42 and Robert Eckenroth '42. Michael Icudelko!:42 is alternate 'Annual Collegian Smoker 4., Scheduled For,Tonight „, n t 3r The anual Collegian, Smoker will be held this year at the'Delta C r hi fiaternity Both men and wo-, men candidates for either,business cieddltormf staff are invited to at teitcr4 Things'!" start poppin'-al 7:30 .tTheie will be shot ,talks by 13nifessor'Btinner, head of the'de paitinent journalism„ and 'his ,s,Q4C-Vflighlights,,of the evening Will be lots 'of smokes for smokers, lois;of eats for eaters, and.lots of dimem.`g - for darieers Virttit oetatt yl. ) - All-College Inauguration Scheduled 4 P.M. Today Parade Opens Ceremonies ; Dr. Hetzel Will Speak; Elliot '4O Will Administer Oath Of Office To laich Arnold C Latch '4l will officially take office a, the second all- College president at inauguration ceremonies scheduled for the main campus gate following the parade which begins at 4 pin today Dr Ralph D Hazel, president of the College, will be the featured speaker at the'ceremonies The Blue Band and the Pershing Rifles 'are slated to participate in the parade Tht oath ice will be ad- 4 ministo ed by G Warren Elliott by a two-thirds vote of the Cab '4o, chairman of Student Tribun- met al Only two major business acts The parade will start from the are slated to come before the new rear of Old Main, proceed to Cabinet this year One is the Shortlidge goad, to East College I selection of two members to re- Avenue, and then to the main present the student body at .the gate bicentennial celebration of the Even though formally maugur- founding of the University'of ated, Laich will not actually be a Pennsylvania in September The member of all-College Cabinet other is the selection of the prom until he is installed at tonight's dent of the Pennsylvania Student ' meeting H Clifton McWilliams Government Association Jr '4O will still head the group New Cabinet member, chosen during the installation of new during the last week and a half members, the last act of the ran- are Bertha Black '42, independent ing ‘ Cabinet. women's representative, Lewis C Before the installation the Cab- Cavalier '9l, Mineral Industries met will hear a new budget report Student Council representative, by the Interclass Finance Board Paul M. Doty Jr. '4l, Chemistry May Veto Budget and Physics Student Council re- McWilliams indicated yesterday presentative, and Richard C Pet that he will veto the proposed ers '9l, Liberal Arts Student budget if appropriations for the Council representative seven school councils can4not be Representatives still unknown included but expressed the belief when the Collegian went to press that reapportionment of expends- last night were those from Educe tures will permit the inclusion of bon and Engineering Student the necessary 0525 Councils, —Athletic Association, If he does veto the budget it Dramatics and Forensic Council, may still go into effect if passed and the Class of 1944 American Leaders Gbie Yutli--MessageOFHope Today's genctation of youth far from having to face a dismal future without hope of jobs of anything beyond subsistence living, will find as a 'molt of industrial progress born of research and tech nological advances there will be new frontiers to conquer far exceed ing in pi omise those physical frontiers - of the past. Such was the encouraging mes sage which more than 400 stu dents and faculty lepresentatives from 80 •colleges and appientice schools in the East, Middle West, and South received from - six lead ers of Amei man thought at a din ner given by General Motors Cor poration at the New York World's Fair recently Representing the College at the occasion were All-College Piesi dcnt'H Clifton McWilliams Jr. '4O and A Williams Engel Jr '4O, re tiring Collegian editor Discussion Held The dinner, which masked the initiation of General Motors World's Fair activities for 1940, had as its theme "The OppoTtun ity ,for Youth in Building the World of Tomorrow." Since the famous Futurama exhibit is a huge presentation of the mechan ical and physical characteristics of the world as it may appear in 1960, General Motors Inylted stu dents from the various 'colleges because they are representative