Friday, October 6, 1939 , Lion X-Country Team Faces Tough ITS7T|LT f in Royal’s Contest! - - _ f » A I'll • §lO,OOO for Names : THE CORNER BOOK SHOP > ' - GET ENTRY BLANKS HERE - - • COR...COLLEGE,AVE. AND PUGH ST. -« - \ _ 1 ; s E ' OUR SELECTip^^™™™™ Si' , ' ' . stop IN' FOR A FREE ENTRY. BLANK’" ft MflMß's ft" ■ ■> ~ - * - ~~ iI ■ I V'-y/ ' ~ " - I" BEAT BUCKNER v •„ Then Celebrate With Dad j<' ' ’ ' - ' '. - ' —at I “Boots’’ Diner fC ■- -' ? -v ’“Boots” Ripka, Prop. ; ~, Opp. Old Main ft 1 -» ~ ‘ ■ >* ~ -ft ’ ; Welcome I' Dads ft' ~•’ r v*; 7 '" J ? to . " jft THE' VARSITY SHOP , {l ' “Outfitters for Smart Men”~ ft"-, 1 ■ ■ '• - ' , ".-r (Vi j ~ 1 " i' - 1 • ' ' 1 ,127 S. ,ALLEN 'ST ' I V* ~^MILTON 1 8. 2EPER, Mgr. BRING MOTHER AND DAD 7 ft'- . ft., to V \ft'. . Ift-'i’Jltf'fti: Between The Lions Bob Wilson One of my secret agents who works so close to Ridge Riley that he is Ridge Riley stopped me yesteiday on my way to a tea given in honor of Doggy Alexander at Fiances Atherton Hall and handed me a neatly-folded, .official-looking slip of yellow jmper _ But before I disclose the contents of this all-important piece ot yellow paper, I’d better tell you who Ridge Riley is A veiy small patch on the seat of the College Administration, Ridge is Penn State’s official minister of athletic propaganda Well, anyhow,'as I was saying, Ridge handed me this carefully creased sheet of yellow paper and said, “Here, maybe you'can use this in your column ” Eager to know just what it was all about, I hastily unfolded the' page and icad this Bucknell-Penn State Football 14 1881 Editor's, note The following is an excerpt fiom ah editorial printed in the University of Lew isburg -(now Bucknell) game played in 1881 t The first football match winch hue been played foi some txme on om campus came off near the close of last term, between the Univer sity team and the boys from SVatc College The University team weie defeated; but 1 vcie uailing to accept defeat with the lesson The State College team wei e well ■uniformed and disciplined, where as oi tr boys, although haying con siderable piactice, weie not up to all their dodges It was apparent in this game that our team was a match foi,, if not superior to' then antagonists, in all but piac hcc and lenowledge oj their arts These can be acquired Having met them once, and having gained by practice, they may reasonably expect victory in the coming game We do not despan of winning bac/c our laui els, and new ones in addition ' The contest certainly ex erted a beneficial influence upon our zest for athletic spoiHs We are very much gratified to obsenie ‘the growing interest manifested m these, sports during the present \ ycai Improvements seem to be \ the order of the day, in fact, in all departments ; a new endoiv nient fund for the University, a new Board of Trustees; a new pa pei, a'new Athletic Association, together vnth the in- in long-yeglectcd , sports; who _Bhall say that we are not making pi ogress at the U. of L 9 Since the organization, of the Athletic ABociation, our football team has procured new, strong, and beautiful uniforms and are employing all available time in practice, and 10111 yield no future game without a struggle 1 finished leading and was on the veige of laughter, my favor ite'perch, when Ridge interrupted with “It’s funny airright, but not as funny as you think. Read it again ”, I scanned the article again and noticed that it was written about 57 years ago.. The game was played 58 years ago, and yet things haven’t changed too much since that time Penn State is still a “well-umformed and dis ciplined” team; Bucknell is still a “match for, if not superior to thtyr antagonists”—the Nittany Lions; the Bisons who play here tomorrow will “not despair of winning Back their laurels” nor will they "yield without a strug gle” as the editorial suggests. Moral: If the shoe fits,'lace it up l - Football Continued‘From Page 1 , ' ‘ they are not of the starting elev en. Sophomore backs Len Krouse, Pepper 'Petrella, and Bill Smaltoc aie -sure to see action at some time timing the afternoon, as is Steve Rollins. Len Frketich, 276 pound tackle, will get his chance as the occasion/ arises. THE BEST BEER IN TOWN THE COLLEGE GRILLE OPP. POST OFFICE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Jeffreymen Seek 2nd Win Veteran Engineer Team To Test Unbeaten Liens By ED McLORIE Gunning for their N second victory of the season, Penn State’s soccer Lions will meet Lehigh’s Engin eers on New Beaver Field at 1 p m tomorrow ' i “ The Jeffreymen, fresh after an impressive 4-1 victory over Gettys burg, likely will encounter <|tifF op position fiom the reportedly strong Lehigh outfit Although not one of the best teams in this section, Lehigh boasts a veteian scoring forwaid wall Engineers Present Test Lead by co-captains Walter Rus «slll and Edward Phillips at half back posts, the Engineeis piesent the ‘first test for Jeffiey’s 1939 1 contingent The outcome of this 1 contest may prove whether the Lions are set to continue the tedi ous task of upholding that envious victory streak Some University of Louisville' buildings originally housed a ju\e- TYPEWRITERS $49-50, $59.50, $64.50, $67.50 Used Machines Priced From $lB to $44 L. C. Smith Uprights Factory Rebuilt $49.50 Web-r Star Carbon All New and Factory Rebuilt Machines Carry a One-Year Guarantee Used Machines, a Six-Month Guarantee All Makes of Machines Repaired Ribbons 1 * Type Cleaner Athletic Store, Inc.] Dial 2158 asper Tomorrow Manhattan Won IC4-A Championship Last Year Bill Smith, L«*n Hemleisnn flank Mntilr Alex BourgPilp fleotge •Olspn IToi maun (.offbeig, Heib Mpso.i—fom VPter.ins mid Hupp sopho 'inoies —th.u's tlie Lion nos° country tpam that will moot. Manhattan s haiilot spvui between the halves ol the Penn State-BuckiiPll football game tonioimw ■»— ■ ——— Coach Chick Wempi selected the team after a time trial on Wed nesday In which Bill Smith led the pack ovei the finish line followed by Henileison, Manle and componv In the ordei named above The Alunhpttun squad that locks with the Werneimen tomorrow is one of the stiongest evei to invade the Nittany Mountain*. Here’s how 'Manhattan placed ovpi Penn State in the JC4-A 'ven detta Jast year Smith Peivn State, fiist, Mort ality, Manhattan, fifth, Manle, Penn State. 12th, Sheehan, Man hattan. ar>tli, Pit rev, Manhattan, 16Ui, Mamie, Manhattan, 18th, Henderson, Penn State, 25111, Nip son, Penn State, 47th In the freshman IC4-A tilt Goffberg, Penn State, thhd, Olsen, Penn State tenth, Bnlgei, Manhattan, 11th, Bomgerle. Penn State, 22nd In addition the Jaspers bring with them two othei outstanding hill and daleis—Andy Neidnig- run nel up foi the IC4-A two mile title, and Joe Zeitnei, /lunnei-up in the IC4-A MAGAZINES NEW AND USED Remington Portables Sahib Smailliw Picks Penn State Over Bucknell Cornell over Syracuse Carnegie Tech over Temple Pitt over West Virginia Maryland over W Maryland Michigan over Michigan State Notre Dame over Georgia Tech Duke over Colgate UCLA over Washington Oregon over Stanford The Sahib adds that all the games will be close with the ex ception of the State-Bucknell tilt which will be 33-0 in State's favor • Plumbing and Heating Repairing and New Work i Let “Mel” do it! 0, E. MAELHORN PHONE 2214 Beat BUCKNELL then get all other scores GRAHAM'S HammermiU Bond 500 Sheets • • • $i 161 b. Sub. 500 Sheets -85 c Used $2B - $32 - $3B Opposite Main Gate CRABOW Pipes orepre- with fine tobacco lEDCEWORIHJ Jo break them'in by Lmkmon’s E»- elusive Pipe Smoking Machine 20 lb. Sub. Underwood Portables $64.50 With Stand Attached Page Three ALWAYS GIVES YOU SATISFACTION | the p,t-SmUU r\n t Thousands cheer smooth football playing and Or Grabow's smooth smok ing, lone 'age, “-J :n it vith* i' eh? J and «< For call 1939 Y IS