Page Fehr , I= Shows at-1.30, 3.00, 6:30, 8:30 LAST TIMES TODAY 11:11XER WAN= so i GEORGE RAFT . JOAN BENNETT E. .740 HOUSE CrOJI -Ike, BAY" PLUS A CHANCE FOR A FREE DATE All the boys attending this show will be given a free num beied ticket The girls will al so ICCCIVC a ticket from anoth ei seises Those couples who succeed in matching up their numbeis will have the privil ege of attending a showing of " 'TIL WE MEET AGAIN" at the Cathaum next Saturday, Monday and Tuesday as our guests SAT, MON , TUES FOUR WEEKS gI 9 TO LIVE! - thee poured all their love into , ch ether's 'ate hearts./ .sue I MON., TUES.. WED. i Shows at - • - 6:30, 8:30 Matinee Saturday Only at 1:30 TODAY ONLY Spcncor Tracy Hody Lamarr "I Take This Woman" SATURDAY ONLY GEORGE O'BRIEN VIRGINIA VALE in "Bullet Code" - MONDAY ONLY Lynn Bad Johnny Davis Henry Wllooxon in ~F ree, Blonde and Twonty-One" ' Bramble Elected Counselors' Head Detailed Plans Released For Fraternity Booklet William C Bramble was elected president of the Association of Fraternity Counselors to succeed Alex Black at a meeting of the group Tuesday nWht A committee report disclosed that the fraternity rushing booklet will be ready for distubution before school closes The booklet will have 16 pages and will be printed in black, green, and gold on glossy paper. Sections in the profusely-illus trated booklet will be devoted to the typical day of a freshman, fra ternities and scholarship, social ac tivities, the cost of a fraternity, "intangibles," and "How Do I Be come a Fraternity Man , " Pres Ralph D Hetzel will write an in troduction, and Dean Ai thur R Warnock will contribute a message to incoming freshman and transfer students Other officers elected at the meeting were James E McCord, vice-president, Jesse S Doolittle, secretary, and Charles Schlow, member of executive committee Eight members of the association were proposed to Intrafraternity Council as possible members of a committee to enforce the rushing code IFC will decide on four of the men, who will then pick a fifth member St Paul, Minn , courts and char itable institutions will serve as the laboratory for College of St Thomas sociology students Tha orLa TONIGHT and TOMORROW NIGHT The Show You've Been Waiting For DANGER!! MEN AT WORK "DON'T SEND YOUR BOY TO VASSAR" - Curtain Tune 7:15 All Seats 50c Schwab Auditorium ARROW SHIRTS -,*'_, MEN'S APPAREL 1.46 South Allen St., Diagonally Across from Nit Offite ' fltnOW TI E S ARROW UNDERWEAR Politics (Continued horn page I) system and the extension of visiting hours at the Int =my 4 Establish a better advisory re lationship between students and faculty 5 Further the "co-operative" movement of the Penn State 6 Establish a committee to aid in the orientation of transfer stu dents '4l CAMPUS PLATFORM I The appointment by the All- College President of an under graduate committee to estab lish better relations between alumni and the student body 2 The support of the All-College placement bureau to coordinate the work of the various schools in finding jobs for graduating seniors 3 The exemption of any student from final examinations in any course in which he has a "2" average or better 4 The continued support of the "Drydock" as a worthwhile so cial center on the Penn State 42 Campus Platform I Establish the Charity Ball as an annual dance, the entire proceeds of which will go to ward setting up a fund for needy students 2 Advocate and actively support the establishment of a student placement service for graduat ing seniors 3 Reorganization and improve ment of the entire athletic set up at Mont Alto, with numeral awards for successful competi tors 4 Pledge 100 pel cent support for a permanent ice skating rink for student use only 5 Guarantee full cooperation in the establishment of a Lion Shrine 6 Continuation and improvement of the existing student book exchange 7 Organization of a legal advis ory committee composed of faculty members for aiding un dergraduates in difficulty. / 8 Increasing student parking fa cilities at Penn State. '43 Campus Platform 1 The exemption of any student from final examinations in any course in which he has a "2" average or better. 