Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 28, 1939, Image 1

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W 1 ftetrn Slate fp Coll
J‘*> ‘ - '
VOL. 36—No 22
Football Plight
Well, Mom, It’s This Way
Dear Mom, ,
, ' f , I guess you heard the good news—Penn Slate 10, Pitt
'll. It’s really true, too. '
i~ • The smoke' from the many bonfires is still hid
! ing us in a hazy Nitlany valley which vibrates with the
'echoes of’celebrating “We Beat,Pitt!”/ cheers.
'i'/'- It took'2o years, but, oh my, how that triumph,did ct.-
,'max' the most successful Lion'footballiseason in many years.
v Si . Funny thing about this,seasoh. IPs obvious that we ol
.the Collegian had the wrong slant, because, if you remember,
7Mom,Ve tossed a’ two-hslcd editorial attack into the Penn
: State', football ring following the disastrous Cornell defeat
/wWh has fallen into the whirlpool of revelry following the
'■successful'year.’ * 1 - . ' '
\ Manyareiof the opinion that the football situation was.
unjustly' attacked in a much too bombastic, outspoken, and
P-t'half-cocked”; manner. Adverse comment and ill feeling are
the only'tangible things created, some claim.
i J Naturally, Mom, we are in no . position to argue that
. pointjand it was debatable in my mind whether the pressure
■ivvas more on us or on the coach. Later developments seem
Ho iiluntly indicate that IheCollegian has been definitely “on
flhc spot,” because of our Sports Editor’s pre-mature judg
ment: As' Dad would 1 say, “The elections had been called be-
fore the returns were in.”
.' • You will agree with me,' Mom, if you won’t Dad probabl.’
Will, that whether-thc tactics,uscd in the opening blast,were
'ethical; whether the time to slrikewas psychologcially,set, p • jj •
Jor'whether the immediate outcqme would be good or bad— 1; TOSII l 31*116S
t all arc matters of fervent debate. p, r P ' VT
are all human beings—yes, even m the newspaper | 0 JM 311)6
business. The content of Between the Lions was not released ■ _ .
t as a spur-of-the-moment personal affront. What was said VjJjnQlUfltCS
.was directed at a machine—a machine 1 which merely did not
jfail to.produce in a single attempt, but had sputtered period- Independents Nominate'
[Jcaliy over a span of nineiyears. ' - , Tonight; All-College Slate
;iit’’ ~ Just as everybody, !S' on the proverbial “bandwagon" w WiU Appear'Tomorrow
so, jvas everybody criticising ithe machine atlhe.time of. ' By.william e, fowler ’
Ithe'afticleiStAsU told you/Mom'.'there,was, a barrage'of imr , Jrun
Ithaca/’ n*- •. qtiebtlil whlcll , wl , r £ a £ sw \ red
one could quite realize how.a team of such obvious tonight and tomonow night by in-
CstronVpolentialJpoVer, could take such a trouncing when it uml AII Coiiego organ!-
hadl leeri running smoothly. And there was plenty of factual , par
material then which indicated that all was not righi in the ty win meet in u- Home Econo
footbali setup. ' ' ’ ■ 1 ,1 mica at 730 p m today to name
:'J . .Now the best Penn State season in years has been com-
pleted. If you want to check .the record With Dad, it Will presidential, nominee will be a non
show Slate 'has five victories, two ties,' and one defeat—and b“ternit> man, little is known ot
'that ive didnH lose a .game following the initial Coliegian
bombshell. _ ~ will announce their ticket after a
Whether the Collegian was instrumental in inspiring the
touching staff, the team, yea, the whole college to such a
"We’ll show ’em” fever, I surely, don’t know. You and Dad
may like to think’so. Yet, it may be purely coincidence.
/ In either event, I think we have proved the lime-wom
Iheory.lhal there'isn’t any criticism, adverse or otherwise,
which doesn’l'do some good.
• 'lhe “Hig” (that’s Coach Bob Higgins’ nickname. Mom)
i really got madi He hadn’t been-angry for, quite a few years.
