rage i,, cr PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Successor to Tilt Free Lamm. established 1857 Published send. eel It during the College tear, except on hobiloya In en is of The Pennayls anis State College, in the Interest of the College the atudenta, faculty, alumni, and f ',ends THF MANAGING BOARD A WILLIAM ENGEL, JR '4O, Editor C RUSSELL ECK '4O, Business Manager }Wen I. Comp . 40, Women n Editor FMANIISI. ROTH '4O BURTON C WILLIS .7R '4O Manning Editor Ads erasing Manager ROIIrRT I. WILSON 40 MORTON NIEMAN '4O Sports Editor Cirrulation Manager lIERNARD A NEWMAN '4O DORIS OUTMAN '4O News Editor Senior Secretary Grotto]; R SCHLFSS '4O Feature Editor JANFT STORY '4O Assistant Senior Secretary PAUL HALDEMAN .711 'lO W 110ADLEY OWENS 'lO Assistant Managing E line Assistant News Editor rtr.notitr NINON 40 MIN LEIS R CORDON '4O Assettnnt Sports Editor Assistant Women's Ed for Mn nghut Editor Thlr Irsnr - N 0... I llto Th si I.llr - 1.,, , nut au um and chum mutter 101 l 5 1955, et the Poet olio.- ut omit t,olKm Pu under the net or March 3, 1879 Friday, IVlaich 15, 1940 A UNIFIED ALUMNI? - A UNIFIED ALUMNI plan, recently presented to the All-College Cabinet by the Executive Committee of the Alumni Asso ciation, faintly takes the form of an an swer to an early-fall appeal What does the Alumni Association pro pose to do? Whether it be by stretch of imagination 6r by confidence in the ambition of the as 4ciation, the proposed "unified Penn State Alumni Association" with undergraduates as members k a welcomed act of aggres sion on the part of the once-lagging organ ivation. • The crux of the Association's plan may he summarized briefly by pointing out that iindei graduates of the College would pay h moderate fee each semester over the four year period and become life memhrs of the : Alumni Association upon graduation—and with no obligation to pay additional dues. _ The step toward unity is amazing, but as the Association itself has mimed -11v step must not he taken too hastily. - Befoi e leaping, all angles of the proposed organization must be studied thoroughly. Undoubtedly, the,plan has numerous bene fits for undergraduates, graduates and the College. Yet, would it he democratic? Would the general student body accept such a plan unless the privilege is optional? Would the tee be within the finanical reach of the av erage student? Would the proposal aid in "pepping up" the graduated non-members of the Association? Given the - sincere appraisal of an aver age cross-section of the student body, the Association's proposal might be earmarked as the most progressive procedure in al umni organization in the country. Theoretically, the plan is unsurpassed Time should test its practicability A TOAST TO PLAYERS THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, the Penn State Players milk their 20th anni versary on the campus with a mammoth presentation of "The World We Live In," a stinging satire on humanity as portiayed through characters in the insect win Id ; 'The Collegian, on behalf of students, takes the medium of its editorial columns to extend its sincerest congi aLulations and -wishes for continued Li iumphs in the future —triumphs which constitute the greatest pai t of the history of the organization. Non-subsidized, the Penn State Players throughout their two decades of exist ence have risen rapidly, gained more and more recognition in the field of college dramatics. '1 hey have constantly striven to justify that raison d'etres of all drama groups—entertainment. ' Under the imaginative leadership of pro fessors Pi ank Neusbaum, director of Play ers, and Ai thui• Cloetingh, head of the de partment oi dramatics, the Penn State Players hale never lost sight of the various - tastes which must be catered to and ap .peased. Plays of social significance, "Bury the Dead 1 " "Peace on Earth," "Idiot's Delight," mixed in with such classical pi othfctions as "Oedipus Rex," and "Medea," have been counter-balanced by such hilarious come dies as "First Lady" (fast non-professional release at Penn State), "You Can't Take It, With You," and countless others. "The Dybbuk" staged here two years ago, reach ed, a new high in the success of religious drama. The string of Players' triumphs is some thing the College can justly point to with pride. "The World We Live In," with its world-wide social ramifications, is an appro priate selection. And so, on their 20th anniversary, the Collegian joins with Penn State in congrat ulating the Players. So long as such incu bators for the professional stage exist, there is no alternative but to proclami: The theatre can not be dead?