Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 26, 1940, Image 6

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    Page Six
High School Teachers
',Hold Confab Tomorrow
fA state-wide conference of high
,school social studies teachers will
be'held here tomoriow as an aid
,the teaching of civics and prob
-ilems of democracy
tiriSponsoi ed by the College in co
operation with the State Depart
silent of education and the Penn-
Isylvania State Education Associa
iiiin, the conference is regarded as
liVely because of the close ob
laVance of government forms to
bay. -
2. •-' 1 .•
Shows at 1.30, 3 00, 6:30. 8.30
,t'un and platy at the bright
:est-pat ty of the yam as the
ifttelliugs cavort to swing mu
'`ie of radio's famous KII)00-
Richard Cromwell, Doris Day
• in
;2,llllage Barn Dance"
Lulubelle and Scotty
7 - Den Wilson. Vera Vague
'Ma deleini CAR Nal I. • !Han AHERNE •
Louis HOWARD 4. • •
11 " My Mv Son r
vi • • 'UMW 1141 U NM 11105
Shows at—l.3o. 3:00. 6.30. 8.30
name of
Ms of ace
the dead!
,OFF '
Al a i' heck was breaking loose
. when suddenly a 11111 e an-
Al appeared 1 1 . . . Those
"Broth”r Rats" aro back!
'fAn Angel From Texas"
Edthe Albert ' Wayne Morris
Ronald Reagan Jane Wyman
MOTHERS" v(1(4:.
1iv ... , ..... '...:• . 1. - . 4 . .....: . 7.. ,: :.. t.,t ' in .. , ,.... , •.; , ; . : ., • , ,, , z - ..:
Shows al .. 6:30. 8:30
Matinee Saturday Only at 1:30
:Swiss Family Robinson'
'ltliricies on Main Street'
;I : :_'A Child Is Borir,
Junior Prom
By Glenn M
Ten Finalists Suggested
By Coed Groups Will Be
Presented To Bandleader
A Junior Prom Queen, person
ally selected by Bandleader Glenn
Miller, will feign over the annual
prom in Bee Hall May 1, co
chairmen Paul J Scally '4l and
Peter G Fetzko '4l anno,inced yes
tea day
Photos of 10 toed% picked as fi
nalists will be presented ty the
bandleader for his choice The 10
beauties will be selected by the
Junior Prom Committee from
among those recommended by
various women's groups on the
It will bL the first tune in some
years that a queen has been se
lected for the Prom She will be
presented during intermission
Members of the committee who
will select the finalists are, in ad
dition to Scally and Fetzko Bette
L Campbell, Shitley E Hebei,
Keimit J Christman, John E Gal
lagher, Stanley L Marcus, Wade
E Mori, Samuel Schwaito, and
Henry J Eavis Jr, all Juniors
Scarab Eleils Ernst
. ,
President; '
Six Initiated
Cai I W Ernst, Jr '4O was elect
ed president of Scarab, pi ofession
al architectural fraternity, after six
students were initiated at the Delta
Upsilon house recently
Other officers chosen were Har
old G Wilson '4l, ice-president,
George A Hay, Jr, '4l, seuetaiy,
David L Gariatt '4l, treasurer,
and Howard R Alter, Jr, '4l, his
toi ian
New members ate Donald MI
MacMillan '4O, Charles S Rickslei
'4t; Noiman D Black '4l, Robert
G Pipet '4l, and Chatles R Wat
kins '42
Eddie Cantor discards his usual
slapstick comedy manna' and
emerges as a convincing "straight"
actor in "Forty Little Mothers,"
which will be featured at the
Cathaum Theatre on Monday,
Tuesday, and Wednesda2,
Cantor is a timid college piofes
soi who inadvertently inherits an
abandoned baby When the pro
fessor gets a job in a girls' board
ing , school, complications al ise
swiftly and plentifully in the dis
covery of the baby and subse
quent dismissal of the prof
146 South Allen St., Diagonally Across front Post Office
.3 • ,
AntIOVViTM:S . ...... ;:. . ARROW.UpDcRWEAR
, ,
ueen Will Be Chosen
Iler, `Musician's Musician'
Marion Hutton, beautiful
blonde vocalist who will warble
with Glenn Miller's band for
Junior Prom May 3 Marion is a
sister of Betty Huthin, who does
the chanting for Vincent• Lopez.
