Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 06, 1939, Image 1

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    GSA Approves Equipment Bids; College Budgeted $725,000
VOL. 36—No. 8
Tribunal Advocates
Firm Stand Against
7 Rioters
Judiciary Body Has Power To Expel
Under New, Student Constitution ;
Administration Indicates, Support
, Taking a firm stand behind the recent Collegian editor
ial, “Clamp Down—Now,” Student Tiibunal, highest judi
cial power of,the new student government, set about its un
restricted task of dealing with “hell-bent agitators”, who in
stigate Students riots.
x Tribunal was m turn backed by
.the Administration as President
-.Ralph D Hetzel indicated x his sup*
,'port at a special meeting of fra
, ternity and independent unit pies
idents Monday night. ~ , ’
_ “Deal ,Wlth Accordingly*'
'“Students found' guilty of de
-Btruction of property or instigat-
a disturbance detrimental to
the' name of the College will be
dealt with accordingly,* Student
Tribunal claimed
Tnbunal's vpowcrs, under Artic
le 111, Section 6 of the Student
Government Constitution.may in
clude' such justifiable punishment
and'may recommend penalties*up
to and including expulsion from
College., 1 ’ / - 1 ~- vi
v-'While' no definite action was
taken Monday's special meet
mg.called by All-College President
Clifton McWilliams, i
o£rfratermtie% and-umts-assumed
Responsibility/fortthec actionssrof.
■ their "respective, houses. ’ ' -
'.RDr J -Hetzer;and Dean of Men
“'Arthur de
-sires , that such riotous disturb-
S ances be avoided entirely, but in
sisted that in the. event of such
demonstrations s the guilty indivi
duals .or parties' should be subject
to punishment.
Such, a 'meeting Monday night
was J prompted by,the uprising last
night an im
promptu, “pajama parade” caused
damage estimated at $lOO
Tribunal Hits
10 Violators
‘VV -
‘•' A Recognizes Pluloles As
Campus Organization
~ 'Student unanimously
voted, to recognize Philotes as -a
(&mpusi society, slapped penalties
k dn }lo belligerent freshmen, ex
empted 10'others,'and clarified five
pbints in-.the;freshman' custom’s
code at its'regular meeting Tues
day, night \ t r
V'According to a declaration of
tribunal, freshmeri~must wear cus
loms tlnoughout Dads’ Day, week*
end?as usual, except fiom 12 mid
night Saturday until 8 am.'Mon
day /morning, despite the fact that
they have parents visiting them ,
JTihbuiial ' stated'* thait v the only
time"fi eshmen men. may'be with*
girls is when the men are in the
company of then parents ■ '
7 AH freshmen must wear
\o the" football games, no exemp
; (Continued Two;
(Joodman Is Chosen
Head At Session Of
Engineering Council
'',-Election of officers, arrange
fnientstfor the adoption of a school
constitution, and a talkon student
government* by Dean Horry P
Hammond* weie' included in the
'program- at f ,an oiganization meet
ing fof- ’the H Engineering School
>Cdimcil. in'lo9 Main Engineering
last 'Wednesday evening.
N Goodman-’4O-was cho
.sen .president of the council. Cal
'vln;D. McCarthy’4o as vicepiesi
dent, and James Thorne *4O. secre-
* Michael Balog ,’4<J
swae Telectedilast spring to repre
sent^ll6:, body in' the J all-College
1 j V K * s t*.
the ‘meeting it ivas indicated
constitution would be ad
>qpted on October 18 similarto that
set up by the School of
ithe.Liberal Arts •' ' -
- Semi-y>/eeKiy
iJJmt £>tat? (Eoll
Band Sought
For Soph Hop
,Dance.'Will Be Informal;
McKnight. Levy Appointed
Co-Chairmen Of Function;
Soph Hop, committee, yesterday
nought a first-rate band which
'ou!d be signed for $1,300, the limit
,et by All-College Cabinet on'the
cost of music foi the Pitt week-end
dance Friday, November 24. De
paiting from usual procedure the
dance will be informal t *
>.Only if it can sign-a first-rate
band will the committee be allowed
yO'spend $1,300 Otherwise, it must
tuke its case before Cabinet again
and likely will-be told to sign two
»mall bands for about $250 v 1
.Whcthei the_ bands sought ure
arst-rate, will be decided by a Cab
inet committee ‘headed'by A. Will
iam Engel, Ji ’4O Other membeis
aie Ernest\M. ' Berkaw '4O ( and
David E. Pergun *4O. *
•Co-chairmen of the Soph "Hop
committee appointed by John J
Long, 1942 class president, "aie
William J. McKnight ’42 and
Henry I Levy ’42 Other membeis
are David A. Harvey ’42, James H
Morton M 2, Jack F
George K , Schubert M 2, John M.
