Successor To The Free Loam Established 1887 VOL. 36—No. 58 Campus Calendar. fst Newißriefs ' EDITOR'S NOTE• ,The; Cam pus Calendar, which will be a regular Collegian feature, will strive to present a complete pic ture of campus activity during the period from its appearance Until the next issue. All contri butions must be received at Stu dent Union by noon the day pre cadmg publication. Today: - - - . Freshman women interested in going out for the Collegian edi tonarstaff yvrll meet in Room 312 Old Main, 3 p m'' Spanish . Club will meet in Grange playroom at 7 p " Dr. Harriet M Harry will speak _on "Spring Fever" In Room 110 Home Economics building at 4 p- m See coedits Dean A: R. Warnock will speak to student counselors on "Why an -Orientation , Program" in Room 316 Liberal Arts - building at 8 p m See story on page 4 -Junior Service Board coffee hour will be held in Grange Dor mitory from 7toB 30 p m See story on page 2 Forum-Commission meeting in Room 304 Old Main, 7 p m - D i, Mu Epsilon meeting in Room 318'01d Main_ at 5 30 p m - Grange meeting in Room 405 Old Main at 8 p m campus '43 will meet in Room 418 Old Main at 7 30 p m Cam Pus Center Club will meet in ROom, 318 Old Main at 7 30 rm . Junior Inde - pendent Party will meet in, Room 318 Old Main at 7 P, . ptlysical examinations will pe given for the Navy Air Corps in the Infirmary Lieut Stuart Al len and ,a Navy 'flight -sergeant will be^here Tomorrow: ,„ _ ncA , ,meetzng• on ,suininej; ser: Ace n'ppOrtiintties.,,Tliewill 43e -movies and'dislusSuin, and every = one is - invited Room ,304 Old Main at 7 p m See story on page 4' ' - Big sisters l'oi,'next year will meet with Dean Charlotte E. Ray and Miss Elisabeth C Bentley in Roomf4os Old Main at 5 p m ' Delta Sigma Phi, commerce and finance honorary, will hold its an nual dinner , in the Nittany Lion Inn al 6 p m - Lib Mal, Arts lecture in Room 121 Libeial Ai Ls building at 7 30 p m ' Penn Stale Engineer banquet for all ", - 'staft members In - the Corner Room al 6 p m I , Camera Club will meet in Boom 418 Old Main at B'p m Phi Eta Sigma will meet fn 'Room 318 Old Main at 8.30 p. in Corps - physical exam ,inatiOns will be given in ,the In jiimary Lieut Stuart Allen and a, Navy flight , sergeant will be ,hare :',Engineer ROTC units will com pete fogy. recognition Ribbons will be pi esented, lo individual ;winners ;Thursday: , West Virginia social inquiry 'poop will meet in the Sandwich Shop at 5.30 ,',. Engineer ROTC units will com pete for recognition Ribbons will be , presented ,to individual win , mecs Miscellaneous: ;,;`Collegian SmOker will be held t the Delta Chi house at 7.30 m , Tuesday, May 14. All fresh men' interested in trying t out for the Collegian are invited. „,`” Mother's Day chapel service and iclinlarship,exercises will be held in Eec Hall atrlo,3o a m 'Sunday Caps and Gowns or dered by seniors at Student Un ion- beloreqSaturday. , 7'Hdlel, elections h will , be held Meek.,lTwo executive and'l2 'Student Councilii.posts will be 'filled Ballots Are' Distributed ' for Election 01 Trustees ," ; '',7l3allots for the election' of three alumni to the Board of Trustees were sent out today to all gradu ates'up to and including the dim Of '36, and all holders of advanced ees.' Candidates for the three-year c teis are John T Harris ,'97, J H'' M." Andrews '9B, George H rDelke 'O3, incumbent members of the and Earl W Loveridge Elections will close at ll a m ray, Arae 3:nl , i ..„,...,„„,., . Senu'WeeklY Campus CAMP US afir . coverage 1 .. r:.,:k.i4, ,o _ti - :: 2 , _ mit #ttitt ~(:,,,Lt: , „_,,,,,,zry G I trigtau .:.,,t.. 1 2500 Mother Coming To Withess Crowning Of May Oueen, (wen - And Mortar Board Tapping Saturday Breakfast, 4 Dormitory Teas Are Scheduled ' For Parents; Scholarship Exercises, Special Chapel Service Planned In Rec Hall Sunday More than 2500 mothers will witness the crowning of May Queen Jane A Romig '4O during the annual May Day ceremonies in which approximately 275 women will pal tici pate on front campus at 4:30 p. m Satin day In case of rain, the exercises will be held in Rec Hall Features of the weekend in clude the Cwen breakfast in Ma, Hall at 7 '3O a m Saturday at which newly tapped Mortar Board members are announced and Cwens tapped, and teas in