Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 30, 1940, Image 1

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To The Free Lance,
Established 1887
'VOL 36:—No. 56
Swanson Named Queen;
Phi. Delts: Win r Trophy,
Albright, Torrence Selected As Attendants
Inn-Seco - rid AntialCircOsi•Hiss'Breaks Record
Highbghtedrby:the Crowning of Helen A Swanson its
'42 as
ti= and the ; m:virding to`Piii - Dalta „Theta the trophy for the best
fraternity ,numbei;.Petin State's second` an - nual.'all-College Circus
tehalkell up atilither , succiSs' DtlectorA . Cne4ctttone and _the
rgCliotrorPeritif - 4tlr - A - 61 - 0 - o a tIS' -' l" . rsY e liTig - litif' -' ,'
A,,zi'roita,attenrianttteiquentil the story' of, Miss Swenson - At the first
eliCus last year she, attended the ;queen:Roberti; J.-Kelly '42 This
ietir she was selected by Dick Powell 10, reign over the festivities at
ftec Hall Attendants ,to Miss Swansim.Were - Be'tty Anne Albright '4l
•and ha'rbara Torrence '42 Male attendants were, , L, Craig White '9l
, •
raid Walter Mr Krim:
"Ptil, Delta Theta' took the Ira
firitity crown from live other con
tandem in its piesentatical of a
comedy f skit, -"The Big Shot "
Ringmaster Bill Jelhey presented.
the trophy ,to•the.treypecs at the
ehd of the evening's perform-,
Clair Hess, 121 -pound varsity
Wrestler, broke the intercollegiate
'mtiscle grind", feat when he
made,. - 107 revolutions, surpassing
,the, mark of Bob Close of Illinois,
19 '_turns Other thrill acts
which brought gasps from the Ca
,pacity crowd Were the "Perch
liole" stunt by Chuck Gillespie
and Vic ,Gentilman, "The Iron
Jaw" featuring Merril Beck and
, the trapeze work of Ben Stahl.
Typlcal,circus music .by Frank
Oullo's Circus Band - and a string
qUaitet, directesi by, Mrs. James
provided, the' evening's
rhythm and background 'Adagio
numliers by Jeanne Witherow and
Min' Teti gave a terpsichorean
twist. to the, shOw, with adagio
'groups following them adding_ to
A The cloems, „Whitey, Moiphy
the Cop," Polly, erniknollo kept the
audience' in an uproar with their
antics most of the -evening, and
did nearly/ everything the crowd
expected' and some; things which
were not expected' J"
' lAnd so, the Circtisinits As cos
tunes and grease paints back into
musty storerooms , th,Ree Hall un
tli-next spring.
90 PO 01. Cancer Cases!.
Aiilhiyoy; Sap;
In First' Medial Late
Although, one/out ior. e'ery ten
persons dies.' from cancer' every
year, ; 90 pd. cent of the cases
found In women over 35 years of
age_ could be rcurable, : -Dr. G C.
Engel, professor of surgery In the
University of Pennsylvania 'Grad
tate School, told an audience of
600 in Schwab Smditoiliim.yhurs:
the first of a series of prevent
ative medicine lectures sponsored
by 'the Physical Education. School
and2the College Health' , Service;
Dr. Engel explained that symptoms
'of early 'Cancer 'should, not be ig
liored for in its premature stages
cancer may be cured, while ad-
Winced cancer, cannot be success
.gttlly combated.
