Page Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN isuteOh’ior to The Free Lance, established 1887 Published *emi weekly during the Colkftc ytar, except on holiriny* bj Btu«*ent« of Thi Pennsylvania State College, m the Interest of the College the stuiknts, faculty nlumnl, and fr endfe , THE MANAGING BOARD A MILL!AM ENGEL. JR MO. Editor C RUSSELL FCk. 40 Business Manoßer Hilen L Camp 40. Women * Editor TMANUFL ROtfll ’4O BURTON C WILLIS JR ’4ft Mantieinlie II PtWI 41 Anta L .lletfer«n 41 Vera L Kemp 41 Associate Business Managers Lawrence S Driver 41 *«»>»« K G Robnxon 41 Rut»i Goldstein 41 Leslie 1» I«41 Mnnng ng Editor This Isaue j jtnjusng I elitor This Nsui V, m,n3 if - » ildor Entered as second class matter July 5 15'14 “t the jK«t office at Stute Col.e'to Pa under Hit act of March 3, 1870 Fnday, October 6» 1039 DAD'S DAy- more than a game SCHEDULE MAKERS thoughtfully tie in a football contest with the celebiation ol Day s Day each year This yeai is no ex ception and tomorrow is that day Yel, just how many undergi aduales con sider Dad’s Day anything hilt a football r liue, it does offer, as do most athletic contests, an opportunity to mciease that "companionship” and that “my pal” enthu siasm so important to father-son and fa ther-daughter i elationships Just as true, Qoach Bob Higgins tomor row will send a great eleven—potentially the strongest m a decade —onto the field to do battle with our Bucknell foe After the dust has settled Dad will'still be theie, regardless of victory or defeat And so it goes with the real game—life Though you may wade thiough hell or high water, the odds are top heavy in favor, of Dad being on hand when the ,dust has set tled. Dad’s Day is more than a mere gridiron battle —it’s the lecogmtion day of Dad’s un selfish and tireless efforts to provide futuic Amenca with educated students REENFORCEMENT ENCOURAGING NOTE has been struck by Student Tribunal, supieme judicial bodv under the new student goveinment m its pledge to “clamp down now” on vandals who instigate such bi unless student upris ings as occuried last week And Tribunal is not alone units stand The Administration, while not openly taking steps to punish offenders, has indi cated its reenforcement to any measures taken by the judicial group. • All of which action may result in a fee ble cry fiom a few scatteied skeptics such as is it just to penalize one, two, five or ten students, when at least a hundied par ticipated directly in tlie riotous demonstra tion ? To this, the Collegian has but one i etort: Perhaps il isn’t just to penalize five for the .damage caused’ by a hundred, bul cer tainly it is more just than to penalize six thousand. Such is the case when damage is done to College, Borough, oi puvate propeity. The penalty is inflicted upon 1 the entire stu dent body—a penalty bi ought about by the damage caused by only a few PERSONAL INJUSTICE THERE’S A PLACE for such vandals whose underhand tactics damaged the au tomobile of G. Warren Elliott, chaii man of Student Tribunal, as it stood m its frater nity parking lot Wednesday night While the action in itself is a criminal offense, it is an overt act detrimental to the name of the student body and to the name of the College. It is, to put it mildly, a “practical joke” so low thtat the Colle gian is unable to forecast an outcome, with out sizzling in disgust. If the vandals insist on doing personal in justice to Mr. Elliott, the Collegian defies them to come out and openly face Elliott, the most enthusiastic and efficient Student Tribunal’ chairman this College has ever seen He is doing a difficult task well. Free Advertising: “Dottie” Williams who was placed m the “Pashy Biscuit" class bv a Collegian columnist when she was a sophomoie a few veals bach now glaees the desk in Ath Hall lobby and, incidentally, she's woitli looking bevond the telephone leceivei Bitter Irony With the'thiee-wceks* dating ban entenng the heme sti etch, the freshmen coeds are wonymg about uheie to get dates, and the uppeidassmen aie wonymg about how to get close to the veiy t-ame fieshnian coeds The bittci nony of it all* Plug don't foiget the Collegian dance on Octo bei U only get in Chips Off The Old Block: When Jimmv Le>dcn '22 sings his own compo sitions, “Nittanv Lion” ami “Victory” on the big broadcast i week fiom tonight, lie may have two sons on the ptograni with him Don plays drum