’43 PSCA Meeting Tonight A combined < social get-togethei of the PSCA freshman groups will be held tonight''immediately fol lowing the meetings of the two or ganizations. i The Forum will hold election of offers at its meeting whil? the Freshman Men’s Group will hold nominations for officers - r o m m’s Opposite Old fll.im - State College You Can Best Please HER =KpMIT.S.4; -V/,- Always Unacceptable’Gift' . APPOINTMENT : >: r; 'PHpNE 2345 : >X ' ’Or? V ■-- 1 - The TjE'js[-N : OtAte . : • —•• •' J^HOTpvJ'HOP &-V. 21 Ae. ; COLLEGE AYE.- .' -' " THESPLA * Tk"*X V. Schwab Auditorium Frosh Nittany Cubs Seek 2nd Win In Red Game 26 |To Make First Trip; Lineup Remains Intact ' Nudged out 7 to G Saturday by a nifty Syracuse cub eleven, Penn State’s flashy Freshman grid edi ' tion will change partners with the [ varsity this week-end whon they I tackle a weighty Cornell yeailing squad at Schoellkopf Field tomoi iow afternoon Mnv the outcome be different > X went y*six Nittany Lion young sters left by r bus this morning for the IGO mile'jaunt to Ithaca The some eleven which soundly'trounc ed Pitt two weeks ago and which outplayed Syracuse last Satuulay, wiU have the job of avenging the varsity's ignominous licking by the Big, Red when they battle their jnnlois tomorrow ' „, i ' Same Lineup Slated } Only possible change in the sinning lineup’of the last two fia cases i« at centei whei e Kiskl grad Bob Brooks may replace flu strick en John Tessierf The same back fleld of .Ventresco, Weaver, Brown, and Rice is slated to start, while ends Bob Davis and John >Egli will remain on the flanks of the Lion juggernaut.- Joe Marcusiand Ken Schoonover will open ’at tackle, while Bob Perugini and Bill Hhmil ton will be in at guard Cornetl Strong Available information fiom the Little Bed camp indicates that jWhile Penn State CAN beat Cor nell, the going will be mighty hard Two 195 backs, /Phil - Goldenberg and John Bonarek, iform the nu cleus of the hefty Beai* cub eleven As.if this were not enough concen tinted biawn, the Cornell Bureau of Vital Statistics announced the line aveiages 198 pounds Special Train May Run > From N.y.C. To Army A “Penn State Special” to** ' transport students and, alumni' from. New York City ;to\West' 4 Point for the Army-Penn State - game, November ,18, is now be . ing conSi'dered'by’ the New’York % Central System ■, hr ‘ -The' tram"* would* leave' West ■ 42hd York, at 11 10 A ? a v m and hrnve atjWest Point. about 12.30 p.' m. Buses 'will ' ~meet the train at the station and , cany occupants to the stadium , All traffic and parking hazaids would thus be avoided - r Students, faculty, or alumni' interested in using the special * train should ‘Sign their names at ,Student Union desk before ' next Tuesday > ' Gridders Battle Cornell Away Tomorrow ' Intramural Tlia PrJlncfinri QtiAftc Sportiight | me ouuiLo **“ round and the fraternity league ' beginning the second round , i." V • i ■■ -1 ■ ■■ i ■»■■■ in . . 1.1. -■■-I ; ■ ■■■ i—" the defending champions, Delta PAGE THREE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Friday, October 27, 1939 Chi, has already been defeated m - i - * ... > a dose contest with Delta Upsilon. - -- —, # j ... || # The latest scores are as follows Between The Lions let's peel this orange Gndwaiiopmgs Cl^, — KJLIIVU.iI I lIL klUllU • » /Vo run Chicago age Delta Tau Delta defeated Al r> i pha Sigma, 7-0 Chi Phi defeated Paver Declares Phi Ka w ,a - 2 downs 10 1 a Poie „ liy Society defeated Penn Haven, 13-0 Clovei Club defeated Pine and While Club, default. Watts Hall A default'd Joidan, 7-0 Locust Lane Lodge defeated Atheiton Sticet Dorm, 1 (list down to 0 Lion Club defeated Boi land Silver Stieak, overtime pei iod-gieatei vaulage Fan mount Hall defeated Anchorage, 1 hist down to none B K B Club de feated Penn State Club, 1 fust down to none Boh Wilson