Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 07, 1939, Image 4

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    Page Four
Warner Bros. Lost and
. Found Ser\ice »
~2 Men’s Hats
3 Umbrellas
Girl’s Raincoat
Man’s Covert Cloth Raincoat
Ladies’ Gloves
2 Coin Purses
Shows at - • • - 6 30, 8 30
Complete Show as Late as 9 05
Today and WcdvcKduy
Jack Haley
Bert Lahr
Ray Bolger
Billie Burke
the Munchkms
'Shows at-1.30, 3 00, 6 30, 8 30
Complete Show as Late as 9 05
'She called it
He called it
nauit »»*ci»
Shows at• 1:30. 3.00, 6 30, 8.30
Complete Shovy as Late as 9 05
i i
lidded: A-Walt Disney Cartoon
4 "The Autograph Hound”
Refugee Flees Germany
To Study At Penn State
Safe in the United States, fai from Nazi teuonsts and scenes of
stnfe and stifling prejudice, Biuno Eisen, Czechoslovakian refugee
student, can look back on his life in Nazi Germany as a hideous, yet
authentic nightmaie + """■ “
Less than a yeai ago. Biuno '
was a pre-medical student at
Chailes- Umveisity in Prague
Then came Hitler's invasion of
Czechoslovakia and the end of
Bruno's college days in Euiope
Study in Plague or anywheie in
Germany was' impossible so Biuno
applied foi and received a stu
dent’s visa to entei the United
States foi stpdy j
Aftei weeks of waiting, Biuno
embaikcd on the Goiman linei :
Hansa fiom Hamburg on August
?4 Thiee days latei the Hansa j
vas returned to Hambuig because i
of the outbicak of wai He was |
given 72 houis to lea\c Germany i
oi be sent to a concentration camp
Huiriedly wning an uncle in I
Anienca, Bruno leceivcd the ne- 1
ccssary passage money and "es
caped” into Holland only houis
before th£ deadline Thiee weeks
latei Bruno enteied Penn State
as a foicstiy student "Too many
doctors- in America,” sums up
Biuno’s change in courses fiom
pre-med to forestry.
A ‘Gamma Sigma Phi pledge,
Biuno daily finds new wondeis to
amazd him at Penn State Notic
ing revived interest m knitting,
he expressed the desire to be tn
tioduced to "some nice girl who
might knit me a sweatei " (Hit,
size is 40, in case some nice gal
is inteiested )
. Women In Sports
(Continued From Page Three)
Jo Wetnei, and Veia Neal, and
sophomoie substitutes weie Mar
joilo Rosenberg, Jean Babcock,
and Bee Baumaunk
The Modified Round nitheiy
match was won by Helen Diivei
with Bettv Puck and Ellen Moore
tying for second place and'the Co
lumbia Round was won by Louise
Hack with Belt* Bei toilette uud
Mai ion Owen second
iamce Fleming will pUrv Maige
King aftd Dot Pieite, Viiginia
fibikhousc in tile semi duals golf
The Aimoiy lollei skating sea
son begins Satuiday at one The
pi ice is 20 cents foi two-hour
peiiods but the fhst 25 coeds will
be admitted free
Sunday’s hike along the Pine
Giove Trail is spousoied by the
WRA Outing Club and Men’s Stu
rt ent Rccieation Association
Tianspoitation to Pine Giove Mills
and fiom Shlngletowu Gup will be
piovided by the Joimstown bus at
25 cents Don’t forget to register
at Student Union befoie Sutuiday
at 12 and we’ll meet at West Col
lege and Frazier stieets
Monday, Tuesday, and Thuisday
at 4. and Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thuisday and Satuiday ut 7 30
will be swim practice hours Sign
up now with senior munagei
Louise Bieuninger, junior mating
eis Mtniel Engclke, and Leuore
Hein a sophomoio liiunugci Bevei
iy Wilson oi freshman mutiagcr
Puuline Ciossmuu, foi the medley,
coik sciamble, 25 yd free style,
plunge for distance, 25 yd back,
<l5 yd. breast stioke, ping pong
ruce, and relay Front, back and
fiont jack arc compulsory diving
events in uddition to one optional
Historical Society,
Will Hold Annual
Convention Here
The Collego, itself a storehouse
of much histoilcal information
concerning the Commonwealth,
will play host to next year's an
nual meeting of the Pennsylvania
Histoilcal Association.
The selection of Penn Slate us
the site was made at the 193 D
veoting held recently at Bethle
hem. Dr J Paul Selsam, asssitant
piofessor of history, was reelected
secretary of the oiganizatlon
Seven other members of the Col
lege’s history faculty are active in
tlio association, one of them. Pro
fessor W F Dunaway, being a
member of the executive commit
The state association has moie
than 500 active members, includ
ing a large college his
tory instructors An entire col
lection, of books, in the College
llbiary Is devoted to Pennsylvania
Pictuied heie is, one
of the tin ee_m ui als in
the walls of the rotun
da and lobby of the
Mineral Industries
building The muials,
the only ones on
Campus, aie the woik
of Edmund M. Ashe,
prominent Pittsburgh
artist, and were pre
sented to the College
by an Alumni commit
The mural lepro
duced here shows coal
miners changing
'shift, just as they
leave the elevatoi
cage All three aie
Pennsylvania indus
trial scenes
Endowed Schools
In Danger, Says .