Seml-INeekiy LIBRARY
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Blind Girl To Sing
For Loan_Benefil
Helen.Riedy, Will Appear
In Concert On_ May: 14
Helen Louise Maly, blind (mei a
singer, has been signed to appehr
here in a concei t "for - the benefit
of the Student Loan Fund, Clar
enc.e H Evans '4O, committee
chairman, announced yesterday
The concert , will be held in
Schwab Auditorium at 13 p m on
Thursday, May 16 Tickets, priced
50 cents' will be sold at Student
Union and by the members of var
ious campus organizatiO r ns There
will be no reserved seats
Miss May, new in her, early
twenty's, has been blind same
childhood She was born in Will
iamsport and - graduated with
honors from-, the Williamsport
public schools -
, 'Studied at Eastman School
- Attei graduating from high
school,' she entered the Eastman
School of Music at Rochester "N
Y , where for four years she held
the George Eastman Honorary
Scholarship Miss Riedy took grad
uate woi k at the Rochester school '
last yea', and expects to return this
Fall for advanced voice study
She has _appealed in , concerts
with the Rochestei Civic Orchestra
under the du ection of Dr ,Howard
Hanson and has stai ied several
ladto broadcasts.
Waring, Dae Appearance
Causes Early Ticket Nish
With the ' announcement , that
Fred ' Waring , and Donna Dec
would be featured in the repeat
performance of Thespians' _new
musical masterpiece "Danger! Men
at' Work," - ^enthusiastic campus
theater-goers began an early rush
for tickets. ' •
Director, "Sock" Kennedy again
advised potential show-goers to bee
the Friday performance so, as to
_avoid the usual Saturday sell-out.
Saturday, night tickets for the, ^ci
peat production will be 75, cents,
Friday night 50 cents,. business
manager Paul E. Dean announced
Curtain 'time,' hasi also been
changed to 7 o'clock sharp for both
nights ,
'Collegian VViII Be Daily
If District Court Okays
Laich And Baker
Will Be Inducted
Outdoors, May 14
Shingles Will Be Given
Outstanding Students;
Dr. Hetzel May Speak
Inaugut atioh ceremonies for Ar
nold C Latch '4O and Robot t N
Bakci '4O, newly-elected all-Col
lege ;resident and vice-president
respectively, will - be held in front
of Old Main at 4 p m on May 14
A parade preceding the acto.l
inauguration has been tentatively
Penn State Students;
I would likC to take this oppor
tunity to thank each - and every
one-of you for your support and
help in bestowing upon me the
honor of being your all-College
I realize that the pace set by
Cliff McWilliams will be a hard
one to keep up, but I will ear
nestly endeavor to prove myself
as a capable leader as he did.
Again I would like to express
my appreciation for She confi
dence which you have placed in
me. -....
' Sincerely, -- ,
Arnold C. Latch
Central RAilroad 'station, go - clown
Atherton Street to East Beaver
Avenue, to Miles street, to West
College Avenue, and proceed to co
op coiner wheic it will disband
Mom co-op coiner the paiadcrs
will walk to Old,Main
Helsel May Speak
No speakers for the cetemomes
has been selected although the
committee in chalge_ls endeavor
ing to obtain the betimes or Pies
dent Ralph D Hetael
Arrangements are being made
fin the Blue Band and the Persh
ing Rjfles to participate
Undci a plan appi eyed by the
all-College Cabinet on Am il 2,
shingles will be presented at the
jnauguiataiii to 45 students for
set vice to the College,-Recipaents
of the awards will be chosen by a
joint student-faculty ',committee
gornisting of the dean of men, dean
of women, Student Union treasur
er, Collegian editor, ' Collegian
women editor, all-College piesid
ent, Junior class president, a rep
] esentative :from the , president's
office, and the WSGA' president
First row, left io:riglii: Lawrence S. Driever '4l, Business Manager; William E. FoWler '4l, News
Editor:, Arita 1.. Befferan ' 41, Women's Managing Editorr Edgar V. Hall '4l, , , , Assisiant Sports Edi
, tor; Bayard BIoOM "41, Assistant Managing Editor. Second row: Adam ,A. Smyser '4l, Editor:
Edythe B. Rickel' -'4l, Woman's Piomotion' Mane ger: , Robert Robinson , '4l, Circulation Manager
Robert H. Lane '4l;` , Managuig Editor, Leslie A . fawns '4l, Senior Secretary., Third row: Ruth
, Goldstein' '4l; Senior Secretary: . Solid H. Th omas '4l. Advertising Marirer: Richard C. Peters
'dl. SpOrts Editoff Edward J. K. McLane '4l, Feature EditZir; Vera L. Kemp '4l, Women's Editor. _
Bowman '4O Suffers
Burns In laboratory
Yesierday Afternoon
Robert S. Bowman '4O suffered
second and third degree burns
on the right side of the face.