—E.R BY HIMSELF Remote Control? It was at the Intercollegiate boxing finals just t. fter the outcome of the Scally-Woyciesjes bout l'ad been announced Johnny Mastrella (Syracuse Loxer of the Mash ella-Sammy Donato feud of a OW years ago) turned to Ridge Riley, Penn State's sports mouthpiece, and said "I don't see what they're booing about Why Scatty never even touched him " "Yeah" questioned Ridge "Then what was making his head snap back" ' Name Change __Edward J 1414143rie '4l —Wlllmm E Fowler '4l - Arita 1 HrOtran .41 The newsreel did ill Did it right out loud so that the whole country will know. On the screen tl ere flashed a picture of Barney Ewell winning the intercollegiate sixty-yard dash. Then the com mentatm blasted forth, " wmnel, Barney Ew ell, representing the Pennsylvania Slate Univer sity!" Come on, trustees. You can't make a liar out of the newsreel. Faux Pas Johnny Lazzari, jr pre-med, doesn't usually go around leading with his chin but he sure stuck it out in Speech 200 the other day Prof. Dougherty had cut twice before when Johnny came sailing into the room and could see , no sign of a professor. "What say, boys," said Johnny with a smile of anticipation on his face, "is he going to cut class again today?" There was a moment of hear-pin-drop silence and then an answer came from the back of the room t "No," it said in a positive voice, "I'm not go mg to cut today" Sour Grapes If the men had been voting, Campy is willing to wager Old Main against a two-by-four tourist cabin that Louise Breuninger would have nosed out Jane Romig for that May Queen spot Player Pun If you had referred to the Penn State Players last year as a "bunch of insects" you would have immediately become one of the protagonists in a dramatic duel But now, what else could you call them, At "World We Live In" practice Tuesday night, one of the little male insects was running around asking the ants-and-so-forth if any of them had scen his proscenium arch "Yes," said Chrysalis Verna Sevast, "and I think you ought to wear a gudle " Speed A record of some kind was set by phikappasig Eob Corbett He got his pin at an initiation ban quet the other p in and less than two hours later it was decorating the sweater front of Jane Kint ner, swell transfer from Mansfield College. Frosh Dick Watts, alphakisig, didn't keep his pin any too long before transferring it to the pos session of town girl Jane Dunlap. Co-edit The D U's spaghetti'ed Kappa Kappa Gam ma's Mary Katherine Clinger at a dinner party Tuesday night. The occasion was the birthday of the aforementioned kappa. Statistical note sev en hundred and thirty-sia yards of spaghetti were conswned Incongruity After sitting through "Grapes of Wrath" and lu.ving it forcefully impressed upon the mind that the itinerant worker in California was in v bad way and in need of help right now, Campy was sort of puzzled to see Californian Herbert Hoover in the newsreel earnestly asking that ev cryone contribute to the Finnish Relief Fund Which brings to mind Leonard Lyon's story of Hooves and John,Steinbeck, author of "Grapes of Wrath " Hoover sent a letter to Stembeck, asking him to contribute to the Finnish Relief Fund. Stein beck's answer was lather disconcei tang It read "Dear Mr Hoover, I have been living at this , •ame address for a long time It's funny I never received your letter about Ethiopia and Crecho slovakia." GO HOME BY BUS FOR EASTER Greyhound busses will leave Central Parking Area on Campus back of Chemistry Building at 12:45 o'clock Wednesday afternoon bound for Greensburg, Wilkes-Barre, New York Harrisburg, Johnstown, Pittsburgh Scranton Sunbury Philadelphia and Intermediate Points Ticket Sale Closes at 8 P.M. . Tuesday RESERVED SEATS Tickets May Be Purchased at Bus Depot in the State College Hotel _ , CAMPUSEER PENN Sl'An eOLVEGI:AINT 1 MAY QUEEN - \ JANE A. ROMIG '4O Eleitions (Continued from page ,)) nor Benfer, defeated WSGA and WRA presidential candidates, au tomatically became secretaries of their revective'organintions Miss Taylor, who was defeated is WSGA vice-president, became the second Junior Senator The 575 final ballots cast 'top ped all previous women's election results New officers were inducted after an installation coffee hour