2 The encouragement of a more efficient Health Service for Penn State 3 An indefinite continuation of the "Drydock " 4 A sincere effort to open the va rious shops of the College Sat urday afternoon and Sunday for those who wish to work on a hobby 5 Fulfill the prevalent need for a drinking fountain in Mac Hall. 5 Give the sophomore class the power to vote for its choice of an orchestra for Soph Hop ARROW HANDKERCHIEFS PENN - STATE' COLLEGIAN , New 'Circulation . Records Used In Central Library Mcßee Keysort Slotted Cards Substituted For Library Call Slips; Book Cards No Longer Used A new method of keeping circulation records, by which Mcßee Keysort slotted cards are substituted for library call cards and book cards are no longer:used, is now being used in the Library, Providing an economical way of sorting cards rapidly and accur ately, the Mcßee Keysort card has round holes punched adjacent, to the edges of the card A sorting code has been worked out where by slotting away the part of, the card between . hole and '.:edge makeS 'a notch, which' establishes the desired classification When ,the borrower wants a book, he fills out the card giving call number, author and title, and signs his name, address, and col lege status. The library assistant stamps the date due and slots the card ,to indicate the desired classi fication of the charge To Provide Statistics ' Thus this one card, while filed by call number, will through a process of sorting by a needle in dicate the date due or any other information that may be desired After all records have been changed to Keysort cards, these will be employed to provide 'sta tistics for reading surveys as well as to indicate overdue books. Borrowers have been asked to cooperate with the Lb/my by fill ing out the Mcßee Keysort cards completely, legibly, and accurate ly. Posters with specific direc tions have been placed near the circulation desk in the Library CINEMANIA " 'Til We Meet Again," the poig nant romantic tale of a man and a woman for whom there was no tomorrow, opens at the Cathaum tomorrow and continues Monday and Tuesday. Co-starring Merle Oberon, the I ustrous star of "Wuthering Heights," and George Brent,' the reckless hero of "Fighting nth," this new film Is set against the brilliant background of a trans- Pacific luxury liner on which ex ists a love affair between a girl who knows that she has but a few months to live and a man who is being brought back to San Quen tin to pay the death penalty', TKE Chapters Meet Here Moic than GO tepresenatives from 13 chapters will convene here this week-end as guests of the lo cal chapter in an all-Eastern Con ference and School of Instruction of Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity George W Elliott, executive sec retary of the Philadelphia Charri ber of Commerce, will be the prin cipal speaker at the banquet in the Nittany Lion tomorrow night Dean Arthur R' Warnock will talk on present fraternity trends / CLASSIFIED ADS Classified ads are accepted only at Student Union Office in Old Main' and must be paid before insertion. Ads are accepted up to 1 p.m on the day preceeding publication. .• TYPEWRITERS—AII makes ex pertly repaired Portable" and office machines for sale of rent Dial 2342 Hariy F Mann, 127 W Beaver avenue 16-Sept WANTED —By - faculty couple, one-half of duplex house or small bungalow, unfurnished Must have living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and private bath Will oc cupy June 1 Reply to Box 13,,Stu dent Union 241-31 c-GD FOR SALE—Used, size 36 tux with shirt, cheap, Phone 618 and ask for Dick 243-ttp-EK DO YOU HAVE my knee-length gabardine raincoat taken by mistake at Sigma Phi Sigma' , Pair of gloves in pocket Maybe I have yours Call Driever 3223, Delta Sigma Phi ,; It's Almost Heti the P. S. CIRCUS Sat., April fl;. Gen. Ram 2Se Res, Seats Ric Hifi HALL Tennis Courts Now Open To Students And faculty;, , Phone,Foi Reieriations The tennis courts ' are now open to the student body with the system of making reserva tions, inaugurated two years ago, again in use this spring. Dr. Carl P. Schott. Dean of the School of Physical ' Education and Athletics, announced yes terday. Approximately 1800 students and 62 faculty members used the courts during May last year under the present plan, which permits courts to be reserved a day in advance. "Reservations may be made by dialing the College and ask ing for "Tennis Courts " Courts may be reserved for only one hour, and if -they- are not taken up within 15 minutes of the specified hour, the reservation ls automatically cancelled. The man in charge of reser vations will be on duty from 8 a. in. to noon. and from I to 5 p. in. during the week. Sunday hours are from 1 to sp. in. He will be located at the New Beaver Field ticket office near est the courts. r A larger portion of the Ogle torpe University faculty is in "Who's Who" than any other col lege in America. How would ou answer these questions? Who is the most advertised doctor in the U.S.? And how, banned from the sic, does he . .., still sell his attractively priced"operations" Ai over XERA, "the world's most powerful A broadcasting station"? Here's the story of the goat-gland medico the authorities are .. N, W finally after, and him he has made a fabu -1 lous fortumby methods the FCC and the American Medical Association would give theircollectiverightarmtostop.ReadCmin at,. try Doctor Goes to, Tort, by : J. C. Fumes. i• ....023.3.7.