Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 26, 1940, Image 4

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    Page Pfau
THE BEST SUGGESTION that has been passed around this cam
pti,, foi many a month is the one concerning an AU-College May Day
tom next yeas
A campus-wide May and Moth'ets' Day celebration would do
much to fin then the combined men's and women's college spirit Why
should arrangements foi part of it be confined to women ,
Not onh to pi omote school spit it but also for the good of the pro
giain its,ll, this combination would be effective Since WSCA now
contributes funds to the all-college government, it lacks its usual ll
ranee% foi women's activities As a result of this shortness, this
Neat it is impossible to even finance seatmg room fm the May Day
Anothei point is that having the men vote for the May Queen
would give them a pet canal interest in the fete and eliminate any
possible ci iticism of smority politics in selecting the Queen This
position could easily be added to the all-College and class election
ballots in the spi mg
With the ievision in voting, there might well be an entire reor
ganintion in the May Day festivities. The landscape architecture
oepaitment, for instance, could help with the decorations and plan
ning, men's and women's combined committees could utilive more
college facilities
Thew would be less chance for Inadequacies and inefficiencies
if the affan web ..all-College It would be scheduled and planned
with the respect due such a ceremony, it would be a college and not
merely a WSGA activitz, Together, the men and women could make
a Penn State May Day something to remember
The plan has undeniable possibilities, and at least merits con
saleiation for nest yew Added interest and a bigger, better, and
moie significant May Day could easily result What Is stopping it,
ANOTHER PLAN that needs revision and improvement before
being used again next yea' is the Big-Little &stet 'program spon
sored by WSGA
Fieshmen say they appreciate the advice and guidance of these
"big sisters" the fast few weeks of school Big sisters say they en
joy the association Yet lack of interest and cooperation on the
pall of both sisteis has cramped a worthwhile enterprise
Some big sisters have subjugated their normal helpful instincts
to sorority iushing If the freshmen they were paired with have
not looked like good iushees, they have abandoned them As a le
stilt, many fieshmen have been without the advice of upperebss
counselors and fiends
So another good idea will bite the dust, unless—and this is an im
portant unless—nest year's upperclass women give the plan the
cooperation and spnit it needs
Bottled under nutboray of The Coca• Cola Co by
Donna Dae Fred Waring
Guest Artist Friday and Guest Artist ,
Saturday Nights Saturday Night Only
In Thespians "Riot of the Century"
• s
Junior Prom 'Week-end ,May - 3 and 4'
Schwab Auditorium No Reserved Seats
Show begins ... . . .1:I5 Friday ~ -50 c
Show ends . ... . . 9:30 Saturday , .. .
WRA To Sponsor PI
If's The Payoff !
$1.50 For A '3'
If You Stump Experts
At 'lnformation Please'
Remember way back in glade
school when dad dished out a nick
el for an 'A' on yam report card"
Since you're probably wishing he
still did, Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman scholastic honorary, is
Wieling a potential $2 50 on any
bluebook which rated a '3' this
year There's Just one catch—
An "Information Please" pro
gram is to be conducted in the first I
flour lounge of Old Main at 3 p
Sunday, May 19
The board of expel ts, four pro
fessors, will try their luck at an
swering questions submitted by
students on the back of their '3'
bluebooks If •they aie unable to
answer_the questions fired at them
by Robert E Galbraith, associate
piofessoi of English composition,
Alpha Lambda Delta ~ will pay
A word of waining—questions
Must be of a general, nature of in
terest to students and must be
handed to Student Union desk be
fore Wednesday, May 15, on a '3'
bluebook earned this year by the
This program is one of the high
-lights`in the 10th anniversary cele
bration of the organization May
17-19 All alumnae have been in
vited to return for the initiation, of
this year's class, for the accom
panying banquet, and for a series
of talks by prominent faculty
members and alumnae, who will
be announced later
Mortar Board And (wens
Will iap New Members
On May Day Morning
In accordance with tradition,
Mot tat Board, senior women's
honormy, and Cwens, sophomore
women's activities honorary, will
tap new members on May Day
moining, and both old and new
members will attend the freshman
breakfast in Mac Hall
Requnements for Mortar Board
are „scholarship,, leadership, and
service to the College - The neces
sary average is three one-hun
ch edths per cent above the all-
College average, which is now
133 Thei e were 16 Molter Board
members this year.
Cwens require a 1 5 average and
participation in campus activities
Members are chosen from recom
mendations of the deans,'hostesses,
and student leaders, and from
their activities.
