Page Four i Remember the Place i The T College ißook Store t '' 12!) W. Heaver Avenue State College, l’a. ) ' 4 HAWKS IN l THE HAND , Adventures in Photography and 's' Falconry by ; Frank & John " CRAIGHEAD Class of ‘4O -Shows at • - • - 6:30, B*3o Complete Show as Late as 9 05 Last tunes today GEORGE RAFT JAMES CAGNEY “EACH DAWN I DIE” Wednesday and Thursday MIRIAM HOPKINS BETTE DAVIS “THE OLD MAID” , - with GEORGE BRENT ISSSSSSSi Shows at • 1 30 3.00, 6.30, 8.30 Complete Show as Late as 9.05 TODAY AND WED. '"Added—Donald Duck Cartoon £ A Return Engagement 2, Stanley and - LIVINGSTONE” with SPENCER TRACy RICHARD GREENE NANCY KELLY * > HENRY HULL YOU CAN GET HOUSEPARTY SPECIALTIES AT Honorary Taps Caruthers Ralph Caiulheis ’4O who was out of town at tlie time of formal tap ping ceremonies has been initiat ed into Pnrmi Nous Nevada and Wyoming each have only one institution of Inghei learning Collars may clioke, shirts buckle and tails ride up But > our dancing feet are superbly at case m Mans fields Ease that-wiU make you want to dance until ;lt in tlie sky SHARPING, INC formerly S.P.S. Shoe Store 135 S ALLEN STREET FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES McKee’s Market 131 W. Beaver Ave. Dial 4921 If it grows, we have it Stop To See Our COMPLETE SELECTION of Evening Gowns & Dinner Dresses MOORE'S DRESS SHOP Five Pennsylvania Teams Join New College’ Ice Loop Tentative schedules have beeu (ii,i\\u up. foi the new Pennsyl vania Collegiate Hockev League which Penn State will join this wlntel Five teams will partici pate with each meeting the other one time All the league games will be played in the Heishey Arena at S p m Fiiday evenings pielimin an to the piofessional games theie Teams participating will be Penn State Lafayette Lehigh. Penn and the Heishey Junior Cubs Heishey officials will pio vide pads and gloves foi the goalies and pay tianspoitation foi the teams The Penn State schedule is De ceinbei $, Penn, Jauuaiy 12, Hei shey, Februmy 2, Lafayette, and Match 1, Lehigh Women in Sports | Betty Wlidger Ml, aud Jffu Hartz M 2 will meet to decide the owner oi Penn State’s feminine tennis crown if and when the weather pet rnits Friday night the Riding club will be hostesses at "White Hall Refieshments will be pait of the inducement and theie’s always a paitnei for ping-pong oi a fourth at bridge Helen Diievei won fhst honors, Bettv Puch second, and Ellen Moore third fn the Columbia Round of Sunday’s ai cilery tournament Louise Hack, Betty Bartolette and Mai ion Ellen weie tiist, second and thiid lespectlvely In the modi fied lound Lambda Chi Alpha Merger Proposed Plans have been appioved foi the national union of the Lambda Chi Alpha and Theta Kappa Nu fiatermties under the name of Lambda Clu Alpha The united fiateimties will have approximate ly 105 undergraduate chapters, and will be the fourth largest so cial fraternity in the nation Proposals of the amalgamation of the two fraternities were ap proved by Lambda Chi Alpha at its biennial assembly at San Fiancisco and at a special con vention of Theta Kappa Nu in Bir mingham, Alabama. Several mem bers of Theta. Kappa Nu have been elected to the goveimng board of Lambda Chi Alpha THE GLENHLAND GRILIE Ginger Ale, SodajrTom Collins Mixer, Tom Tuckerj 7Up aiid Cracked Ice PENN STATE COLLEGIAN ORANGE SCORI , CLIFF WILSON Syracuse Halfback + + + Football Continued From Page 1- more did Penn State get into Or ange territory, that late m the fourth period on a pass from 1 Smaltz to Lloyd Ickes which ear ned to the Syiacuse 49-yard stripe The Syiacusans lost thetr best chance to bieak the deadlock when Phil Allen, sub end, diopped a pass fiom Dick Banger late in the thud stanza Allen was in the clear on the Lion 20 yard line at the time, but let the pigskin drool through his numbed hands A fourth period field goal attempt by the Orange failed miserably when Jack Hmkle bobbled the pass fiom center and the ball went to the Lions on downs on then own 28-yaid stupe Alter Does Well Captaifi Spike Alter played one of the best games of his career, smashing Syiacuse ball-camera for innumerable losses, dumping then interference in then own faces In fact, the Lion lead ,ei was m the Oiange backfield so much of the time, that the New York boys were seriously consid ering electing him honorary cap tain of the Solcm-coached outfit Outstanding on the defense, as usual, was Leon Gajeckt, Nittany center, who fiom his backer-ur spot wreaked havoc with the Or ange ball-toters during the entire game Wade Mori, at guaid, was a potent factor in the Lion .de fense as w'ell r ytj Freshman Riflemen Called* Candidates for the fieshman rifle team must lepoit to the Airaory'at 4 p m on Thuisdaj ’ CLASSIFIED , Typewiiters—All makes expert ly lepahcd Poi table and office machines foi sale oi lent Dial 23-12 Hany F Ma-nn, 127 W