Ather ton Hall, Grange, Mac Hall, and Women's Building, and Scholar ship Mother's Day chapel at which Dr Henry H Tweedy will speak Downtown dormitories and sor oiities are included in the dormi tory teas to which men and wom en students are Invited to bring their patents Freshman women's mothers will breakfast in Mac's Hill mothers of upperclass Wom en in Atherton The 16 present Mortar Board and four senior women selected by the senior honorary will form the honor arch in the procession Elinor L Weaver '4l, WSGA pres ident, will crown the queen, Mar ione A Harwick, WRA president, will present her with the WRA world, and a PSCA representa tive, the sceptre Marjorie D Cousely '42 and Harriet H Stubbs '42, heralds, will lead the procession followed by jesters Martha I. Stringer.;'42 and Jeanne I Witherow About 175 senior women will form the heinlock chain Maid of Honor Mode M. Knep per '43 and class attendants will precede the queen in-the proces -3i0n,11 while 4 14'AryAlm , i4Edwiildi and Mary'Ellialieth kiderst:in will strew flowers in,her'path. Darryl Wright and' Peter Fishburn will carry Miss Romig's train Forty-two freshman and sopho-i {Continued on page Iwo) College Trustees Will Tour Campus 4-Day Visit Includes InSpection Of Schools The College, trustees will tome here Thursday to begin a four-da,f inspection of the campus—the first visit of the kind in College 'no tory, Dinnei at the Plittany Lion Inn at 7 p m Thursday is the first event on the program Following the dinner the trustees will inspect the Liberal Arts, Burrowes and Library buildings Friday morning a tour by bus of the campus and the town, and An , its to Frances Atherton Hall, Maiy Beaver White Hall, the Infirmaiv, and the Home Economics bulldog are planned At the Home Econo- ' miss building luncheon will be served by home economics stu dents Visits to the Schools of Agricul ture and Chemistry and Physics arc scheduled in the afternoon Faculty Dinner The local chapter of the-,Amei man Association of University Pro fessors will honor the ;ttustees Vithzia,4llMier ^Fridarmight;' , All inen'lbeia - of^the'faculty including non-members of the AAUP hai - ie been invited Tickets are priced at , sl2s , and maybe obtained un til Thursday at Student, Union or fiorn membeis of the ticket com mittee After the faculty clinno the Es.- ecutive Committee of the Boaid,of Trustees will meet in Old Main Saturday morning the trustee, will visit classes and laboi atm les in the Schools of Mineral Indus hies and Engineering In the aft ernoon and evening they will at tend the May Day celebration alio the play, "Our Town" The visit will officially end aft er the SLholaiship and Mothei's Day exercises Sunday morning Student-Faculty Coffee Hour Scheduled Today 41 , Enter tainment' for the student faculty coffee hour sponsored by WSGA Service Board in , Grange Dormitory from 7 to 8 30 p m to night, will be provided by xylo phonist M Jeanne Wonder '42 and soloist Connie Konopka '4l Junior women ~are, Invited to attend the coffee hour at which Mrs Ralph D. -Hertel and Miss Matilda A -Kentley will pour Present All-College Cabinet Meets In Concluding Session Tonight Next Year's Budget, Inaugural Plans, Student Conduct Comp List Are Items To Be Discussed '..Budgets for 1940-4 J, &nip ha for next year's dances; Junior Prom budget, studentconduct, and iin'auguration plans are scheduled for discussion at the lest, tteeting of the Inesent all-College Cabinet tonight The 'Aluinni Association may 'ask 'the all-College president to represent the student body at• alumni meetings, H Clifton Mc- Williams Jr. '4O, all-College presi dent revealed If 'this plan goes through and if the. Board of Trus tees allows a petition for similar recognition, student representa tion on major College administra tive bodies will be complete The Senate granted student represen tation last year. Assurance that' s a completely new Cabinet will take the reins at the meeting 'after inauguration next Tuesday was given by Mc- Williains when he announced that schoOl councils, social groups, and campus activities must select their' representatives by that time. ' At to:list:Vs =tee= LtterclasS,, 6SA Officials ,Batflqd By Marks On Corridor, Walls; Contract Samples Viewed General State