Page Foui Oiieball (Continued From Page Three) Urea . yea's, split a doublehead er;9th West Viiginia Finlay and Slituiday Although they shut, otit4the Mountinneeis in then olio*, they lost the second game, .41hz: Pitt nine Spmts a pan of gtiod'hittei s in Shortstop Eddie S~ialoski and second baseman Al Sta aloslo clouted a lallinet and a single again \Vest ncginia tt lute Holbrook connected for, two doubles and a single 'The Pitt-Penn State baseball riValry has been long and harlot- Old, "with the Lions holding the edge,-15-12 In the last year the tur 4chools net on the diamond, 93124, Pitt won ttto games, 5-4, and '3-0 Vultiminic (lid hi, best Jafelin Milling List yea' with Shows at - - - - 6 30, 830 Complete show as late as - 9 05 ,Matinee — Saturday Only - 1:30 TODAY ONLY r''', DEANNA DURBIN 7. . r in "Three Smart Girls ..;"; Grow Up" with ,Nan Grey - Robert Cummings, WEDNESDAY ONLY ,I. '"Romance of the _ Redwoods" •+, with - • )..r.- JEAN PARKER CHARLES BICKFORO THURSDAY ONLY '-. 7 "i-3 of a Nation" ~-, with - Sylvia Sydney - Leaf Erakson C atll4ll/11 •Shows at - 1"30, 3.00;6 30, 8.30 s ßprftplets show as late as • 9.05 `'TODAY, SAND W,ED. Confessions of a WAZI SPY ;EDWARD G. ROBINSON MUMS LEDERER • cm. s...e..s.rai , 'sk.raellas•se.6.4 ',ANATOLE LIMN P by WAIINCIt ORM Sodom I•er ••• 4+7 . 4 1 le:: We*. . Todohol 41.1111.11111.111111111.1111111111M10.1 . 1 THURSDAY FRIDAY VJACKIE COOPER ‘STItEIETS OF NEW Me Chows at - I'3o, 3 00, 6 30, 8.30 pompleto show as late as - 9.05 TODAY AND WED T 3 HARM'S EDE ,Gony 10140 ,aike, . fay 1101110 ._ - - - ~, "2 Reel Popeye Cartoon "ALLADIN AND HIS „, WONDERFUL LAMP" Freshman Counselors Will Hold Ist Meeting In Old Main Tomorrow Thu first meeting of student counsellors for next yew's fresh men %111 be held In Room 405, Old Man. at 7 :.:0 p m Minor iou Mope than one hunthed of the 150 upperclassmen invited to since as cuunsellms hose al eady signified acceptance, Chair num J Allen McAfoos has an 11011IRANI The men octe chosen by the heads of their vat ions de em tments and the I'SCA A series of meetings is Plan ned to ps opal e the !nett fur their Job of ads thing the incoming class of 'IJ Trackmen (Continued From Pogo Three) Poi t, Chicago, Hostel man, State, Second, Hush, Chicago, thud Time-10 'l2O-yaud high hurdles—Won by Wasein, Chicago, Fiazica, Penn State, second, Poisons, Chicago, thud Time-15 8130yaid, iun—Won by Prance, Penn State, Menial, Chicago, second, Gicist, Penn State, thud Time-2 01.6 220-yard dash—Won by 'Liven poi t, Chicago, Sutton, Penn State, second, Host°, man, Penn State, thud Time-22.2 Two-mile run—Won by Strange, Penn State, Abiahamson, Chi cago, eeond, Henderson, Penn State. thud Time-10 066 220-yai d low hui dles—Won by Ft aziei , Penn State, Wasent, Chicago, second, Hutchings, Penn State, thud. Inne-25 1 Pole vault—Won ,by Cassels, Chicago, Jackson and Claik, Penn State, tied foi second, Height,- 1J feet, 6ldles High jump—Won by Doehneit, Penn State, KaSIUS, ChtLag°, sec ond; Mafit, Chicago, theid Height-5 feet, 11 1 / 2 inches Javelin throw—Won by Vuk manic, Penn State; Platt, Penn State, second, Jetci, Penn State, thud Distance-202 feet, 2 inch es Shot put—Won by Rendleman, Chicago; Vukmanic, Penn State, second, Platt, Penn State, thud Distance-45 feet, 5 inches Discus throw—Won by Vuk manic, Penn State, Rendlcman, Chicago, second, Bachman, Penn State, thud Distance-137 feet, _ . 2 inches Broad jump—Won by Daven port, Chicago; Sutton, Penn State, second, Halmanourc7, Penn State, thud Distance-22 feet, 9% In ches Pie de WANT ADS CLASSIFIED TENNIS RACKETS RESTRUNC— All Isork guaranteed Rackets called for and delivered The Re stringer. 206 West Collage avenue Dial 3360 BB yr. TYPEWRITERS—nu makes ex pertly repaired, portable and of flee muchlues fat sale or rent Dial 2342 Harry L Mann, 127 West Beaver avenue BB y r iritEl.3 Student Union afternoon dances eve: y lueaday and Thuraday, 4 to 5, In the Armory Mtibit, by Clinton, Guedumu, Der be), Shuw, etc, 245-3tc-GD WANTED—Unftunlshed uparttneut by faculty couple Consisting of Its lug room, kitchen. bedroom and pm is ate bath Write pat Mahn s, stating pike, location and when mailable to Box A, Collegian FOR SALE—T nxedu, double lneasted :JB-413 lung Dial 2917 ui cull A 524 S Pugh sheet. 