Phillips *42, William A Ziclonka
’42, Ruth Bentz *42, and Benjamin
Seems ’42.'
t .The Soph Hop committee at a
meeting Wednesday night decided
the bands it would prefer, in des
cending L order of
Glenn Millei, Aitie Shaw, Glen
Gray, Hal Kemp, Hoiace Heidt,
Kay Kyser,. Guy Lombardo, Jan
Savitt, Sammy Kaye, Wayne King,
Fletchei Henderson,'and Richard
Hnnbei. At least* half of these are
likely to be'acceptable to the Cab
: met committee •
PSCA Commissions
Wilt Meet Monday
Meetings of two commissions of
the PSCA have been announced
for Monday night.- Commission I,
Mary Lou Fleisher MO, chairman,
will meet in Room 304 Old Main at
7 SO p m and will discuss public
ity, finance, office set vice, cabin'
maintenance, i handbook, room lists,
CA libraiy, and poster making '
Commission IV, John' Currier
M2,~ chairman, will 'meet at 8 30
p m in the same loom. 1
(Special To The Collegian)
HARRISBURG, Oct s.—Build
ing equipment contracts for
structures at the Pennsylvania
State were approved by
the General State Authority here
late today, reliable sources
The sum allotted, for the .Col
lege was understood to be-$725,-
000, which is to be drawn from
retirement and employes retire
ment funds.
That the contracts for portable
equipment were approved was
unconfirmed by F. X Kerns, of
the GSA office here.
This does not indicate that the
contracts have not been approv
ed, but that' members of the
\uthority may have been in
"acted to withhold confirms-
»ay Recess
:id-Year Holiday
May Now Be Added
'o College Calendar
'he oneway. Thanksgiving va*
ion on November 23 and a
)-day midyear hojjday was of
rlny^sahctl o ned afthe'regular
late meeting late yesterday
one day Thanksgiving vaca
tion on Thursday, November 23,
seemed sabsured today, following
the approval of the all-College
Cabinet at its meeting last Tues
day night
The Cabinet appioved the' rec
ommendation of the College Sen
ate Calendar Committee, thus leav
ing the hnal< decision up to the Col
lege “Senate which met" yesterday
after the ’ Collegian had gone to
piess *
There was little doubt that the
College Senate would approve the
action of its own Calendar Com
mittee and that of the Cabinet
The proposed plan cqlls foi a
one-day vacation on Novembei 23,
the (late proclaimed by President
Roosevelt Soph Hop would fall on
Friday night, and the Pitt game
would be played Saturday after
noon • '
In order to compensate foi the
one-day vacation, students would
icceive a two-day mid-semester
vacation, starting on Thursday,
February 1 at 11 50 a m and end
ing Monday, February 5 at 8 am'
Exams would begin on Thursday,
January 25 at 8 am, and second
semester registration , would-start
on February 5 at 8 a m
Nominations For
Dorm Positions
Closed Monday
Additional nominations for wom
en's dormitory posts, were made
fiom the door in house meetings
Monday night after W6GA nomi
nations neie presented
A complete list of nominees Mho
w ill vie for offices 'in elections
Monday are* Women’s Building—
piesideut, Mary R Craft ’42. Elea
nor A. McLaughlin ’42, Marie B
Someis *4l, secretary-treasuiei,
Olga McCaithy, social chairman,
(Continued On Page Two)
Miss Vaisity, ' the ' coed., who
knows most about football, has fin
ally been selected, but only after
a short,' undeclaied war was
fought and a truce signed between
the varsity football team and the
Collegian early, this week
' young lady, whose name is
being kept and who knows
more about a football than»the
cow the leather grew on, will make
her pubhc'appearance next Friday
evening at the big Student-Alumni
Pep Bally scheduled for-Rec-Hall.
