STUDENTS-.: RAISING $l,OOll REWARD ,FOR MURDERER T• semi=Weett y ai driq 7,t CAMPUS COVERAGE 3 4, COMPLETE Successor To The Free Lance, , ritti Totirgitut Established 1887 3 '; VOL. 36—No. 49 Committee Of . Alumniu /Assoc Open Letter , Charges Group Is In Despair, • Begging For Student Aid Special to the Collegian PITTSBURGH, April 4= "Penn State's Alumni Com 'lifittee of 100 „thiew.another biduhshell "at' the -College - Aisociation- today, „when it filed an open letter thdt "the, ASsocia- Alen finally has thrown up,its 'hands in despair and now 'goes begging for student „aid " letter, which - was sent -to Clifton McWilliams' '4O, all- College president, blasted 'out against the Asiociation's plan to make each student a 'life member :of ;the: Association by taxing him $2 ,dach'seniester he is in College, • !.'The plan to tax students is ill condblved' and ill-advlsed," the Alumni Committee wrote "For— we repeat once more—loyalty is not a commodity that can be pur chased and sold for so many _pieCes'of silver, but rather an in `grained characteristic born 'of gratitude. And the strength of an orgdnixation is measured not in numbers but in interest." Signing the letter were John A ,Troanovitch'439, committee chair men;' and ThOniasA ,Boat '39, treasurer. _ , ' ,ClMrges 'They-charged", - tiiii - Ses,to c tfoni each' student ,a,sl6 tribute - anetei give thirstu , dent no right to say what shallbe done with that money until after ' tic is graduated 2 , That, the system Is a hoax and an ill-advised system of taxa tiOn - without tepresentation bound 'to, read to the perpetuation of an iriesponsible alumni hierarchy 3' That the Association would do' io more with the approximate ly $28,000 raised from the stu dents than it now does with a $20,000 subsidy each year from the College With which it has not been able to sell itself tc,more than timeie handful of graduates ', , 1 , 1 % That the _Association offi cers owe‘the students an explana tion of what they have ,done to Matify the boosts they received in their salaries last June while pro tessera go, pleading for an extra dollar in, the payroll and the Col lege goebmii harping for an extra seat in a classroom - Plans Called "Silly" That some of the plans of the Association for using the extra money are utterly silly, add mean 'lngle.% especially those .pertain nig to a new student news section hn•Uhe Alumni , News and the "un covering of ..,,subversive influ ences." • " 6 That the^ proposal of the Association to aid in the Student Placement Phireau , is meddlesome ind dangerous, that ' the bureau has,been established by the Col lege "Or the students and that no ,'student should be asked to pay a $l6 fee in order to get "assistance ill obtaining jobs." '?'Bankrupt in nrember,ship and in` leadership, floundering in in action' and reaction, ignored by thousands. of graduates and un; Wanted ;by many thousands of others, the Association finally has ,thrown up • its handsjn despair and now goestegging'for student aid," the Committee wrote :; ROTC Attitude Praised A masked improvement in stu dent attitude, toward ROTC at Fenn State 'during ,the past sev ,,eliti years was praised”by' Col. Frederic' G Kellond,-officar m 'charge of surveying' components, Ttihd Corps Area, who made his annual ROTC inspectitin 'here on 'Fuesday and Wednesday: , i,,46'Praclice Teaching , Forty-six seniors and' graduate ,attidents from tthe departnient- of agricultural education are, practice teaching for four weeks in 41.vo 'chili:mai agricultural schools They ,will return to the'campus on April 100 Denounces iatiorirs New Plan PANTO HADES' PROTEGES j W. Jerome HoWerth '4O aricrFlelcher" , If. Byrom '4O, co-chairmen of Interfraternily Ball. ' ' + +-+ ~ ,-' .. - + , .I._ + 'plight In:lndi a / The m e hem e OF Interfraternity Ball Non4'raternitiSludentiMO:Alfend Dance; IFC.Siog Finals•Scheduled,For,lnfermission,, -, ."There'll , be a hoehme m th - e,bld,townintilght," accmdineto Co- clan men FletcherL Byroni,l'4„aticl W. Jerome Howarth !;10„wllen couples swmg .. to~the . ~tunes.of Weire.,lertipa's - oTe - eltrzi; flan-' •ing fiackground of a "Night in Hades" at Interfrafernititall to Rec • 4 • ' .1/ • Hall at 10 p m ' IFC Adopts-New-Set-Up For the first