Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 28, 1939, Image 3

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    ("Tuesday, November 28, 1939
Wlpha Chi
Penn State's Season In Statistics
‘itliffnST TOWNS . • • 72 ,^ 2
‘.BALL LOST ON FUMBLES . • 14 ' * -
J "Yards lost by penalties ,300 2bo
’ Scrimmage Gains Of'Penn State s 'Backs ( ■
' ' ‘ Times Cnrrlni Yards Yards Net Average
Ball ' Gained I.oHt Gain Gain
r,4 302 ’ 11 201 5 4
r,| 208 13 202 '5 0
,07 ' 103 25 'l’6B 5 0
«8 278 51 227 4 1
01 132 10 313, 3 0
11 134 ' ,37 07 1.0
07 G 1 " 17 44 2 6
i',S‘Gve= Rollins
r , (l Pqppci Peti olla
. Craig .Wilke
* Chuck' Peters
-**"hk>yri ■* I ekes.
- Bill v Small/
j,ctT Krouse
Lawther Forecasts
Tough Cage Season
With -W..& J. Slated Saturday;
'■■''.'l New Teams. Appear On Lion Schedule
”* “if the team is just as pood as last year’s, it will lose inore games
l _ ‘ That’s the comment varsity mentoi John Lawther made this wee’*
surveyed the toughest schedule a Lion .basketball team ever faced
lOpeningfgun of the cage campaign is slated for next Snturday night,<
J wh'eh Washington and Jeffeison will invade,Rec Hall
‘j’* hJew'names on the local schedule }
this year include Army, Navv,
'New .York University’, , Colgate,
’Connecticut State,‘Mt' Union,"Ale
ron, anil 'Kent The 24-game slate
(is the .longest undertaken in Nit
itpny basketball history “• -
J£-With .'the season’s opener a few
oays away, Lawther’s account
«heet'of cage .potentialities would
read something like this 1 _
/'Johnny Barr and Eddie Sapp,
Ncterap juniors aiound whom the
Team will ,be bunt
Noim Racusin, Bi’l
Johnny Moffatt, an i
„Captain' Cliff’ McWilliams, who
v sawAplenty-of action,last year
/'■Sandy 'Kranich, destined foL a
aisity, berth if the knee injury
out all last season
doesn’t interfere - -
.Giimes, 'surprise package
‘■number'll, transfer .from Wyoming
sreg-tei -- / / -» v ......
rl ni’,
p-g ‘ NOW
rFor-'Delivery Before Christmas
& JV* I ’
'■h | 5 - RINGS, ■’SISTER PINS
; G. Balfour Co.
-* p’ . "
UT '‘ l
L V' jC 109 S ALLEN
\ '
V L SAUfeRS ' v V
\ ' *,i r > ' * ,v
/t Hurry ! Make A Date Now For
/ Harvest Ball
v "■ , ' -
1 \ “ 'With the
/ / /campus OWLS
X ' 'V 1 . ';-7 \. : .
0- // - s „. OF 1939 - ‘’ . . -
7/ ■ ■*' ■ '. ,;
/Admission :-- •? - 1 $lOO Couple
*s’*y « t 11 '' v "V- f- *!
‘hi - ' ,l 1 iJ ’u v .- ' 11 1 1
'M/'/ ; Free Checking '
, V 1, i ' > sT I j
if//:..,;/ ‘i REG HALL .
■-'>. >' ’*■-•’ -"■* -' 1 'ir r ' ■ LLi = 1 ;
Sigma Wins IM
Poltechmc who has -been look, ns
plenty-'good m practice.
' Elmer Gross,« Howard Smith,,
Milce‘Farris| Bill-Shutt, and Dor,
Taylor, up from last year's fresh
man outfit. - ,
Five lettermen—Prosser, Corbin
Stopper, Chalmers, and 'Davies
graduated 1
Jim Richardson and Donald 1
Rhodes, lettermen, were forced to
nrop from the squad
Ray Edgar,'also a'letterman, is
Two frosh stars last year, White
and 'Medlar, are out of school
4 Soccer Lions Qn
All-Eastern Eleven
Four* Penn State, players, »i.