Apr the men who Will, build and popu late this World of Tomorrow Following an explanation of tlic theme by Alfred P Sloan Ji , chatiman'of General Motors, Wil liam S Knudsen, president of General Motors, and Charles F Kettei in g, vice-president In charge of research, a panel dis cussion—similar to "Information Please"—was then conducted _ Questions which concerned Stu dents about to leave their class rooms and take an active, part in Trustees Create New Bacteriology, Department; . . . • Lininger NewAgVice.Dean . -To,Finish' Organization, Name Deant July Ist , „, 1 ' , The meatloe of a depiirtment of s acteriblogy, in the School of , Ag . ,b ricultute was the main item of busine;s at the meeting of the E' 'e - cutive Committee of the Scald of iTrustees Friday night. ,Organization of the, new depart ment and selection of a head will be'completed by July 1 when the action of the committee goes into effect. Bacteriology is,.now a div ision of .the department 'of dairy husbandry the world of business and-the plO - were submitted to a board of expects including Gen eral Hugh S Johnson, Dr Karl T Compton, president of M f T, Dr Ernest M Hopkins, president of Dartmouth, and Kettering Notables Speak Provocative of the liveliest dis- Lussion was the question "Is it reasonable to expect expansion in industry,alone to absorb the mil lions reported as unemployed, plus college and high school grad uates," The reason for industry's fail ure to expand at present, it was agreed by the experts. , was be cause in the words of Dr Comp ton, "of a major block in which profits, if they occur, are very much limited and losses arc not allowed so that gamble against a change of success is so great that many people are not taking it," General Johnson pointed out that if the normal business expan sion of lour and four-tenths per cent annually had continued after 1929, industry alone ,would have found employment for six million persons without taking into ac count associated services Members of the forum agreed that the type of education was no where nearly as important to in dustry as the type of men. Mr Kettering expiessed It' "It doesn't. make much difference wh a t course you take as long as you have' common sense mixed with d" Other business included the granting of leaves of absence to Kalman J DeJuhasz, professor of ennneet mg research', first semester of 1940-41, Kingsley Davis, asso ciate professor of sociology, 1940- 41, and Harrison M Tletz, associ ate profelsor of zoology, first sem ester of 1940-41. -.. The committee'accepted the res ignation of Miss N Maude Vedder, associate professor of home eco nomics ' Appomtments Made Fred F. Lininger, head of the department of agricultural eco -110:111CS, was appuiated vice-dean STATE COLLEGE, PA , TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1940 Bultrick Named To Talk At June .9 Baccalaureate Service Honoring Class Of 1890 Features 4-Day Commencement Program Di George A Butt'.lck, of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City, will de liver the principal Baccalaureate address in Recreation Hall at 11 a m on Baccalaureate Day, Sun day, June 9 The subject of the address has not been announced as yet. The Baccalaureate service, dedi cated to the Class of 1890 wnieh will celebrate its 50th anniveisary, will be one or the highlights of Um four-day commencement program beginning at 12 noon, Friday, June 7, and lasting till 10 ao a m Mon day, June 10. - Other important traditional ev ents on the program aic the Sena)] Class Day exercises and Blue Band concert on the front campus at 6 p m Sunday, June 9, commence ment procession at 10 a m and commencement exercises on New Beaver Field at 10 30 a m Monday, June 10 In case of lain, the exer cises will be held in Reci cation Hall, admission by ticket only "What a Life," a comedy pi e sented by the Penn State Players, and houseparty dances will start the weekend activities on Friday evening, June 7 Both will be re peated Saturday The feature of Alumni Day, June 8, will be reunions held by all fifth year classes from the Class of 1885 on Other highlights in the alumni activities will be a golf tournament, a bus tour of the earnpu : lunsheon in Recreation Hall; a baseball game with the University of Pittsburgh, and class dinners for both reunion and non reunion classes Dean of Women Charlotte E Ray, assisted by mem bers of her staff, hostesses of the dormitories, and the State College Alumnae Club will entertain alum nae in Frances Atherton Hall Bieakfast by the College Senate and alumni at 9 a m Sunday, June 9, will be followed by the Baccalaureate service and Senior Class Day exercises Alice Drops Glass - Eyes On Bull's Eye; Officials Shortsighted, Lions Lose The Penn State Mmeu ale go mg to have to admit that a woman did something •they couldn't do when they hold then banquet in the Sandwich Shop at 630 p m Saturday. Graduate student Alice Shutts took first place in the "most un scheduled event" at the annual In tercollegiate Flying Club competi tion in Philadelphia on ,May 4, while the Airmen could do no bet ter than second among eight schoolsin the regular competition Lehigh won the competition Miss Shutts' triumph came in the bomb-dropping event where she accidentally dropped her glass es while aiming a flour sack at a bomb target from an airplane 400 feet in the air traveling 00 miles an hour When the competition was ores not a flour sack had hit the target but Miss Shutts' glasses lay squarely' on the target, unbroken and unbent. Airmen Nita:mating were IVil ham R Fuchs '4l, David N Kim mel '4l and Mrs Kimmel, Alfred M Reeser - '4l, and Miss Shutts of the School of Agriculture and vice-duectoi of the agriculture ex periment station Adam L. Beam, director of the two-year curriculum in agriculture, was selected as di rector of agriculture short courses. Logan J. Bennett, leader of the Pennsylvania cooperative wild life research unit, - was elevated to the position of wild life management James A. Hanley was named Col lege auditor to succeed W. N Tan ner who resigned in 1938. The scholarship of Shuk Yee Chan, Lmgnan University ex change student, was continued for 1940-41 , Concert Tickets Price d At 50 Cents ; Evans"4o, Chairman, Predicts Sellout ~: Helen Louise Riedy, Blind Soprano, Features Benefit Performance Here With tic et sales expo I encing a sharp upswing over the weeitend, Clarence H—Evans '4O, corn puttee chairman, predicted that Thursday's Stu dent Loan Fund bencf t conceit starring Helen Louise Rudy, blind lyric soprano, would reach 'sellout proportions !' Ticket, are priced at 50 cents and arc now on .sale at Student Union and at the Susanna Shop on South Allen Stieet Them will be no reserved seats for the concert which begins at 8 30 p m in Schwab Auditcnium Appeasing with Miss Riedy will be Vernon L Hull '3B, and a violinist Blind Pianist Coming Likd Miss RI edy, Hull is blind He will play several auln selections on the piano The name of the violinist has not been an nounced but he I. a fellow student of Miss Riedy's at' the Eastman School of Mu at Roehestei, N Y ' Mis, Riedy is a gi actuate of the school and fur f , ou: year.; held the Eastman Humidly Fellow ship, one of the highest musical awaids in the country She plans to return to Rochester this Fall for advanced voice study under the tutelage of Dr Thomas Austin-Ball American Collegians 1 Speak.. Pis the wet aims glows sit °nem and the presidential campaign comes newer, what American col le cans think glows In importance, because college students arc' the leaders of tommiow, and because college opinion as sampled by the Student Opinion Surveys of Am erica fiequently coincides s ith national opinion - as sampled by the American Institute of Public Op upon On' War: The question. Undet what con ditions do/you think the U S should join the Allies against Gei - many' The answers• 1 Only if there is actual threat of the Untied States being in vaded 33% 2. U. S. should not loin . 