Isolde been told. And the-“Hig”—loyal Penn Stater that he
?s" recognized tobe—gritted 1 his teeth,*w'hich in turn gritted
tile teelhjbf his staff-and of his team like so many gcai
wheeled machines, to produce a polished product. -
; - ' ' Your loving son,
' ' Bill ■
'Set Tomorrow
‘German Silent Film Will
Be Shown In ■ Auditorium,
•v lu the first - of “movies”
'tomorrow night, Pi Gamma Alpha,
“honorary fine”'aits fraternity, will
•H)hng',buck> “.The Last Laugh,” a
'German silent picture .of 1924 that
at. tho time’of. its creation const!*
tuted'a i evolution'in tiie film in*
1 - ' r < -
. ' As*% pait’of its program to pre*
'sehfjthe motion as a new
'mediuhi of_art expression' through
'a brief .examination of-its history,
Pi' Gamma Alpha will show the
,film,ln^Schwab Auditorium at B*3o
,*p. 'm. ” tomorrow' admission free
-Two more films will be shown dur
- hig the year,' the next pi ohably In
.(JanuaryV \ ?
\ ‘ Shows Postwar Cynicism
V„The film which will show tomor*
row belonged to t the period
baustlon .and 'cynicism - ' which fol
‘'lo'Y®dvthe post-war ...upheaval in
Germany ! 'Like otheis'of .its per*
,‘iod it' cousiste'd'.of' intimate and
'vsympatheticstudiesof low life,'all
•utilizing a minimum of* characters
and 1 ' marked ,respect
rtorj th e. dra m ati c, unities. _ s
x'fl&Vor, it made' virtually no use of
, settings. *j- v
Graft Charged
Group, Seeks To Remove
Awards From Senators
A campaign to stop llio pructice
of allowing State Senators to
award scholarships to Penn State
and tluee otliei stale aided schools
has been launched by the Alle
gheny Scholarship Association
which ciiurges the scholai ships uic
traded foi votes 1
Each seifaloi at present has 12
four-year scholarships to awaul,
tiiree eacli to Penn Slate, Teuip\
University, the University of Pitts
burgh, and the Unlveisity of Penn
The Association will beek a sub
stitute for the system which the
General’s office has de
scribed 'as >a “time-honored cus
tom.” Under the substitute sys
tem the state woutd appropriate
money to a fund which would be
available to all schools In the
state for scholarships awarded on
a basis of merit and need.
No ROTC Today -
ROTC classes will not itleet to
day, according to Colonel'Ambrose
R. Emery, bead of the depaitment
of military, science and tactics, be
cause of the cancellation of. part
of the ROTC classes yesteiday
viCTdlrr over pitt
Yesterday’s Holiday |
Reward For Revival
Of Old School Spirit
Orderly Week-end And Victory Parade
Highlight Finish Of Successful Season;
Bonfire Rally Attracts 6,000 Rooters
Hungry Penn-State football fans.,'grown lean on a
ual Fall victory diet, showed suiprisingly good manneis
they spent a specially extended week-end chawing on a Pi
victory delicacy they* had sought, but lost for 20 years.'
