Fage it-o • 'PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Successor to The Fyee Lance. established 1857 Published erni.rekl) during the College year, extent on holidals 113 students of The Pennsylvania State College In the interest of the College the students, faculty, alumni. •nd fr ends numbo Pssoczited Colle6ate Press Distrabu tor of Collefsiale D:uo.o I=l A WILLIAM ENGEL JR 70, Editor C RUSSI,LL FM' '4O, Motion, Manager HELEN L CAMP '4O Women's Editor EMANUEL ROTH 40 BURTON C ,WILLIS JR '.in manning Enna Advertising Manager ROBERT L. WILSON '4O MORTON NIEMAN '4O Sports Edam. Cirrulation Manager RT.RNARD A NEWMAN '4O DORIS GUTMAN '4O News Editor Sanlar Secretary ixonciF: it SCHUR% '4O JANET STORY MO Feature Mot Assistant Senior Secretary PAIII. FIALDI NAN JP. '4O W !WADLEY OWENS "11/ Assistant Managing Kline Asslrtant Ness Fditor HERBERT NIPSON '4O !MILLIS II GORDON '4O Assistant' Snarls' Editor Assistant Wlnnen's Fol:tor Associate Editors Bayard Bloom '4l Robert H '4l Wllllum l row!, '4l F.dword J h Mel orle '4l Calm. V 11011 41 Rh howl C Peter• '4l Adorn A Stnyser '4l . Women's Associate Editors Edythe B 11/11"1 41 Ants L IicIIMIP '4l - Vern L Kemp .41 Associate Business Managers Lau sense 3 Driever . 41 John II Thomas II lod ert f. Rubinson 41 Ruth Goldstein '4l 'ulie II !Judo '4l /11 ... Itg NMI lON NATIONAL •OVIMITIIIINO NT National Advertising Seryice, lae. .Colle d e Pabluireas Reprelentainr 440 MADISON AVE NEW YEN. N COICWo • 1100. Los /Amos • Ss[ Pawls. "nonointt Editor This bone___ Newt Editor Thin lime . Niator .Fowler .-----:Robert 11 Lane '4l Arita L pefferan '4l 51t5.1 . 0.1 DS /wand-dam matter July 5 1994. M the poit office at State CoHere. Pa under the net of March 3. 1879 Friday, April 1 . 2, 1940 COMES THE SENATOR ' "ONE OF the most valuable members of the Senate," comes to this campus Monday light. , Thus ,has United States Sena* Gerald P. Nye been described by numerous promi nent people familiar with the activities of the North Dakota Republican who is "never me to let his Republicanism keep him from being independent." , An advocate of isolation and a strong supporter of measures intended to preserve sti ict neutrality, Senator Nye will speak on as timely a topic as ,could be delivered tp any audience--" Can We Keep,America Out of War?" Regardless of political belief, everyone has some interest in this subject. 'I he local chapter of Phi Beta 'Kappa should he commended for presenting the Senator to a, Penn State audience. His ap pearance is a realization of the oft:ex. 'pressed desire of students and faculty members to dear more natlonaly-prominent persons. , Forensic Council, Artists Course, the Penn State Christian Association, and oth er organizations haye been successful in bringing famous speakers here, but ;this new attempt is different. The Collegian, hopes Senator- Nye's ap : rearanee' )vill be the first of ,a series of such outstanding national personalities. DEAD END? LAST NIGHT Penn State saw what will ne the end of a successful experiment 'un less somebody decides to do something about it - With the presentation of "Little Caesar" as the last of three free movies planned to :how the development of the film as an art, funds for this type of work are exhausted. The fpst,two of the free movies attract ed more than $OO persons, far more than any type of art presentation here has been able to attract at one time. Last night's film as ,the first talkie in the group was expected to he the most popular of the three Money for these films was contributed partly by Pi Gamma Alpha, honorary dine arts fraternity, partly by the division of line arts; and partly out of the pockets of two professors of fine arts singe.r9ly inter ested in giving students a change to, view _ old films. A visual education instructor gave his time free to stage the -91 ms ,and handle the projection. Except fpr -the ,division of fine arts, these groups can hardly be expected. o shell out again next year. Whether the divisjon of fine ,arts can afford to finance the whole program next year the Collegian does ,not 'know. So far, it has not offered to:do . ac: The Collegian does know the totel,ciist ; pf showing i six,films next year w9i'dilibeless than PO. The College has spent a' lot more on projects withiess interest and less value. —A. A. S. ICAMPUSEER BY HIMSELF AM , SNICkSI Won't things ever get straightened out 9 Just as you think everything is swell and spring is here and all that kind of stuff, something turns up to spoil it Now take this column, it was go ing to be-a 'welcome sweet springtime" job be gaming with a poem that went something like this "Come walk with me, I'll tell you Les, I'll praise the beauty of you eye'., They'll be of sky, or cornflower blue, Or other, entrancing, hackneyed hue. Your bps I'll praise as berries red, I'll praise each tilting of your head I'll praise the gold hid in your han , And sun which shows it cloistered there Your grace will be like wind-blown sands Praises I'll sing to soft-silk bands I'll praise half-ripened cherry cheeks, Each smile, each glance attention seeks , praise you, lady, but take care. Know that in love, all things are fag. Shucks Again! Who wants ,to talk of spring and robins wor rying worms on the front campus 'and 'fishing ..eason stalling on Monday and how's Joe Pa looka going to make out An his next fight and what happened to Li'l Abner and ,couples band •n-handing it along graceful walks, wben nations are scrapping boundaries in Europe and an ,epi demic of intestinal flu is causing all kinds of In ternal trouble her at Penn State 9 tt Just Can't be done, that's all. What would you think of a Campy who, with history being made every moment, would waste good newspaper space to tell you that "Eddie Siemon, phikappatau, turned over his pin to hometowngirl (California, Pa.) Gloria Thomas" last week' , Well, regardless o' what you think, it did happen And Then ,Again, Space could be wasted-by 'printing the follow mg quotation from an Ebensburg high school yearbook of several years back "The build of Camera, disposition of Santa Claus, mentality of Einstein, authority on Virgil, successor of Caruso and a contemporary of Eddie Cantor, a dramat— ist parallel to Shakespeare and an all-around good follow' Who is lt 9 Answer—"Man-Mountain McWillitu - ns!"—Why Howard Clifton McWilliams Junior' That's almost unbelievable , -We Could Even run the regular epidemic stories, ,(Pardon us,' Dr Ritenour says "These is no epidemic)") run the regular epidemic stories about 150 cases of mtestmaf flu being treated at the dispensary, etc , but we won't. We won't even tell about Charles Bicksler and, his fellowsigmapi's who were all down with thellu We could tell of how all had to ,get up during the night and run and if how Bicksler didn't wake up There's,No Room even to congratulate Katherine Anne Porter, author with the perfect personality, who spoke to a full house in the L A auditorium the other night No room to congratulate Portfolio and the ,Liberal Arts School and'Sob Wetterau (of Keel ei's) all who cooperated in getting Miss Porter ttere \ Aw Shucks! , Excepting for battles, destroyers, bombers, Hit ler, Italy, umbrella-man, Scandinavia, iron ore, third term, neutrality, intestinal flu (Engel has it, Wilson has it, Haldeman has it ,Ritenour is still healthy>, wai debts, peace talks, Sumner Welles, communism, "dirty reds," labor trouble, British propaganda, French 'Propaganda, German propaganda, Russian propaganda, Italian propa ganda, Chineae-Japanese-Turkish-C I 0 -A F.L.