TtiesdaY, MO 9,1939 Netine,n Top Syracuse, 8-1, For Fifth Straight Win Lions Will Face Cornell , 1-1 - ere Tomorrow; Bears , Boast - Perfect Record Big Red TeamTayored Despite Win Streak Of Roethkemen; Lions Register Win Over 'Orange: Racket-Wielders B; ED McLORIE - - Riding i high on the breeze' of an 8-1 triumph over Syra cuse Satui day, Penn State's tennis 'Lions face undefeated Cornell-on the Varsity courts at 4 p.'m. tomorrow Despite their Victory 'string of„ five straight wins, the !,.ions-will enter' the fray on the short, end of the odds Cor ' nell's Bear lias - blazeil a trail not to, be treated lightly by any opponent. The',Dhaca netmen hOld victories over / Syracuse antiOVer Penn, conqueror of the Blue and White, and have vsipqmshed some of the better teams thraighoul the East ,t Playing' Orange', I in weathei typical of mid-July, Coach Ted Roethke's racket-wield ms took the Orange in %tilde without much tiouble except in I the sixth singles encounter when !NUM', who Intel played in the list doubles match, downed Call A I beig '6-14 6-2 Captain Hildebrandt biee/ed thiough Syracuse's &emits 6-1, 6-0 to give the Lions !.heii vic tory impetus The calm "Ifildie" completely, outplayed his oppon ent by his stndiness and needy" change - of pace 'Mac Weinstein, apparently; in accold with the weathei, Pahhed the tennis that he is capable of playing and ad ministered a severe 6-0, 6-0 thiashing to Mhnhold Aftei !having some bauble ovei- , coming Swift in the first set, Jet ty Goodman found himself . and nine thiough 6-9, 6-1 Gus Big ott met anothin chop shot. aitast and newly "lost the ship " Syn a cusian Beebe extended the color ful Aigentin.i lad, but Bigot!, managed to eke out a 6-1, 5-7, 7-5 win _ :42‘Stickinen t: Win G.4irie, 5-3 Laffiyette Yeaflings Succumb :f . To Capable Freshman' D Outfit Saturday , For the nret time in history, a Penn Slate freshman lacroyie team Iniq Wen a_ genie Srnre Nelthet the ruin - nor the' tact that they inhaled (linnet 4o' play the — ( ()Mem( dimmed theft spirit Nor can the fact that the Lain iette vtkkewingeta looked sail de tract from 'tlt e I r niagnillcent Illeventent oWero,of the (MY was young Jhn Ritter, brattier of vat fifty stickman George, whii zu..4 °tinted fm tin se gonis7ptechtely the same total is the entire ,Lafayette team The other tallies wet° embed by 'flimmerson and Robb Virtue* every num en the year ling squad law service in the fray "The first-stringers plied 'llp n 50 lend in'the first _half„ with the Lafayette Rash coming hack with , thee score4,lll rho latter part of , the game '7ll‘'(..layette boyi4, hn -lived 45 minute.; late and itecessl weed playlnwthe garlic at 5 p In't4endoel p in, weic no patch ann , nally N‘ellorganiied ~State'trosh ,',Outstanding 3 e'arlings" includid Ziegentus, Sears, alit! McCoy . iir • e :., _ . .. i , ! CHOCOLATE i 'ifeir,MOTHER'S DAY I — , Sunday, May 14 ' peifijeously decorated boxes :of, her favorite chocolates, 'here freshjrom the makers, 'at sl.ooj p. Order loday I ,REA & DERICK THE Allen Street . AIR COOLED STORE MEM White Accessories" make a perfect Mothers' Day Gift Choose the smartest of ,the NEW white accessories; here! Expensive' looking, .they,, coot Le' ,r_sags 1:95: 7V, White - 1.00-• . Paterson Hi:isieiycSheso MWIIIMII ESINIEI=IE9 MMMI •• Tiofi'f - Poitiet QUALITY, :-MEATS: GROCERIES , - :GREEN' GOODS: ' , "-, , NITTANYMEADOWSFARM:-STORE:', • • " N':',Beaver77s ' - , ,r• ~ • „ Del Hughes, alst tan into Still opposition in Wundeil, but -won out 7-9, 0-1, 6-2 it was in the 1114 t, singlet match that-the Roeth kemen di opped then only point ' ITildebitindt and Weinstein had little trouble downing Stearns find I , ,aaes t Sytacuse, 6-2, 6-1 in the !list doubles inatch.i Goodman and `Bigott, - wm king togethiCr like a veiman combination, downed Manhold neil Swift 6-4, 6-4 The Syracuse duo previously was the only -point-getter,against Cot neli rd the final doubles tilt, Hughes and Gil