Page toui Cagers Rout Temple, 46F--- Niffanymen Aim 'Co Avenge Loss To Tartans In Rec Hall Conies! Offense Clicks Against Temple As Barr Leads In 4th Straight Victory; Henderson Is Owl Star By BILL FOWLER Then last-lap victory streak stretched to foul straight by a 46-36 triumph over Temple Wednesday, Penn State's cage warriors will sti ive to wind up the season with a.revengeful bang against Carnegie Tech in Rec Hall Monday night Motive tot a determined Nittany effort tecollections of a heart breaking evening in Pittsburgh back\n January when a last-period State tally fell just shalt of victory The Tai tans won, 35-33 'I. Coach MaN. Hannum will bring a team which has found victmy an elusive quantity this season After a 40-33 loss to Temple last Tues day night, the Tai tan record lists five wins and 12 defeats Biggest threat to Nittany superi ority will be beanpole captain Bob (Rube) Stark, Skibo offensive ace who tallied 16 points against the Owls Tuesday Owls Get Trouncing Frosh Courimen ilentain Unbeaten Yearlings Win Two, Face Mont Alto Five Monday Winning then Tuesday night battle with Dickinson Seminary, 33-27, in a game played for the Finnish Relief Fund, and triumph mg over the State College Inde pendents, '36-27, in another post season game on Wednesday night, the Lion yearling basketball team kept its undefeated record intact this week It will risk its victory slate next Monday, however, when they meet Mont Alto's powerful Nosily squad in Rec Hall at G fin p m In the Dickinson Seminaly bat -Ile, Johnny &lan, Nittany ace, %pinked the Lion play throughout and took scoring honors in the game with 13 points State led 12-10 at the that gum (Continued on page live) MARCH 15 16 "The World We Live In" —A Broadway Success_ Exhibition of ~et:t&t•ryn TRADITIONALLY FINE SHOES Military and Civilian Boots at , t t : . i MON., TUES., WED. March 11, 11, 13 M Attendance Le Vay C Mathce Representative HERE ARE THREE TOUGH QUESTIONS I—Who is going to Win the Intercollegiates? 2—What basketball team is the best in the mythical Eastern Conference 3—Where's the best place to buy your meats and poutly? Answers - 31101. S Nuva strioav3va Atwaani 531 ILL ima Isnr—Asgo ow s,auo suu,--c 1011/03 II In puuts 05 •atetB uuad Lusem aamsuu mob ;i—i 126 W. College Ave. From the moment when sopho mm e Dick Grimes tossed in a beau tiful two-pointer in the games ini tial minute, the outcome of Tues day's contest was never in doubt The Nittany offense was hitting on all five cylinders, and sparked by Johnny Ban's foul buckets the loc als swept to a decisive 24-15 half way count Vaunted Temple sharpshooting showed up to better advantage in the second half as Don Henderson, Bob Nichol, Angelo Musi, and Mendy Snyder began to hit the hoop Midway in the period Hen derson dumped in five successive Owl points to cut the Lion lead to I 35-30, but Elmer Gross and Norm Racusm Caine back with field goals I and the Temple i ally faded Barr. Henderson Domsnate ITwo outstanding men dominated the contest cool, rugged, depend able Johnny Barr and Temple cap tain Don Henderson, tall, clever cente , Both scored 16 points to tie for scoring honors, and both were the key men of their respec tive outfits The locals displayed magnificent defensive work in harnessing the Owls, with Captain Cliff McWil liams featuring on backboard re coveries Playing as an efficient unit, the Lion quintet showed plen ty of fire and all-around form Only Scotty Moffatt, handicapped by an injured leg muscle, was not up to par A rather sparse crowd saw the Nittanymen mai ch to their 14th victory in 22 contests The sum maries Penn State fld fls tls Barr, f 7 2- 2 16 Gloss, f 2 4- 5 8 McWilliams, c 2 4- 6 8 Grimes, g 2 0- 2 4 Moffatt 2 0- 0 4 Racusin, g 3 0- 1 6 Totals 18 10-16 46 Temple fld fls tls Musi, f 2 0- 0 4 Halpen 0 0- 0 0 Dunn 1 0- 0 2 Nicol, f 3 0- 0 6 Rosenberg 0 0- 0 0 Henderson, c 6 4- 6 16 Snyder g 2 2- 3 6 Kahn, g 1 0- 0 2 Jones 0 0- 0 0 Totals 15 6- 9 36 Referee Yang, Wallace, Pitts gh, Umpue Harry