while Ray Eberle, who shares
the lyrics -with Marion, is a
brother of Jimmy Dorsey's Bob
Dean Warnock Boosts
Student-Faculty Relations
"The student is dept wing him
self of beneficial informal con
tacts with his instiuctois because
he does not want his'actions to be
interpreted as an insincere at
tempt to court Savo'," said Dean
Arthur R Wainock at a recent
meeting of the College Senate
Where in pi eceding student gen
mations, "apple polishing" was a
populai practice and manifested it
self in a vaiiety of ingenious tech
niques, the college student of to
day is almost hypersensitive of
cultivating peisonal iclations with
his instiuctois, according to Dean
Wai nock
Watkins Warns Against
Petty Thefts In LA Bldg.
' Recui ience of petty thievery
and vandalism in the_laberal Arts
Building bioiight a sharp warn
ring yesterday from Ray V Wat
kins, scheduling officer, that the
punishment for such acts is ex
pulsion horn the College
Ovei $5O worth of water spigot
handles and other lavatory equip
ment have disappeared from the
center section of the building
since it was opened at the first of
thi' semester
II Layman's Idea Of Miller
I Is 'Overnight Success;'
11 Few Know Of Planning
An "overnight success"—that, to
the average swing fan, is the story
of Glenn Miller, whose sensational
"Moonlight Serenade" oi chcstra
will make its !list visit to Penn
State for Junior Prom May 3
Despite his phenomenal, record—
setting rise to fame since he took
up the baton, however, Glenn is
not a new figure in the niiusical
world For many...yea' s he's been
a "behind-the scenes" celebrity, a
"musician's musician," known as
one of the outstanding trombone
virtuosi and one of the grdatest ar
rangers in the business He helped
to organize and set the styles for
ouch bands as Jimmy Dorsey and
Ray Noble
Thought Long of Band
His band, comparatively new in
actuality, has existed in the mind
of the lank, bespectacled young
man for a long time Dining the
many years while he was playing
and arranging for other top-notch
ors, Glenn kept planning his
"dream band," I'm which he tucked
away choice ideas and revolution
ary arrangements When all was
1 cady, Glenn organind his band
with top-notch musicians and shot
straight to fame
Bob Strong, young bandleader,
summed up the feeling of the pro
fession when he said recently,
"Glenn is not only a great musician
and arranger, but one of the
grandest fellows in the business
I m sure I adinire Miller above all
the others in the field today"
(Confmued from page 1)
compensation i epoi I,+ the follow
ing explanation was added as an
amendment to the [imposed plan
"In these major offices, All-
College Pi esident, , Vice-President
and Semoi Class President, a fix
ed compensation is set up as a di
led chaigc against class fund
For the Senior Ball chairman
them is a fixed compensation of
$5O as a charge against the dance
income In the Junior Prom and
Sophomore Hop there are com
pensations of $5O each for the
chairmen and class presidents,
this being the only compensation
ieceived by the Junior and Soph
°mote class presidents For va
i ions committees, fixed compen
sations are granted to committee
members as a charge against the
income of these activities In all
cases the rate of compensation
bears a cluect relation to two fac
tors The actual woik in terms of
hours , involved, and the admin
istration of a financial host
'Graft' Eliminated
"Under this plan of fixed com
pensations all profits from dances
and other activities go into class
funds In short, the 40 or more
students involved in the system
receive no other types of income
horn these activities Therefore,
various types of graft and com
missions cannot exist"
The above plan with amend
ment was explained to the Cab
inet by Neil M Fleming, gradu
ate manager of athletics, and aft
er considerable discussion was ap
proved by a 14-6 ballot Six cab
inet members opposed the plan
Charles E Thompson '4O, Samuel
G Gallu '4O, Donald A. Lerch '4O,
Wallace' A Dunlap '4O, Sarabell
Shirm '4O, and Maly H O'Con
nei '4O
President H Clifton McWil
liams appointed Dunlap and Gal
lo to work with the student loan
committee in engaging a promi
nent opera star to come to this
campus to aid in seeming addi
tional money for the fund ,
Piestdent McWilliams also an
nounced a committee to plan loi
the All-College mauguiation cere
monies, headed by Claience H
Evans '4O, Sarabell Shirm '4O,
Quentin C Couch '4O, Richind C
Petals '4l, and Louis Corbin '4l
Players Giving Away
36 Turtles, So Step Up
And Get Lucky Number
Minna Untie' You, too, tau be
the life of the patty, a BMOC, ot
an SP by just possessing a lucky
tut tie
How to get One You CAll't beg,
butiow, in steal one of these chem..