' ’ ~v '
Lion Gjfid Opener With Bucknell
Features Dad’s Day Program
Cabinet Msets With
Alumni Tomorrow
Makes Tentative Plan For Soph Hop Budget;
Copies of Constitution Will Be Distributed 4
, 1
The all-College Cabinet, at'-rts legular meeting Tuesday
night, accepted an invitation to ipeet with the Alumni Asso-
lO o’clock tomorrow morning m the Association
office. The joint meeting of a student-alumni body will be
unprecedented in student government history.
Edwaid K Hibshman, alumni ‘j
secretary, presented the invitation J <A committee which is studying
to the Cabinet a week ago, with { the problem of smoking in class
the hope that a jolut meeting ’ rooms leported that a five percent
would aid in' fostering better stu- * sampling of the student body and
dent-alumni relationships Hibsh- faculty would be made to detei
man also invited the Cabiriet to j mine opinion on the matter The
attend a dinner at the Nittany, committee, headed by Wallace
Lion Inn on October 13 as guests i Dunlap 40, was given permission
of the Association, which the Cab-* toYappomt four people to aid in
met also accepted ' • its* survey
j lv^
Band Gets Army, Penn j a discussion on action
Blue Band was given permis- 1 new being taken to change the
sion to represent the College at hiame of the College to the Penn
the Army and Pennsylvania foot- sylvania State University, H
ball games, subject to College ap- Gl)Xton McMilhams ’4O, all-Col
proval, and airangcmcnts were lege president, appointed a coin
made fo_i distribution of 3,000 cop- mittee to find out what is being
ies of the All-College Constitution, do'ne
The Cabinet also made" tenta- chairman, will be aided by Jane
tive arrangements for Soph Hop A/Romig *4O and Donald Lerch
budget, approved a plan for a one- ’4O
day Thanksgiving vacation and,a The next legulai meeting of
mid-semester holiday, and heard the Cabinet will-be held at 9 p m
a discussion*on ■?. - <-,<
’43' Election
Plans Pending
Senes Of Mass Meetings
Will Be Held; First One
Scheduled For Next Week,
All men and women of the
fieshmen class were urged to "be
come fannliai with classmates
within the restuction of customs
because of the approach of fresh
man class flections," m a state
ment yesterday by A William
Engel, Jr ’4O, chairman of the
Elections Committee
"In an effoit to educate inem
beis of the class of 1943 with the
new student government setup, a
senes of mass meetings will be
held in the near future,” Engel ex
Such action is also intended to
give freshmen a broader acquaint
anceship with classmates and
create more enthusiasm in fresh
men politics, it was pointed out.
Hold Meeting Next Week
Plans aie now under way for
the hist of these meetings to be
held next week Jumoi Class Pres
ident Thomas C Backenstose, Ed
waid Wagner, 1941 Campus clique
chairman, and William B Barthol
omew, 1941 Independent party
chairman, will be called upon to
aid'in instructing the'
mmded freshmen
No’defimte date has been set'foi
the class but, if preced
ent is followed, voting will be held
in early December
Phi,Kappa Reception
Plil Kappa fraternity will hold,,
<a reception ,for all Catholic fiesh
nionlatJSiP m tonight Music will
bet furnished by tbe Campus Owls'
Earlier m the week, the varsity
footballers inotested vigorously
that the Collegian should not be
the sole judge in> selecting Miss
Varsity since football \was then
lealm and they should discover any
hidden,.talent ampng the fairer sex
on this campus
Thus, a joint, secret committee
of sixfootball players and two Col
legian! writers scoured v the campus
from‘Ag Rill to the fuithest ex
tremities of State College'borough
And last night they found, her, a
coed who really knows her'-foot*
IMA Proposes
New Honorary
Locust Lane Lodge Added
Making Total Of 13 Units
Seventeen To Get Keys
The Independent Men’s Associ
ation went on rccoid at its meeting
Wednesday night as favoring the
oiganization of a new campus hat
society designed to give non-fra
teimty men lecogmtion in athletics
and other activities, it has been
announced by Clarence H Evans
40, president <
Committee Considering Plan
A committee is now considering
whether the pioposed society
should be open to both fraternity
and non-fraternity men The prob
lem will be definitely decided at
the next meeting of the IMA Wed
nesday at the Lions Club If the
society is definitely decided upon,
a petition'will be sent to Student
Tribunal for recognition
The committee on organization
of new units leported that Locust
Lane Lodge has been admitted as
the 13th’umt John Blickenderfer,
president of the new unit, attend
ed the meeting as official repie
scntativc tQ the central council
Individual membership cards foi
all students affiliated with the
IMA~will soon be issued, it was de
cided The representatives also
ngieed to pui chase keys for the
17 membeis of the central council
Swlmm'ng Begins Monday
Varsity and fieshnian outdoor
swimming dulls will stait Monday,
Coach Bob Galbiaitli announced
jesteiday All candidates aic ask
ed to leport at Rec Hall, at 4 15,
Monday afternoon The squads will
uc divided into two gioups, one to
practice at 4’15 and one at 5*16
The 'drills will continue for three
weeks ' '
n Ends Campus Feud
ball, but what a job | was one who could only count up
| Selection was made tluough a to three
scries of questions which were So next Friday you’ll meet her—
asked each aspiring Miss Vaisity 'Miss Vaisity—the one coed whom
A wrong answer automatically dis- * it would be a pleasure to take to
oualified the aspirant. | a football game, because she knows
One coed said that a quarterback answeis.