Sherman,' Temple University has establish ed a new school of nursing with a live-year course , Get your tickets early for ... "The World We Live In" March 15, 16 WE'RE MIT YOU I DOCTOR LEO HOUCK Varsity Boxing Coach CHARLIE SPEIDEL Vaisdy Wresthitg Coach The two battling masters shown above are out after Intercollegi- ate titles this weekend and if they both succeed it will be the third time in Penn State history that Penn State boxers and wrestlers have swept up the two championships at the same time Rifle Team Wins 5 Postal Matches Unbeaten Squad Waits News of iteakst Firing The undefeated Penn State rifle squad continued its winning streak by overcoming five teams in re cent postal matches The schools defeated are Carnegie Tech, Dela ware, Michigan State, Clemson College, and 'University of Cali fornia Members of the winning Lion team include Ben Stahl '42, Gilbert Gault '4l, William Funk '4l, Miles Altimus '4l, Noah Getz '4l, Bob Cuthbert '4l, Bob Rambo '42, Bob McCoy '4l, Stanley Runk '4l, and George Bentrem '4O Results of the National Hearst Trophy Match, fired last week, have not yet arrived The team plans to take part in the National Intercollegiate Matches at Wash ington, D C , on March 30 J A Farley is an education pro fessor at St John's University IM Basketball And Wrestling Near End As Other Sports Get Under Way With wrestling nearing the semi- Chi, decisioned Sutter, Sigma Pi finals in almost all weights and ' Other fraternity standings are: basketball progressing equally, ac- 136-pound class, quarter r illnals tivities along the intra-mural Osborne, Sigma Pi, decisioned sports front are gathering momen- Richter, AGR, Vozzey, SPE, de tum Matches are being planned cisioned Marmion, KDR; and Fleh for next week in ping pong, volley her, Sigma Pi, deeisioned Gelioe, ball, and hand ball DU, In the fraternity basketball com petition 'Kappa Sigma and Phi Sig ma Kappa have reached the semi finals by defeating Sigma Phi Ep silon and Phi Gamma Delta, 17-15, and 14-13, respectively BRB Club, defending independ ent champion, reached the finals by downing Jordan Hall B, 29-18, Monday night , The other finalist is Irwin Hall In another fraternity quarter-final tilt Delta Tau Delta defeated Phi Sigma Delta, 23-12 Wrestling In the fraternity 121-pound class Reitz, KDR, pinned Smith, Alpha Chi Sigma in a semi-final bout Quarter-final bouts in this bracket• McGill, SPE, decisioned Snyder, Tau Phi Delta, and Bougerie, Delta NEW. COLLEGE , DINER , MN'il'n , A., cottr,crAkt intercoliegiate boxing briefs Team scores in last year's Inter collegiates were Army 21, Syra cuse 17, Penn State 15, Cornell 15, Yale 3, Westein Maryland 1. Only three of last year's Inter collegiate boxing champicMs,will defend their titles this weekend Cadet Walter Lavendusliy, , 120 pound champion, fighting for the 127 pound crown, Charles Healy, Syracuse, at 165 pounds, 'and Americo Woyciesjes, Syracust; at 175 pounds Only Penn Slate intercollegiate champion last year was CaPt' Roy Ranna in the 135 pound class_ Alhe Wolff. Cornell boning coach, was three times inteicolleg tate 160-pound champion and un beaten in dual meets as a Penn State fighter from 1927 to 1929' Fohr Cornell boxers are active in other spot Ls Ca'plain Bill Fine in 150-pound football, Dave Peace J V football, Tom Schultz in laciossb, and Matty Ilibanmeit7 in hack The Massachusetts _lnstitute of Technology, the University of Pennsylvania, and Harvard Have given up intercollegiate boxing Yale will forsake it next year Navy has stayed out of the East ern Intercollegiates in recent years to avoid a bloody meeting with Army tallier Army stayed out to avoid Navy Tony Ortenzi, coach of Western Maryland's boxing team, won . the Intercollegiate 175-pound title as the Western Maryland captain and entry in the competition held here two years ago No draWS are allowed in inter collegiate boxing tournaments Besides being regulars on the Sy racuse boxing team Americo 'Woy ciesies, Milt Fahey, and Orlando Palopoli, are also