Authority and College officials are beginning to wonder whether Penn State students are centipedes or flies. Following the discovery of black foot marks lining corridor walls, which have been painted three times, officials recommend that students should _exercise care in placing their feet as they lean in the corridors ,GSA representative Joseph R. Ryan announced yesterday that the final step before awarding the remaining $500,000 movable furniture contracts was taken Friday when David H. Diehl, GSA executive director, re viewed samples furnished by the lowest bidders. Awarding of tne contracts will be completed within two weeks, Ryan said. Finance Board will present' bud gets for the Blue Band, Collegian, debating team. Froth, Glee Club, and LaVie Trips for, the Blue Band will also be set ' ' The financial repoi t of last Fri day's Junior Prom will be pre sented for approval and compen sations for Peter G. Fetzko 11 and Paul J. Scally '4l, Junior Prom co-chairmen, will be fixed. Grover C Washabaugh '4O and McWilliams, representatives on the joint Cabinet-WSGA commit tee on student conduct, will re port on decisions of the commit tee Previously-announced inaugur ation plans will be officially pre sented' Inauguration ceremonies have been set for next Tuesda;at 4 y. m. STATE COLLEGE, PA., TUESDAY, MAY 7, 1940 Waring Will Write Song For School; Completion Delayed Until Early Fall A new College song. written by Fred Waring. will be,,the ,re sult of a petition presented to the famous band leader, at the Glee Club concert Sunday. A full schedule and promises, to write songs for other schools will prevent Waring from writ ing the song until next Fall. When completed. copies of the song will be distributed free of charge to the entire student body by Waring's radio sponsor: - Chesterfield cigarettes. War Postpones Art Scholarships„,:, State Graduates Unable : : To Continue Studies - The European war has disrupted practically all foreign arts study and has postponed the fruits of victory for two Penn State gradu ates, both winners of the most c..iv 7 eted honors in architectural edu cation Both George Downs '37 and Jos eph Balia '36, who were awarded the 1939 Paris and Rome prizes respectively, are now' in the Unit ed States, unable to enter the war zone They are the first alumni of the same institution to win both awards since two Yale University graduates accomplished the feat in 1926 Each prize is valued at $.l - 500, and covers two years of study and travel in Paris and Rome Refuge in Sweden Downs went to Paris last Au gust, but was forced to take refuge in Sweden after war had been de clared When Sweden too was-en dangered, he returned to America and studied in Mexico until last month Now he is in Atlanta tak-, ing over the architectural duties of, Charles j C _Taylor,- '36,- who is a',lllnllistih-the,\l94o",ltinn-elsiVe competition Baits, who cancelled his pas= sage to Rome as soon as war broke out, is now employed in the office of W Pope Barney, Philadelphia aichitect and a visiting design critic in Penn State's dopai trrivnt of architecture Both he and Downs plan 'to use their foreign study funds after the close of hos tilities Mertz Still in Rome Stuart Mertz '37, however, , s still studying in Rome as winner of the 1938 Rome prize in land-, scapc architecture, although was detained twice while retuan ing from London to Rome just at the outbreak of the war 'Our Town' To Hit 1940 Drama Peak French Professor Stars In Pulitzer Prize Winner "The best , place JO the world to be buried" That place is Grover's Corners, a little town nestled in the moun tains of New England Grover's Corners graveyard is richci than Christmas pudding with its many garnishings of an cestry Nobody ever leaves Gro ver's Corners for good, they al ways come back, if for no other season but to die, beCause this town boasts the most unusual cemetery in the world " Epitaph in Music On one-tombstone an epitaph is written in music, on that spot is buried the leader of the church choir Famous geneologists from Washington are frequent visitors In Grover's Corners, because in terred in the vicinity are pilgrims who sailed on the May/lower, founders of the ReyOlutlon,;'iliid Civil War veterans . . Our guide told 'us the above