right arm and right side of body,
left hand, and right thigh while
conducting a laboratory experi
ment at 1.30 p. in. yesterday.
Bowman was performing an
experiment on the crystalization
of an organic substance when it
exploded and caught fire He will
be confined to the College Infir
mary 'for an indefinite period
His condition is reported as
Five Honorary Hal
Societies Tap, Nei
Members Sunday
Skull And Bones Tap 13,
Parmi Nous 12, Friars 11,
Blue Key 29, Druids 23 -
MI of Penn State's live hollowly
"hat" societies tapped new mem
bels Sunday night and' initiation
will be held some time this week
Skull and Bones
Skull and Bones tapped the fol
lowing Juniors G Edward Spen
ce!, itogei S Findley; Jr, Marshal]
Q.; VI ter,zlohn,al7llelE, yrank,,W,
Stazik - O, - S
Arnold C Latch - , Wtiliam B Bare
weie the sophomores tapped
Parmi Nous
thuiomew, W Lewis Corbin, Rob
ci N Bake', and Roman N Pieo
Robert Band and Norwood Ewell
Pdl mt Nous tapped the follow
ing Juntois Leon .1 Gajecki,
Flank, M Platt, , Chailes A
Reid, Ji , Ned Corman, Scott Mof
fatt, Paul .1 Scally, Jack W Bland,
Thomas J Robinson, Robe' t L
Hutchings, Al Blair, Malcolm
Weinstein, and Max S Peters '42
Blue Key
Sophomores tapped by Blue Rev
include William G Mayer, Paul M
Etta's, Jr, Robei t W Monti., Dan
iel S Balmei, Thomas J Henson,
William J MelCaight, Robert C
Hamer, John M Gel actor, Alpine
W McLane, William li" Hacker,
William 0, Meyers, Richard NI
Steinhilbei, Robert. F Wilson, Hai
ry H Fields, H Walter Gamble,
William L Sandson, Arnold J
Currier,' Jack E Morgan, Jack A
Sloan, Albert. L Waschlcr, Edgar
C Smith, Robert L Hoffer, Am Vim
William B Rosskum, Raymond
Schaeffer, and Thomas W Allison
Continued On Page 4 ,
'l"i , Rumness Manager
`'free Lance , Successor
Turns Daily in 53rd Year
Original Monthly News Magazine Was Supplanted
By:State Collegian' When Issue Missed Deadline
. i With the histoiy-tnaking annoumement Sunday that the Penn
Slide Collegian wai, to become a daily paper next September, indub
ttious scubes humed to the Ides to trace the development of the Col-
When the Collegian begins its five-day-a-week publication, it wit'
begin die fi:licl yea' of publication a', a student newspaper at the
Records uphold the wording
which appears in a small box at
the upper left come' of each issue
of the Collegian that it is "Succes
sor to the Flee Lance, established
1887 "
"The Free Lance" Is Established
"The Fi ee Lance," a' it was
called was the lost news publica
tion appearing on the campus-32
years eller the founding of The
Pennsylvania State College It
fought a losing battle, the facts
ieveal, from the time - of its first
issue in April, 1887, until it "ex
pired with the stroke of Number
I, Volume XVIII (April, 1904,1" as
the first editorial of the State Col
legian put it
Supposedly a monthly news
magazine, "The Free Lance"
stepped out on the wrong foot, be
ing a few days late, and succes
sive issues followed almost the
same path until the final edition,
dated April, appeared in May
With the premature death of
(Continued on page two)
Women Reach
1 - 3
-Year Mark
On Collegian
It WdSlll so 111411 V years ago that
women did not have an oppoitun
ity to display then jouinalistie
talent at Penn State
But, those days ale gone ha -
ever iSee Collegian Leap Week
FAtra) And no longer will they
need Lay fogy space with sufficient
opportunity to gossip in the daily
Collegian next year
Women with "ink in then
blood" were fist lured to wide
foi the Collegian on Septembci
25, 1927, in an appealing call for
freshman candidates Five days
Isles Katherine Holbrook was
elected to edit "The Woman's Cor
nei,:%a column which chided the
women lot using careless table