Old Mortar Board members will
carry the honor arch in the May
Day procession and new members
will march in the Queen's proces
sion Newly-tapped Cwens will
111 Health Reason For
Suicide Of -Prof's Wife
Prolonged ill health was given
as the cause of the suicide Tues
day of Mis Helene Hinds Rice,
wife of P. X Rice, associate pro
fessor of electrical engineering
Mrs Rice had been sick through
out last winter but had responded
to treatment and was considered
in much better health County
Coroner Charles Sheckler pro
nounced the death a suicide as a
result of despondency
The case was investigated by
Chief of Police'John R Juba and
Officer Kough, both of whom re
ported to Sheckler, who found an
inquest unnecessary
Romig Third WSGA Head
To Be Narimecl May Queen
For the third tune in the hi,story of May Day, a WSGA presi
dent will be crowned queen on May 11 when Jane Rotnig succeeds
Flotenee Allen '22 and Frances Turner '3tl m attammg both honors
When Miss Allen-Was crowned back in 1922, the women iwere
holding their first,out-of-doors May Day.., Before that tune, the festi
val had been held in the dining commons at Mac Hall, and no one
knew who was queen until she entered the room. Women wore wide
class ribbons across the fronts of their blouses to Identify themselves
The first outdoor May Diy was
held in the Open Air Theatre on
front campus where the trees
it from the eyes of men students
living in Old Morn who made fun
of the women's May Day fete The
queen was attended by two beau
ties from each class holding a
canopy over her head -, ,-
Held On Holnies,FAeld.
Maypole dances and, the!. hem
lock chain were'a part of the earl
iest May Days, and 'when the 'cer
emony was held on Holmes Field
between 1923 and 1932, th - O par
ticipants used the Stone-house as
a dressing room and the-proces
sion started frOm there.
The May Day festivals on the
front lawn of Old Main between
1933 and 1935 served, to perfect
the ceremony for the occasion of
Miss Turner's coronation in 1936,
President of WSGA, Women's
Editor of Colleglan,•Thespan stag,
and Mortar Board member, she
was a worthy choice' fog May
Queen And to add to the glamour
of the day, the Blue Band, played
and members of the lower classes
presented two English folk
'An amplifying system, trump
eters, and the Honor Arch are all
newer additions to May Dm'
which should make•Misirltomig's
coronation 'this year one of the
best Penn State has seep ' ,
- _ _
ZTA irutiated Jeanne 'Wonder
'42, Jane Bolster, Midge Johnson,
Connie Reddig, Kay Walter, and
Lyn Wolf, '43, yesterday-and re
cently pledged Winnie-ltenner"43'
Ruth Francis '42: and Jeanne
Clark '4l were, named to the Horne
Ec Advisory , Council ' - 'll;lBnday
ene Toth '42 and, Elsie Rooth
'43 will be delegates to 'the State
Association of Student Home Ec
Clubs convention in Philadelphia,
May 3 and 4.
TPA pledges.entertained pledges
and new initiates from, other sor
orities at a dessert party last rugh,..l.'
Kappas will pie* theAactives
and new initiates Monday night
Emanori,entertamed members ai
Phi Epsilon Pi at a coffee hOur is
Atherton Wednesday night.,
Phi Mu Sprmg Formal is sOked
uled for the Sigma Chi house Sat,
urday night
AOPI alumnae who returned last
weekend were Margaret Fairchild
'37, Betty MeVicker '3B, Amn Boss,
Marjorie Grovier, and. t-Louise
Haines, '39. , - .
High school boys at Tampa,'Fla ,
have been appearmg with, peratan:
ent waves, bleached hair, and other
beauty parlor products.
- -
Classified ads are accepted onlj
at Student' Union Office in' - Old
Main and, must be paid before
insertion. Ads are accepted up 0:0
1 p.m. on the day precieding
TYPEWRITERS—AU makes , ex-
pertly repaired. Portable' and
office machines for sale or rent
Dial 2342 Harry F Mann, 127 W.