story, we didn't know whether to believe it, but he. seemed' so sin cere and friendly as he discussed "Our Town" that he convinced us that once upon a time the unusual stories that he unfolded to us, real ly did happen When you tour "Our Town" on Friday or Saturday evening, an old man with a curved pipe in his mouth and a very soothing voice, in the person of D D Mason, a friendly French professor, will ex plain to you and convince you, that "Our Town," Thornton Wil der's Pulitzer prize winning play, depicts the queerest little town in the world. Reserve seats at Student Union sow. fate Police Seek Taylor Slayer loliates„Case Colonel Adams Pushes Se - arch For Tan Sedan .... ildintified Sunday iThe discovery of the body of 4-Year-old Faye Gates at 2 15 m Sunday, about 19 miles northeast of the scene of the mur der of Rachel H Taylor, in creased hope in police circles to dity that new developments would ~'fa in the solution of the 17-year old - coed's murder, which occur red over five weeks ago 3 , ll'wenty of the best criminal in v.fstigators In the Commonwealth led by Col Lynn G Adams, mo tor commissioner are searching for a tan Plymouth se dan, the type of car believed to lupe been used by the sex man iac slayer when he followed the ,Gittes car into "Spook Hollow" early Sunday morning ,"So far as we can determine .from the clues available there ,is no doubt that this case is ltdentical with the slaying of Rachel Taylor. The post-mor r.tem examination shoWs the markings identical with those in the Taylor case. There are ..:many 'straws that fit in with .the 'State College crime." Col ~Adams stated. tslt might be anybody and our investigation thus tai shows that 1 - tliis man is probably sane in ev ery respect save one—this sexual, hdmictdal mania We ate doing out best to find tlie owner of the car in this case acid when we find him we will h4ve the murderer of Rachel Tay - lot . ;'-`4The murder of the Gates girl substantiated the fear that the murderer would do it again—and heZdid" Ifki in the,"Taylor- case. , the ' erdeiNmapon ' 'iron crow bar found in the back of the Gates car lacked blood stains, and the slam girl's fa ther stated that he had placed it Mere only a short time be fore. The Bellefonte gii 1%, skull was fractuivd in five places, and scratches were found upon hei chest, but her body was not mu tilated, nor did it bear any teeth marks as in the case of Rachel Taylor Police officials refused to make any definite statement concern ing suspects, but it was learned late this afternoon that several persons are being held for ques tioning and that police believe the case neat mg solution Only official comment concern ing the progress being made came from the office of District Attor ney Musser W Gettig who stated late this afternoon that, "It looks pretty good—the best we've had yet" Two - Ag Groups Eled Next Year's Officers Two student agricultural groups elected new officers for the corn ing year. The Amei lean Society of Agri cultural Enginceis elected Aus mu,. S Marburgea '4l, president, R Bruce Hopkins '4l, vice presi dent and repiesentative in Agri cultural Student Council; and Al bei t M Best '42, secretary-ti ens urer The newly-elected officers of the Agricultural Economics Club are Lowell R Blass '4l, president, Leigh W Stuidevant '42, one president, Daniel A Swope Jr '42, secretary, John B Dilworth, Jr '42, tteasuiet ~ Benjamin L Seem '42, representative in Agri cultural Student Council , Agriculture Leaders ' „ Adopt New Resolutions A joint meeting of the Pennsyl vania State Council of Farm Or ganizations and the Pennsylvania Association of Cooperative Organ izations was held at the Nittany Lion Inn, Thursday At the meeting, highlighted by the presence of many prominent agt ;culture leaders of the state, two resolutions were adopted. The first states: Resolved, to co operate with the administration in securing more adequate appropri ations for the support of the Col lege. The second resolution is• Resolv ed, to cooperate with the School of Agriculture in consideration of its Polley and Program I WINS HONORS DAVID E. PERGRIN '4O + + + Penn State Club Honors Pergrin Chosen Outstanding Non-Fraternity Senior David E Peigi in '4O ieceaved the fourth annual Penn State Club award