An unprecedented football holiday yesterday foundvii
only match m the athletic holiday granted on March 24,19 f
after both the wrestling and boxing teams’had won the Eai
ern Intercollegiate titles.' »
Last Thuisday night'some b,(
students and townspeople ga
'•red in a' bonfire pep rally dt
tnted to Pitt victory, but whenl
leat was finally 'realized —-tin
were "20,000 people on hand
celebrate •
Thousands poured out on
Reaver Field after the refei<
whistle had made the 10-0
victory a matter of history" r
’oined in the celebrating at
Pitt band, good sports to the
matched the. Blue Band m r ’
Thousands were still around
Ihe goal posts were lifted intai
from the ground and 1 paradi
down to Co-op Cornel, and almc
a thousand followed after the B 1
Band on its victory parade urn
Ihe goal posts the Cori
and on through the borough'
Everywhere the celebration w
orderly and pre-game fears tl
victory might lead to riotous an
damaging celebration found no ba-
meeting in 418 Old Main at 7 30
p in tomorrow While actual
nominations were made last night,
announcement of candidates has
{.been delayed until after the hide
pendent .declaration
According to Chairman Bob Ba
con, the All College gioup will run
a fiaternity mail' fot president, a
non fraternity man for vice presi
dent, and women for class sccre
taiy and'historian s ,
All candidates must present
petitions with 00 "names to the
freshman elections committee by
Friday to gain a place 'on the bal
The'lndependent platform to be
teleased tonight av ill be similar to
those the pust hi its basic
points, Geoigej,Palmer. Indepen*
dent chief, has' indicated The All-
College platform'will probably ap
peai later this week
With elections two weeks from
loday. both gioups have made in
tensive piepuratlons foi campaign
ing after the deadline next Tues
day night,
Court Of Honor
For Harvest Ball
Queen Is Chosen
With all college voting for Hai
vest Ball Queen already underway,
Josephine E Condrln *4l, in
churge of tho coronation, has an
nounced hei aides who will form
the court of, honor In
HanleL H Stubbs ’42 and Mai
joiie D Cousley *42 will serve as
the heralds 'The coeds who will
assist in the coronation are Mar
lon M Eberts ’42, Ethel Tayloi ’42,
M ’Knepper '43. v The
coionatlon ceremonies will take
place duiing the intermission
Friday/ night at Soph Hop the
two candidates for queen, Ruth E
Kennedy ’4O and Helen B Cramer
*4l, were introduced by maestro
Hal Kemp. < A l ' photograph of the
coeds aud Kemp Is displayed In
the window, of the Penn - State
Photo Shop.'
Voting 4 for tho ’jiueen w ill end
Filday at noon, the committee an
The only semblance of disorder
occurred after the Thuisday night
bonfire and this—started by high
school students—broke up without
damage after several attempts to
crash the local theatres
No Complaints
Theie were a few fights after
the game Saturday, begun swift
ly and ended more swiftly, and the
town rocked Saturday night ■with
the hoarse shouts of rioters filled
with more than College Spins but,
all in all, it was an ordeily week
on.l and officials heard no com
plaints and had no offenders to
deal with or punish.
Thursday's planned bonfire went
down as biggest and (judging oy
(Continued on Page Four)
Open Letter To Prexy
Dear Piexy,
The student body wishes to,thank you fot granting the holi
day yesteiday Theie is no doubt.that the gratitude of the stu
dent body will outweigh and outlast any cnticism which you may
teceive for your action ' *
The gesture is indicative of your uttitude and the attitude of
the entire administration toward the student body. Despite the
desue of the majority of students, we realized that you had every
leason to lefusc us a holiday , * *
We know that such a policy disiupts a hue educational pro
gram—one' which you liuve successfully established and are en
deavoring to maintain. ,
We know that the connection 1 * between this educational pro
gram and the outcome of any football' game should not exist
We know that oui victory over Pitt .should be taken in stuuo,
and not even suggest to Pitt that we think beating them is any
more important than beating any other team
All this we icalizc. Yet, because you aie so close to the »tu
• dents, our request foi a holiday was granted
To the student body tlus means that you granted the football
holiday because you are a leal and sinceic person and can ecu
through the eyes of a student as well as an administiator
In addition, you have given the student leaders your coopera
tion in,every way possible which has been instrumental in knit
ting closer relationships between the entire administration and the
1 Many other things have been given us this year. That is
why it really hurt to request another concession on your part
Thus it is with a deep feeling of gratitude that we give our most
sincere thanks and appreciation.