- WPA-Afghanistan, Tibet, Swiss-Bulgarian-Hun ririan propaganda . there's not a thing to write ?bout. So Campy is going fishing You'll Enjoy The Corner unusual CAMPUS BULLETIN' Notices of meetings to be pub: , 'listed in this column may be left at Student Union Office in Old Main up to 1 p.m. on the day preceeding publicatidn. ' liallel Sei vice, 730 p m Rab bi Kaplan, Ohio State, will speak on "Grapes of Wrath—a Jewish ; Angle' , " Lieutenant Robert Stewart, of Langley Field, will lecture on Ar= my Au Corps Training, AimorT; ,4 p m All exlnlnts fin Hobby Fair must be in between noon -and 07 p. m. Lecture by Fiank App, Penn S tate graduate in agronomy, Room 1,09 Ag Building, 4 10 Pi District contest of Pennsylva 7 nia Forensic and Music League' begins at 9 a m Programs available in Room ;09 Liberal Alts Building. PSCA Cabin Paity today and tomorrow Those wishing to go should notify the PSCA office. , , TOMORROW Intramural entries foi play ground baseball, soccer, 'golf, track, and tennis due in intiamur al office by noon SUNDAY Hillel fiateinity-social, Phi Ep silon Pi, 730 p m. All-C 011 e g e hike to Sco tia, leave Rec Hall at 2 p m MONDAY Sophomore candidates lei. cheer-leading import to ,First Floor Lounge of Old Main,' 4 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS Reservations rot Passover meals now available, Hillel Foundation MISCELLANEOUS Grange's wishing to attend neighbor-night meeting in BoalS. burg, report to First Floor Lounge of Old Main, 7 p m Drydock suz vey at Student Un ion until next Wednesday Us Gals Freshman women are still in a dither wondering what the cam pus limits are since they must date within boundS until Move Up Day WSGA redefined "campus" ;as bounded on the north and south by the borough of State College*, -1 -on the east, by (and includirig),tili g e golf course, and the fat ms 'on* west ..- With 134 cases of intestinal flu treated at the dispensary and an undetermined number leery of re porting, Dr Joseph P Ritenour lepeaLs—there is no epidemic , Also on the sick list are several pink eyes hiding behind dark glasses , That spring is , here can be evi denced by the number of hats m chapel, yelling across Ath Hill courts, better Mac Hall lunches, and sunners and mooners on Old Main lawn However, young men's fancies are still turning to thoughts of love in Atherton lounges Thanks to the Grounds and Buildings department, campus ro mances can develop or proceed under the influence of non-odorous fertilizer instead of last year's ob noxious grass encourager With archery targets moved-to Holmes Field 'we hope the "funny' men" won't attempt their annual bonfire It isn't funny anymore.; Let's voice those bull-session' ideas on the vices and versas , ,of tightening coed regulations in the Intramural discussions which start April 22 L , Add spring thought: Dear pro fessor, now that spring is here, please don't lower yourself in my estimation by announcing a three-' hour final i ; —V L K. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified ads are accepted only at Student Union Office in Old' Main and must be paid before Insertion. Ads'are accepted up to 1 pm. on the day proceeding publication. , TYPEWRITERS—AII makes ex pertly repaired Portable and office machines for sale or rent• Dial 2342 Harry F. Mann, 127rNi. Beaver avenue 18-Sept LADY- WISHES upstairs work in fraternity for remainder of sem ester and next yeas Part-time work considered. Pia 4829 231-3tp29p LOST—Mavere gaberdine topCtiat March 19 at Phi Epsilon Pi hi beled Torn K. Williams, Meadville; Pa. Please return to Student lon. 239.21niGE, FOR RENTPleasant single liont room opposite engineering build ings Dial 3389 for appointment, 238-2tp-GD FOR SALElndian motoreige; motor in good Phone 4001 at 116 Helster street: 239-Itpd:Eß cottf,GiAN Pan=llol Reverses limited fon4cl, Policy; freer 'Aisociatioa Provided; Moreliberalloshing toile Approved Sorority Women-Complain That New Students ". Are Al Disadvantage; Bring Changes tn Pan-Hel's Rushing Code For 1940-41; Coffee Hours Slated In adopting a rushing code providing for flee association between corm ity