in the Blue Band, and .Inn, Junior, is trying out foi the position of Dium Majoi Travel Note: Bob Weil, (leltuchi, went to Pittsbuigh last week end to meet eveoed Jean Ilmg, now attending Kent U in Ohio he stayed at the best hotel in town blew thnty bucks and to top it all was almost kidnapped by a chap with a lisp But theie is some justice aftei all, foi Jean will pay State ami Weil a visit some time in Octobei „ Editor v ‘Hall Ml _Robert H Lane Ml Htlcn L Camp Ml) Style Note: Knee-length sock 1 *, oui fashion page editoi says, will be all the luge among collegiate-minded wo men But u edit Olive Kahlei with staiting some thing a little diflfeient' Convicted'of bieaking the i.on-datmg law, she was lequned to wear white cotton stockings which hei li lends have dec oialcd with dozens of autogiaphs. Olive, by the way, is the kid sMci of Ilai i let Kahlei, chi omega, 1038 vintage Quote-Of-The-Week: A well-known Polits piof came thiough with "If all huigesses weic* like some that we know, wouldn’t it be lei i ible if we had a House of Burgesses Connie Smith Department:' 1 Blonde, delovely Connie Smith, laments the fact that,a lecent Old Mama column called the kappas “goody-goody” Slies afiaul it will hurt then lushing By the wav, our Spies Nos 47 to 91, inclusive, leport that the ruinoi that Connie and du’s Buit Willis aie back togothei, stiong as evei, is def initely false Results: Campy is pleased to announce that publication of Ins private list of euties brought re sults in‘at least one case. 1 _ jjnd an uppgrclasswo man at that 1 The Rains Came: We really wished we had a candid camera with us Satuiday afternoon when journalism prof Lou Bell appealed at the football sciimmage with his pants lolled up, a ncwspapei ovei his head, and topped off his luiny day antics when he got train er Jack Hulme to opeiate on his slightly battered cigar with the bandage scissoi s Musical Notes: Thi« year’s Blue Band is going to be better than evei as fai us music is concerned, if the fust few leheaisals mean anything, and they cei tainly should Fiom the football spectacle point of view, the band is going to staitfout with rather simple maneuvers this week, ‘Since there are quite a few new men in the oigani7ation But look for some really hot bctween-the-luilves when the fei - tile mind of “Hum” Fishbuine geW to work latei in the season Business Note: A SOFT drink night club will open in the Old Mam sandwich shop 'within the near future It will be a non-profit’ affair, lun entirely by stu dents It’s about time somebody got around to doing it sounds like j(ist the thing to fill in those long’, cold winter nights not so far away CAMPUSEER Youll Find Lunch Is Best At the I Aiiencrest 11 'til 2 t ♦' Next to the Dairy 1 Store PENN STATE COLLEGIAN CAMPUS BULLETIN Notices of meetings to he'pub lished in this column may he left at Student llmnn Office in Old Main up to 1 p.m. on the da> preceeding publication. TODAY Hlllel Foundation will hold eve ■nlng services at 730 p m Rabbi Gordon will speak. TOMORROW There will be a tecoid concert in Room 417 Old Main at 7 30 p m FnculH A A. hooks, now cm sale, will be sold at the AA. office in Old Main until noon MISCELLANEOUS AH vaisity capdldates should tepott next Tuesday to Chailes Speidel at 4 p m. in Ret Hall Women in Sports We’ie looking forwaid to a sue .•essful hockev team as pre-season scouts lepoit a piactice squad of 2vei 00 hockev enthusiasts Pinc uces began last week on Holme. Field and will continue till game* begin Octobei 9 Accoiding to new lules in oidm ►o participate m scheduled games a gul must piactice at least foui times Uppei classmen must also piesent medical caids At long last the managerial ystem has undcigone a change Vfter a yeai of prelinnnuiy tiaw ng two candidates aie selected us ophomore manageis At the clo«y of the Junior yeai one ho,sen as managei of all elas*. ports The manageis ' for tlb-. yeai aie Jumois, Jay Chew and Dm othy Gottshalk, Sophomores, Virginia Pernod and Dorothy Rose, Frehsmen, Betty Monroe, Dorothy Krat7 and Myita Wainer Don’t forget the WRA Cabin is yours foi the asking Sign up with :he secietory m Miss Hnidt’s of fice Nominations _ (Continued From Page One) M ’ Tanet Gillespie. *4l; flie chief Shiiley E Hebei ’4l S E Atherton president, Betty M Brown ’4l,' 1 M Elizabeth Hat ton ’4O. Katherine A M Loerscli ’42, Grace A Petticord MO,* vice president, M