Page Pour " Schwab Auditorium DAD’S DAY ONLY A Penn State Players’ Production. “SQUARING THE CIRCLE” Res Seats at S. U 50c & 75c CURTAIN AT 8.30 Shows at-1.30, 3*oo, 6*30, 8 30 Complete Show as Late as 9 05 ) LAST TIMES TODAY j Men in the State Depart ment who keep Americans and America out of danger! Joel McCrea • Brenda Marshall in “Espionage Agent” with Jeffrey Lynn • George Bancroft SATURDAY ONLY, Maisie’s back m town 1 Can a man solve two murders when surrounded by fifty bathing beauties? FRANCHOT TONE ANN SOTHERN in “Fast and Furious” l‘ MON. —TUES. —WED She's Iho paik bench Stieam lined Cindeicila—wlfo buigalns to lescue it lonesome ileh man ft cm his family of hi huts and glittci bugs' GINGER ROGERS “Fifth Avenue Girl” with Walter Connolly James Ellison Verree Teasdale Shows at • 1.30, 3 00, 6*30, 8:30 Complete show as late as ♦ 9.05 LAST TIMES TODAY RICHARD GREENE ' “Here lAm a Stranger” with Richard Dix Brenda Joyce SATURDAY ONLY One -of fiction’s most be loved families comes joy ously to life on the screen 1 “Five Little Peppers and how they grew" with EDITH FELLOWS and the LITTLE PEPPERS MON.— TUES.— WED. | Always Outnumbered! Never Outfought! ‘ GARY COOPER in “The Real Glory” with Audi ca Leeds David Niven fl Iffifilftfl Shows at - • • ♦ ,6.30, 8:30 Complete Show as Late as 9.05 Today Only "“Five Came Back” with Chester Morris • Wendy Barrie 'Lucille Ball • Joseph Callela Allen Jenkins Sain, day Only “Bad Lands” with —■ Robert Barrat Noah Beery, Jr. Big Boy Williams Moneay and Tuesday “Union Pacific” with Joel McCrea , *■*- Barbara Stanwyck Akim Tamlroff sj, Lynne Overman Delta Upsilon Wins IM Trophy Ma>oi F. H LuGuaidiu and all Godduid College is believed to of his commissioners will give a be the only institution of higher lecture coins© this year at New education in the U S that does Yoik Unlveisity on the city's gov- not use academic legalia at coin einment mencement exercises DO-NUTS Watch them being made fresh daily THE ELECTRIC BAKERY ON ALLEN STREET THE 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF STATE COLLEGE Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TREAT MOTHER DAD TO SOME REAL CANDY Chew GOSS’S CANDY while PENN STATE beats BUCKNELL “We pack the pieces you choose to eat” Magazines Pipes Tobacco Newspapers YOUGEL’S IN STATE THEATRE BLDG \ ' TYPICAL NIGHT AND SUNDAY RATES I | FROM STATE COLLEGE W ) FOR 3-MINUTE STATION-TO-STATION CALLS WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH HARRISBURG LANCASTER D. C. PA. PA. PA. - 40c 45c' 35c 35c WILLIAMSPORT READING PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK PA. PA. PA. CITY.N.Y. 35c 40c 50 c 55c SCRANTON BALTIMORE CHICAGO MILWAUKEE PA. __ MD. ILL. WIS. 45c 40. c $l.OO $1.05 These reduced long distance rales are in effect l! j every night after 7 and all day Sunday. Take ad- *' vantage of them to get in touch with the folks back home and with out-of-town friends. LL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA' TAKE MOTHER AND DAD / _ • ; to the :, Penn State Diner You will like the friendly spirit—the excellent food—the results of expert management. 1 PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Tops Delta Chi And Sigma Pi In Close Count Nairowly topping the in tramural point totals of Del ta Chi and Sigma Pi, Delta Upsilon was selected yester day as recipient of the covet ed Intramural Athletic Tro phy by the intramural board Competition between the three oiganizations was so close that re sults wcie carefull checked and rccheckcd to avoid mistake, ac cording to Paul '£. Gcis, piesident of the board * First place in the mushball tourney and second place m swim ming competition helped to cap tuie first place for Delta Upsilon Delta Chi was second and Sigma Pi third. Other gioups neai the top have not yet been announced by the board Presentation of the tiophy has been tentatively scheduled for the pep tally on ,Friday, October 13 Sixty-three teams were entered in the lace for the award, which is presented hy the School of Phy