Beaver avenue 16-Sept
WANTED—By faculty couple,
one-half of duplex house. or
small bungalow, unfurnished; Must
have living room, two bedrooms,
kitchen and private bath
cupy June 1. Reply to Box R, Stu
dent Union 241-3tc-GD
EXPERIENCED chef and caterer
, with 1,1 years experlence,delires
work in fraternity. Write , box 349,
Tinies Office, State College_
FOR SALE—Man's bicycle, also
Bxlo tent with fittings Both in
good condition ,Call 2034,,:i5k for
Bob 246-Itp-GD
furnished -rooms, private , bath,
kitchenette, private entrance, gar
den Suitable for two adults , Call
629 , - , 249-pd
LOST Ladies watch between
Atherton' Hall , and Presbiterlin
Church via• Miles street,. Beaver
avenue Finder please notify can
Seinor; 35,1 Atherton Hafl. 247
curing summer employment
leave name and address 2C - sh--
dent Union immediately.r• ' -' i'..
rsl Spcirts Day Tomorrdw
115 Delegates Matched On Skill
Will Meet In Six Touniamenls
Fashiciii Show
Prevues This
SoiASoil's Togs
~11), a burst : of, fabric and color,
the Home Ego:lEo4er, Club Fashion
Shaw - ut l2t T.Aberal Arts at 710
,Miettriesday gubhed hear,tong
min sprog:„ leaving Old Man Win
ter far behind-
To the campus, a light
green, Cannel skirt and plaid Jacket
set Or by YSilow or pink sweater
and socks, or a, wine skirt topped
by a long-sleeved cotton blouse
striped in pink, blue, and lavender
are suggested
For warmer days, a bright yel
low sharkskin princess-style dress
or a full-skirted plaid broadcloth
in pastels is popular
The "I
coeds are bound to appreciate an
aqua sharkskin trimmed in natural
leather worn with brown and
white spectators, a powder blue
dye-silk buttoned down the front,
or rose linen with a front zipper
and pleats accentuated by ,chalk
white baubles around the neck
Outstanding , in the chapel
crowds during the' coming weeks
will be a red.jersey turban topping
a red draped blouse and black and
white checked skirt, smartened by
white bag and gloves
The balconeers can't fail to no
tree a springy teal and white print
garnishect in corals under a natural
straw cartwheel
Glenn Miller, too, will draw his
share of new duds in the way of a
red and white print seersucker for
mal with hooded jacket for chilly
nights There'll be the ever-popu
lar taffeta in turquoise blue with
Many-gored skirt, low neck, and
puff sleeves for
,the demure, and
in lipstick red with halter neck'
and upswept coiffure for the more
Reminiscences of grandmother
appear in' the bustle back of a
black wool reefer and the pert
straw hat worn with rt. ,
The single omission, the only un
prepared for occasion, the essen
tials neglected by the home ec pre
sentation were rbversrble rubber
boots—or maybe we're just pessi
IPA And Kappas Vie
hi Discussion Final
Theta Phi Alpha met Kappa
Kappi Gamma in the final sound
of Delta Alpha Delta woman's in
tramural discussion on 'Should
Penn State Women's Regulations
Be Revised" In 18 Home Ec nt 7
p m last night.
Jeanrie C Hofelich '4l, and. Re
gina J Ezerslu '4l, Theta Phi Al
pha, defeated a Zeta Tau Alpha
team, and Carolyn Erb '43 and El
len N Rstts '4l, Kappa -Kappa
Gamma,', won a forfeited Kappa
Alpha Theta.match Wednesday to
reach the finals ...
The winning team ,received a
silver loving cup won last year by
Chi Omega
WSGA Heads At Conk!)
Elinor L Weaver '4l, president
of WSGA, and Betty M Martin '42,
vice-president, attended the con
ference of the International Asso
ciation of Women Students at rthe
University of lowa, lowa City,
lowa, Sunday, Monday, and Tues
day A discussion of women's stu
dent government highlighted the
conference at which Dr: Beth God
dycentz, assistant commissioner of
education in' the office of John
Studebaker at Washington, spoke
Choice Roasts ; , -
- Excellent , Sieaks, • '
Delicious Chips 1,
Chickens and ,Eggs—Fresh. Daily •
_Dial 775' -
Coz:nei Allen and Beiti%ei
Honoraries To Aid
Al Press Parley .
Theta Sigma Phi To Give
Tea For Women Guests
Theta Sigma Phi, women's jour
nalism honorary, will entertain wo
men attending the high school
mess conference sponsored by the
department of journalism, tomor
row, with a tea in Prances Ather
ton Hall at 4 p m Mrs Donald \W
Davis will pour
With Sigma Delta Chi, men's
Journalism honorary, and Alpha
Delta Sigma, men's advertising
honorary, Theta Sigma,Phi mem
bers wilt help the high school jour
nalists register, usher at meeting*,
throughout the day, and conduct:
campus Jours.
