Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 26, 1940, Image 2

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Stioceor to The, Pree Lavre. established 1867
Pohliithed xeml-weekly during the College year, except
nn holoiltoe, Ia ettal,ntin of The Penntyltonln State College
in tliC Intl mid of the College the atoderne, faculty alumni,
and fl.ende
C Russrra, ECK '4O, Etosineis Nonauor
HELEN L CAMP 40 Women's Editor
Me mber
Associated Collo6ate Press
Dlstnbu Tor of
Colle Nolo Digest
Irtn, Fslllor Th.% 11.11.
Dlitnr Th,
‘vntan f I 4.111. r WWI" .
1 nlered . neetunbeht. matter July 5 1934, at the tut.
tdr,rei of 4 '. i 1 ('olk' e Pa, under the net of 81nrell 1, 1879
Friday, April 26, 1940
I RING ... the Season of renaissance
Ant n )st of humanity throughout the
wotld, embattled, invites the downfall - ot a
seci et Diplomacy . . . and the United
St4tes n•eac4s the ROAD TO WAR ,
pVe mast be prepared to meet force
with Nee!" President Roosevelt pi °claims
And again, President Roosevelt The pa
pers which the German Goverment sewed
iPoland and which pm port to show that
.Arihassadois Bullitt and Kennedy had
made the most extreme and unwai i anted
colarnitments in the history of Amei lean
dinlomacy- 7 these papers, President Roo,e
vett amazingly suggests, "should be tak
en:with three grains of salt"
WAR ",
i SPRING . .. and a second successive
Oneration of Americans prepares to don
the righteous and noble cloak of Gala
ha. The Yanks, indeed, are again on
their way.
SUlNG....and,here on the Penn State
campus a;iiew crop of students prepares
to take up the reins of lagging leadership.
Luring the past year, a passive, do
nothingiim,bas been the dominant fea
ture of all campus activity. Issues fresh
and vital have been cloaked .with a de
sti active verbal pallor of "everything's
C. IC." and "we've really accomplished
This Sunday a new Collegian edam ial
board takes the helm Membeis of the
Board must realize that responsibilitie, of
,tudent leaders expand with the College.
'l're presentation of news is an =poi tant
function'but not the sole one Theie must
be interpretation. There must be a Con
stpitctive, yet aggressive, editorial policy,
sensitive to trends and completely con
scious of the manifold potentialities of all
problems and situations. The middle of the
road is rarely a useful spot for any leader
-S,PRING ... and a mad world—fighting,
Melding, crying, laughing—whuls thinly
ribward.—E. R
WITH CABINET'S approval of recom
mendations made by the Interclass Finance
Committee relative to a 'educed scale of
compensations, another bitter controversy
has come to a logical conclusion.
Despite denouncement of the entne sys
tem of compensations by several members,
the majority considered the general prin
ciple of compensations as indispensable at
the present time
Financial remuneration to students tin
der the system which exists here is jus
tified on the basis that it is pay for work
done, responsibility assumed', and money
handled, as distinguished from graft, com
missions, and cutbacks.
That the present setup of compensations
and central control is woiking advantag
eously to general student interests and has
eliminated all forms of illegitimate returns
to student participants in venous activi
t•es has been accepted not only among stu
dent leaders but also among Administra
tion heads and faculty members.
It was indicated, however, that Cabin
et's acceptance of a revised scale 'was a
transition step towaid the possible elim
ination of financial rewards to students.
Undoubtedly, the controversy' will pro
voke additiohal thought and actiop by Penn
State's sedond Alt-College Cabinet which
assumes its new duties soon.
You Can't Win!'