ful little ieptlles If you're un
lucky in love this may be your
Win to 'hold one of the three dozen
winning numbers distributed on
campus, or at Student Union
Who's the Santa Claus' Pew)
Slate Playas ale giving away
tin ee dozen turtles with "Our
Town" decorating their backs
There's absolutely no catch
they're even supplying turtle food
By hook or crook get yourself a
number and watch Collegian and
the downtown stores for the win
o numbers
(Continued from page 1)
2 Phi Mu
3 Delta Gamma
4 Kappa Alpha Theta 1 81
5 Gamma Phi Beta 1 78
6 Cliff Omega 174
7 Alpha Omicron Pi 1.70
7 Zeta Tau Alpha 1 70
9 Kappa Kappa Gamma 1 63
10 Alpha Epsilon Phi 1 52
11 Theta Phi Alpha . 1 49
12 Alpha Chi Omega 1 46
13 Emanon 1 32
,Housrng Groups
Beaver House
Irvin Hall
Joidan Hall
Watts Hall
Sigma Plu Alpha
Pioneer House ' t 139
Lion's Club • 1 34
Locust Lane Lodge 1 33
Burrowes' Co-op 1 61
Nittany Co-op House . 162
Atherton Hall
Group 1 1 24
Group 2 1 61
Group 3 1 47
Group 4 1 71
Group 5 1 72
Mac Hall
202-218 1 61
219-232 .. 1 81
302-318 1 56
319-334 1 22
, 401-415 ' 143
Mrs Bart's Co-op House 1 01
Mrs Beman's Dorm 1 32
Miss Hill's Doim 1 01
Mis Forbes' Doim 1 69
Miss Parker's Doim 1 14
Wiley Dorm,. 1 28
Gamma Sigma Phi 95
Fraternity men 1 20
Fratei nay women 1 70
All fi atm 'illy 129
Non-fraternity men 1 28
Non-fratei nitly women 1 52
All non-fraternity 1 34
•Al] college men 1 26
All collegd women 1 56
All college 1 33
A hurricane was raging on the Florida Keys. The ship Jubilee was in
the grip of the deadly reefs A whole town echoed to the cry, "Wreck
a-sho-o-rei" And - aboard was one man destined to play a strange part in the
life of Loxi Claiborne . Here is a novel seething with drama and danger
and the romance of Lou, whose flashing charmhrought to her feet two men
from opposite ends of the world. First of six installments this week.
A ?LOW 110Ver Cf"
wteckars and romance. or
- pi flu Florida Keys
I SAW POLAND PLUNDERED. Familiessnatehedfropi
their beds in the dead of night. Driven off without, their be-
longings Herded into freight care, concentration camps ...A
Polibh high official describes the greatest human upheaval in
' history, the deportation of more than 1,200,000 flied; women
and children to give the Nazis lcbcnsraunt, "room to live." ,
Read lVoc to the Vanquished, by Stefan De Ropp. ' -
-, -; "I never kissed a pretty girl until
I was thirty-tuo. Wonder what
OV_ -- ___,,,,,___ Margie sees in me. Margie won't be
Or .;" at the fight tonight. But Joe—the
6 ' ' ---" Brown Bomber—is here. Stabbing
me with that left. Gettmgmy bruins
, ; ' ,v i i k - - mesuedup"...A drama of a fighter's
!I 1 ,
717 thoughts in the'sweat of battle.