Wives of the pauxnalisin depart
ment faculty ivill be guests at the
honorary's tea
Committees for the tea are'
L Feri '43„ and Ruth Gold
stein '4l, food, Jane A Fulton '4l,
Florence E Noll '4O, and Dorothy
B Reeves '4l, clean-up, and Emily
Umchmart '4O; Vera L Kemp '4l,
and Virginia 0 Mandich '4O, ar
Pan-ttel Bridge Tourney
To Decide Winners May 8
The Panhellenic bridge tourna
ment was called a tie betweeh two
Delta Gamma teams and one team
l each from Alpha Chi, Omega, Chi
!Omega, and Kappa Kappa Gamma,
and wall be played off May 8,
Beatrice J McKechnie '4l, chair
man, has announced
Women composing, the teams
are Delta Gamma—Patricia M
Altwater '4O, Harriett Purkholder
'4O, Dorothy I Kalb '4O, Mary II
Ashby '4l, Eleanor T Dill '4l,
Mary T Dill '4l, Mary E Hunsick
er '4l, Anne M Bolton '42, and M
Elizabeth Shelly '42, - Alpha,
Omega—Ruth L Adams '4O, Eliza
bath M Criswell '4O, Mary L Jen
kins '4O, and TM Elizabeth Kinard
'4l, Chi Omega—Grace A Burgen
er 240, M Isabel Jordan '4O, Mary
F Leitzell '4O, and Frances H Mc-
Evoy '4O, Kappa Kappa Gamma—
Alice C Noll '4O, Pauline M Swei
gart '4O, Mary K Clinger j 42, and
Mai garet L Embury '42
Junior=Senior Reception
Committees Appointed
Committees for the junior-senior
reception, to be held in the lobby
of Old Main Wednesday with men
and women faculty members as
guests, have been named by Mary
R Wirte '4O and Gertrude L Hell
mers 'Ol, co-chairmen
They include Refreshments—M
Isabel Jordan '4O (chairman), Janet
E Story '4O, Selina M Williams
'4O, H Jean Fox '4l, Dorothy God
sheik '4l (chairman), Dolly E Con
ner '4l, Mary Belle Crossman '4l,
Marge' etta E Hearn '4l, and Eliza
beth D Yost '4l, properties—Betty
M Strayer '4O (chairman), C Eve
lyn Work '4O, Bei tha Douthett-'4l,
and Alice M Janota '4l
Ruth Beach '4O, co-chairman of
the ushers, is substituting for Har
riett Burkholder '4O Thirty ushers
will be chUsen later
Ellen H, Richards Pledges,
21' Saphomore HoMe-Ecs
Ellen H Richards Club, sophol
more women's home economics
honorary, pledged Julia Adams,
Dorothy F Beam,. Jean E Glark,
Margaret A Cole, M Virginia
Cooper, Margaret M Diener, Mar
ion M Eberts, It Kathleen Frazer,
Dorothy FI Grossman, Dorothy J
Johnson, Elizabeth Kmsloe, Betty
M Martin, Virginia Ogden, Martha
E Powers, Frances G Reist, Dor
othy I Rhoads, Martha M Basing
er, Margaret R Roberts, Jane M.
Roush, Jeannette Salkm, and Ar
lene K Smith Wednesday night
Eligibility for pledging requires
a 1 8 average and participation in
activities The 21 pledges will be
Initiated at the Nittany Lion Sun
Former Tennis Singles Champion Will,Conducl -
- Clinics On Techniques And Stroking Miring Dar - ;1',"
Approximately 175 coeds representing 23 collegesfivill,
participate in WRA's first Sports
,Day tomorroic. Matche'a ,
accoiding to skill, these delegates will meet - selected Penn'
State athletes in six tournaments throughout the day.;
Janet Hart, '42 and Betty 'Succop '4l will play in zi ; found:
zokiin tennis tournament from 10 a. m =to liP and fiomt
2to4p. m. Mary K Browne, former national singles Aim?
pion, will conduct clinics on technique and stroking g the
.same time.
Swimming program 'highlights
will be a five-team meet..planned
for White Hall at 230 p. m
Schools will compete as blue,
gold, orange, red, and green teams
in the breast stroke, medley, re
lay, freestyle, back, and Obstacle
racing events, Eleanor Benfer
'9l, Louise Clark '4l, Roberta Kel
ly '42, Jane Ryan '42; and Nancy
Seeds 242' wdl be respective cap
.Representing Penn State in
Ibowling will be Louise Collins
lies '4O, Dolly Conner , 4].
'Mary Jenkini '4l, and Gine NOR
'4O, in archery, Louise Hack '42
and Mary Lenker '43, in badmin
ton, Muriel Engelke '4l, Vmon
Ferary '42, June Keigh '42, and
Betty Succop '4l, and in golf,
Janet , Fleming '42, Marge King
1 '42, and Dorothy Pearce '4l.