women and new students until Christmas vacation next year, Panhellenic Council reversed this year's policy'of limited con- " Many complaints About , this year's code were forwarded , by sorority women who felt that new students were placed at a disad vantage in not being able to as sociate with sorority women. They approved of the planned parties used This year and these are incorporated in the new code Free Association Slated Under the code for next year, there will be free association dur ing the, first four weeks of school, including Freshman Week New students may visit the sorority houses but no money may_ be spent on them During the rest of the semester until Chiistmas vacation, freshman,visits to soror ity houses, will be restricted to open houses every-other week. Pan•hel Coffee Hour PioinsiOn' has also been made for a Panhellenic coffee hour the Wednesday after the first pop-in night to assist in freshman - and triMsfer orientation The 'first open house will be held two weeks aftei the coffee hour ~furing` 'the limited association period in January, there will be no open houses and no — visiting in freshman or transfer rooms. A sti let silent period will be ob served during final week. Second semester rushing will be the same as last year with ..11,Ve planned parties, a Panhellenic post office, and the usual formal party provided in the code , Co-Edits lota Sigmkpi, chemistry ,honor ary„ will initiate' the following seven women in the Home Be building at 510 p m Monday after a supper and meeting Mina Butz, Martha Jayne, and 'lsabelle Oak wood, '4O, Madeline - Fiorillo, Vera Palmer,and' and ,Mildredrßorabaugh, Helen - 'ArOlfe - r, graduate student Louise Homer Club will present a closed recital earl 2n May with numbers by'the ensemble, quartet, string quartet, and a harp solo by Barbara A Kohmati Miss ;Kathryn Heath,_ executive secretary of the National Asiocia tion of Deans of Women, who spoke at the Mortar Board Confer ence yesterday, r is being enter taineclpy the Delta Gams Eupratia, local, sorority, held a party m'Atherton Lounge Wedne sday night Miss Matilda E Bentley, assis.- ant to the dean of "women, will at tend the Nation - al YWCA ,Confer ence in Atlantic City April 12-16. Gamma Phis Will hold their an nual spring formal at,the Nittany Lion Inn Saturday night, and will enteittun their dates ,with a sup per at the suite Sunday Town alums will supper Delta Gam seniors at Jane COWell's home Sunday , Emanon ,has elected• Mirettal Blackman '4l president; Cecelia Farber '42, vice-president; Pearl D ' Holland '42 secretary, and Leona R Feldstein '4l treasurer-for the coming year. Esther M Reiff '4l and Belle Guzinsky '4l...viere recently .miti ated into Emanon' I CINEMANIA I "Abe Lincoln in IllinoiS:" reaches the State Theatre screen next Mon day, Tuesday, and . Wednesday after eight months. on Broadway and an already assured .feputation as one of the great epochal pic turi.s ' ~ With two of its stake principals aiding in the motion picture pro duction, the screen ‘yersion, has the added production advantage, of long experience ~RobeiteAfier Avood who wrote the Puliticii-Prlae play has adapted it ,to tke screen Raymond Maisey, t who played 'Lincoln during the Broad way run, has taken fhe same role in the Spring-ROT( Par*les Will llegin'tigndaY `ROTC parades will begin Mon day, April 15, and continue through April - and May, Col. 