31% 3. Only if there is actual threat of any Amertcan nation being invaded 15% 4. Only if England and France appear to bo losing 10% 5, U. S. should join now 2% 6. Other conditions 5% 7 No opinion 4% (Six months ago 36 per cent of the students famed fighting If &awn and France were losing, now only 10 pet cent) On National Politics: The question. Which pai ty would you tavoi in the national elections next November' Dem Rep Other None All Students 47% 39% 7% 7% Vol. Students 51% 34% 7% 8% Presidential candidates in their order of favor with American col legians are Franklin D Roosevelt, Thomas E Dewey, Cordell Hull, Al Mtn Vandenberg, Robert Taft, John Game, Norman Thomas, James Fatley, Paul McNutt, and But ton Wheeler . The question: Regardless of which party wins the election in Norembet, which pat is of the New Deal do you think should be con tinued Pct. Mint'n'g , 18% 15% • 7% _ 7% 44% 9% C. C. C. W. P. A. Snail Security All others Didn't know The question. Do you think the government should be responsible fel providing medical cal e for peo ple who are unable to pay for it" The answers: Yes No Opin All Students 83% 13% 4% Worlong students . 855 11% 4% Non-working 81% 15% 4% Higbee Speaks Tonight Prof ''Howard W. Higbee, de partment of agriculture, will speak on "When the Soil Surveyor Stops to Look' at the regular meeting of the Clover Club at Alpha Gam ma Rho fraternity at 7 30 tonight rgiatt Cap And Gown,Orderf Still Accepted Tomorrow Because practice teachers and other seniors have not yet had tune to make cap and gown de posits, orders will , be taken at Student Union until 5 p. m. to morrow, it was announced, yes terday by Peter R. - Shtick and Albert L. Kahn. chairmen of the cap and gown committee. The deposits. sseacti, , , will Lbe re lurnece-When_,.. !fie caii and are turned in. ' Ride' 14 Didn't Want rst May Queen Honor Mildred Itt Ride, now nub R Hi Dunlap, motile' of Wallace H Dunlap '4O, ex-president of PSCA, didn't want to be May Queen in 1914 but couldn't escape being elected since no nominations wet c made and women voted foi then pi elm once The 1914 queen was pal neut.-il ly =messed on her visit hete this weekend with the way May Day has Down in site and mganiza lion since the first celebration in the Open Air Theatci in front of Old Main Of particular :raciest to Alis Dunlap Saturday was the pail, Eli nor L Weaver '4l had Jri the me monie% since she and Elinor's mother were college' roommates Years ago, she said, the Wo men's Building lounges woe used foi home economic', classes, and sewing classes were held in pat t of the present Mac Hall dining i oom LA Group Seeks Members All sophomores elite' ing the School of Liberal Arts next se niestei who ace interested in serv ing on the school council report to Room 312 Old Main at. 4 p m today Natidnal IFC President Speaks 'At Local Banquet Penn State, with Coulon and Bowdon], is one of the three best fiateinity campuses in Al uut.a, L G Balton!, national IFC president, said at the fifth annual Inteifiateindy Council banquet at the Urn veisity Club Thursday night. Ballow called the Penn State fraternity system one of the most efficient in the United States and expressed approval of the cooper ation between the administration, the counselors, and the frateini ties, New officeis of the IFC induct ed at the thrum include H. Ed ward Wagnei '4l, president; Eric S Moeller '4l, vice president, and William' S Kirpatrick '4l secretary-treasurer.' They succeed Flank C' Anderson '4O, William G Simms '4O, and Gerald W Mc- Daniel '4O, respectively. Pm the first time in the history PRICE FIVE CENTS HELEN LOUISE RIEDY Collegiate Digest Honors Austin '4l 'Sire Of The Sheep' Wins Award In Salon ,Edition Alfled H Austin '4l' eceived honorable. mention 'in the, "still life" d [Ws um?" 4elecCed hem 770 photogiaphs in a nation-wide con test, outstanding prints of which ale featured in the cull ent issue of Collegiate Digest,' the Colle gian's pictoi Jai section Austin's pi int was the "Sue of the Sheep" The Salon Edition, an annual special feature, piesents the beau tiful and unusual masteimeces of collegiate amateur photogiapheis The prize-winning photos wet c se lected rim those entered In the largest college phologiaphy con test eves conducted The editors of Collegiate Digest announce that the Salon Edition will be featured again next yea: Students aie invited to enter their pine pietuies in the contest which will close about Api i 1 I, 1941 Rembrandt Prints Included In Art Gallery Display The division of line arts has on exhibit in the College Art G.llely one of the most impot