as the most outstanding non-fiaternity senior at the Club banquet Thursday night Pergrin, senior class president, was the origmatoi of the Pennsy I van,a Student Government Con ference held here this year, and is a member of the all-College Cabi net, Athletic Advisory Board, Scholarship Committee, and Skull and Bones, upperclass activities honorary In his freshman year, Peigrin won his numerals as-a fullback on the football squad and later be came,a,m,ember_ of Tau Bqta Pi an Ch Epsilon: en`gincering"7 on- wanes, a captain in the Advanced ROTC, and editor of the Tripod, an ASCE news sheet Besides receiving a scion, Pm - grin will have his name inscithed on the Club plaque which con tains the names of Johnson Bren neman '37, Russell Gohn '3B, and Joseph Peel '39, memos winneis Dean A R Warnock headed the committee, including Geroge L Donovan, assistant manage: of Student Union, and Howard An d son '4O, Interflateinity Council president, who selected Pergrm Crowning 01 Embury '42 As Prom Queen By Miller Fealures Weekend Dance Highlight of Junior Prom was the presentation of Margaret R. Embury '42, Glenn Miller's choice for queen, to a crowd of 2500 Friday night In selecting her from photo. graphs of eight cords, Miller de cided that State College coeds wore really nice after all. Pleased with his brief glimpse of the campus. Miller said he would like to return next year if possible. Penn State's newest queen is Kappa rushing chairman, on the Collegian hiusmess staff. Phi Eta Sigma Will Honor Voris '4O, Professor Moore At Annual Banquet Frizzell Named Honorary Member Of Group, Will Give Principal Address Al Dinner Tomorrow Ruben S Vous 40 and Piof. Mute V. Monte, head of the de pat (meld, of psychology, will be honored at the 12th annual initiation banquet of Phi Eta Sigma, fieshman nonoiai3 scholastic ft atethity, in the Sandwich Shop at b 15 p r Volts will be awaidcd a medal fm being chosen as the outstand ing Phi Eta Sigma senior Pro fessor Mocne will be given the research award for doing out standing iescarch work over a period of years without the bene fit of subsidy The iecipients of the awards were selected by com mittees composed of faculty mem bers of various schools Frisson Honored Prof John H Frizzell has been named the honorary member of the society for 1940 and will give the principal address of the eve ning A general discussion con cerning the importance of making use iof research in every-day life Hosterman, Kirkpatrick, Brand 'Are Nominated For New AA-President Gleason, Hartman; Racusin Will Compete For Secretary-Treasurer Post; Candidates Must Have Majority To Capture Elections Jack W. Bland '4l, Walter R. Hosterman Ji '4l, and William S Kirkpatrick '4l were nominated Saturday for the position of Athletic Association pi esident while Frank A. Gleason '4l, Van A. Hartman 91, and Norman Racusm '9l were nominated for secretary succeed Grover C Washabaug The nominating committee, con siting of the coaches, managers, and captains of all varsity sports, was instructed to choose the can didates for the AA elections next Monday with two specific re quirements in view, candidates must have a I average and must have earned a varsity sports let ter The candidates will run in pans, though actual ,voting will be on an individual, basis The paned candidates and the spurt ' which they won then varsity let tot are Brand, golf, and Gleason, wrestling; Hosterman, track, soc cer, and Racusm, basketball, Kirkpatrick, swimming, and Hall man, back Unless one candidate for each position has a majority of the votes cast on Monday, the two highest candidates will be voted on again Tuesday The election board in charge of the AA elections will be the same as the one which supervised the general class elections Voters must present properly signed AA books for this semester to be al lowed to vote Besides electing officers of the Association, students will vote on amendments to the constitution proposing to make ice hockey and skiing regular intercollegiate sports-with 6-inch-letter• awards The amendments propose making the letter awards retroactive to include this year's varsity play- Rare Prints On Display Here For Two Weeks A laic coot,' tunity will be ac corded students and townspeople when an