sical Education and Athletics t ‘Dutch’ Meyer Says Forward Pass Not Dangerous Offense Tile football pass ib less dangei oils and treacheiotis than ground plays, in the opinion of L It (Dutcii) Meyei, coach of the un defeated 1938 football team at Tex a's Chiistian Unlveisity In most parts of the Southwest, Meyer said today in an aiticle in The Saturday Evening Post, the pass is a noimal pait of the of fense, “not a dangerous maneuver to be used spaimgly and hi faint hope," and he backs that up with the figures that in 1938 the Frogs passed 229 times and in 11 games lost the ball only seven times by mteiception, but 17 times by fum bles , “Tluoughout , 1938 pass plays were the safest thiug we tiled," Meyer says in the article "Only two things are necessary to unlimber the bombers* One is to hu\e a team on the field The othei is to have possession of the lenthei any whet e on the field "a Hillel Foundation " Plans First Social As a climax to the annual mem beislnp drive held this week, the Hillel Foundation has planned a membership mixer which will be held on Saturday night from eight to twelve at the new club-rooms Admission to this fust social event of the year will be by membership caid,only. However, Rabbi Theo dore Goidon stated that any dads visiting the campus this week-end will be welcome guests Those who have worked to make the affair a success are Harvey Levin, chairman of the member ship committee, Claire Dunkner and Charlotte Dattncr, co-chau - men of the social committee, and Estelle Marguhes, who is planning the entertainment NittanyNews • • Tobacco 0 Smokers’ Sup plies • Magazines • Candy' • NittanyNews 110 TV. College Ave. ‘ Elections ArS Slated In Downtown Dorms Women's downtown dormitories will nominate and elect officers Tuesday night with members of WSGA' senate in charge Presi dents of each group will 'serve on the house of representatives fromm 1 ! Opposite Old Main - Slate College FP I'A A winsome young lady from Barrow ARROW TIES ARE SMART' 1 f s< Hated ties that were stringy and narrow, Anl\Uil u IIKJ MI\L JiVlAftl , v - ® ut s^e or S ents , cee ruic WEEK’S PftCT T, > ' Who showed thrift and good sense _ rwal / And always wore neckwear by Arrow. Lady from Barrow QUrwun. make uritiea • “What does that child of she can’t na^^-srJKrS’SiS-^ 6urV married what, they wondered, woul W sof weeks Post, realized the truth? • • • iurn ' Back riMrf*' I’® 1 ’® ““ ass! pass! PASS! “And we’ll keep on passing!" says coach "Dutch”, Meyer, whose/Texas Chnstian footballers were un defeated last season. He tells you what makes his leather-snatchers click. See this week’s Post IF WAR COMES TO THE U. 5.... what will our Navy do? Fletcher Pratt, outstanding naval authority, analyzes XT. S. sea power and the naval strategy of the next waiY Read Co/umb/a, the Qem of the Ocean > , HOW DUMB SHOULD A COP BE? Officer Moogera gives you one answer in This Business Needs a Fool . Here's another hilarious cop yam by Joel Sayre. FUNNY MAN 808 BENCHLEY. Plenty of'laughs in this one by J. Bryan, 111 See page , „ AND short stones by Ben Lueien Burman, Dorothy Thomas and Richard Howells Watkins; articles, fun and cartoons The Story of Hot Jazz Told in the lives of the men / who created it JAZZ MEN Edited by Frederick Ramsey, Jr, and Charles E Smith, containing Edw. J. Nichols’ ' article on Bix Beiderbecke i Mr Nichols will appear at this store to autograph copies Other articles by Wilder Hobson, Otis Ferguson, E Simms Campbell, William Russell, Roger Pryor Dodge, Stephen W. Smith and the editors. 360 pages -$2 75 KEELER'S Cathaum Theatre Bldg 4 . S.S.MARKLAND LINE > ' t, Don’t be afraid—Our cruises don’t touch \ troubled waters. 1 ' \ FIRST BIG CRUISE-SAT., OCT. 7th as scheduled r 1 • - Lots of Fun and Entertainment •o. / Leaving as Usual from . 1 : PIER BELLEFONTE n " _TI i , ' -t Maybe Dad would like to see one of the j wonders of Centre County. Skipper:—Bill Captain:—Mort ” Hotel Markland 1 ’’ , f ' v '' V • J ’ Belief on te, Pa. / 'V ' , , -Friday, October 6, 1939