The mounds and bldg dept finally got around
io spreading an odorless tei tilim on the campus
grass—and then that political campaign had to
:tin V
Politically Speaking:
Bernie Newman, committee ch'airman and chief
exponent of a Lion Shi ine as. the senior class gift,
..aine smiling out of the polling booth on Wednes
day Suddenly he still led swear mg—he had for
gotten to vote for the Shime
_ Holron H Lune '4l
_Adam A Smymor '4l
Arta 1, 1i0.4 ran '4l
Arnie Latch, Campus all-college president can
didate, spent a few bad moments in the Corner
the other day Suliouncied by Independents and
inembeis of the Elections Committee, Atme was
occosted by a realous coed Campu-, campaignei
' You know what," she Said "Those Independ
cots put up so many signs in the dorms that it
took me almost an hoot to tear them down"
A visiting alumnus was showing his wife Old
Main Pot a moment, the mural scaffolding had
him stumped Finally came the light
"That," he told his wife, where the stu
dent candidates dchyei their political speeches"
House Drnded—All dui tug the campaign one
window in the gn l's dm m on Miles, sheet held a
, ign brazenly announcing that the dorm was vot
ing "The Independent Way"---and a sign in the
next window just as brazenly announced that
the house was shictly Campus
Unique—Both patties used loud speakers 'hu
man and mechanical) but the Independents took
tne prim for miginality with their little race in
!rent of Old Main They featured a bicycle ilh
dcpendent) running away horn a bicycle a
tree-wheeler tagged "Camboose"
Military Tactics—
Maim Yeuell's 10 to 12 o'clock ROTC class was
b elting a little restless as 11 'a m rolled around
on Monday They were temembei ing that the
•,dmmsshation hart promised all students excuses
from class at that hoes in older to hear Slher
•vood Eddy's peace convocation talk Finally the
Maim asked how many wanted to be excused
to hear the talk
Every hand went up
So the, Major mmchect hi, class over to the au
ditorium, saw that they got seats, and then calm
ly began taking the roll
Poetically Speaking?
Dean (Liberal Arts) Stoddai t epoi ts that, one
of his English comp instructors received the fol
lowing instead of an office call in answei to a
liclow grade
I found it in the morning post,
And it was colored yellow,
Dean Stoddait is a darn pool
To so upset a fellow
(Next came two stanzas in which the writer
very unpoetically bet that he would still pass the
course and then he wound up with—)
Why not forget this office visit'
They'i e so routine and Mi—
lt isn t necessaty, is it ,
I know I must get on the ball
Female of the Species!
Helen Camp, women's editor of the best col
lege newspaper in State College, spent an hour
convincing Editor Bill, Engel that there should
be a full page of women's news this issue Fi
nally she succeeded and shouted to her staff
"We've won Look , A women's page , "
Then a puzzled look classed hei face "Now,"
she said, "What me we going to put on itl"
So Long, Readers!
With this column, Campy ceases to be Campy)
end levet ts to his directory name Next week the
•enioi boaid will take over the Collegian and a
new, unknown Campy will do the snooping Just
as a parting word before signing off, this Campy
would like to ask all readers to be sure and read
the Maniac on Tuesday—he promises a special
review of the past four years, a Column of great
Interest to seniors who lived them with him
Thanks for putting up with what I've had to
offer since taking over the column at the begin
ning of this semester Het b Nip.,on
You '
I Enjoy
The Corner
Notices of meetings to he,pub-
Itched in tins column may be
left at Student Union Office in
Old Main up to 1 p.m on the
day preceeding publication.'
Discussion of fraternity place
ment services, Alpha Tau Omega,
3p m
Hillel evening service, Di R E
Denglei guest speaker, auspices
Phi Epsilon Pi, 7 30 p m
District conclave, Phi Kappa
Phi, engineei ing honorary [ratel
nity, here
E W Nick, from Board of Trus
tees, engineering lecture, 110 EE
Building 3'lo p m "What Indus.
try Expects of the Engineering
Senior Sponsor meeting, 305
Main, 11 10 a m
Dr W T Thompson, professor
of religious education, Union Theo
logical Seminary, chapel speaker,
Schwab Auditorium, 11 a m
All-College Hike to Mt Nittany,
2 p m Meet at post office
Halle] service for ciinclumon of
Pa39over, 7 30 p m
Student Ifousing Itoaid, 312
Main, 4 p m ,
(Continued from page, 1)
406 Treasurer. Frank W Stank°
(I), 507, Oscar Kraruch (C), '368
Junior Class (1p42)
President and vice-president H
Leonard Krouse, and Max S Pet
ers (C), 573-13 (penalties), 562,
Gerald F Doherty and Robert D
Baird (I), 484 Secretary Mildred
M Taylor (I), 491, Ethel M Patton
(C), 502-13 (penalties; 489 Treas
mei James E Ritter (C), 540-13
(penalties), 527, Benjamin L
Seem (I), 440
Sophomore Class (1943)
President and vice-president
Frank R Flynn and Leonard 0
nese°ln (I), 479, Charles B Elder
and Robert F Ramin (C), 416
Secretary Sara E Miller (0, 494,
Helen J. Chiappy (C), 353 Treas
urer William T Richaids (I), 491,
Charles B Ruttenbcrg (C), 360
"The dirty Pennsylvania shut"
is .a name facetiously given , by
Dean Frank C Whitmore to the,
standard soiled fabrics used iii lab
oratory research and control 'work
in connection with a plan of coop
eration between the Pennsylvania
State College and the Pennsylva
nia Laundryowners Association
"A Standard soiled fabric," said
Dr Pauline Beery Mack, profess°.