Chicago President
The endowed universities in this
country will have to go out of bus
iness Dr Robert Maynard Hutch
ins, president of the University of
Chicago, declares today in The Sat
uiday Evening Post "unless they
face their financial situation frank
ly, set tlielt house in older, devel
op a clear and defensible idea of
vvliat they aie Dying to do and
make the public understand it’}
The position of the endowedJini
versities. he~ points out, is precar
ious because of the economic situ-
Uon und the low interest yield on
investments while the institutions
supported by taxation ure continu
ing their advance on all fronts -
Endowed universities, he says,
might as well forget their endow’
ments us the futuie of these funds
is so speculative that no piogram
can be based upon them As a re
sult of "going tluough the wi ing
ot ” of economy from 1931 to 1935
it is unlikely that expenses can be
cut much moie, the article says
Consolidation Advocated
Consolidation of institutions is
advocated as one possible step,
while Dr Hutchins also suggests
that smaller annual contributions
might well be built up to take the
place of a few lurge endowments,
oi that in some cases it may, be
necessaiy to use capital, l instead
of relying on. interest, becuuse it
would be a wiser investment to
meet the need of the generation of
youths now piessing for education
than to tiy to consetve assets for
an unpredictable future
Typewi iters—All makes expert
ly repaired Portable and office
machines foi sale or lent Dial
2342 Hatiy F Maun, 127 W Bea
ver avenue 10-Sept
Armour’s tennis strings; 2-24
hour service Lowest puces in
town All work positively guarair
teed The Restringer, 20G v W Col
lege. Dial S3CO.
TWO ROOMS—WiII rent single
or double, 172 Haitswick ave.
Dial 2244 Desnable district.
- , 100-2tpuGD
FOR RENT—Clean, warm roomß,
' single or double Near Campus
at reasonable rates 122 S Ather
ton street 102 ltp GD
FOR RENT—Two single rooms,
vvaim, comfortable, reasonable
rates 423 Pugti street.
FOUND —Fawn coloied toy terrier,
black face, picked up on Campus
Thursday morning Phone 3185
Dick Hallow ’l4, head coach of
football at Harvard, last week de
uied that he was planning to leave
Harvaid at the end of this season
“I am not negotiating with any
olhei institutions and 1 shall coach
ut Harvaid next year,” he quid
No college administiation wants
Or John Bata (Jock) Sutheiland
as a football coach these days, iu*
moi has it he’s too big Aflei his
showdown with Chancellor Bow
man at Pitt when it became a
question of eithei the Chancellor
or the'* Coach leaving, no college
piesident is ready to take a chance
on him
Over-emphusis of chaiucter
butlding at the University of Chi
cago and a few plenty to 0 lickings
have started a move to oust the
University of Chicago from the Big
Fiutc! nities here weie pussing
aiound the tumor last week that
Coach Catl Suavely will leave Cor
nell this year According to the
Stoiy Snavely believes hi quitting
one job when his reputation is
sky-high and going somewheio.
else to sign a new long-teint con
tract at the best pi ice his soaring
stock can command
Fia-nk N \\folf head coach of
footbali and athletic director at
Wayensburg College, is'repoited
non-commital on a lumoi that he
will get some soil of a football
couching position at- Penn State
next yeai Wolf, a State graduate,,
has eained a reputation at Waynes
burg as one of (he nation’s leading
small college coaches, and is noted
| foi an ability ,to pioduce good
teams with comparatively poor
Schott To Address Alumni
Dr. Call P Schott, dean of the
school of physical education and
athletics, will address a smoker to
be held in Lancaster next Thurs
day night by the Lancaster Coun
ty Alumni Club
/I&Ti&w find t/dwj
VICIOUS CIRCLE: Introducing the happy-go-luclty Tuttles'of Tahiti, who
couldn't go fishing without gas for their boat Couldn't get gas Without
money. And couldn’t get money without ' 1
Pastor Tearo held memorial services for four
Tuttles lost at sea. . but he talked too soon!
Arc colleges like Harvard, Columbia and Uni- mg story by Philip Wylie, about an overstuffed .
versity of Chicago on the way out? With mil- > ' politician who goes after newsreel-sized fish ,
honaires vanishing, taxes rising, investments'' and pulls a trick no sportsman could stand for ;
dwindling, how can these schools compete with ' —bribes or no bribes! Sec There Heßlows! '
.state-supported universities? RobertfM.' - AND .; a live ly football story about the great'
Hutchins, President of the University of Chi- t Packy Farr and how ha played A Sail "
week’sPost.(Requiredreadingforallstudents.)' PLUS a‘yam by Harry Klingsberg in which
v ‘ , __ - J ‘ , I* r * »r 1 7 Ch
Liquor Sales Opposed By
Students, Survey Shows
A baic majouty of students Jieie oppose the sale of liquoi in
State College, uccoiding to a lecent cioss-section sumy.
