Fri'day, December 1,1939 Honorary To Initiate j.'Alpba Lambda Delta,, sophomoie ’women s scholastic honorary, will Initiate Elizabeth C. Hose, \Vhnda 'M. Churchill, Jeanne G Adam, and Lillian ,R. Diamond in Frances Ath erton Hall, Saturday, December 9. GIFTS • from $: ,'PENN STATE are • Always Acceptable Latest Books, $1 up ] > College or i -Fraternity Seal • COMPACTS • LOCKETS • NOVELTIES ' The ' ' Book Shop : „ 200 E COLLEGE AVE. : ■ ' < '• Lfj'-V * \ t ‘ , ' " > , - tv*■>'•>’fyv- tff-u.’r»i -t v»—-—•*•**• - • v '"'“ J:'|ipescnarmmg ..... everyvyriere ! ■•. #SI ■■l brin 9 you | V 'jlp .Jhe new charm :[ of ' " Jsr\ a | Fall Costume Colofs / *s)' fc „ r|SIT wmlmi Jfw . I ' ' ft ' V W •'j.;/ < ' ft. fwli ; t/T : / / - STOOP .iuioM'w '|| // UST asthey say. in' Mademoiselle and. Harper’s /&, Bazaar, this slip is dressmaier-designed. V Its con-1 , I struction is ss different that it holds a government) X 3) " * f i V •* *9 f < ’ ’ ga patent. Straight m front, contour-bias/in back.} v If A * ** a N iQp 1 .a 4 a j ■ r Smooth seamless sides/ Fits without- bulging or, .-Si’ «■' ’ ’ 1 ♦ * * rs - l i! sagging. Never tugs or binds, m action.’See it) ',' /a ‘ I - - ’ '' , * * ~ A. - , V g.". today'in Celanese* rayon taffeta in the new colors; \ ~ 3 especially for Fall 3O to 44,) r J, §, r i,Ir MOSS GREEN -• GRAPE » BROWN - ‘i* . ' NAVY p I' PATERSON HOSIERY SHOP r 4»ir* r r‘ :'l,t '/ EiICOLLEQE'AVE,-,- - , ~, - < . ' STATE COLLEGE ■SfMr*‘A /IwO ■ > v i Annual Christmas Dinner Arranged The annual Old English Chi Ist* mas dinner av ill he held in Mac Hall, Decembei lSSvith members of the WSGA Senate making up the comt Jesters and heialds will he announced later Chailofte S Knuhb f-10 is acting as advisei to R Helen Gordon ’42 and H Jean Fox Ml, co chairmen Committee chairmen aie Jean 0 Craighead Ml, deeoiations, Noima P Stillwell Ml, costumes, Ruth K Kistler Ml, nuaiigements and purchasing, Maitjia I Stringer M 2, entertainment, Ruth V- Davis '4O, invitations and seating, and Jane E Holland Ml, clean-up Immediately following the din net the jestcis and heralds will lead a processional to Atherton for an all coed coffee hour. 'i i~'c''':~i We Women IT MAY SEEM EARLY to talk of Chiislnias, it may seem like advertising holly wreaths in July But it Is never/too early to think about the spirit of giving, and to day marks the beginning of WSGA’s annual Christmas diive So, bcfoie you settle down to the serious problem' of deciding what kind of perfume to give your roommate or what sort of doggie dish to buy youi pet canine, don’t foiget to set aside a small amount for toys and clothing for needy children Beginning today’, each woman student will be contacted by mem bers of the House of Representa tives, Junior Service Bonid, and Frcsbman Council The goal of ,25 cents from each woman is not too much to ask any of us Any woman, who remembeis her own childhood holidays—the toys* candy, nuts and trees—will do all she can to help the Mifflin Coun ty Children's Aid Society All up stockings for some poor tots And any woman who under stands the work of the Ameiican Women’s Hospital Association will be interested in aiding its charily WSGA’s third project is au integ ral part of our own campus—help ing with Mis Hetzel’s emergency fund foi needy students It may be some of our own friends oi classmates who will some day need this aid There Isn’t u lot we can do to help the starving Chinese, the heathen Indians, oi even the war scared Europeans -But there ate things we can do right lteie at home to bring happiness and com fort to those who lack them .And tills one opportunity .to do just that. So, when you are approached by a WSGA representative, don’t let your own busy holiday dreams in terfere with youi contributing as much as possible to the drive