scholastic honor students Syracuse and Penn State 'each have four legs on the Baltimore Sun Boxing Trophy Army and Navy have two each Americo Woyclesjes, Syracuse 175-pound intercollegiate' cham pion„ was runner up in , the NCAA tournament last year Wary Baker, John Pule,' and Mike Petrucci,, who handle West en, Maryland's Linea heaVier weights in boxing are all football men In their dual meet last year Jim Lewis, Penn State, d eels ioned Charles Healy, Syracuse 165-pound intercollegiate champion Injury kept Lewis out of the intercolleg iates last year and he lost a close decision to Healy this season Paul Mall's friends have nick named the 175-pound State boxer "Smokey." ' Harry Balthazar '34 was the only Penn State boxing manager to par ticipate in the sport He fought in and lost one heavyweight light to Syracuse Charles Healy. Syracuse defend ing champion at 165 pounds, fought heavyweight in the Penn State dual meet last year The Goodman Boxing , Troplcy will be awarded for its second sea son this year to the most out standing Penn State boxer Al Tap man, 127-pounder, was first win ner of the trophy ' Covering the mtercollegiates for the Associated Press from Phila delphia will be George Scott, Penn State alumnus, former Collegian managing editor, Sigma Nu mem ber, and one-time "Rambler" of the Centre Daily Times ~ ' 145-pound class, prelims kiip sky, pinned Reede, Chi Phi,, quar ter-finals Dague,, Phi Kappa-Psi, pinned Rubner; SPE; Pickenseber, Delta Sigma ,Phi, pinned ;Hoch, Alpha Chi Sigma; floy, Phi Sigma Kappa, pinned Conrad, Phi Kappa Sigma; Dum, AGR,' pinned,Mor gin, Alpha Chi Sigma; and Truni, Theta Xi, pinned Hurd, Alpha Chi Sigma 155-pound class, prelunsi J Wichhusen, Alpha Chi Sigma; pin= ned Geanopoulis, Phi Sigma Kap pa, Akins, Delta Chi, runnedil lers, Tau Phi Delt; Russell, KDR, pinned Kearney, Alpha Chi .Sig ma; and Hunsicker,Phi Kappa Psi, pinned Yoho, Dlta Signia';Pi, quarter-finals Farrell, Delta-Chi; Face Carnegi SUPPOSE SOMEONE RETIRES - THIS If either Syracuse 'or Penn State retire titre ,Baltimme Sun Trophy (shown above)' this week-end, the EIBA is all ready with its successor, the Edward J. Neil Memorial Trophy, in honor of the noted ittar correspondent Soft -Spoken Doctor . Has Guided Destinies of 2000 tollele Bekets 'Le Brave AMericain' Came Here 18 Years Ago After Winning 3 Crowns, Fighting 200 Bouts A quiet gentleman with a scarred face, a pun - Chad-in nose, and banged-up ears has been directing Penn State boxing destiny for 18 years The man who has taught 2,000 boys about the art of boxing has a message ''Keep your left working in his face and follow with your right when you get an opening " That came from years in the ring, from 200 fights all over the world, from beating the best there was to offer in the way of middle weight and light heavyweight boxers To Paris 20 years ago he was 'le brave americam" who battled Harry Lewis for 20 founds to win the -middleweight championship of Europe That was 1912 Later he won the same title in Canada and the light-heavy championship of f.ubt! „ , 4 Tried For World Crown ' r - He triedfor the world's middle- Weight championship, but he al ways fought the right, people at the wrong time He beat George Chip five times, but when Chip kayoed Klaus to win the world's middleweight crown he wouldn't light the stripling from-Lancas ter Also, he beat John Wilson twice before Wilson took the crown from Mike O'Dowd Of 200 lights he won 75 per cent of them. He beat such adversar ies as Mickey Gannon, Gunboat Smith, Frank Mantell, Young Erne, and Bob Moha Twice he fought exhibitions with Gene Tbriney. He gave up boxing, still sound of body and sound of mind, in 1923, and began coaching Penn ' Bill Driscoll, sports editor of the Philadelphia Record, is paging a non-business visit this weekend to Penn State, the Intercollegiates, and his would-be alma mater Last Fall, Driscoll had a hunch thit the school that would have been his alma muter had he ever gone to col lege was going to do all right