of textile chemistry, in an inter
view with a Collegian reporter:` is
a considerably more scientific ar
ticle than would generally_ be
thought, since actual duty shat
may not be used in research and
testing work in this field
"The reason for this," explained
Dr Mack; "is that ,shirts in actual
use do not become uniformly soiled,
and consequently a method of pi o
clueing a soil which is dependable,
that is to say, which always ha.,
the same original shade, and which
' comes off to the same degree with
the same detergency treatment: is
a matter of considerable import
ance "
The famous dirty shirt, of stand
ard soiled fabric, was produced in
the textile chemistry laboratory by
,T Fred Oesterling, research iellov.
for the Pennsylvania Latiodry
owners Association, and Warren
Stubblebine, his assistant Oester
hng is responsible for the develop
ment of this fabric, which required
several years to standardize In
addition to the standard soiled fab
ric, Oesterling and Stubblebine al
so ,use standard stained strMS,
which contain all of the types of
stains sThich might conceivably be
found in fabrics reaching a com
mercial laundry
For the past eight and one-half
years a laundry research fellow
ship has been maintained at The
Pennsylvania State College by the
Pennsylvania Laundryowner s As
People More Subject
To Mental Collapse
During Wailitife Crisis
More people are subject to
mental collapse during a social
crisis such as i war than at other
times," Dr Robert b Bernreuter,
director of the educational clinic,
says of the individual tragedies
resulting „from social crises such
es the European war
"Not the only ones affected are
those in the front lines but also
those who have, to face new com
plications at home. The greater
the number of shocks the mind
has to stand at a given time the
greater. the chance for mental de
generacy," explained Dr. Bern
reuter. ,
Mental degeneracy , may corr.':
tinue,into the post war period at
it did in Germany, France and
England where the suicide rate
rose after 'World War I
Letter Box
To The Editor
Penn. State Collegian
The Collegian has devoted much
space recently to placement serv
ice plans, and methods of place
ment used by different 'depart
ments All Penn Staters seem, to
agree that any move toward un
moved placement would he a step
in the light direction'
But your readers might be in
lei ested in knowing how one de
partment acts—or rather fails to
act—in trying to place its seniors
Recently United States
' Civil
Service examinations were
lime. One of the 'examinations
was for the position of Junior In
for matron Assistant, paying $2,000
.1 year
Basic 'atonement for taking
the examination was 30 credit
horns of Journalism In other
words, the, test was practically
limited to seniors in purnalism
47 Were Eligible
There are 47 semis in journal
ism hoe, any one of whom would
be more than satisfied now with
a chance for a journalistic posi
tion ,paying much less than $2,000
Yet, only two students took the
examination ,They learned of it
when they happened to see a not
ice on the bulletin board in the
journalism office. No notice was
sent out by the department.
The Collegian's drive for , a
placement service of a fine idea,
but perhaps it would be even
more timely and practical to urge
such departments as journalism to
take advantage of the placement
facilities we now have
The department' of purnalism
might take lessons from such de
partments at agricultural econom
ics which not only notifies its stu
dents of impending 'Civil Service
examinations, but even trains
them in the type of questions that
are to be expected
Sincerely yours
Dickson Helps Show
An article by Harold EDickson,
associate professor of fine arts,
has been contributed to the New
Yoik Historical Society's centen
nial exhibition commemorating
the death of the noted American
portrait painter, John Wesley Jar
vis The New York Times called
his article, which is in the Apiil
issue of the Society's quarterly
bulletin, "an informative and
amusing monograph."
Here Are Some Real Buys !