Do your part to make this yeai a real old-fashioned Christmas season ADS 'Classified ' , a3s'are i accepletTonly 5 at Student Union Office in Old Main and'must be paid before insertion. Ads are accepted up to 1 p.m. on the day proceeding publication. , Typewriters—All makes expeiL ly repaired Portable and office machines for sale or rent Dial 2342 Harry F Mann, 127 W Bea ver avenue "16-Sept TENNIS RACKETS restiurrg— Armour’s .tennis strings, 2-24 hour service Lowest puces in town All work positively guaran teed The Restringer, 206 W, Col lege Dial 33C0 > ' FOR QUICK, EXPERT TYPING at a reasonable rate, call 2918 ll(Mtp-DLG NOTICE—We have many calls for talent in Ithe entertainment line and would like to have all ma gicians, singers, jugglers, hypno wzers, dancers and other enter tainers place their name and ad dress at the Student Talent'Bur eau at the Student Union Office i nrmedmtely! 120-3tcliGD LOST—Two black billfolds? each containing considerable' „ sum of money, Saturday 4 between Old Main and Beaver Field Finder please notify Chestei K Homer, 92 Popular Street, Johnstown, Pa Itch AWSEJt FURNISHED APARTMENT— Living toopr, bed room, kitchen ette, private bath, electric refrig eratoi, automatic lrcat,-air condi tioning, 428 W College ave, Phone 4183 18— ITPd TH LOST—-jGold watch during past week-end,' reward, cullßill Me Knjght, Kappa Sigma * l ' * 130—ITpd GD >TW|O 'ROOMS for rent to"stu dents who'may want «t, quiet home No children and nother students 714 W Foster Ave Dial State Col lege 3236 ' - i ITPdTH EXPERT typiug seivice Call 4055. 209 W. Foster v 132—lTPdTH LOST Ladles Bulovu wilst watch past week-end Cull Spuiks House Please return to Student Union. 131—lTPdGD > ‘FOR RENT—One laige double room, third floor, single bods, 2.00 week each, central location Reply to Box A, Student Union. 133—lTPdGD WANTED oue student to sltato large front room with upper clus.r man Board if Jegjrod, J2O E. Fairmont Ave ; xtxciu » • ’ 1 -134—lTPdGD Margin et R C'omly Is in cliaige, assisted by Esther M Hall, Thelma ,M. Crofnt,- Emily L. Funk and t Helen J» CUlappy '43 <■ PENN STATE COLLEGIAN WOMEN'S NEWS Matrix Table Plans Ready For Monday Annual Banquet In Nittany Lion Inn Features Doris Fleeson, Original Skit Plans foi Theta Sigma Phi’s Matrix Table on Rflonduj night featui ing Doiib Flceson, Washington coi respondent foi tli eNeu -York Daily News, have been completed The banquet is scheduled to begin at C .10 I) in at the Nittun> Lion~lnn ' Tlie deteiminutlon to be a new fa paper lepoiter In New York and the talent foi political analysis and writing led Miss Fleeson fioni Kansas to Chicago Ip New Yoilt and into her piesent*ob as Wash ington commentator for the Daily News She is well known in Wash-' ington and numbers among her fi lends both high society and gov- i einmenticleiks Invitations Have Been Received Invitations to this formal ban-- *iuet have been teceived by BWOCs Tlieii tickets with SI 50 must be, tin ned into the Student Union (fesk noon The *-mull tickets will then be stamped and must be shown at the dooi Monday night An oiiginal skit, “Famous Femmes hi Journalism, will be piesentcd by the Theta Sigma Phi memheis fentuting six famous women in journalism Horn Queen Elizabeth’s time to the present Awuids will be given to Mattix Ghl senioi who has contiibuted most to the College, Cap Girl, most veisatile senior, and Quill Ghl most populai coed as decided by a women’s \ote Coeds Debate English Team Hatton ’4O, Hechl ’4l *■ Represent Squad Mui> Elizabeth Hattou ’4O and Gertiude Hecht *4l, the fiist wom en to leptesent Penn State in an Intel national Debate, will meet an Oxfoul Cambridge team composed .Of-JSdwaid It G ,Heath,.pf Balliol, College/"Oxfoid! and Peter Street of ‘ jExetei College, Oxford, at Schwab Audltoiium