Bea vei avenue , 10 Sept' TENNIS RACKETS reatrung— Ai morn’s tennis strings, 2-24 hour service Lowest prices ‘in town All woik positively guaran teed. The Restringer, 206 W Col lege Dial *33CO Attention—The Student Union Office is in no way responsible for the dellveiy of the Collegian We do, however, keep Collegian copies ut om office for those who fail to lcceive their copy thiough the pi oper chunnels 45 4tcoGD Notice—We have many calls for tulent in the entertainment line and would like to have all magi cians. singers, jugglers, hypnoti ze! s, dancers, and other entertain ers pluce their name and address at the Student Talent Bureau 4 at the Student Union Office immedi ately 41-4tch—GD Lost—White beaded bag contain ing Elgin watch and class ring Return to Student Union Reward 86 2tp EIC WILL PERSON who took by mis take biown reversible coat front White Hall, Wednesday evening icturn to Student Union " 90-ltpdTH INTELLIGENT GIRL would like to share apaitmcnt with anoth er girl or obtain private room In% quite Box B. IpdKIM LOST—Brown checked overcoat in North Liberal Arts, outside of Room Five. Reward Call Stu dent Union. 92-ltpdGD FOR RENT—One apartment, two bediooms, kitchen and private bath Four students preferred. Available immediately. Cleaned daily, 120 E. Fatrmount.'' „ 93-ltpdKlM lEugene H. Ledererl REAL ESTATE 114 E. Beaver Ave. Dial 4066 State College n Cub Booters Score In Closing Minutes To Hold Cornell, 2-2 The Nlttanv cub soccer squad and the Cornell freshman bopters wallowed to a muddy 2-2 deadlock Satuiday afternoon on the practice field. Craig Allen, Cornell? slipped one by the Lion goalie for the initial tally in the first quartei Penn State retaliated in the second quar ter when Oliver Jones stabbed the ball into the net, evening the scoie ut 1-1 In an extra peilod, Cornell aguiu foiged ahead when Austin Brown pushed acioss the second score, but Stanley Lion for ward. tied up the game with the final boot a few’ minutes before the game ended Team Places 4th In Dairy Contest The Dairy Products Judging Team composed of foui seniors, placed fourth in the National Inter collegiate Contest held at San Francisco on October 23 .The con test. In which 16 teams paitlcl pated, was won by lowa J W Walcta was second in but tei judging P H Cober was third In cheese, seventh in f ice cream, and eighth in butter J R Raup placed sixth in cheese and tenth hi milk KNOTS YOU ALL HAVE SEEN IN THIS SAME ISSUE A half hour of excitement Harold Chanmng Wire’s yam Glory Hole about a cave-in 1700 feet down! (Too bad they’d fired l the lad they thought was “yellow,” the only man who had tho key to tho rescue....) *. AND a lively story of a girl reporter who went out to cover the races ( and ran into a story with a real news angle— when she fell m love with a gentleman nder, and he walked away! MORE spine chills in the climax of Alec Hudson’s vivid and authentic submarine war story, Battle Stations. _ PLUS ... an article, The Great Red Father, by W G Krivitsky, on the bloody undercover work" of the Comintern in Germany; and If You Must Borrow— by Lowell Brentano. (Attention—studpnts lowontheirpocketmoneyDAlsostones '' by Zachary Gold and William Faulkner, poems, editorials, cartoons. * i Joe Bourne ’42 Tours Nation In Ping-Pong Show Sophomoie tiavels 15.0UU miles lit eight weeks givhig table tennis exhibitions before amazed specta tors Joe Bouine M 2, liberal uiLisl, spent tils vacations Impelling us commentutoi with two national table tennis champions from Princeton With tlieii specially equipped sedan piled high with luggage, the most impoitunt item u 200-pound table, the three college boys trav eled from Chicago to Daytona Bcuch to Bui Harboi, Maine, pluy- Ing at famoufe hotels, lesoits, and night clubs Appear in Shows Foi a week they weie featured in Oirin Tuckei’s floor show at Chicago Lake Placid, Skytop, Po* cono Manoi, Sagamore Hotel at Lake Geoige, and Poland Spnngs House are some of the other pioni inent spots that enjoyed their show " Senator Boiuh watched the'tiio perform, and Lawson Little, fa mous golfei, played and lost one of theit challenge matches ’With Dan Kreei and Abbott Nel son of Princeton, Joe has toured 35.000 miles in thiee yeais, acting as commentatoi and comedian while Ills pals turned away dilves 25 feet from the table and smashed four balls at once with tuned fiy ing pans 1 The Owr Knob Knot 2 The Pet Wee Knol **»Z2£t*«Z22ft r^c^t^=s ; c V*twi; :v-;v: by F *MCIS Wallace m GcrKardt Out For, Season William Gerhardt, *42, vara! football squad member, has got to Pittsburgh foi a knee operatic and will be lost to the Lions U the test of the season MAREMOR the FLORIST 222 West Reaver Phone 3151 M 4 The Skew Gee Knot 3ThePump Handle Knot ■v nr-t -f| Tuesday, October 31,1939 ARROW TIES SEE THIS WEEK'S POST 5 The Arrow Knot *»,Tb..vV~ v ’ -vygl