Spaulding, Wilson Special
6 Stee:l l Shafied Clubs'
(5 Irons and One Wood)
and Bag-415.00
The Athletic-, Store
Nfone 2158 • • Appeisite Main Gate, - . ven no, '
To the Editor,
Penn State Collegian *
I am writing under the asstna
lion that you might be interested
in how State College authorities
deal with returning alumni . -
Perchance your paper might give
a little bolist to something that
could advance common - decency, I
am sending the facts, trusting that
it may serve to bring about hopeful
changes in policy,
I ,happened to di into State
College one morning just after - a
fairly heavy snowfall during the
night The snow hnd covered the
sidewalks and street and was some
what piled up along the curb, hid
ing evidences of traffic regulation.
After making a brief stop to step
intin'a place of business, I hastened
on my way, after which I observed
that under the windshield , wiper, I
was a tag calling attention to a
parking violation The tag did not
indicate what my obligation was,
and the hasteof my journey was
such as to seriously inconvenience
me by returning to the Police Sta
tion, wherefore I mailed the tag
explaining the circumstances, and
asked them to inform me what fur
ther obligation I had
Common decency might have in
dicated that a stranger in town
should hardly have been, held res
ponsible under the circumstances,
however, this is the secondary
point. The main point at issue is
the fact that they Went through
the supposed routine of informa
tions-and legal documents, and in
stead of informing me the amount
of money that would cover my ob
ligation for the parking violation,
they moie than doubled the amount
with expense items I made out my
check and mailed it to the Burgess,
with my protest courteously writ-
ten I again received no reply, ex
cept a receipt for the amount of
the check
I do not have knowledge of any
municipality that gives the"autoist
as raw a deal as that, and I feel
that the College canffittle afford to
carry that stigma, or to permit, as
fai as is within the power of the
College, that its municipality
should so deal with an alumnus, or
with any stranger
Inasmuch as the Burgess is a
product of) the College and owes a
greet deal to what it has done for
him personally, it is hard to under
stand why he or his associates
should be a party to that itype of
You may use this as'you see fit
Very sincerely yours,
Soft Ball
'43 (lass Inferior To Las! Year's
Freshmen, Psychological Exam Showyi
But Frosh Are Still Second Best Prepared Class
To Take College Test; Coeds Rate AboVe Men,
, This year's crop of freshmen has a
,poorer pre-college training.,
and has , less mental agility than the Ip3B-28 crop,llk it is ,
pie second best freshman class rated under the 'CollegeFsycholnecOS
Examination given each Freshman Week. - " •
The average score of 106 59 made. by the class was surped. ,
only by the 108 9 average made by the present - sophomores,- it wriS
shown when lest results were released recently
The' freshman girls -this Year •
ousted the boys from supremacy
with an average of 107 6 to 106 35
Last year the coeds were beaten
109 1 to 108.1
The tests were given last Fall
to 1,219 incoming freshmen in all
schools but Liberal Arts They
are designed to test preparation,
knowledge, and intelligence.
By schools, the Chemistry and
Physics freshmeh scored highest
with Mineral Industries 'second.
Agriculture was lowest The high
est individual score waS, '
191 . -otit
of a possible 247 , The low,esewas
P r— ' • , ~ , L . ,1
40F , 40c 35c 35c,
PA. - PA. • PA. CITY, N. Y.
_3sc -35 e
45c 55F
-40 c -40 e $l.OO 1:05
These reduced lang - distance rates are in effeCt
every night after 7-and'all day Sunday—Take ad
vantage of them to get in tducH with the folks back
home and with out-of-town friends. '
, Bancroft, Spaulding •
Wilson, Dunlop ;:• 4 • •.
4 : 1. •
• ••• .•
$4 - 10 $l6
• n'' ,
Wright & Ditson
Dunlop, Pennsylvania
- 'Bap-41 . .50 6'525,
Ikalla-4 for 51* 756 each'
and All , Accessones
Priday, April 26, 1940 -,-,
, -
23. List year's extremes, , ,wergg
208 and 33
The purpose of the p01a5,•40,4
give an advance indicabon'tqlin.;
cabal' of. work incommg freshz4
men may be expected to do „Tile s ,.
School of the Liberal Arts,' uses
first semester grades a basis of
its estimates •
tialeniblfng the lerger„maehines
used.4n a• crank, operated
machine has been Invented, to %bee
coedit vv.ith, a revolving knife ip
horitekitehens' • , • ',
Other 'iiidels
4 52 'to iio :