time In the history of the Ball, non-fraternity stu- 1 , r dents ate invited to attend the For Auditing Accounts; - dance and can secure invitations and booth reseivations at Student Plan Periodi c-S tatement Un ion or at the door during the Adoption of a new financial set up, under which a local accounting rum will audit the books of Inter fraternity Council quarterly, was the chief business of the IFC meet ing Monday night A periodic statement giving a breakdown of IFC expenditures will be - issued under the new plan, which has been under considera tion for several months A commit tee headed by W Jerome Howarth '4O, with Daniel I Hess '4O and Richard G Hall '4O, submitted the plan It was announced that Emmett W (Dusty) Rhodes has been select ed as editdr of the fraternity hand book, upon which rapid progress is being made A suggestion 'that in 1942 fraternity house presidents be, elected to the Council instead of other representatives, was tabled for future consideration ' lirydock pub Will Start Student Serveylodri ti Postponed foi a week until an adequate set of questions could be drawn up , for presentation, the Drydock Club survey will start this afternoon and run until next Wednesday, Edgar V Hall '4l, manager of the club, announced yesterday: The survey will at tempt to get the opinion of the student body on keeping the club open until the end of the semes ter ,The . club committee also an nounced the entertainment for the club tomorrow night, a collegiate sing with Roy Rodgers as master of ceremonies. Featured in the sing will be winners of the Inter fraternity Sing contest. teven .senior, Beautiei Chosen By George George Petty; ' famous Esquire artist, has sent in his choices of the seven outstanding senior beau ties whose pictures will appear in the 1940 Lalfie, Editor Thomas .1. Finn annminced today Those selected: Cicely M. De Silver, Margaret R De Silver, Ruth E Kennedy,; Mary H O'Connor, Marguerite R. Scheaffer, Jean G. Taylor, M2....^4.11.,117irtz Z 658 STATE COLLEGE, PA.,IVDAY, APRIL 5, 1940 dance Sheets of flame falling Limn the ceiling, devil's henchmen leaning out of "spooky", caverns, and dwarfed imps with sharpened pitchforks will colorl the festive decorations of the Ball The band stand will be enveloped in a huge circle of flame 'Smooth" Music Slated ` Communications from Krupa as sumed the committee that he in tends to play "smooth" music for dancing rather, than Intersperse his program with the "Jitterbug" va riety -„ The three IFC Sing finalists„ Tau Kappa Epsilon, Beta Theta Pi, and Phi Kappa Psi, will compete lot the Fraternity Sing Trophy at intermission, and the winner will appear at the Drydock Club Satur day night, accoiding to G Warren Elliot, chairman of the committee, and Edgar V Hall, manager of Drydock New Junior Blazer - Goes On Sale Today; Lion Coal Display,Opens April 13 A new Junior "Blizer of blue gabardine will go on, display today in the windows of 'the Athletic store, Co-chairmen Howard R Alter and John H Jenkins an nounced yesterday The new blazer will be priced at $495. Also announced yesterday by Semi Class President David E Pei grin was the sale of Senior Lion Coats at downtown' stores begin ning next Saturday The b edition al Lion Coats will be sold for $1 10. Commenting on the new Junior Blazers, Thomas C Backenstose, junior class president, said that he believed the new coat to be an im provement over those sold during the past few years, and , "more nearly representative of what the average student wants." Phi Eta Sigma To Hold Bull Session Wednesday Phi Eta Sigma, 'freshman hon orary scholastic 'fraternity, will hold a social meeting at Theta Xi fraternity at 7 p. m.' Wednesday "The Influence of Grades on Success after College," will be led by Registrar William S. Hoff : r. ,„ Cabinef Approves Plan To Reward Student Service Student-Faculty Group ' Will Choose Recipients ' Of 15 Shingles Each Year Acting on a recommendation first presented last January when the proposed IMA Hat Society was refused a charter, the All- College Cabinet approved a plan which would give recognition to those persons who are rendering great service to the College, at its meeting Tuesday night Under the present plan present-, ed by a committee headed by Wallace, H Dunlap '9O, the stu dent government body would pre sent a maximum of 15 shingles each year to students, who, in the eyes of a Joint student-faculty committee are deserving .