eluding Walter,Hosterman, formet
State College High School star.atli
jete, were named to/he All-Easr
•by* BillAJeffrey, coach l of ' “term
State’s undefeated hooters ”*
Captain Bob Schuler.was select
ed for the -right fullback position
Ilosterman for right halfback,
Woody King for Insid -
right; and. Gus Bigott,' outside lefr
Schuler and Bigott were oh Jeic
ley’s 1938 eleven and also made
ihe honor team selected by eastern
The remainder of the team con
«.«ts,of Manhold, Syracuse, goalie,
Tarbox, Syracuse, left fullback:
Laverson, Temle, center halfback,
Reedy, j Navy, left halfback; Atkin
son, Haverford, outside 1 right
Xcmchick, Temple, center, for
ward; and Enkson, Yale, insid *'
Ntfei 1 1 SKATES :
/ Pugh St. ‘
Third Basketball
Clinic Is Slated
Next Saturday
1000 Loathes, Officials,
Players Will Participate
Plans have been completed for
the third annual Basketball Clinic,
which will draw approximate!} J,-
000 coaches, officials and plavers
here next Saturday
The clinic, sponsored by the
School of Physical Education and
Athletics, will be in cliaige of vai
sily cage mentor John Lawther A
full program will get under way
with legistration in Rec Hall n£
9 JO a m Saturday
Feature of the da> will be the
initial varsity tilt between the lo- t
cals and Washington and Jeffer-;
Son at 8»p m A running Comment
on play situations, ltile -interpreta-j
•Hons and the like will be given
over the loudspeaker by* Glenn
O’Donovan, coach of a champion-’
ship Freeport, Long' Island'team ,
dreensburg and Butler high,
will tangle in'a demonstration
game at 3 p m <
Schott .Wilt Speak
Dr Cail P Schott, dean of the
School of Physical Education ifnd
Athletics, will give a welcoming
address Sessions throughout;
morning and a'ftemoon will deal
with demonstrations and speeches
about new envelopments |n the
Among the topics will be Recent
Studies of Form and Speed in Bas
ketball, ‘by Dr E -C Davis, Vary
ing Defenses ns a Phase of Game
Strategy -by the coaching staff and
squad. Principles of Bank Board
Recovery,'by WJlliam Stopper, laßt
year’s varsity center, and Speed
ing Up the Recovery-of Basketball
Injuries bv Tack Hulme. State
Dr Frank Maguire, member of
the national rules committee, will
piesent rale changes
Lou Andreas, coach of basket
ball at Syracuse, and Adam San*
deis, W and J cage mentor, will
also speak" %
A foul shooting contest for high
“school teams will be held at 4 p m
- A banquet -in the Nittariy Lion
Inn will climax the afternoon’s ac
tivities, with short talks and bas
ketball moVies slated after dinner
‘Heavy’ Men, 100%
Turnout Desired
“The chips will be down,’’ when
Coach Charlie Speidel fires the
opening-gun on the* 1939*40 wrest
ling season with the first official
practice in Rec Hall at 4 p m to
, Coach Speidel is looking forward
to a 100 per cent turnout of vet
erans and new men alike, for upon
these men will fall the difficult
task of _ bringing Penn State
through a successful nine-meet
mat campaign
Particular emphasis will be glv
“en to fellows,” in an ef
-1011 -to develop and bolstei the
heavier divisions
- Several of the-Lion football war
riors, who have discarded the New
Beaver pastures for the Rec Hall
canvass mdt, are expected to be on
hand to bolster* the grappling ag
gregation'in the "fleas y,duty*)
According to Coach Speidel
“wiestling teams are good only by
contrast,” so although "prospects
good,'one,glanee,at the Nit
tany Lion’s powerful oppents tells
the entire story. ,
Olexy Drops Crown
In Berwick Marathon
Pefe, Olexy, Penn Stateralummis
'of Lansford,.lqst the Berwick mar
athon' title he won v last year to Lou
Gregory of Manlius, N T, in the
30th renewal of the famous contest
held Thanksgiving afternoon' * ,
Olexy'placed eighth in-tlie Ber
wick meet, while Gregory! 10,000*
metei A A. U. champion, placed
first by traveling the'nine mile,
175-yard course in 47 'minutes and
50 seconds
In 1930 Colgate crushed Penn
State 40-0 <
Re Neat
- 820 v W.'BEAVER AVE. J * 1 ,v DIAL 3261
Leon Gajecki, termed by Coaches' jHiggins and Charley Bowser
as the "best player on the field"^during,the,Lions’ 10-0-trlumph over
the Panthers, played 60 ’minutes 'of dynamic football and sparked the
savage Nittany defense as a he has all season.