Penn State’s football Lions will leave for Syracuse this morning' with just two objectives in mind 1 To hand the Big Orange elev en d lacing similar to the one ad ministered here last year And, 2 To seive critics of their foot*, ball ability an uproarious merry lm-hn , * , • Provided they click in-one par ticular department, I firmly believe they will achieve both ends I re fer, of course, to State’s blocking —the one cylinder in the Lion ma chine that has been missing con «picuously so far this season If State’s blocking even comes near approaching the blocking peak that was reached against Syiacuse last season, a Lion tri umph seems almost assured k Peters Again? ' Chuck Peters, a victim of cir cumslances v this season, wa 1 cumstances this s.eason, wa: State’s hero against the Big' Or enge last yeai. It was Chuck wh< knocked Syracuse on its can witl an 80-yaid touchdown gallop threi plays after the opening kickoff It was Chuck who scored a seconc time and' an unmolested 14-yan tiabh' It was Chuck “who carnet, the ball 11 times from sci image that afternoon to average bettei than 14 yards per tiy Chuck is due again tomouow White and .Rollins Craig White and Steve Rollins didn’t do bad against the Orange last year either Steve ripped off 322 yards in 16 tries and Craig made 65 in only six attempts White also scored one of the Li on’s five touchdowns , What Again? Sahib Smaillfw was colder than slaw again last weekend. The fad ing yogi called only four games right out of ten, lowering his aver age to 550 percent for the^season . Despite-“his''poor-’ showing *l&st week, the Sahib deserves conimen* datlon for his very psychic predic* tion of Pitt’s upset by Duquesne Th'is week the Sahib picks* Camegie Tech over Notre Dame .Ohio State over Cornell Fordham over Pitt' No Carolina over Penn Texas ovei Rice Arkansas over Villanova Mississippi over Tulane 1 So California over California„ Stanford over Washington Puidue over,Santa Clara •The Sahib positively refuses to predict the outcome of the State Syracuse battle Soccer and Syracuse ► Tomorrow afternoon 'on New Beaver Field Bill Jeffrey’s soccer Lions should, but not without ex* ertion, extend their amazing string of consecutive victories to fiftj (50) games The Syracuse Orange hooters, stronger this yeai than they ha\e been for several seasons, will be State’s stepping-stone to intercol legiute soccer history . Syracuse, by the way, was the last team to, defeat the Nlttany Lions . Football (Continued From Page One) Len Frketichi" Len Krouse, sopho-* more wmgback, has taken over the job held down by Craig White \ Ossie Solem. will probably call to action the same team which has started most of the Orange battles this season. This would, mean Whitey PlroLand Gerry Batten at George Hooper and Red Heater at tackles, Dick Dudley and co-captam Hugh' Daugherty at guards, and Tony' Paskevich' at center. In’ the ball-carrying depart ment, the Orange will have Cliff Wilson at quarter, Dick Banger, and Gene* Hopkins at the' halves, and' co-captam Bill Hoffman' at fullback.' 5 ‘ - In reserve will be bantamweight Babe scoring Syracuse “punch".,runner, who was top tal ker for the-northerners last .sea son “ 1 " ' ' • » , r -, |Eugene;H; Ledererl REAL ESTATE^; 114 E. Dial 4089 - ~ , State College* - " ‘ SrSlSg ''PRESENT SWING PINAFORE i November 3 and 4 (Houseparty Week-end) morrow's game, scrappy little Babe Ruth, high scoring Syracuse back, will cause no little trouble for the Nittany Lion defense. Lion Harriers Meet Fast Oran i-“No land-of-milk and'honey •will* be the Orange territory the Lion Cross countrymen invade tomor 'row for their dual with Syracuse, one of the best teams in the na tion, in their third meet of the yeai , TheiLion hariiers’ squad is rid* died with' injuiies. Herman Goff* berg, last year’s runner-up in the Freshman IC4A is