'Ambrose R Emery, in charge' of the military deparbnerlt,'annouriced - yesterday This , semester be 'the last ,time that the engineer and infiiii trymnltimill parade together, Col onel 'Emery said.' Arrangemmits have 'been made,to have the units, Parade on different afternoons lie 7 ' 'ginning next Fall , , . , Contraillees Named for , Junior-Senior Reception Maiy R Wu tz '4O and Gertrude L Hellmers '4l, co-chairmen, have appointed the following committee chanmen ibi 'the Jun ior-Senior Reception scheduled for Old Main lounge May 1• Invitations, Sarabell Shirm '4O; decorations, Judith L Cdtshall '4l, entertainment, Grtice,M. Hen dershot '4l, publicity,ißett s y Ann Albright '9l; l'efieshments, M Is abel Jordan '.,40; property, Betty M Strayer '4O, ushers,'Harriett Burkholder' '4O; and Helen ,B. Cramer '4l. Pauline Cros:sman '43 is automatically treasurer: Both men and women faculty members will, be guests and all Junior and,seniol women are in vited - fl i fglt`. \ • , . . A At the Athletic iET w-- , - r'gr ' ...„.4 "re f . A ,WE, CARRY A COMPLETE .LINE ',Of • Ory Flies s • ,Bucktails_ -! ,Lur#s • Wet - ,Flies = • Hooki lb, ;Sinkers ..lit7 STEEL `~ NEW AIRF,LEX LE .WINDING -;SILK YOUR FAVORITE LINES: _ , e ili, , • Cortl and „ - • Ostelic ,te Mills ` , r,or ,s WE ' r HAVE • THEM! ; • , THE .FISffERMAN'S DREAM Nylon (DuPont) ;Leaders • 9 ft. Tapered :7A/z ft:Vaperid S ,6, ft. Tapered . /ft: ! Leyel . • , 3 'ft:,,Level ' An Entirely , 14e,,w,..4. f eititler Material ‘ , i A ~, ~, ~.. , , v ), 11 0:: - ; ih , , , ;., he c I - 2 . `CN.EGE:AT,AREN', 2.`,',..i„._,. Movie Benefit To Help Boosi it miffing Fund Proceeds from WSGA Junior Service Board's movie benehi next Thursday and Friday will go .to the student emergency fund being raised by Mrs. Heir ers committee. according to Ger !rude L. Hetimers, chairman. Members 'of ,VSGA Senate. House of Bapresantatives, Fresh-, man 'Council, ' Inter• Fraternity Council. Independent Men's As socidtion, arid tPenn Slate •Club will also sell Sickets: Helen L. Kerr heads a Junior Service Board committee which is arranging a series of student. faculty teas. , Alunini ~ , (Continued from , page 1) College by developing a strong, or derly Alumni Association , which will reflect the 'true opinions and sentiments of the alumni , WITH GRADUATE BODY: 1 Keep it adequately mfbrm7d, upon accomplishments of the Col lege, 2 Contact membei..s with a view to placing-the unemployed in contact, with the employed and also - securmg better positions for those already employed, 3. Main tain active inteiest so that gradu ate will 'frequent the campus - and mingle ,with the undergraduate, 4. Increase interest so , that a greater ratio of alumni vote for the Trustees, Alumni Council, and Athletic Board, 5. Create endow ment funds for the benellit of stu dents and for graduate research, 6 To ,continue alumni ,member ship on the Athletic Council. Supplies for the , B, , a , m t bt , o ~, $5 lo 115 ERS_, ,R. o o i . s u r i z 'EN,I.'. IN .50 YARD ppSPOOLSqiCALL4coLoi.Ii", `SUPERIOR AUT9PIAiI! tANDIN6 ARV _:B5c 1e53.15' FridaY, Apni 12, 1540.' PanNelledie,Body Nantes / Sieger, frattser, Heller* . Stillwell As New Officers Hamlet Singes '4l was named' president and Scan A KrauAer 42, vice-president of Panhellenic: Association at a meeting of Pam- 4 hellenic council :Wednesday rush L t ~Aalta L Hefferan.ana iNOnna Stillwell, '4l, were elecied mere; Cary and tieasurer - a The plesidency of the assocla4 , l bon is given to-the sororities 7,lns . the ordei of then foungmg, Qp 'campus and the vice-president automatically becomes ,presidgnt. Installation of the new officem_l will be held in the..banquetmoum,i in the Comm et 5 p. m Tuesday, followed ,by-a dinner .for the Aid . and new Panhellenic delegates Patt-Helißridge Tourney Slated 441'17 An,d The annual Panhellenic'',duphi. cate bi idge tournament 4c...iched,;, uled for Apiil 17 and 24 .:Teams, of two from any sorority group or, dormitory may enter on_payment of .a 50 cent registration fee ,Dorothy B Jigeves '4l before tr.. ril 17 Beatrice J McKecbnie- 'l4l;' chairman of the towney, stressed the fact that women need ,not sorority members to enter Aftb, tournament The winning ileam : will . - receive the' Panhellenic, Midge cup Angier Storeln • c - $3:50 foss7.oo IREELS' ' - . _•, . $ll5 40 . 45.50 "( 1 '4 r -- , . , I .*:," - ' fir. - , ATATE (OLLEGJE' • i• 1' I