Feldman defeated Beebe and Cho4ish,6-3, 6-2 to give Penn State the 8-1 triumph While the varsity was battling Sytaeuse;the fieshman squad, un der the watching eye of Manage' Paul Geis,', was 4ohling, elimina tions fos the opening tilt with Pitt Satusday - ' Among the boys who'looked ex ceptionally promising weic Ties vine; BoWman,- McGuire,' 'Mesh- Knode and Omolecki Howev er, othei _freshmen may challenge for positions if they see Manages Geis -Norm Raeusm, sophomme bas ketball- playm , led all Penn State athletes' in Miele] ship last se mesteComith a 2 8 average Blaine and In awn The CI mg , head , twins—both ym , mty wtest lers—have been admitted -to Phi Eidta Kama , ' - , BETWEEN THE LIONS With 808 WILSON, Sports Editor Net Notes And Tee Talk Mr Tennyson's celebrated brook had best look to it 4 lautela as fai as this going-on-fm ever business Is ecineeined For in Mr Roeth- Ice's Lion tennis team and in Mr -Ruthei ford's Lion golf team it has two mighty foi =bible ovals—two 'wills that have waxed almost' perpetually victorious since the beginning of then respective cam paigns eaily in Apiil had to say almost peipetually victorious because Mr Roethke's net foi ens (hopped then opening match to Penn, spoiling an other wise pm tett aecomd Since then the Nittnny netmen have won five consecutive matches—a situation that has occutied only once in 28 ven , , of tennis at Penn State The win sla talc !Not d was set at five games by the, 1986 Lion ' team The old recurd of four consecutive wins, set in 1919, stood for 11ii_ years before it was finally ci ached. A new record may be set Junior row after noon provided the Lions polish MI a band of ~.tronga r mcd invaders from Cm nell But. mole about tennis latei Let's see what's been going on out in the wide open spaces where men are men and a shnotin' , lion is anything from a dim.] to in pate My spy fioni hole No 19 iepoas that the Manny linksmen, spoiting six straight wins, ale well on then way to an undefeated season. Undeistand now, this is only hearsay on my pint Fat be it from me to stick out my neck with a pi edit.tion like that. An unde feated golf season has only happened twice in Penn State links his toi in 1930 and again in 1935 This going-on-fot eve) stuff may have been all well and good Inc Tennyson's biook, but lot the Lion golf team well, I have my douht.s The EIGA is a clamed tough league Little Man, What Now? I pew nth off Ray Coslcery last Saturday I bet the plump little laciosse captain half lock (that's 50 cents—just call me reckless) that he wouldn't score against Syracuse Well, he didn't And for the list time in my life I felt bad about winning a bet The irony of it all is just this• It was the list time. in 14 consecutive games that Coskeiy hasn't scored at least one goal Except for the Maryland game his sophomore year when the Terra pins blanked the Lions, 2-0, his sem:rig streak would extend unbroken over 19 straight contests Coskei y was high sem mg Lion stickman both his sophomore and mnioi yews He loomed All-Milo ican boom able mention last year Going into the Syracuse scrap, Cnskery had a two-goal-pm-game al/maga for the LIU lent campaign and he looked like a lead pipe cinch to g,iab high CCM mg honois again this yea' But nosy, just because the lay, of averages caught ,tip with him, 'Coi,kety chums that I've jinxed him I'm the test of the season Ile insists that r have the well-known "Indian sign" on him, that I've given him what Borne Newman and his mob call "the Ini;uneas" It's inci edible , (apologies to leo Ilouck)_ ' Add Horatio Alger Billy Gauss had been hot all moining against Cornell The town boy, playing , No 3 on the Lion team, had easily beaten his opponent hie anckfiMi With the Pitt Inca in the afternoon he would climax thief eai s m his last home appearance as a member of the Lion varsity, golf team Doling that three yeais Billy, a serum who has worked has way through college, had seivtd Coa r eh Bob