• Both men and women, regard less of class, would be eligible under this tentative arrangement to receive the awards. In his re port Dunlap suggested that the plan be put into effect this year and that shingles be presented at inauguration ceremonies The proposed Joint student-fac ulty committee would be compos ed of the dean of men, dean of v.omen, Student Union treasurer, Collegian Editor, Collegian Wom en's Editor, junior class president, all-College president, a repre sentative from the president's of fice, and the WSGA president - The Cabinet also approved the Revolving' Student , Loan- Fund Caumottee's plap.t,'for providing. ;lungs Torilesewing gifileuts. It is possible that! an' opera singer may be engaged to come to the College to help finance the stu- Ilea loans Pres H Clifton McWilliams ap pointed a ,committee consisting of, A William Engel, Jr , '4O, Wallace H. Dunlap '4O, Juanita M Cham bers '4O, Thomas C Backenstose '4l, and Elinor L. Weaver '4l, to present a report on the pros and cons of the proposed Alumni As sociation plan at the next Cabinet meeting The various committlees also submitted reports on a new com pensation plan, the student gov ernment convention and the elec tions A. John furrier Elected 1940.41 PHA President A John Currier 12 was elected president and Sarah P Searle '42 was elected vice-president at the annual elections of the PSCA last week by the new Cabinet - With the election of officers came the announcement that additional members of the Cabinet will be named shortly. In the meanwhile the group is formulating plans for the fiscal year Other officers: elected are Miriam T Miller '4l, secretary, and Thom as H Ainsworth '4l, treasurer Collegian Readers Like Interest Survey Covers Collegian readeis like their gos sip and read gossip columns in the Collegian mole regularly than any other at ticles,,features, or columns , Results from the first Collegian Reader's Interest Poll, taken dur ing the mid-semester registration revealed that the Maniac and Cam puseer columns were most regular ly read by both male and female readeis of all material published in the Collegian Approximately 1500 students were reached by the sur vey - To male readers, general wo men's news is most unreadable and thus drew the highest num bei of "nevers." Sports statistics were "never" read by more wo men than any other Collegian Item. Among the males, Between The Lidos polled the third highest regu lar reading habits, but was twelfth most popular with women readers. On the other hand, We Women, re placed now by Us Gals in most is sues of the Collegian, was third choice for female readers, but ranked last m the-estimate of =Ten A a • ne t LI • _l„,asses, [Tom Waring To Sing' With Glee Club In NYC ' 4 soloiSf Will Also Appear At Concert Here April 14 After Singers Return From Tour Tom Waring, vocalist with his brother Fied's orchestra, will ap pear as guest soloist when the College Glee Club pi esent the final con sea of the tour in New York next Thursday, Sammy Gallu announc ed yesterday Waring will also sing at the concert in Schwab Audi -torium April 14• + + + tricsigned to give two weeks of intensive training to those who Will direct the numerous WPA playgrounds and recreational cen ters this summer, the School will offer classes in crafts, folk danc ing, games, dramatics, leadership, adult education, and nature , Open lectures are slated in Room 121 Liberal Arts on Mon day, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights, with students invited Sev eral state recreational leaders wAll speak Several College Departments and the School of Physical Educa tion will cooperate in presenting the Training School courses, which will be under the super- Ktiion of the head of the state rec reation department. ingineers Set Open House"Dafe Annual Exhibition To Be Field Saturday, April 20 The annual Engineering Open House will be held Saturday, Apiil 20, it was announced yester day by Co-chairmen Jerome N Goodman '4O and Michael Balog, Jr '4O The exhibition