manners and urged them to lead
the Mac I-tall bulletin boat d
Co-ed Chats
When Grace Wood' ow was elect
ed women's edam in the Sp: mg
of that year she began "Co-ed
Chats" which once warned against
the pitfall of self pity During
Grace's editorship Dean Chaitulle
E Ray supported Dean Studdai ts
plan of unlimited cutting of classes
if students had all average above
Edltotials and item dl tides wet e
mitten explaining WSGA's
appioval of smoking in public
The motel plublem dating
telephone pet mission were all
problems of women's ects kit yews
194941 IMA Officers
To Be Installed Al Annual
Dinner Thursday Night
The installation of 1940-41 Inde
pendent Men's Association officers
will take place at the first annual
IMA banquet in the Sandwich
Shop at 0 p m Thuisday, Clar
ence H. Evans '4O, retiring presi
dent, announced yesterday
The dinner will be open to nsem
bets of the IMA and plans for the
coming yeas will be discussed Ev
ans and other former members of
the organization will address the
The officers to be installed are
W. Rae Herrmann '4l, president,
Henry J Eavis '42, vice-president.
Eldon T. Shaut '42, treasures, and
John M Byerly '42, secretary.
Next Year
Will Be Issued Five Days A Week
Under Supervision 'Of New Board;
Subscription Rate To Remain Al $2.50
Senii-Weekly No Longer Fulfills Campus Demand;
Daily Will Give More Space, Prevent Unnecessary
'Panic Scare,' Raise Rating Of College Paper
See editorial, "The Pendulum Swings." on Page 2
lhat the Penn State Collegian will become a !lye-day -a
eek daily news publication next yea', pending authorisation
of thit incoi pwation ter by district c0m1.% was made
knee n officially Sunday night by A. William Engel, Jr.,amil
C Russell Eck, retiring editor and business manage•, ieopec-
Announcement came SIM
of the new managing board wl
the daily at the beginning- of
Plans for the daily student
sidelation for mole than foe
serving as co-chairmen of a
Included on the tominittee were
rianklin C Bonnet, Russell I.
Clack, Donald W Davis, George
L Donovan, Braton R. Gardner,
Hugh It Riley, William K . Uler
ich, and Ai thur R Warnock
Administration Approves Reports
Numerous reports were submit
ted to the College Administration
tot approval from time to time.
but an initial recommendation
presentedsearl,-1m March-provid—
ed the impetus for complete rait
This memorandum stated in
pact "Continuing its policy of
pi ogress, the staff of the 1930-40
Collegian herein recommends the
establishment of a daily Penn
Stale Collegian, efeetive with the
beginning of the College yea' in
Septembei, 1940"
Reasons given for such a i ecom
mendation centered around the
statement " the College con
tinually expanding, the present
staff believes that a semi-weekly
paper is no longer adequate to
fulfill the demand on this camp-
"A daily paper published by the
students," the report read s,
"I—Offer a solution to ovei
ciowded news columns of the
semi-weekly publication by in
creasing the total space
"2—Permit the release of time
ly instructions from the aclminis-
Continued On Page 4
farewell Banque! Given
For Senior Foresters
Ind Graduating Rangers
'rwo hundred and fifteen mem
bets of the Forestry Society, 40
9eshmen from Mont Alto, and 25
acuity members and their wives
t owded the Sandwich Shop at the
society s annual banquet un Fi May
The banquet was a farewell to 00
wino' foresters and 17 gi actuating
rangers Keys were presented to
i cluing officers of the Forestry So
ciety by Victor A Beede, head of
the deportment of forestry John
L May '4l, president of the so
ciety, was toastmaster
Seth Gordon, executive duector
of the Pennsylvania Game Com
mission, spoke on "Public Use of
Foi est Land "
. _ .