in Fran ces Atherton Hall-last' night, and Miss 'Benfer was announced as the 1940-41 chairman of Judicial Com mittee WSGA bracelets foi , outstand ing services went to Winifred M Watson '4O, May Day' chairman; Bess J Treager '9O, Co-Edition ed itor, Helen L Camp '4O, Women's Editor of Collegian, Jean F Bride '4l and Bertha M Douthett !41, chairmen of dining loom arrange ments; Gail F Pope '4l, WSGA dance chairman, Jeanne M Chew '4l and Robei to J Kelly '42, elec tion committee heads,'H lean , Fox '4l and R. Helen, Gordon '42, Christmas Dinner co-ehairmen Pan-Hel Accepti,Member Panhellenic , Council granted as sociate" membership to Charttides, local sorority, at its meeting-Wed nesday night Membership will be come effective March 27 at the end of the nine-month pei iod aftei;tts acceptance 'by the Student , Wel fare Board A new curriculum, and teaching materials laboratory has been ei,: tablished at Syracuse'University MARCH 15, 16 "The World. We Live In" Get tickets at Student Union Weaver Announces Work On Women's Paint System Will ,Begin Immediately Scaling of women's activity points will begin immediately tin der the direction 'of the 3940-41 Junior Senators, Anne M Borton and Mildred M Taylor, according to Elinor L Weaver:, newly elected WSGA president The senatois will,meet with rep resentatives from coed organiza tions, and nbint lassignments will be based on time and responsibil ity involved in the woi ic The sys tem should be ready to-be applied by election time next year•, Miss Weaver stated Designed to spread activities among many coeds, to benefit oi ganirations by- assming each office a leader with concenbated inter ests, and to protect coeds from be ing burdened with more extra-cur lc than is safe for then health and studies, the point ap portioningtplan was the result of an extensive survey conducted by a WSGA House of Representatives' committee headed by Betty Ann Albright :'4l - There/are 735 trees on the cam pus ; ' ' • RECORD PLAYER AND RACK with SIX preselected Victor records Special until April First. .. . $7.95 complete ,An unusual value—why not ask for one as an Easter present? THE MUSIC ROOM Get Ready For Spring Have Your Suits Cleaned and Pressed for Spring and Easier QUICK ECONOMICAL SERVICE, HILAND SHOP CAMPUS BULLETIN Notices of meetings to be pub lished in this column may be left at Student Union Office in Old Main up' to 1 p.m. on the day preceeding publication. TOMORROW Jam session at the Dry Dock Night Club, 10 30 to 11 p in Res ervations at Student Union Plenty of tables left SUNDAY Freshman Independent meeting, Room 405 Old Main, at 2 15 p m MONDAY ASCE lecture on "Flood Control" by Capt H. G Douglas, U S Army, in Room 107 ME, at 7 30 p m Ag students interested in joining the Collegiate Chapter of Future Farmers 1 eport to Room 405 Old Main at 7 30 p m Get Tickets Now Fox "The World' We Live In" Get tickets at Student Union - - - _ _ The Spectacular 1 1 4 % Y I Y "The World We Live in" March 1,5, 16, Admission 50c 164 NOICE-Of ._..,, L .4a eilst G.> SIS , EXECUTIVES- " . Now, through a new service Just announced michtives and Save Your Broken Pieces We others with salaried positions can get c loans—on vI me clot term ash s— and th Can Duplicate Your Glasses monad) repayments arranged to stilt their own convenience All transactions are handled Within 24 Hours. - in the utmost privacy and confidence Since making Dr. Eva B. Roan loans up to $2OO-is out full. time business, we consider it. - - a privilege to serve you on sour own • We invite vet: to get full informhtion, Without. obligation Come in or tele- Opp Athertdn Hall phone Personal Finance Co. First National Bank Bldg, 402 E College Ave Tyrone - Pa —Phone 401 , MINEMMINInimmuni - t . • Make It - a Sutcess: , r Matinee Performance „ CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA e Thursdan,ltfarch Get Your Tickets'. NOW A. A. WINDOWS, OLD MAIN SEATS SL2I. 1 THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE ARTISTS' COURSE * e When youturn'io:Lerig Distance ielepbone service, '"" * you're "there andhrial." in record time. , ; Long Distance connections are made(on theoverage) , * in about- 90 seconds. Quality of transmission is,the ,highest ever.,lmprovements constantlyfilthig the *- 'service more and more closely to thepublic's needs., * , No wonder people teen `to Long Dianne . ° about 2'h ' • million times i day! iln business and social life, It's Priday. March 15 1 4-6