was the change you got when you | Other featuies of the Rally,
paid foi two cokes and a pack of which starts at 7 :S0 pm , will be a
cigarettes with a half dollar, an- bioadcast over station KDKA at 8
other met .her downfall by inform- pm, music and songs by the Glee
ing the committee that *a quick- j Club and Blue Baud, and shoit
kick was one which you got when talks by piommcnt alumni and
you weren’t expecting it, and still j coaches
! a third answered that a three-back I Don’t miss It
Varsity Faces Bisons On Beaver Field
At 2 P. M, Tomorrow; Approximately
2,000 Fathers Expected On Campus
Smokers, Meetings,
Entertainment Will .
Honor Parents
Appioxlmately 2000 dads <rtc
pectod to attend the annual Dad's
Day cciebi ation on the campus to
tiioi row
Highlighting the program will
be the football game with Buck*
nell on New Beaver Field at 2
p m tomoirow However, activi
ties will get undsi way at 10 a m
when the board of diiectors will
meet In Little Theatie This will
be followed by the annual meet
ing of the Association of Parents
of Penn State
Aheady announced foi the pio
gum of the smokei slated foi the
Dad’s Day Program
Saturday, October 7
1U a in —Meeting of the Boaid
of Diiectois—Little Theatie
10 4a a m —Annual meeting
of the Association of Patents of
Penn State Greetings—Jane Ro
mig. president WSGA. Howaid
C McWilliams, president of the
Student r bueir
Schotb Dean of the School of
Physical Education and Athlet
1 p in —Soeeei game with Le
high on New Beavei Field
2 p m —Football game with
Bucknell on New Beavei Field
2 20 p ni —Cioss-countiy with
Manhattan on New Beaver Field
7 p m —Smoker and enter
tainment foi students and theii
dads In the Aimoty
S 20 p m—"Squaiing the Cir
cle,*-staged by the Penn State
Playeis in Schwab Auditorium
Sunday, October 8
11 a m —Chapel services in
Recreation Hall Speaker, Dr
Aitliui C Wickenden, Miami
University. Oxford Ohio,
Aiuioiy at 7 p lu are songs by
: Louise Paiaska *4l. dancing by
Roheit. Hertz ’4O and several oth
ei musical selections
The Penn State Club will enter
tain the dads of the club members
at an informal smoker In the Sand
wich Shop at 7 30 p m. Michael
Balog *4O. piesident. has announ
ced Soccer Coach Bill Jeffrey will
be the speakei
“Totalitarian Cbiistlanity” is the
topic Di Arthui C Wickenden of
Miami University, Oxfoid Ohio,
will discuss at the chapel services
in Recieatlon Hall at 11 a m Sun
day Di Wickenden Is director of
religious activities and professor
of religion at Miami University
More Freshmen Added
To NY A Rolls By Maddox
Stanley B Maddox, director
of NY A, announced yesteiday
that the second list of fieshmen
applicants for NYA woik has
been approved
All fieshmen who made appli
cation foi this woik should re
port immediately, to the offices
t *of itbeii respective deans to see
'uf. their names are on the new
Players Portray
Russian Farce
Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow night at 8 30 in Sch
wab Auditouum the curtain will
'« up on the first big enteitam
ment event of the yeai It will be
opening night foi "Squaring the
Circle,” one of the sciewiest pro
luctions that has been presented
ui anv stage
The play was choosen especially
oi Dad’s Day by Director Flank
S Neusbaum It is an intei nation
al farce based on the pool living
conditions m Russia
"Squaung the Cucle, ’* will ap
peal to the entire family because
it contains laughs, love, melo
chama, and tragedy Wntten by
Valentine Kataev, this play has
been acclaimed in Moscow, Prague,
Rome, Beilin, Paris, London, and
New York City, where it lan foi
two seasons
The stoiy concerns two loom