Off to a slow start early In the season and hampered by fumbilitls,
Chuck Peters, flashy Lion tailback; returned to form in Saturday’s
battle with the Panthers Chuck ran with the sllpperlness and drive
which marked him v as Penn State's most' dangerous- back in 1938
Intramural Swim Finals.
Slated Today, Tomorrow
Watts Hall, Sea Lions In Independent
Final; Fraternity Finalists Still Unnamed
Intramural swimming is nearing completion witn Walts Hall slat
ed to meet Sea Lions A. C. in the Independent League final today, and
the Fraternity League'final scheduled .tomorrow *
Delta Chi downed Pi Kappa
Alpha, 32-20, Fuday, to earn ihe
yight to swim the winner of the
Phi 'Gamma Delta-Alpha Phi Delta
contest in a semi-final matcli < to
dry The other finalist was decided
upon yesterday when KDR battle 1
Siftpia Chi after the Collegian
rent to press
, ,Tn two Independent League
matches last week the Forestry So
ciety forfeited to Watts Hall, Fri
day, and the Blue and White CluD
forfeited to the Forestry Society,
Wednesday. '
Sea Lions A C defeated Watt*
Jlall, 26-23, Forcstiy Society won.
‘from thc BRB Club by forfeit, and
»,lie Forestry Society forfeited to
Watts Hall. ’ >
Contrary to popular opinion, it
was Donald S “Wacky” -Newbury
’4O who cavorted inside ,the'-Lion
Skin at’the game Saturday
Football Cup
'came back
First Tourney Bout
Slated December 6
Wltli'legistration foi intramural
ni ,
boxing, underway, plans
were .announced foi a separation
of fraternity and independent com
petition foi the fiist time this
Undei 7 the new arrangement,
medals >will go to kite winners lu
each of,the eight weight classes in
both the independent and frater
nity brackets Team competition
is being encouraged and fraterni
ties and’living gioups have been
asked to .enter squads of from five
to eight men wherever possible.
* First" bouts Jn the tournament
will be held on December 6 and,
with bouts scheduled at 4 o’clock
every weeic afternoon and on ,all
Saturday afternoons, the competi
tion* is expected to end ' before
s Novices Only
‘, Individual registrations will be
made jib the ring In Roc Hall after
4,o'clock r every afternoon this week'
with the entry fee set at $.25 a per
son/ ’Team registrations should be
recorded in Room 213, Rec Hall.
KDR Loses
Final , 6-0
Frescolm ’43 Stars
In Fraternity Tilt
Scoring on a freak piny In
the first half Alpha Chi Sigma
nosed oat Knppn Delta Rho (5 to 0
in the finals of the fratemltv infra
mural football league last Sundnv
Alpha Chi Sigma scored midway
in the first half and fiom that
point on kept KDR outside of ACS
tvventv-vaid line KDR although
unsuccessful in tljeii scoring at
tempts did manage to chalk up
two first downs to none foi ACS
It w r as the passing of VolJmcr
which enabled ACS to scoie while
holding KDR scoieless The lowers
goined most of tlieii gioimd by
means of Ed London's parsing
and the kicking of Fiescolm that
atm and Mickev Marmton's ability
to gather in his passes
The lone scote of the game was
set up by an Alpha Chi Sig inlet
ception on the KDR 15 Aftet two
successive plnys with ,no gain
Vollmet 'threw the bnll across the
goal line where it was hatted into
the ait by a KDR pln\ei and te
coveted In Fiescolm foi a touch
down The tiv fot extra point
Probably the outstanding pet
tormance of the game was turned
in by Fiescolm of the ACS team,
not on!) did he score the winning
touchdown hut his kicking-contin
ually set the KDR team way hack
in fheit own teriitorv
Stickraen Set
For Penn Tilt
V/ill Practice At Hershey
For Opening Hockey Game
"Getting set fot tlieii opening tilt
with Penn in Hetshey Decembet
S Penn State’s ice hockev stnl
w’arts have been holding condition
ing dtIll«= fot the past few weeks
Thev also will hold two practice
sessions on the ice at Hpislip\ be
fore meeting the Qnakets
Although a complete schedule
has-vitot as vet been drawn up, the
Lions are virtually assured >of a
three game Christmas tiip In West
Vitgiuia and aiournl Pittsbuiglt In
addition to the opening Penn
game, Coaclt Aithui Davis’ pio
teges will meet the Hersltev Cubs,
Lafayette and Lehigh duiing the