Of those interviewed 5G 9 peicent said “no” to* the question, “Do
you appiovc of the sale of alcoholic beverages othdr than beer in State
College 7” Those who answered “yes" constituted 43.1 peicent
A total of 216 undergiaduates
weic leached by the poll, includ
ing 54 fraternity men and women
and 162 non-fraternity men and
A slight majority in favor of
liquor sales was registered by fiu
ternity men and women, 55 6 pei
ccnt of whom supported the pro
posal Strongly opposed was the
, non-fraternity group, only 38 9
percent of which* voted for alco
holic beverages other than beer
Also revealed by the survey was
the, even division of the student
body into dunkers and-non-drink
ers Of the 216, 109 said*they
drank alcoholic beverages, while
107 professed to abstain. ,
• Some of those contacted believed
that liquor should be sold in State
College if it were not sold m a
bauoom, that is it should be sold
at state liquor stores
Ward Scholarships
Won,By Students ,
Ten students have diawn a
total of $446 this semester fiom
the Montgomery Ward Scholarship
Fund, College auditor James A.
Hanley, newly appointed-counccloi
foi the Montgomery Ward Schol
arship Fund, levealed yesterday
According to the plan of the
mail order house, students, re
ceive a commission on all ordeis
jsing special older blanks stamp
ed with the student's name This
plan is no longer open to appli
Hanley succeeds Piofessoi Will
iam V Dennis, department of ag
ncultuial economics, as counselor
for the fund
PUZZLE: The,Tuttle boys caught a for- < * |fj THIS WEEK'S POST ;
tune in fish—and then discovered they * - » ■. (
didn’t know howto get it homo!, 1 .
Maps In Armory
Only Reference
To European War
Under Wa*r; Department orders
not to discuss the Euiopean War,
the department 1 of military science
and tactics makes its only refer
ence to the conflict on large maps
posted inside the Armory showing
the day by day progress
Any persons interested' in the'
stiuggle are welcome to see the
maps which me kept by Maj
Donovan P Ycuell They show the
various fronts and the direction
and extent of all the military
Information used in keeping the
to date is gathered from
the daily piess and from a semi
official Army and Navy magazine
which carries accounts of the war
written by military experts
The maps and explanatory sta
tistics arc on the south wall of
the Arrnoiy just* inside the en
hance to the main floot No com
ment accompanies them
Discussion of the war hus'Ulsu
been baned fiom all ROTC classes
New] Lowjin Deferments ‘
As -a t n indication s of improving
business conditions, the Buisar's
office lius announced theie wet'e
300 lets defeiments Hum lust-year
Since the deferment of fees system
i\as Inaugurated here, the number
of defei meals issued and national
business conditions % have closely
mu /a4itfr ;
On this bird the Tuttles gambled
their , last stack of furmturo but
nobodyknewifthocockcouldfigbtl ,
, - i i j*' ' . 1
the assistant District Attorney has a hunch :
that astrology might sometimes be spelled f
.Read Remember Galileo .:.
a romantic story. The Crusaders by James ’
, „ ' - ;' J ''i
ALSO'... Helen Hayes’ unique story. Second i
part of eight v . .'A timely article,'Lei Thef-
all in thisweek’sPoat. J
Tuesday, November 7, 1939”
Student ROTC j
Staff Named |
52 Seniors And 95 Juniors|
Appointed Col. EmeryJ
Fifty-two scniurs and 94 juntorij
have been appointed cadet
in the ROTC, it was announced
yesterday, with Cadet Col Al£»
thur M Skibbe '4O in charge of the
student brigade
This number is 42 moic thaft
•ast year, Colonel Ambrose 'H,
Emery, head of the 'military do*
partment, said Yesterday.
Cadet Lieutenant Colonels ap
pointed ore Leonardo S Wilhelm
*4O, M Gilbert Radcliff ’4O, aijd
Grover C Woshabaugh '4O who is
infantry executive officer j;‘
Cadet,Majois named arc Walton’,
L Turner ’4O, infantry brigade
adjutant; B Paul Blasingame ’4.0
engineer brigade plans and traili
ng officei, Robert R Blumenstein
40, Robert W Green ’4O, Brunei
G Ortelli ’4O, Chailes M Parkinfe
*4O, and Albro L Parsons ’4O
Also named were 41 scniois iu>
cadet captains -and 94 juniors as
cadet second lieutenants 1;
Forestry Societies 1]
Hold Joint Meeting)'-
For the first time Xi Sigma PI.
honorary forestry fraternity, and
the Penn State' Forestiy Society
uill hold a joint meeting openjto
the public The meeting will „bo
held this Thuisduy at 8 p m in
room 110 Home Economics Build;
tag - 4-
H. O Kimmel, State Cooidinatoi
of the Soll_Conbeivation
Will speuk followed by V C Miles,
Aiea Forestei for Western Pe£n
sylvania of the Soil Conservation
Service A sound motion picturo
entitled "30 Yeais'of Logging’’
will conclude'the meeting V
Rutgers Univeisity lias a new
course in tiie organization of public
relief 1 ' , 1 ’i