Sincerely youis,
\' h. clifton McWilliams
, All-College President *
Facts, Wrote From Biased Viewpoint
See editoi ml “A Leila to Mi Hupei t.” oa Pape 2
A scathing rebuttal ot the editorial blast against the Student Hous
ing Boaid which Kmeison J 1 HupeiL ’4O fired in the new' Penn State
Club “Post Sciipf was Issued yesterday by Emanuel Roth *lO, tern
pdiaiy Housing Board chub man
Roth chuiged Chut he had given Rupert full fuels about the housing
investigation in a lecent telephone conversation, only to have them dh
legaided in the editorial Rnpeit wrote subsequently in which he called
the housing investigation "much ado about nothing" und cluuged its
leadetK with'“making a mountain out of a mole hill ’’
out of a mole-hill ’’
"Mr Rupert, in his over-auxietj
to present one side of the situa
tion, chose to disiegard these facts
(which weie piesented to him)/'
Roth said.
V'Fiom liis narrow viewpoint,
the solution is very simple If we
pass up and refuse to rent unlit
(Continued On Page Four)
Rupert’s View
Is Disavowed
Balog ’4O, P S Club Head,
Hits Attack On Housing
The editorial w ritten bj Emet
son H Rupert, MO in the first issue
of tbe new Penn Slate Club “Post
Suipt" does not repiesent the
opinion of the Penn State Club,
Michael A Bulog MO, club presi
dent, suid yesterday
In the ediloriu! Rupeit attacked
the housing . impiovement cam
pulgu begun lust year and stuted
that’tlic drhe was “much about
uotliiug ’*
“Rupert wab wholly uuwariaut*
cd In bis attack on the Collegian
bousing campaign," Balog said
“Tbe w lubes of the chib seem
cleui in view of the fact Unit the
club itself, which represents 350
lion fraternity men, is u member of
the Student ('lousing Bouid”
‘Fifty Book’ Exhibit
Will Open In Library
The 1030 edltlou of the .“50
books’' exhibition which Includes
tbe best exumples of Amciican
Hteiutuie' of 1937-3$ Mill be shown
in Lhe College Library starting to
duy'uncl will continue until Decem
ber 11
Tbe 50 books weie chosen fiom
almost'Boo volumes by tbe Ameri
can Institute ; of Graphic Aits be
cause of artistic appearance and
Intriguing subject mutter
J Burn Helme, professoi of
architecture, will give an illustrat
ed lecture concerning the mtistic
excellence of these books at 7 30
pin next Wednesday in Room 107,
Main Engineering. *
Roaring Lionsßevenge
20 Years Of Defeat
With 10-0 Whitewash
Crowd Of 20,000 Urges Spirited Nittany
Gridders To Season’s Biggest Upset;
Favored Panthers Completely Outplayed
“The Gieat, Pitt Mysteiy” 01 “Why The' LioniAlways
Getb His Tail Twisted," an unsolved pioblem for 20 years,
was unravelled veiy decisively Satmday afternoon by a pack
of bloodthiisty Nittany Lions, who clawed and tore, a once
proud Pitt Panther to little bits Twenty thousand throaty
fans marked up a liev, high in tiopical excitement over tne
Lions' 10-0 tnumph •* —
In the gieutest football show
evci to be staged in the Nittauj
Mountains one which would have
made the Mighty Bninum smile
Coach Bob Higgins' spiiited gi hi
de! s suiprised the Panthers with
a touchdown late in the first pei*
iod plus an extra poiut v continued
to outplay tbe favored Gilded Cats
in department for tile next
two periods and in tiie tbiid pei*
iod had tbe nerve to add a 'field
goal to tbeii scoiing total
Smaltz Tallies First
To Mg BUI Smalt7, sophomoie
game in.