is expected to draw engineering authorities from within a radius of 75 miles A special feature will be a conceit by the ROTC Engineers' band un der the du ection of Prof Frank Gullo in the new Electrical Engin eer ing laboratory at 3 30 p. m. Dean Harry P. Hammond an nounced a cooperating committee tonsisting of the following men• Robert A Hussey, Earl B Snave ly, Elmer R Queer, John W Breneman, Frederick C Stewart, Burton K .Johnstone, and John S Leister. There also will be a display by the engineers' unit of the ROTC Further plans will be announced within the next week, the co chairmen stated Gossip Columns 1500 Students Men Bead Edits In reading editorials, men read ers of, the Collegian are almost twice as iegular as the women, and also take slightly more interest in the large lead stories of each issue The +weaker sex slightly favored the human side of the news, read ing .feature stones with a little more regulaiity The results tallied below show the reading habits of the men and women readers of the Collegian The, participants in the Poll were asked to check their reading habits for each item. Totals of all items may not be the same, as some were unanswered by participants WOMEN READERS Occa- Flegu- Some lady times Never Eddorials 121 274 22 Fillers 117 256 29 Lead Stones 211 212 2 Maniac 334 73 8 Campusoer 365 47 6 Feature's 209 205 9 Us Gals . 318 47 9 Votes $BOO Frorrk,,,, Collegian Adds $lOO TOM WARING Senator Nye Will Talk Here April 15 Phi Beta Kappa Sponsors Address By legislator United States Senator Geiald P. Nye, Noi th Dakota, sponsored by the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, will speak in Schwab Auditorium at 8 15 p in Monday, April 15, Dr Carl - E Marquardt, chairman of Phi Beta Kappa com mittee, announced yesterday Sen ator Nye will talk oq "Can We Keep America Out of Wei" The prominent 'North Dakotan will come directly from Washing ton to make his address, Dr Mar quardt pointed out. Phi Beta Kappa is bringing the Senator here in answer to the expressed desire of students and faculty members to hear more nationally prominent speakers Campus Bullo tins 224 133 45 Women's News 309 102 4 Between The Lions 104 230 76 Sport Stories 92 246 77 Sport Statistics 79 245 94 Student Opin ion Surveys 174 306 19 We Women 322 73 9 MEN READERS Rage. Some larly times Never larly ally Never Editorials 414 623 93 Fillers 284 773 116 Lead Stories 556 491 59 Maniac 813 229 82 Campuseor 760 319 77 Features 489 507 68 Us Gals ' 184 413 485 Campus Bulle- tins 695 366 76 Women's News 135 578 409 Between Tho ' ' Lions 720 308 125 Sport Stories 744 301 194 Sport Statistici,732 308 60 Student Opine, ion Surveys 395 503 181 Additional Funds To Be Solicited From Student Groups In Effort To Apprehend Taylor Slayer; Police Report 'Nothing New' As Hunt Continues Endeavoring to raise a $l,OOO reward for the person or persons providing direct information resulting in the arrest and conviction of the slayer of Rachel 'laylor, the All-Col lege Catinet of the Student Government Association voted SBOO and the Penn State Collegian added $lOO late yester day. Each of the four classes hale contributed $2OO from their class funds touard the present $9OO total. Approsal for offering the reward was granted by Col lege officials .ind Stale Police following a vote by the Cab Every effort to reach the MOOD goal will be made by a commit tee of four headed by A William Engel, Jr., Collegian editor, and consisting of All-College Presi dent H. Clifton McWilliams, Jr.. Senior Class President David E. Pergrin, and WSGA President Elinor L Weaver '4l. Other activity groups will be requested to contribute any amount. Since the discovery of Rachel Taylor's horribly-mutilated body Statement by All• College President H. Clifton McWilliams, Jr. "It seems ironic that just a few "Weidcs ago., Pennsylvania State Col= lege entertained other Pennsylva nia schools at a student govern. ment convention, the outcome of which was the formation of the Pennsylvania Student Government Association, a landmark in the ac tivities of Pennsylvania students. This venture was indicative of the! real Penn State. Our publicity for that convention was scant and far between, and we felt indeed fortu nate