Emily Coyle -’4l, Floience C Kilgoie *4l, secretary, Betty Jo Patton ’42. Doiotliy B Reeves ’4l, Lillian M Straka ’4O, treasurer, Jeanne ,C Fisher ’42, Gertrude, H *Heoht '4l, EleanoinK. Hoffer ’4O. Elizabeth R Phillips ’4O, social chaiiman, Margaret H Gillette ’4l, Anita file chief, Margaret M Croce MO, Mary E Hunsicker Ml, Dorothy A Sepac M 0 1 j N E Atherton president,'] R Helen Gordon M 2, Eleanor L ’Fa gans Ml, Betty L Zeigler M 2, vice president Jean M Fail child MO, Betty A Rahn Ml, secretary-treas urer, Janet ,L Eyre *42, Harriet H Stubbs M 2, social chairman, Char lotte J Callaway MO, Beitha M Douthett Ml, Marjoiie B Strode M 2, file chief, Judith L Cutshall Ml, Maiy June Dalton Ml, Anne Ruth Flory Ml S 1W Atherton president Mar garet E Hearn Ml, Helen ? R Moore MO, vice' president, Tose phine H Beljan M 2, Lillian Dia mond M 2, Muriel E Engelke Ml, Elizabeth D Yost Ml, secretary treasurer, Ruth C Bentz M 2, Dor othy R Giossman M 2, social chair man, Virginia M Berkhouse JM2, Edna M Kappel MO, iR McNeils M 2, flie chief, Louisa M Atherton MO, Maiie Lolin, Betty B Puckey M 2 f " .. Forty one foreign nations were represented hi the student body 'of Columbia University’s smrnnei "ses sion , A monumental Concordaneeufor the work of Ovid, the Latin poet, has just been completed at Cath olic' University ' , n v - Your Dad Will Enjoy “Squaring the Circle” «- , by The Penn State Players’ 'i’ 1 r ' DAD'S DAY, OCTOBER 7-8:30 P.M. ; • ’ ' 1 „ > , . Schwab Auditorium Reserved Seats 50c and 75c.. . t ( ! 1 Tickets on Sale at Student Union . ' We Women WOMEN, TOO, have an import ant pait to plav in discouraging the lecent outbreak of pajama pa* indes which has caused consider-, able damage to college and towji piopcity in the past and Is likely to cause still moie < Coeds certainly do not discour age these rioteip when they laugh and cha’t out of dormitory win dows They do not help the situa tion by giving out names and souv imrs, by singing and joking with the offendeis > * We all admit that occasional serenades and pajama pai ades are fun, but too many become tire some Noi have the demonstrations iii the past few weeks been limited to singing and parading As long as they me encouiaged bv the women, the men will con tinue to parade and damage piop uty nnd the Penn State name So let’s show u little college spmt bv gnoi mg these outbursts instead of joining them , THE FIRST DANCE of the season in White Hall has been the subject of much eontioveisy, with seveial women’s gioups demanding the pnvilege To us, theie is no doubt as to who should hold White Hall’s fiist lance 5 The building was pnmai ily designed for women’s recrea tion—therefoie why should WRA lot have the fiist dance 9 If WRA will have its dance ally enough so that the othei oi ,ani7ations do not hove to post pone thens until late in the se mestei, there* is no reason why this dance should ifot be made ti aditiona! 'Why not be leasonable about White Hall and give WRA unchal enged light to be the first dance, lot only this year but every year 9 Council Votes No On Meter Survey >-Deciding against conduction of a survey on the parking metei question, borough council voted Tuesday night to invite any gioup which had complaints or sugges tions about the meteis to present them befoie council at some future meeting Since the machines are now bor ough pioperty, the, council’s op inion was that any movement to altei the present system must have the suppoit of a stiong group which is willing to agitate foi a change A suggestion that the meteis be spread around town with alternate free and pay spaces, instead of concentrated in a few blocks as Ihey now are was lejected by Council It was pointed out that this would piobably create trouble with merchants According to a survey of the spread of meters throughout Penn sylvania, State College is decidely not, overcrowded with ’ the park ing machines in comparison with towns of similar size The Universities of Texas, Okla homa and California at Los Ange les have been given special Will Rogers Memoiial Scholarship funds NOW IS THE TIME TO GET That Typewriter You Need , ‘‘Dad's Dn>” will jnovule an opportunity to put o.ei tlte deni with Dad For less than 15c a dav von can get Uie latest model Undeiwood Portable Typemastei ’ S We have 4 models to choose from—call us for a demonstration } light awo> p > Pikes as low ns 87*1 payments to