mates, Abiam, played by Bud
Yanofsky ’4O, who needs no intio
duction to theatci-goeis on this
campus, and Vasya, poitrayed by
Paul Ruiubaugh ’4l, a transfer
student who may become sensa
Romance Abounds
Abram and Vasya live in a small
loom in Moscow, and one day both
decide to get married without
telling the othei The loom for
two becomes inhabited by four, so
down goes a chalk-line and up goes
a curtain
Abram’s wife is Tonya, played
by snen Ruth Shtasel ’4l, and
Helen Davies *4l poitiavs Lud
milla, Vasya’s partnei
Sol Davidson ’4O, takes the part
of'Rabinovitch, a political leadei,
and Malcolm Weinstein '4l, poi
trays Enulian, a Russian poet
Herbeit Doroshow ’4O, plays the
part of Novikov, distuct organizer
i for the Communist Party
To The Free Lance,
Established 1887
' State Favorite
To Top Traditional
Gridiron Rivals
Once again the roar of a
victory-hungry mountain lion
will echo acioss the Nittany
Valley when Coach Bob Hig
gins’ Blue and White pigskin
warriors play host to the
Thundeung Held fiom Buck
nell on New Beaver Field at
2 p. m as the feature attrac
tion of Dad’s Day
The game, which will begin
Penn State’s 53id gndiron sea
son, will be the 27th battle between
the two tiaditional foes Of the
pust meetings, Bucknell has re
turned victor 11 times to the 10
triumphs rung up by previous Li
on teams
Decidedly the favorites to win
in tomoirow’s battle, the Higgins
men will be seeking revenge over
the boys from Lewisburg, who
lastjcar upset the j
.ait by winning 14-0.
On the othei hand, the Bisons,
hit between the horns by a sur
pusing Gettysburg Bullet eleven
! last Saturday, will be out to gain
their first win of the year
Starting Lineups Named
Coach Bob Higgins announced
hr* probable starting lineup yes
terday. A last minute change finds
Ciaig White taking over the wing
back job, which seemed occupied
fiunly bv sophomoie Len Krouse
The team as selected to open finds
Captain Spike Alter and Tpm
Vaigo at the ends, Carl Stravin
ski and Flank Platt at the tackle
posts, Mike Gaibinski and Wade
Mori at guaids, and Leon Gajecki
at center In the backfield with
White will be Chuck Peters at
tailback, Lloyd Ickes at fullback
and Johnny Patrick at blocking
back All are veteians except
Gaibinski, who is a lugged soph
omore sensation
The an ay which will''probably
open for Coach A 1 Humphrey’s
t'-rm will find Hairy Wenner, and
Willard Gore at ends, Flank Po
ems'and Hany Sitaisky at tack
!e«. John Plewak and Joe Gneco
at guards and Moms Bessel at
center Laveine Dueger, at quar
tet, Frank Senao, at fullback, Co
captain Geoige ICuck and Frank
'King” Funau at the halfbacks
w 11 piobablv make up the Bison
The Humhieysnien will be
without the services of Co-captain
Mike Pegg, smashing center, who
is hot s de combat with an injured
elbow Pegg, a GO-imnute player,
wus instrumental in the Lions’ up
set last yeai
Several Lion players will be cer
tain to get into the game, thougli
(Continued On Page Three)
Orientation Course
Required Of Frosh
In Lower Division
As an experiment In showing
students the correlation of courses
offeied in Uie school, a new course
LD 1 has been made lequired for
e'ery Lower Division fieslunan ex
cept those taklug Education this
semester ,
Every department head In the
School of Liberal Arts will lecture
to the group, - which meets in
Schwab Auditorium at 11 a m
on 'Mondays In additlou Dean
Frank D Kein of the Graduate
School, Dean Ralph C Whitmore
of the School of Chemistry, Prof.
J Bum Helme of the depaitraent
of fine aits, and Pi of* Bruce 'V
Moote of the department of psy
chology will speak on their leapec
tive fields