place of senior Lloyd Ickes, goes
the honor of putting the Lions out
In fiont Leon Uujeckf (lie out
standing player on the field all
day set up the flist scoie when
lie lecoveied “Dashing Dick" Cas
biauo'b fumble on the Pitt 22-yard
liye Chuck Peteis went off light
tackle for three yards before Craig
Wliite turned left end on a ie\orse
to go IS \aids to the one-yard
stripe Sniultz dove ovei on (lie
next plnv
Overlooked by many fans and
sportswritors was the t| uality of
the extra point comcrslon by Ben
Pollock A resolve tackle, Pollock
was called in to make his ,22nd at
tempt at conyersion liaving miss
ed fire only tiuee times in "two
seasons The pass fioin center
was low, lekes liad trouble getting
it in position, but Pollock toed the
pigskin thiough the upiights with
the coolness of a penguin
Patrick Boots Goal '
Not until lute in Die foiuth qmu
ter did the Lions finish theii us
biuilL and battery attack on the
(Continued On Page Four)
Higgins Starred
On Team That
Beat Pitt Last
It’s been a loug time since Penn
.State's football Lions have been
Die master of the Pitt Panthers
As a niattei of lecord. Die last
time State won Mas in 11119
That may seem like a whole lot
of nothing, but when you delve
fui ther into the record books and
discover that one Bob Higgins was
the star of that victory it takes ou
a diffeient aspect It may be re
niembered Dial "Tho TOg’’ also
played a big pait in that 1919 win
over Penn and then 20 yeuis later
took a Penn State aggregation to
Frunklin Field and walked off the
field with a 10-tl a in. the same
score as the tilt 20 yeuis before
As captain of the 1919 Lion out
fit, Higgins tallied on a forward
pass to aid in the scoring of a 20
0 victory over Pitt, the lost foi the
Blue and White The ball was on
States live and eveiyone had ex*
pected fullback to punt, us he
was standing about five yards be*
hind his own goal Hue, but Quar
terback Robb catled foi a pass to
Higgins and that is exactly what
happened Bob snatched the toss
ou the 25 and, with timely block
ing by lineman Cubbage, evaded
the safety man to share lu State’s
20 0 triumph
Those who believe In history re
peating, bolstered by the reoc
currence of the identical Penn
game score were ready for a re
peat win 20 yeais later
Cabinet Meets
Today To Solve
New Problems
Will Take Action On Soph
Hop, IMA Hat Society, ROTC
Addition At Meeting Tonight
After sponsoiing the biggest
bonfire pep rally in Penn
the*' All College
will renew aclivitj at its meeting
in the Alumni Association office at
'i p in tonight
beveial hnpoitant subjects will
be discussed and acted upon bj
the Cabinet at its meeting tonlglit
—Soph Hop , compensation, pro
posed IMA hut societj constitu
tion. and Lite additional ROTC
PiesideiiL H Clifton McWilliams
will also appoint a studeut libiarj
committee which will function in
the selection of new books and in
aiding Die authorities In setting
up Jibiary legulathms '
McWilliams also slulcd Dial
.there is a possibility that addition
al membeis will be added to the
Lion shiine committee in an effort
to divide tile increased work in
view of the present importance of
the pioposed project
The Cubiuet must act on Die
mallei of (ompensatlon for the
Sop!) Hop ciiali men, since tlieVom
mittec hud agreed to foi felt auy
compensation should Die dance
lave been a iinanciul failure
At its last meeting Die Cabinet
decided to table the proposed IMA
ml society question until the
gioup could piesent a constltu
‘i<m ’ If the documeut is piesent
ed Die Cubiuet will probably take
definite action tonight
The Cabinet will also discuss
fuithei the advisability of a new
ROTC unit heie becuuse of Die ex
isting crowded conditions
Moral Re-Armament
Plans Nation-Wide
Rally December 1-3
With a nation-wide rail} planned
foi the week-end, the campus
gtoup working with Die nation
n! Moial Rearmament movement
is preparing an extensive drive to
bolster inteiest and active partici
pation among the students. Jt has
been declared by James R Sausser
M 0
In consideration of the fact the
MRA has gained such wide ac
claim and has such a vast follow
ing among college men and wom
en, the Penn State group is anx
ious to acquaint the students' with
the values of this movement start
ed by a former PSCA secretary,
Frank Buchman
The Moral Re-Armament -move
ment has been particularly attrac
tive to youth throughout the world
us Is evidenced by the support ,lt
has received from athletes, college
students and young people In gen
eial Last year at the Wprld As
sembly for MRA in California ap
proximately 30,000 followers at
tended a conclave in the Holly
wood Bowl. ~ „