exhibition of original prints called "Rembiandt and his Contemporaries" will be shown in Room 303, Main Engineering, be ginning today and running foi two weeks The collection belongs to Wesley au University and was presented to them with the stipulation that it be made available to other col leges and institutions Some of the finest original etch ing will make up the display which is being circulated fin the hist time The exhibition, one of the mo,t important ever held here, will be open daily including Sunday from 830 a m to 830 p m The public. Is undtally invited Schaeffer On Swim Staff Vernon C SCIIdOCCI, assrtant professor of psychology in exten sion, will be on the faculty of the fled Ctoss Aquatic School to be held at Edgewater, iiild , from June 12 to 22 tomorrow will be given by Professor Moore Other speakers are Prof Frank lin B. Kiauss, faculty adviser, Prof. Francis J Tschan, Dr Carl E Marquardt, and Prof Carroll D Champlin. Forty-eight freshmen and Pro fessor Frizzell will be initiated at tomorrow's banquet. Officers of Phi Eta Sigma in charge of the initiation are Jack M. Fillman '42, president, Jack E Morgan '42, vice-president, Walter N. Sham bach ''42, secretary; Max S. Pe ters '42, treasurer; and James E Watson Jr. '42, historian Martin H Fritch '42 well act as master of ceremonies. PRICE FIVE CENTS reasurer of the Association to '4O and George E. Ritter '4O. Blindness Hinders Helen L Riedy Receipts Of Concert Will Swell Loan Fund Since babyhood, blindness has been the lot of Helen Louise Reedy, young lyric soprano, who will appear on the campus in a concert for the benefit of the Stu dent Loan Fund on Thursday, May 16 She has overcome this handi cap, though, and to such a mat ked degree that she has received addi tional pi alba for the courage and determination with which she has met the situation Boin in Williamsport. Miss uedy graduated with harlots from high school before entering the Eastman School of Music at Roch ester, N Y There she studied un der Dr Thomas Austin-Ball, who says of her' Praised by Teacher "Helen Louise Hied) has stud ied singing with me for five yea'rs Her voice is very lovely and,she can be depended upon to give an tist inToyable" "perform= once" She has appealed in concerts with . the Rochester Civic Orcli estta under the direction of Dr Howard Hanson and has frequent ly sung on the radio In May, 1939, Miss Itiedy sang berme an audience of 1,200 in 4 recital given by residents of Wil liamsport in recognition of her ev ceptional talent and unflinching spit it under the handicap of blind ness Annual Press Conference - To Meet Here; Prominent Journalists Will Speak The annual Pennsylvania Pre:s Conference, sponsored by the de pai tinent of journatsm and tne Pennsylvania Newspaper Publish ers Association, will be held here on May 24 and 25 Headlining the two-day conclave will be Mark Sullivan, noted pol- , !heal commentator, and Raymond Clapper, Washington correspond ent foi United Features Count it de Roussey de Sales, U S corres pondent for Paris newspapers. and Lloyd Lehrbas, AP correspondent who saw Warsaw's fall, will also be feature speakers For the first time, individual wi iters as well as editors and news panels will receive awards for the best contributions at the confer ence. Repoi leis and editorial writer, will be tewaided with certificates of achievement for the best local editoi lab best local news story, best local feature, and best local human Interest story. Any reporter, editor, or member of the editorial staff of any Penn r sylvdnia newspaper is eligible to compete for the awards Newspap. els may compete in one of four circulation classifications. dailies over 15,000 circulation; dailies be tween 6,000 and 15,000, dailies under 6,000, and weeklies and semi-weeklies Annual Dairy Show Slated For Friday, Saturday In the annual Penn State Dairy Exposition, sponsored by the de partment of dairy production, May 10 and 11, contest winners will receive loving cups, medals, and ribbons at a banquet on the last night. The feature event will be the milking contest for coeds Other contests will be for grand champ ion llttbr and grand champion showman in each of the Rye breedi, a dairy products fudging contest, and a clean milk produc tion contest