Met speakers were* Stevenson
W Fletcher, Deaii of the School of
Agticultute, Henry fa. Cope, di
ectot of the Mont Alto division, E
C Mbar!, 'l3 ,of the Armstrong
Calk Co; James E Lavely '4O,
William McDermott '4O, and Ber
naid L Pollock, ranger
Honorary Eletii Officers
Ralph C Routsong, Jr '4l and
David E Wagenseller, Jt '4l were
elected president and vice-presi
dent, respectively of Alpha Delta
Sigma, honorary advertising ft a
Routsong will represent the lo
cal group at the national conven
tion of the advertising honorary at
the University of Missouri on Mav
8,9, and 10
ultaneously with the bele-tnin
hich will assume publication of
the College year next ept:el:2-
iewspaper ha.l been under euti 7
months with Engel and EeJc
Collegian lan ganizatiun , emir
Smyser, Dnever ;
To Head Collegian
Kemp Women's Ecfitcc:.
Of Daily Publication
Adam A Smyset '4l was itamil
the ilia editoi-in-chief of the
1940-41 sent): edito: ml board f
the new daily Penn State Colleg
ian which will be inaugurated next
fall, with Vela L Kemp '4l "as
women's editoi and Lawrence
Di level '4l, business, manager,
William Engel Jr '4O, retiring-edi
tor, announced Sunday night," -
H Lane '4l, wag elected
managing editor, Richard C
ers '4l, spoils editor, William K.
Towle' '4l, news editin, and .Ed
ward .1 K McLorie '4l, leatote
editoi Other members completing
the semoi board list are ,Bayard
Bloom '4l, assistant managing erg
and Edgar V Hall '4l, assist
ant spoils ediloi
Additional members of the wo
men's staff are Ai to L Ilefferan
'4l, women's managing editor, and
Edythe B Rickel '4l, women's pro
motion manage]
Advei tistng manager of the new
business staff will be John, H
Thomas '4l while Robert Robinson
41 will act as en culation manager
the senior seLietaries on the busi
ness board ate Ruth J Goldstein
'4l and Leslie A Lewis '4l.
The new smut' editorial and
business boat& will assume their
duties with this issue, and' the re
in mg members will be ex-oflicto
meinbev, in an advisory capacity
tin the remainder of the school
Reining editor Engel and Helen
Camp, ea-women's editor, received
rings from the incoming senior
boatel, and C Russell Eck, _Cornier
business manager, was given a
100 Student Counseloti
For Coming Frosh Clait
Will Be Chosen Thuisdh
Appioximately 100 student coun
selois who will aid in Freshman
Week activities will be selected by
the Student Counselor ExecUtive
Committee of the PSCA Thurschiy
night r•
Appointment of counselors will
be based upon the student's know
ledge and close association Ninth
the customs of Penn State, a schol
aiship 'sting of at least a 1 aver
age, and the ability of the couti
seloi to lead various group meet
The program of the student
yams tn Freshman Week inchifleS
'get-acquainted" parties and per
sonnel study for helping individual
problems. ,
The purpose of these sessions is
to give the incoming student, a
brief backgiound of the College.
advise him upon the various extra
curricula activities and fraterni
ties, and interpret the College cus
toms and freshman rules.