275-11pdGD FOR SALE—Tux and neessolies meliheed Dial 3132 Ahl: fui Bud WILL THE portion who accident ally took 8 knee-length turncoat at the Collegian banquet please, ietuin it to George Sehless, Sig ma Tau Phi. WAIVED—Live wire students for %unmet magazine subsei ip tion Aunt Harold Rabb, 333 S Atherton street. Dial 997 277-1 pBB WANTED—Students for Sum- met job See Mr Buell ut'Ho• tel State College—Thursday, May 11th between 9 a. in and 4 p. m W ANTED Students dewing Summer job leave name, ad chess. and phone number at Stu dent Union desk Eugene - H. Lederer 14 E.inve REALr Ave. Dial TAT 4060 , , , Slate Callege , , , ' : SPORTOGRAPHIES , By ED McLORIE , Netmen Extraordinary , Championship Laurels— iliac Weinstein Has Them Aplenty Flom out of Baltimore's Public Balks tennis wets there came one Malcolm Weinstein . Yes the agile racket star was houlutg 'eta oval then as a young boy and still does It in collegiate tanks The lam els heaped upon LiliS fah hailed tad could certainly neigh him down wete he to %Neat them all at once Mac has been, to mention a few of his uccom pllahments, Middle Atlantic Boys' champion. Pennsylvania J u nior doubles co champion with lazy Helps of Penn, Middle Atlantic Interscholastic champion, and cup tutu of the Ceimantown High net men This in a nutshell, but a seiy big nutshell sums up the brilliant Ise of Coach Ted Rodlike's No 2 man For the past several summers he has been hitting the tourna meats trail, but this year his dad has ell en strict orders to "get to not lc" Thei efore, Mac plans to serve IN a counselor at a boys' camp When asked atom be admired most Weinstein tootle(' "Fred Petty—he study is a well play er " Incidently, Mac's hopes to at tain equal heights have Lech bol stated by his being minted to Lho Janiot Davis Cup squad, training pound for future U S stars Vital statistics b feet tall, blond bait blue eyes, and whams spot ts a Di aid hat member of Thespians ambition is to beat Dellis studying C&F but may become an interim decotatot ranked lath nationally in Juniors hangs his but in the Phi Epsi lon Pi house thinks best man Ito ever met nab Frank Kovaks In Na clonal Juniors , pleads along atilt Illidelnandi tot mote tennis watts on the campus Bischoff Names Six As Managers For IM Leagues fittitageas Lot six 11111auntral spoils 11.11. e been appointed by Gene Bischoff, intiamutal director, and league competition has gotten underway - The managers ate JoSepik C Sly. ers 'le, hack, George It MeAr thin '4O, golf. Nathaniel g Hand let 10, tennis, Watson 'tV Der sham 10, SOC(.01, Bernal(' 1. Pol lack, gladuate student, and Thom as A Gammon, Jr. '3O, nnishbull, and Choiles AI Kinnard '4O, bad mantel] 11i the nisi College Inflation al musliball games played last %Neck Della Theta Sigma flounced Tail Phi Della, 27 .-1, Alpha Chi Sig edged SPE. 9S, Phi Kappa Sig measured TKI.3 5-1, Phi Dolt took aim Kappa Sig 126, and DU sub duel Alpha Sig 5-1 IMA Loop Active Coinpetition itt the loop upon sot ed by the independent Men's Ayfociallon began MIA %oak 11 teams participating Entered • in the leui,ue ale WEB, Watta Hall I Wail!, Ilan 2, Plentiful! Ag lid, Portal rt Society, Pi ea, Hull, Penn Slat° Club, Y Lee Low Club, Vat , idtv Club, Beavet Ilunue, and Ci lest Hall On Thmaday Kappa Tau heat Alpha Sig, 11 9, In the only Fulintottat League gamo The on ly Beer League game, played the aurae day, was PIKAVn 15 ii vklery ueoi Kappa Sig In the 1 0 81 m -omit Caine' loop A'l'O t bent TNI3, 188, and Acacia measured PM, 78, In Thera day games On Sunday TNI3 de/ Pealed Autcla, 4 8 • Campus League Plays In Campus League games Thurs day, Sigma Nu won by forfeit from Alpha Zeta, Phi Gamma Delta Beat Bela Theta Pi, 10 9, and Pitt Dell shill out Sigma CM, 12.0 In the Penn-Alien. League, Phi Sigma- kappa mothered Phl big inn Dolt, 20-2, and Theta Chl beat Ipha Chi Sig, 63 In the Lotuat Attie League, ATO beat DTD Fml dui; On Saturday. TKO defeated Chi Phi, 153 / PRINTING " for - - FRATERNITIES ' AND CLUBS LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES • STATEMENTS .L... Nittany Printing & Publishing Company 110 Nest College Avenue PENN STATE COLLEGIAN 'Midis' Is Modest But Mighty Potent On A Tennis Court Modest but mighty—thals Ten. Ids Captain Albert Clitistfan debt andt "Hildie," as be loafers to be called rather than some other mysterious name recently dub bed him by his fellow cotillion, is a local boy who made good This likeable botanist tenntwaan blazed a trail of undefeated glory while captaining the State College High team and is non providing the vie toiy spark for the Nittany Lions Hon ever, Hildio didn't always play Just tennis He modestly ad mits having been caddy champion here several years ago But he , has been playing the court game odiously for 11 yeuus He had a 2 4 average last sons dad and can't stop lamenting the fact that he slipped from a 3 An dim thing that gets hint is that he wasn't mentioned last year as one of the athletes Mai a 3 aver age %nen asked whom he thought (1,111, the toughest. man he ever played, Midi° hesitated and then mused, "some Cellos. from Canada in the tournament at Altoona one time" Vital statistics 5 feet. 111 n -cites tall, brown eyes anti bt emu hair, slight of build botany major years on valsity celebrat ed 2.h d birthday Awn 10 hob bins are model airplane building and photography best' Ceuta shots ate his solve and a tint fore hand stroke admires Rill Til dell and Ted Roethke for his us tiring effott in getting out with the play et s doesn't like to meat shorts because ' all the good' players weal long pants", thinks we should have more tell nis, courts at State - ambition is to become a superintendent of some big botanical gardens Parker's Boat Sails Tomorrow At 2:30 Paikei's Boat sails agairi Students aie invited to join State College townspeople in an exclusion on the Bellefonte Con tial to Bellefonte and return to mottow afternoon, officials of the State College Commeice Club, sponsors of 'the tiip, have an nounced The tam will leave the Ath: erton Stieet station at 2 30 p t.nd ietuin by 430 Round till) is 74 cents. Tickets ale on sale at, Student Union and downtown business houses • utstanding combinations • ; • ' • -rn • • s It A , •• . 4 10 . (..1j • (chesterfield The RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's beit cigarette tobaccos • ‘ 1~ Ceprgtht 1939. Law= L pas Toucca Co. Business Shows March Increase Level Rises Above 1938; Below 1937 Index For Economics Department Survey Up 8.9 Per Cent BUSItlebS in Pennsylvania for the month of Match this Year shows an Increase over the 1938 level. al though it is substantially lower than the 1917 level. according to the Pennsylvania 13118111eb8 Sat vey. a publication of the department of economics here The bulletin disclosed that dur ing March business in the state an 9 7 pet cent above that of 19:18 Business conditions in the state mete S 9 pet cent better than In 1938 fot the Orst quarter of the yea" Front the out tey it was noted that factory employment tun neat b 3 per cent Idaho: in March than In the same month lot 19 18 Mo for vehicle denims show the high cot Jewel's° in sales, 24 per cent, to lead the state's retailers De 'mamma stores show natts or nearly, per cent Over sales or a -00,11 ago Library To Hold Cover Design Contest A I °kebt open to all quilt:nth for the best.covel design for "The Headlight on_ Books at Penn State," has ,been announced by the College Li brary Mallen mtrit be In by May 22, and the Mize will he announced June 1 The winner will rocehe ropy of Cliony's Woild tlibtory of All 01 any Wiler book of hooks %with $5OO Dengus inubt be submitted to Miss Kathatine M Stokes In the Central Minty on heavy drawing panel m bea%ci board two times the actual size of the present "Headlight" cove The volume of the "Headlight' beginning next November will cat• 15 the winning cover and a credit line with the designet's name Johnny Strange, the mystery nalm,- who placed second against ChiLago, wasn't considejed - good enough to make the back team at the beginning of the season BIG BILL LEE, ru t r s nlz d v in eg d fo o c r his combination of e ntrol and games won, and