' President Hetzel will speak at
the informal banquet at the Nit
tany Lion at 5 30 p m which co
eds may attend for $1
Chairman Names Committees
Jane Hoskins, general chair
man, has appointed , these commit
teesßegistration—Sarah Faber
',42 (chairman), Hal riet Dayton
'4l; Katharine Loresch '42, Mary
O'Connor '4O, Dorothy Radcliffe
'42, and Betty Schoch '4l; host
esses—Gertrude, Hellmers '4l,
(Chairman), Mary Jane Dalton
'4l, - ^ r y Harwick ,
Eleanor McLaughlin '42, Gail
Pope 41, Norma Stillwell '4l, Jo
sephine Taggart '4l, Rose Mary
Williams '4l, and Helen Woodcock
'42, tennis—Betty Strayer '4O
(chairman), Eloise Rockwell '9O,
(senior advisor), Margaret -Com
ley '43, Helen Gordon '42, , ,Alice
Janota '4l, Betty Smith' '41,, and
Josephine Taggart '4l
Tennis clinic—Betty Widgei
"41 (chairman), badminton—Mur
iel Engelke , (chairman), . Vmon
Ferary '42, June Heigh '42, Helen
Mazur '42, Ruth Moore '43, Glad
ys Snyder '42, Ilse Springer '42,
and Betty Succop '4l, golf—Jan
et Fleming '42, Pauline Sweigart
'4O, swimming—Jean Burke _'43,
Louie Clark '4l, ,Jane Cook '43,
Pauline Crossman '43, Marge Cul
ler '4l, - Mary Devling '43, Ann
. • - - , , ~"
, .
,4 0
W_ MILLEVr*'-i;
W '
"Am Erica's - NO: 1 Band;
i Leader Rules the Air';WakeVt"
.. - ~T i
~-'` ' v"
. ' HOTEL BEAUTY SAO'::- Z, -r,T.
, , e ..ttr
"State College's No: I Beauty Shop" h` . , -- .: 1 -4.;
Rules the flair Waves - e'','--- - ''-' , 1 . , , 1!.
/ , ~,. - : , -,, , z
, .1..
• ,,,•L .;-.
Junior Prom,ls Coming ' J r , - , , .:1 74 ,
...." 1 , . ~,,,
- , Dial 2286 for App't "
, - -
• , NI
OVERCORIfEIi_ROOM ;. ,1'..., -,..- 1 ~:; ? ,i,k
, -
• -- • , ;,
" ' • ' -'41 6
OF " -
• ,
'Member ät•• • '
• "•• „ ' -
Federal Deposit ,, Thaurance Corporation
••• ,v . .." v•lk•za
• - • , - 4-x1,4
• - •
, , • , 44.4
'riday, April 26;1946
- -„
WRA Spoils Prigrant4
- • •
Teams. Clinic, -Rec dcluri4
1 to 8-10 a. m. to 1 - p: nut 2'io
4 P• m•
Tennis Tournementit,: Racy Halq
Fourtsl to 12-13 a. m: to fik . l
m: 2 to 4 p. so.'
Pool-2:30 1e,3:30.p., -`
Archery, - Badntin' ion; RiVritilo:::::
Tournaments —'lo a.- gm' Le 21`
p. , m.; 2 to 4p. _ •
Golf-2 to 4p. s.
Drsvas '43, Lenore Fullingion - '42;
I Sara Jackson '43, Frances K4r:
lan '9O, Marie' Kulp '43, Katha*:
me Loresch '43, Betty 'McFarlintl s ,
'43, Eleanor Weisner - '43, `Land
Florence Worthley '43'
Bowling—Anita Knecht ,-;!42f
(chairman), Dolly Conner;
Gladys Fitting '43, Elaine Hunter
'43, - and June Steinfurth
ery—Helen Driver '4l lchairmirk
Betty Bertolettp '42,'Louise,HaclN
'42, Jean Hattman '43, Jeanne'
Fisher '42, Mary Lenker Sat
Miller '43, Betty Newcomer, L 4,.
and Dorothy Hose '42, facultii-emr„
tertainment—Vera Neal'4l (chzar
man), Louie Callms '4l,"and - Jan=s.
ice Owen '42; White Hall Ipsing;
—Lenore Heinz , '4l, (Chairman)'Eli,
eanor Arnold '4l, and Marge'Cul- ,
ler '4l - • •
- Formal Jewelry,.
IVlen 'And
Penn Siate"
•_ _
132 Allen St State Colleg:e= .
• "