in football, so he picked them to beat Penn, Army, and Pitt Other scribes are still tearing their hair to find the secret of his success pinned Henderson, Sigma Ps; and Foucart, DU, pinned Seavy, Alpha Chi Sigma 175-pound class, quarte'r-finals Powers, AGR, pinned Bouton, Al pha Chi Sigma; Mulllt, DU, pinned Zeigler, Sigma Pi; - Keede, Sigma PI, pinned Drake, KDR, and Shirey, TKE, pinned Morgan, Phi Delta Gamma. , , Unlimited, prelims - Volmer, Al phi., Chi Sigma, deeisioned R Brown, TKE; and Hall, Phi Delta Theta, demsioned , Palena, Alpha Phi Delta , In the independent division only two weight classes have begun eliminations. In the 136-pound In the '155-pound division, Tra vis pinned Kok and Farrand pin ned Alkm class,.wlth three men entered, Hil debrand decisioned Riddell and Nipson byed into the finals All bouts are expected to go into the semi-finals by the end of this week., who was killed in the Spanish Civil War One ,of the fastest friends of collegiate boxing, Neil regularly attended the EIBA tournaments and was at Penn State on at least two occasions to see the Intercollegiates State teams Only once since he came here has he fought a pro fessional fight He doesn't box anymore and he keeps in condition playing hand ball and spinning tall tales and exerting his honiespun philosophy on the boys at Graham's A C He, still thinks fighting is a great thing, but he doesn't think it should injure a boy, and he doesn't believe in the rough and tumble barroom 'fighter He has pushed' the opposite kind of rul ings, urged codes that , keep box- Mg clean and sportsmanlike He spells his name Houck be cause'a sportswriter got it wrong years ago when he was in the professional i mg. Actually, it's Hauck, but to the boys who flock around him it doesn't make much difference He's still Leo, Fred, Lemuel, Lou, Florian, or Doctor. , , , - • , THE `' FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE-TAKES.THIS'- OPPORTUNITY TO WISH THE PENN STATE 801 I N G A 6 WRESTLING TEAMS THE BEST OF LUCK IN' THE:EASTE N INTERCOLLEGIATES:. . ' Member of Federal Deposit InsuianceVorporatiOn 0 e 'Tich hi F Lion Hockeymen Meet Carnegie Tech Tonight Facing a team of comparative ittor their second win of the seaso Cvith Carnegie Tech's Tartans in The Lions and the Tartans both played a common - opponent dtiring this season and both - lost by the same 'score, 4-1 Judging from, their relative showing against the Dukes, the two teams should take the ice at even odds HoWeyer, the Nittany sextet has been improving rapidly since the 8-2 win over Le high and Coach Art Davit has hopes of making it two in a row, Game Is Sell-out Johnstown officials indicated Tuesday, when the Lions held a priictiee session on the, Sheet Ice Palace i ink, that the game should be a sell-out It is a charity tilt-for the local hospital fund and also there is quite a large following of both State and Tech alumni in the locality , The postponed, Pennsylvania Ice Hockey League tilt with Lafayette is scheduled for Tuesday night m Hershey The Lions have only to We're Rooting For You, State Lei's Win The a Inieriollegiaies! Sharpiing Inc., formerly S.P S Shoe Stoic; 135 S ALLEN STREET - ANNOUNCEMENT_ Beginning Friday; Match i` HISTORIC r BOALSBUR6 AVERV - r WILL BE:OPEN FOR-MEALS; L- • Reservations ' No LicOnie PHONE 130ALS3URG•2671 Always Open 1'634 - , Mattli 8, 1940 nail By ED McLORIE y a q ual strength and hailing to reg , Penn §ta'te'e ice hockn - yinen tangle ohnitown tonight. - win this encounter to haVe - the right to enter the playo'ffi for the leatue croon Penn Is in drat place with the a Hershey Jdnior nears in iceond If the statelbutfirtifins they will lie tied with Heishey and eligible' , lor cdnipetition - for the, trophy • ' - kids to Vhii James:- President and Mrs Ralpli'D. Hetzel will attend a dinner at the gubernatorial mansion on Monday . in honor of members of the;sup erior,court of-PennSylyania 2 nth ?.NNIVE:ASARY tPPRODUCTION "-- "The'Wnrld We Live In" _ 'Penn State" Playieri= - l~ ~ J