CHESTERFIELD, outstanding for_ its can't=be=copied combination` the world's best:tobaccOs.. . They're Milder - - They Taste Better Sutherland, Gallu Head Thespians, Glee Club Zumbro Production _Manager Or Dramatic Group Edwatd P Sutherland '4O was elected president of the Penn State Thespians at the club's elections held recently. Flank It Zumbio '4O was named pioduction mana ger. The other new officals who will have change of next year's pio dattions are Garage L Paisish '4l, tieasuler, John 11 Geltz '9l, secretary; Paul E Dean '4O, busi ness manager, David J Morgan '9Ol stage manages, A Boyd Has sles '4O, advertising manages; Paul H . Ilesb '9O, head electri cian; Thomas G Sluttei '4l sce nic artist, H. Kent Heppell '9O, costume manages, and Harslet If Sheibon '9O, costume nustsess Article Backs Athletic Policy Champlin Takes Issue With Statement That Football Debauches Colleges - Taking Issue with a whiled ttateinent iu School and Society . the f olleges and untteisilles or the nation, Laken as a 1111010 have been deliatudied its I intercollegiate footbull"—Di Callon D Champlin wormer of education has replied with an w itch:, on "The Pieper Place - for College Athletics the Alumni Nees "The author of the attiele," Di Champlin mites. "suggests that our cdtteational directors should do something decisite to bilVe their pedagogical souls' Is it the geneial under starling that Hlll - d Yale. Painceton, Chicago, Iltinnesota. Leland - Stanfota, etc. have lost theh souls' "The Pennsyßanitt State College has been 'seeking institutional and cintieulat balances," he says "We have an educational philosophy un derlying all of out athletic sched ules and wo ate haPPY to acknowl edge that we hale a place on our campus for students who seek ath letic paining as well as Intellec tual glowth Have Enjoyed Football "lye bade had lean yeats and cal tailed _schedules in seveial ',mil, but we have enjoyed foot ball despite seasons of defeat and financial loss We have continued Daugherty, Darby, Llewllyn, Swope Other Officers Samuel G Galin 'IP was elected president of the Glee Club at elec tions held last 'neck, Pi pressor Richard C Grant, director, has an nounced , Galls, besides his work with the chub, has sung several times over a Pittsburgh radio station and Is leader of the Campus Gals Other Officers elected 'were Richard A Daugherty '4O, vice in esideut,—llayes J Darby '4O, manager, Waite] E Llewellyn-'4l, secretaiy. and D Augustus Swope, Jr, '42, Ilbrailan , The elections wen• held in the mantic() room in Schwab Audit() i imn to compete with lugged opposition and we have 'dotted to see a line sph it of sportsmanship emerging from out efforts "Om soul has not been lost, and out laboiatories, libraries, and In tel e balls are not 'pathetic appen dages'," Dr Champlin concludes HECILA - .PARIC WEDNESDAY 'MAY' 40 Dancing„9 to 1, _ Admission , 99,e—lncluding Tax. Fin Table Reservation i n Auditorium Plione non 2321 Chesterfields' bietcfnak4 them outstanding for refreshing tter take ... for•priOre - Wed - sing aroma ' standing for real ,smoking 'enjoyni When you try then:. you`will ; know_ why Chesterfields giz j ie millions of men•' and women more smoking pleasure why THEY SATISFY - Tuesday, May 9,1939 IMA To Elect ,i First Olficer Nominating Meeting Set For Library 7:30 p. m.;,Plan Election Next Week Tho Independent Mon's Assoda , (ion will hold a meeting lifltoom - K in, the Library at 7 39 p m Jo night to nominalo candidates for °Mears, William W Galbreath '39 announeAd . yestei clay Item esentatives or tho units 'Min decide on the inert to ran for presl: dont, vice% president, secretary, ("ensurer. athletlot chairman and nodal clinic man 'Pim final elec• lion hill be held at the 'meeting next week At present the IMA is angling to induce t. , .50 more cooperatin os to join the organtization As boon' as this matter is settled, the gimps' sill - formulate plans tot future so cial and athletic events , Alrdady planned Is'a dance at the BUB unit this Saturday night. Every laelosse player has his stick cut to whatever length he desiies 'Defense - men use long sticks, attack men "shoat ones.