definitely out foi the season, Alex Bourgerie is still on the casualty list Bill Smith will run •with the Blue and White hill' and dalers but the strained muscle that has kept him from piactice the past few days may give him some trouble Cavileer Orange Ace Although the Syracuse 4cioss countrymen lost two of their best men, Stanley Dow and Chailes Southard, through graduation last year, the Orangemen still have Captain Jesse Cavileei, a thxeat in any harrier’s language In addition, George Bailey a ca pable varsity man from last year, is back and the Oimigemen aie bolsteied by lecruits from a pow erful cub combine of the I*l3B sea son ' The Nittany aggi egatlon that left foi Syracuse this morning was made .up of Bill Smith, Captain Fiank, Maule, Len Hjenderson, Graham Millet, Harold Olsen, Hcih Nipson, and Jim Hostettler Hall/ Routsonp On Compass Edgar V. Hall '4l has been ap pointed editor-m-chief of the P. S C A Compass it was announced yesterday. Ralph'C. Routsong, Ji '4l named managing editor . ! For-Your Hallowe’en Party 'Order, Your DO-NUTS ' from the ■*“ *: h. &w: . DO-NUT SHOP 117 8 Pugh -St l, . "WATCH,THEM BEING* " MADE" i e Team ’» r,. Mystery ’43 Harriers Face Syracuse Away ,The yearling “Mystery cross country squad" left this morning for their first meet of the season with Syiacusc Membeis of the cub pack are Bingham, Jimeson, WHgley, Bow els, Cosgiove, McAleei and Stan ley. This harrier seven will run up against some of the best fresh man runneis the East has to offer when they meet the Orange cubs tomoirow Flank Coffin, a farm boy from Schuylerville, N Y, known at Syracuse as the “sensa tional shoeless runner,” is the nu cfeiw around which the Syracuse cub\ capable team has been built L 0 , w ' E R S MAREMOR the FLORIST , 222 W. Beaver Phone 3151 It’s no fun to get walloped on the giulnon by such top-heaw scoics that the school js “getting to be a big joke in the eves of the American jpubhc ” That evident fact was called to the attention of students this week by the Daily Maioon, Chicago stu dent newspapei The editorial was inspued by the Gl-0 and 85-0 de feats Chicago lecently suffeied at the hands of H'uivaid and Mich jgaii. lespcctivelv. The Maioon declined, “our school has become a benevolent institution furnishing nmteiial on which liewspapei wiiteis from all ovei the countiy can piactice clev erness when they have nothing better to fill space ’’ Pointing out that such a pigskin exhibition was a sore spot with Alumni, the pupcr added “To the football team, too, the niattei isn’t such a big joke For then leward the playcis get de rision ” where cbak it car be had. Be sure you see our selec tion before the start of the sea son. HUNTING SHIRTS ALL-WOOL, SOCKS vgl SWEAT SHIRTS 11,6 ATHLETIC STORE k St Thuy's UnivemHj (Tpxjis) owns a bus Tor ufhlwit tiips Hmt holds V> passengois "AT PENH STATE d?*ra •-123 W. NITTANY-AVENUE ML ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER Thermostatic Heat, Quiet Atmo< sphere and Scrupulously Clean Hunting PMENT WARM ALL-WOOL All Seats 50c Ruttenberg To Lecture Hniold Ruttenbeig", dnectoi oC the Reseai ch Council on Industrial* Organisation, will lectuie on "Thd Place of Labor Organizations American Industry,” in the H. E{ auditorium at 3 10 p,m. today. i|§|| Bowling KZZPS VOV FIT.. Just because sum mer’s over-, don’t let down and grow flab by—sluggishl Bow ling keeps you fit, while you enjoy fun filled relaxation. Dux Club S. Pugh St. Stale College MORE DAYS REMAIN RE THE START OF SMALL-GAME HUNTING SEASON Prepare for It With the pheasant will lift his wing id, the rabbit will scurry over of the hunter’s shot will echo more I pre- I Huntsman’s vest, lined with cartridge pockets. ~~, Huntsman’s cap, with convertible eai shields. i Waterproofed leather coat, all fleece lined. Catalogue of additi-', onal equipment on[ Yequest. • ’■