on Thursday, December 14 Lois E Notovltz* ’42 and Hllma R Eisen ’42 debated-affirmatively on Uie topic, “Resolved that Isola tion should be Araei lea’s Intel na tional Policy," against negatives Helen R Gordon ’42 and Mary I Gieenbeig ’l2 in-tlie Home Econo mics building at 7 p.m Tuesday Next week Doiis_M Koch ’42 and Maiy Jane Biggy ’42, affirma tive, will debate*, the same topic •with Josephine H Beljan *42 and Baibnia Vaiden ’42, negative The Women’s Debate team Is studying two topics, the second one, "Resolved that the basic claim foi the mesent European War Is attributed to England and Fiance,’’ will bo used on inter-col legfate dobate trips All debates aie non decision and follow the Oregon style, which consists'of a const! uctive speech, cipss exam!-, nation and summary ~ Co-Edits Eupiuxia new’ • women’s social soioiltv will juesent its constitu tion to Student Welfate Commit tee foi approval this nionth^ Officers of the sorority, me piosldont, Elizabeth tR~ Phillips MO, vice president, Grace-Ai Pedi coid ’4O, seuetaiy, Catherine'L Suvidge/40 and tieasurer»‘,Rutb 1 Sbillito ’lO Otliei me’mbeis aie Jeanne E Mingle, Marjorie L Peck, ond Doiothee L Seciest’4o Bette L Campbell and Maigaret .1 Glllote Ml, and Alice W, Brule, Mniianno D Gillis and Thelma J Jones M 2. Mis .Gall B -Pope is clubsponsoi, Ifhitotcs will enteitaiufriends at a Bad Taste party In White Hull 'Monday * i Chi' Omega, will pieseut a $25 piizc foi schblastlc excellence lu sociology or economics' to a senior major Louise Haines won tlie uwnid for 1939 Phi Mu hold a ,memoiiul;servJ<& foi Mrs Ai thui Huirell, local chaplet founder, who died Monday AEPhl’s -will be tea dance hos tesses to Beta Sigma Rho Sunday Those _ieceiitly pledged w'ore Alice Munay M 2 Kappa, Dorothy Jane Ctandull TPA, and Ruth "M Tieasuie M 2 AOPI Theta's tut tinted Sally Searle/42 Freshmen To Honor J Bis: Sisters By Tea The annual big sistei Lea spon sored by fiesliman womeu will be held 1 in, Atherton Hall fiotn 3 to 5 I> m Sunday, December 19 ' >• - | MATRIX SPEAKER MISS DORIS FLEESON Sherman, Sykes ’43 Given WSGA Posts Maigaiet K Slieiman was ap pointed as tlie second fteshman senator and Maijoile L Sykes named _to Judicial Committee by the WSGA Senate at its meeting Monday } Earliei this jeaij Maigaret R. Comly was elected ffieshman sen ator. and Ruth L . Klesling,' as chairman of Fresbm u Council, au tomatically named tc _Judi ; w", ■ ‘ «)««<'» <[» •■, *' t» ; < \ «• j { > {(', *, ; Mrs. Hetzel’s Group Plans Student Fund For Emergencies A fund to meet student emergen cies b> loans and gifts foi hospital care, books, and small fees Is one of the acthitles planned b\ a com* inittee headed by Mrs Jfnlph D Hetzel, wife of the president, and organized last spring Student government oflltets and members of the faculty and ud ministration make up the commit* tee which Mill also piotide cloth* Ing for needy men and women stu dents This work Mill be oigunized by,Miss Matilda A Bentlej assis tant dean of women and John F Putne>, PSCA secretarj Purposes of the organization rue to meet the needs of students who work too hard and those who need more work, to find emergency situations before the> become hopeless, to recognize that tliete is a campus group to help in any situation, and to promote wider ac quaintances between students and facultj Telephone technician*- lepoit Biown Unhersity has the best col lege communications system in the country. ANNOUNCING - - THE SECOND ISSUE OF PORTFOLIO r To Appear - - - Dec. 7 Call For Your Copy At Student Union - - We Thank The Body and Faulty for $ Their Warm Reception of PORTFOLIO " * 530S33ag!J=SSJSS=53=.=i»«3aS!3!WtSS=?S=S=S-^3=S=S3=P!S=?SJ=S'sS«3=^J=S?SS=iS=sas=S^J!S^SS=;S^| Fage Three MERIVALE SHOP S ALLEN STREET STATE COLLEGE, PENNA -