"Ha '
lo Joe ,•' by William Fay.
4\ --
. ,•
Hot Dog! Free Weinies
At Senior Rally May 19
Seniors! Free hot dogs, flee entertainment, free comradeship and
flee fun will be yours for the taking at a Serum'. Class Hot Dog Roast
to be held on the side or' the Pitt game rally 11 orn 5 to 7 p m on
Sunday May 19
Intended to be a final senioi get-together, the affairs will be fi
nanced by a portion of the $1,700 in the class ticasury
Songs by the Glee Club, tunes
by the Blue Band, and clowning I Noted Muralist Appears
by the Three Stooges o Thespian
fame, will highlight the festivity
Hot-Daggers To Choose King Here As Portfolio Guest
To rule over the fete, a senior
man will be crowned "Hot Dog
King" He will be picked at ran
dom from the Student Directory
by a blindfolded person
,Other features will be group
singing—a Senior Sing—and a
bonfne rally latei in the evening
All class members attending
must get tickets for themselves
and their dates at Student Union
DaVid E Petgrm, senior class
pi esident will be in charge of the
i oast.,
Clarence H Evans has been
selected to make arrangements for
the bonfire, and A committee corn
posed of Frank C Anderson Ji ,
Quentin W Couch, and W Jerome
Howarth will select the Hot Dog
Fritz Kreisler Is Voted
Most Popular Artist
Fritr Kreislei, world famous vio
linist, tallying 2,988 points, was
voted the most popular artist on
the 1939-40 Ai tists' Course by po
tions of the Course in the yearly
poll Dr. Carl E Marquardt, chair
man of the Artists' course Com
mittee, yesterday announced the
Jesuits of the poll which was taken
during intermission of the Cleve
land Symphony conceit.
Symeon Shiminin, noted muralist
now completing a muial in the
Department of Justice building,
Washington, D C, will spend the
weekend at Penn State as a guest
of Portfolio, student-faculty liter
ary publication
Shimmin will lend a discussion
on art and poetry in the Second
Floor Lounge, Old Main, at 11 a
m j Sunday, Jean C. Cringlicad '4O,
Portfolio editor, announced This
meeting will be held In conjunc
tion with that of the College Poetry
Society and will be open to the
public, she said
"The Depepdable Place To Buy Your
Fresh Fruits, and Vegetables
Fancy Strawberries and Cantaloups ,
Now Being Shipped—Prices Are Right!
Also Complete' Variety of All Fresh
Vegetables and Fruits for Your Daily Needs.
131, W. BEAVER
When Botts modestly reported he had rescued an Earthworm
Tractor that had fallen into the Grand Canyon—m the dark
of night, single-handed—w-e-l-1, the President wanted more
explanation ...Read Grand Catty= Bram Storm, by William
Hazlett Upson. On page Fl of your Post today._
Here's Yankee ingenuity! Jobs Tor 4,000 unemployed pro
duced in one town of only 50,000. In 'another, WPA rolls
cut 716arly in half! Read the reports of this spreading move
ment in ... They Budd Men bid Jobs, by Stanley High. ,
I. A. R. WYLIE ... brings you the story of a tannlY' that
tried to live on hate in' "Land's Sale." Also a new yarn by
M. G. Chute, Pony-Express 8011... Last chapters in Philip
Wylie's Hollywood novel, Salt Water Daffy— Short stories,
articles, editorials; - cartoons, poems and Post Scripts. All in
this week's Saturday Evening Post—now 'on sale.' ,
Fi iday, Api il 26, 1940
Massachusetts Corporation
offers pleasant and profit
able summer employment to
undergraduates and seniors.
Use of a car necessary. Abil
ity to speak in public help
fu 1. the house-to-house.
Many undergraduates in
past summers have , found
this association meets their
financial needs. Write Box
No. 528, Westfield, Massa
chusetts, for explanations.
Did You itiowl
That there are over
600 student automo-.
biles registered on the
I'HONE 4921
PHONE 4921