season on the Heishey link
Titete is also a possibility that
seveinl contests will be at ranged
for the freshman team with jtinioi
clubs around Hetshev it Ins been
Alter Predicted Victory
Over Pitt In September
Football Captain Spike Altet
didn't want make n piediction
on the season last Septemhet, hut
he did say one thing
“This Is •out j ear to beat Pitt
1 worked with four of tlieii fellows
this suminei, and tlie\ don’t feel
so good about their chances ’’
His prediction otherwise was
notable onlv fot an errot of omis
sion—Cornel! “We’ll get the most
trouble from Syracuse Penn, and
Army,” ho guessed
you .have ever heard the
IT Don Cossack Chorus,
you’ll want to hear them
' again in theiivrousing songs
of the Russian steppes. If you
have never heard them, you
simply must! Make sure you
have that ?5, $4, or $3 on De
Between The Lions
Bob Wilson
Dent Mr Higgins
I havp just received word that the Dies Committee on un-Amer
lean activities has indicted me on charges of committing malfeasance
i have also been notified that the Amettcan Feiletnfron of Sports
writeis (Local 4415) has placed, me on even blacklist from Maine to
Florida pending the Dies investigation
Please send me eleven good men (and Mr Higgins, you got ’em),
a hook and ladder fire truck and an extra stiong rescue net I wanna
get off this doggone limb 'Nuff said Thanks
Mercifully yours,
Boh WJlson
P‘s 1 guess this was the venr after all Congratulations'
Add School Spirit . '
This mnv bo onlv ,i pet themy ol mine, hut 1 have always sub
set iheil to the belief thai school spit it has some t emote connection with
athletic victories Take the Pitt tihimph, for example The old razzle
dazzle began Sunday erne week ago when half the school tut tied out to
(ovv the team into town after a hard earned tie with Arm>
Activities reached a penk ni Thtirsdnv night’s gigantic pep rally
The whole scheme was topped off at the game Sntiitduj when the team
tan U gauntlet of hat tnen and had more of this tiling cnlled spirit
spanked into them individually
,ll ill adds up Don't think It doesn’t Evety man on that tenm
would have fought to his Inst red ooipusde aftei tieatment like that
lust ask them
Coincidence vs. School Spirit
This next may he merely a once in a lifetime coincidence, but then
again it tould ensih he credited to the school spiiit side of the ledger
in the last two venrs freshmen have had to wear “Beat Somebody”
signs exactlv fmn times The first time was before the Housepartv
game with Sy mouse In ID !S Syracuse was sure to win “if Penn State
showed up’’ Scoie Penn State T. 5, Svracuse C
The frosh (ble«s thoir heads) did it three times this veai with the
following lesults Butlcnell beaten ns expected, 1 * ?>, Penn the 4-1 fa
voiite upset, 100, and Pitt frounced foi the flist time m 20 years, 10 0
And incidentally, all of the “Beat Somebody’ games this yeai were
won bv a 10-point margin ' ’
•Courtesy of Western Union
Among the stack of congrntulotoiy telegrams which Coneli Bob Hig
gins received Satin day night following the game was one from Califor
nia Its sender was Harold Hess, the gentleman who thiew the pass
that The Hlgg scored on in the 1010 Pitt game—the Inst time State beat
Phi before the 20-veni victorv-famine set in
Note to Eddie Dooly
Dear Mr Dooly
In a month or two you will probably begin work on your illustrat
ed football annual When you do, please have your eastern writer
comb the Penn State statistics thoroughly before he makes any en
tries to the 1940 All-American check list
Here's why, Mr Dooly We've got an All American center up here
In the Nlttany mountains whom I would stack up against any center
the All-American Board .might consider His name is Leon S Gajecki
All year “Gates” has been the Lion sparkplug He has been the
(Continued On Page, Four)
• Haircutting • Han- Removals
• Hail- Dying • Scientific Facials
• Scalp Treatment • Thorough Manicure
cember 2 for the Artists’
Course series ticket which
will bring you also the
enjoyment of three other ma
jor attractions —the Cleve
land Symphony Orchestra,
Cornelia Otis Skinner, and
Fritz Kreisler!
Page Three