suit E. H. RUPERT, Dealer 254 S Frazier St (Class of 1940) Last Frosh Mixer Slated Tomorrow Freshmen will have then last chance to get acquainted at the Mortal Boaid informal dance in Rec Hall from 9 to 11 pm tomor iow The dance is the last m a series of freshman mixed parties given bv various campus ,hopor ai ics undei the sponsorship of •WSGA ' ‘/ Non-dating customs for fresh men will be lifted, during the dance only, and name cards must be worn foi admission No uppei tlassmen will be allowed to attend The success of the foui preceed ing'paities, to which groups,of 140„ freshmen weie invited, lead to Mortal Board’s decision to make this last party an all-fieshman af fuii No individual invitations will be issued but all freshmen me asked to attend 1 Dorm Budget Released WSGA senate leleased the 1939- ‘940 doimitory budget at its meet ing Tuesday night The following" appropi lations will be made Downtown doimitones (7), $5 each, Atheiton Hall (4 wings), S2o each, Ma e A 11 1 st e i Hall, Gi angc, and % Women|s Building, ?40 apiece CLASSIFIED Typewriters—All makes expert" Jy iep.ili ed Portable and office machines foi sate oi i ent Dial 2142 Hany F Mann. 127 W Bea vei a\omie ’ 16 Sept WANTED—Boaiders ono room- eis, all looms, hot and cold run mug wctei and single beds at Har tei Club, 122 W Nittany Ave Dial 6"9 - 28-stpdGD TENNIS RACKETS lestiung— Aimnur’s tennis stungs; 2-24 houi % seivwe Lowest p* ices in town All woik positively guaran teed The Restrmgei, 206 W. Col lege Dial 33C0. Attention—The Student Union Office is in no way lespomible for the deliveiy of the Collegian We do, however, keep Collegian copies at oni office foi those who fall to leceive' theii copy through the pioper channels 45-4tcoGD Notice—We have many calls for talent in the entertainment line and would like to have, all magi cians, singers, juggleis, hypnoti ze! s, dancers, and other, entertain ers place tlieli name and addiess at the Student Talent Bureau 'ati the Student Union Office immedl-i ately 41-4tch —GDi Anyone taking reversible coat from second floor, SLA. by mis take Wednesday, Octohei 4, please notify Student Union 64-ltp-EK Lqst—Blue leather pocketbook with initials “DS’’ Sept 23 Findei please return to Student Union of fice or Mac Hall office Reward. , v 63-ltp-EF Wanted —Student to shoie three* i oom apartment Reasonable Apt 11. Glennland'Bldg Coll any time, 3481 62-ltp GD Lost—Brown tweed suit coat 1 left in Lfbeial Aits washroom Please letuin to Student Union oi call 3312 Ask for Mai shall Wagman ' 61-ltp-GD Phone 4875 Tribunal Continued From Page 1 linns will be* made, Tribunal de clared. ' Doim dances must petition Stu dent Tubunal, and -freshmen* can not escort women to or from such dances, violatois K will be penalized Tw'o-yeni Ag students who are absolving customs must follow dat ing customs -until Thanksgiving n long with the other freshmen W ORN with: pride BY MIIL I 6 NS BOTTORF BROTHERS 4 ' - ‘ ' ' i ' /I r " '< c *■’ _ M - , Z&k CORNER OF..ALLEN AND BEAVER _ , , Here’s the set-up back of tlie familiar ; blue Bell - emblem—' r , 1 ."*>• ' I . t ’ ,'' 1/ - - , v 1 i .i t - ' 1, American Telephone and -Telegraph Company, which- 1 coordinates system activities advises on telephone >, operation—searches for improved methods.' 2. 24 associated operating companies, which provide tele* " phone service in their respective territories. _ ' ji* 3. Long of A. T. & T., v which’ 1 inter connects, the operating companies and handles Long Distance and overseas service. - 4. Bell Telephone Laboratories) which carries on scien tific research and development^for the system. „ , ‘5. Western Electric, which is the manufacturing and dis-" * tributing unit of the Bell System. < « 1 . " ' * - '' f 1 ;Vl With common policies and ideals, these Bell System' companies all work as one, to give you'the finest / and friendliest telephone service cost^j 'Friday, October 6, 1939 - Wins WSGA 'Awards Lois E Patrick '42, with an alj- College average of 2 04, icceived the WSGA $5O scholarship award ed annually to-the fi eshman wor man with the highest average ’ v Eugene H. Lederer REAL ESTATE 114 E. Beaver Ave. . Dial 4066 State College or back to work." Whatever your schedule calls for, you'll find it easier to reach the "top of-, the heap” if your attire shows your desire to express good taste in your appearance. Good grooming calls for Free mans. 1 ’