tent dis plays ever brought here, a group of original etchings by the 17th century Dutch artist, ,Rembiandt, and his contcmpoiarles This col lection has been loaned from that I ecently acquired by Wesleyan University Theie are 12 etchings by Rem Wendt himself, including the fa mous self-pot trait, "Gnawing at the Window," and "The Rais.l4 of Lazaius," together with several tale landscapes Other ai lists rep resented are Rubens, Van Dyck, Ruyscleal, Rivet a, and Paul Pottei The e•hibition lb open daily except Sunday from 8 30 a in to 8 30 p m of the banquet, a member of the Board of Trustees, George Deike, addressed the group Deike commented favorably on the fraternity set-up here and ex psessed his intention of conveying his sentiments to the Board Newly-elected officers of the Association of Fraternity Counsel ors introduced were Prof William C Bramble, president Prof. J E McCord, vice president, and Prof Jesse F Doolittle, secretary, i Also present at the dinnei was Hugh R Riley, director of spoils publicity, who gave a brief sum mary of the ndw fraternity book let to be issued next fall Semi-Weekly Complete Campus Coverage Racusin, Gleason Remain In Race For Secretary Hockey And Skiing Adopted As Varsity Sports In Light Vote Jack A Brand '4l and Walter E Hosterman '4l' will vie for the Athletic Association presidency and Frank A Gleason '4l and Nor man Racusin '4l for the secretary treasurership today in run-off elec tions resulting from failure of any candidate to secure a majority in the light voting yesterday Ice hockey and skiing were made official intercollegiate sports by overwhelming majorities at the A A elections Varsity members of the two teams will receive six inch letter awards in the future and this year's semi vaisity mem . - hers of the foi mei infoi mat sports will receive the six-inch award t ! Voting' today on the four re maining candidates will take !Alec in the Ilist flooi lobby of Old Mai nom 9a m to 5 m All men va, ing must pi esent properly signed A A books Voting this gem was ovci 179 votes lighter than last ycai wig? only 919 men casting ballots yej leiday None of the candidates hall the necessary 410 votes to taro the election William C Kim kpati nit 41 mil Van A Hartman '4l were droppetl from today's ballot The official vote as molded o the voting machine was "Aie you in favor of &stab. Hsiang the following as inter: collegiate sports with the six inch letter award, starting this year—for seniors. ice Hockey - Vote for President Jack A. Brand 396 Walter E. Hosterman 314 William C. Kirkpatrick 98 Vote for Secretary-Treasurer Frank A. Gleason .. 381 Van A. Hartman 138 Norman Racusin 269 3 Hat Societies Choose Officers Backenslose, Brand, Barr Head Honoraries Ofliceis of Mice honorary hat societies elected last week include the following Skull and Bones Thomas C Bachenstose '4l, president, Frank A Gleason '4l, vice-president, Ed ward Sapp '4l, secretary-trea uier Former officers were U Wm ien Elliott 40, president, Scott ft June' '4O, vice-president, Rob ei t E Schuler '4l, secretary-trees tit et Paine NUM Jack Bland '4l, pi esident, Norman Racusin '4l, ticasut cm, Malcolm Weinstein 41, sect etaiy Former officers were George E Ritter- '4O, president, Jeiome N Goodman '4O, treasurer, W Jerome Howarth '4O, secretary Ftiars w. Franklin Barr '43, piesiclent, William R Hamilton '43, secretary-treasurer Former officeis were William K Bates '42 president, William It Smaltz 42, secretary-treasurer Engineer Parade Awards Presented To ROT( Units Medals and awards were pre sented to the winning company commandei and members, platoon leader and members, and squad leader and members of the engi neer ROTC regiment at the pa lade yesterday Captain William S Wiley Jr. '4l, was awarded a gold medal tor being commander of the winning company Silver and bronze med als were presented to Cadet Lieu tenant James C. Moore '4l and Ralph T Eddinger '42 as leaders of the winning platoon and squad, respectively Other members were awarded ribbons Two inspectors from the head gum leis of the Third Corps Area in Baltimore, Lt. Col Simmons and Captain Albrecht, are here to day for their annual Inspection tour of all ROTC units