to rate a little article on an inside page. "Then along comes a horrible tragedy, and Penn State's name is smeared over every paper in the ' country—in a light that is as un true, and as contrary to conditions as they actually exist, as if would be to say the Republican Party will put up a Democrat for Presi dent. "We have often observed how lit tle stories start and like wild-fire sweep the community and with each repetition continue to grow, and how in each telling the facts of the case are distorted until they are entirely out, of proportion. This thing has happened right under our very noses, but I firmly believe that the Penn State students have enough common sense to extricate the truth from the fantastic." on the gravel roadway in front of the Lemont School Building last Thursday morning, the police have pursued over 201 possible Continued On Page 4 Letter Box April 5, 1940 Ma George Ebert Depat tment Head Gi ounds and Buildings While there is still time, may we suggest that you do something about building an annex to Schwab Auditorium It is of vital minor• tance that we have extra seating space foi the Sett!' day night (April 20) peiformance of our new Sm mg show "DANGER , MEN AT WORK" or "Don't Send Your Boy to Vassar" Once the Finlay night (Ain't 19) audience spreads the word that "this is THE show," there is no predicting what damage and due desti notion will be wrought by the fienzied mob that will stout' Schwab Saturday night It is in the interest of protection to College property and with a sense of obligation to our patrons, then, that we ask you to give this matter your immediate attention We feel certain that the present accommodations will be inade quate. Sincerely yours, The Thespian Club P S It's worth a couple of comps, George See what you can do PRICE FIVE CENTS '43 Independents Nominate Flynn To Head Ticket Slate Includes Frescoln, Miller, Richards; Political Platforms Still Unknown By WILLIAM E. FOWLER The lineup foi fast-approaching political wars was completed Tues. dayA night with the nomination of Flank--R Flynn, -former— clique than man, to seek the sophomore class pi esidenev at the head of the '43 Independent Pal ty slate Leonard nest°ln was named as Flynn's nming-mate, with Sally Miller up foi secretary and Bill Richard for treasurer At the same time Bill McFadden was chosen 'as the pal ty's new chairman, replac ing Flynn _Flynn will tun against Charles (Chuck/ Edda', Campus nominee, in the '43 political scramble Platforms Delayed Meanwhile, both Independent and Campus groups, scheduled to Celease theh platforms Tuesday night, declined to do so in a fit of caution It was induated that the iespe‘tive party pledges', would ,be made public at the end of the week Clique chairmen were reminded ester day by Elections Committee ellen man Bill Engel that next Tuesday is the deadime for filing petitions All-College candidates are r e q uired to submit 200 signa tui es, othei s 100 ROTC Infantry Band To Play Sunday Afternoon Concert In Auditorium Dnectoi Flank Gullo will intro duce his ROTC Infantry Band to Sunday afternoon concert-goers in Schwab auditorium at 3 p in Sun day The Infantry Band is the sec ond ROTC Band to appear on this sem's annual complimentary con- Lei t set les, being preceded by the Engineeis' Band concert earlier in the season In addition to a rendition of "The Grenadier" by Richard Cris well, baritone soloist, the program will contain several marches, in cluding the "University Grand Match," and the "March of the Mai Ines " The Band will also play a selection from the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta "H M S Plna foi c" In addition to Director Gullo,of noels of the Infantry Band are as follows Fred Zaiden, librarian, Clair Wagner and Bruce Garner, student directors, and Paul Ben ner, custodian of equipment. Navy Seeks Pilots Here Lieut Philip Allen, Jr, United States Navy,'will spend next Mon day and Tuesday on the campus in terviewing seniors who wish to en ter a course in aviation conducted by the Navy as a post graduate course He will show a motion pic ture describing the life of the stu dent naval aviator. Interested stu dents have ben asked to contact Lieutenant Allen at the Armory on Monday