-- How would you get even with a sarcastic boss? Say you were on a newspaper where three city editors and two managing editors had quit because they couldn't stand the sarcastic old goat who owned the paper:.. Could you get even —in print? ReadAfem/y We Go to Press, by Phil R. Sheridan. What are Europe's 'newest stunts in war propaganda? Why did German loudspeakers blast out the Marsciliaise to greet the French President when he, visited the front? Why did ,the 'British bomb the Nazis ,with tiny hub of coffee? Whose trick is it to seiidlorged ciOanoormous letteristo sol &re, mpg them false news abcaitejt hinffiStpdmond Taylor, in this week's Post, tells3 , lo4llif.itti4fring!nations use 'll hes ..:anditruthl:t;i tolool soma t a tlie ple all'the time. Turn to Proiaganda Changes Poiants—page 27. - If you found 1 diaMond ring and knew if you gave it back you'd be accimed'of stealing it, what would you do? That was the dilemma facing Big Joe and Uncle Pete, those positiie gemuses at doing the wrong thing at the right time! Read Youi. Mom Was a.Lady. A new "Uncle Pete" story by R. Ross Annett in this week's Post. TEE SIIIVIVAIr EVENING POST BUSBY SAYS - - Somewhere neat my column is a pitcher of one of the really extra exotic. numbers of the mucus—the adahpo dance featuring Miss Jean nie Witherow and John Teti I tried my darndest to get Teti's Job but he just wouldn't drink that brew I had with me Anyways Wettstone says I should keep my mind on the dowp-to-eaith things as an adahjio dance is to eetiereeal for a ,guy like me"' But Teti is doing a good job tossing the little MISS around without missing—get me' EECee Davis has given pp his peanut selling fraud as Nick Thiel, the great peanut eatei, has been put on a diet. Nick gained 22 pounds while they were ge3 ng ready for the gag, so his doctoi called it off - EeCee is now plan ning another way for getting even with Wettstone for not letting him be MC I'll let you know if I get word on the new plot I checked up with Jot ge Dono van at the stoogent yoonion desk today and he says over halt of the reserved tickets for next Saturday are already sold The only thing DON'T FORGET the annual Ag —with— , Jimmy Leyden and his Collegians Sal., April 20 Rec Hall Admission $l.OO incl. checking Who made Baseball the "National Game"? With strictly phony innocence, who foxed a U. S. President into tossing out the first ball of the season, thereby establish ing "the great American game"? Who has the greatest 'repu tation in baseball for collecting eccentric players and actually thinks he can lick the Yanks? Read The Old Fox Tv= May. mac, by Bob Considine and Shirley Povich. You have almost learned to fly and... - in the air you're a wizard - —chandelles are a cinch— with an instructor along. But the way you make landings is sheer suicide. Should they let you try a solo flight? Or make you quit? A story of a flying cadet's last chance. Ground. Shy, by Sparks Hausman. Suppose you were -sloirly' starving ,to death . . in a lonely ramshackle store, and your only friend was a kid who worshiped you because he thought you really had killed Indians—would you disillusion the boy, or invent more' Stories? Turn to page 9 of your Post for the curious storiof a man with too many memories. Mister Ears, by Eddy Orcutt.' How far can birds travel without stopping to eat or sliefi?, .','''' How can birds navigate with mathematical ae,Curacy? Whit bird commutes each year 11,000 miles from North to South Pole? And winch one hope the Atlantic twice a year? Read odd factsaboutbirdflightsbyßaymondS.Deck,PagantuttheSky. AND SHARPSHOOTING AT INSURANCE by RaymondSoley; senals, editorials, poems, cartoons—all in this week's issue of The Saturday Evening Post. Now on sale. Friday, April 19, 1940 I can say is that if you don't gel one of them darn quick you will miss one of the biggest shows this side of Minsky's' Get on your bl= cycle right now and plank 35 cents down at S U fora ducat . y ti ~ 5 , '