Rutherford and the Lion ttani faithfully And as a rewind ,foi Ins distinguished seivice, Conch Rutheifoicl chose him to "'day No 1 where he would be pitted against the notOtious - Tony Kay, undefeated in three years of inteicollegmte competition Playing the same piping hot bland of golf that he had played in the mining, Billy had the Pitt ace three down about the twelfth hole But Tony Kay, always a peat finisher, wiped out that margin. Going into the 17th hole everything was even Still driving-and putting with the same steady In !thence that had enabled him to mati.h Kay stiolse for stroke until now, Billy Gloss mon that hole Be had Tony Kay one up The last hole was played in the rain Both men shot pars. Billy Gloss had beatin Tony Kay—something no other golfem has done duiing Kay's college links cameer Flash! - Scoop! Copyright! This stow is of such great unpoitance that I hestttate to use it here when it tightfully deserves an eight-column %plead on the front So much for suspense Here's the story Al Michaels, backfield coach iot Penn State's football Lions, became the pi oud lathe' of twins=a boy and a glilLlast Satui day The story holds laic sigmficancc until I tell you that Mr. Mich aels is i the fast gentleman among the vast allay of MANpower in the phys ed school to crash the current blessed event list with a boy baby's A look at the jecoids show that Messrs Werner, Bedenk, Schott. Gilboa, Fleming and others all have Eddie Cantoi complexes Even Mi Michael., had to abide by tied:Um) berme he did his colleagues one better ' Congratulations, Al Trackmen Top Chicago, 73-53; To Meet Michigan State Squad Wernermen Garner ' Jivelin, Mile In, Maroon Tilt Causing more ti sable; than'Mrs O'Lmuy's cow, the Nittany Lion ttackmen kicked the pedestal from motet neuth Chicago's vaunted thin clads with a VI fia triumph at Chicago Satm day - Immediately after the Maroon meet, the Net net men left tot East Laming„ where they encountered Michigan State yesterday after the Collegian went to press The Spar tans are one of the hilidnest's beat hack machines, and should the Lions win, they will rate with the hest that the East can °lei. ' the, Maroon , affair the Lions kored clean sweeps in the javelin throw and,the mile run. Nick Vok manic"easily outthrew ,competi tors, as he heaved 'the - spear,2o2 feet, 2 Inches. followed by two nun e Lions; Frank, Platt and Bill Jeter, ' Frank. Maule„ Johnny Strange., and Len Rendet eon grabbed all three' place 4 in the mile event, Maule'ct time being 4 16 8 Although Captain Miller Prnzier lost to Chicago's Carl Wasem In the 120 high hurdle. he came back strong in the 220 lows to capture the event 1p 21 1 ' Mystery miler Johnny Strange ran n spectacular race na he won the two mile run In 10 00 with Alnabamson of Chicago second. and Linn Len Henderson taking thu d The outstanding star of the meet was Charley - Davenport, Maroon Big Ten champion, who garnered that places in 'the 100 lord dash, 220, and the broad Jump. summaries: ' Mile Run-- - -Tie fon first among Maule, Strange, Henderson;‘, Penn State., Time-415 8.: , 440-yaid,dash-.Won- by Pow ell, Chicago; Sutton, Penn s State, second; -1 - larthuin, ,PeniV State, thud. , Time-51.3 2 100-yard dash—Wolf by Daven: (Continued On Page Four) PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Golfers Top Pitt; Cornell; Take Eastern League Lead Stickmen Nip Syracuse,lo-7; Hit Top Form Ritter Tallies Three In Last . Period As Lions Sink i Vaunted Orange By BILL FOWLER Spat hell by Rittei's three goal spin I In the last period, the Nit tit ny heel ossernen dro‘ e theh it ft) to a sparkling 10-7 victory ()vet theh vaunted Otange opponent., on Nev. Beaver Mehl Satin do) aft ernoon , And a knolls Sal:name All- American stood on the Nldelinps and smiled n vet y intnid smile as Ills alma mater went down to de: teat RN mama'—Nick Thiel The Lions got off to an early lead as Al Blab flipped a close one into the net throe minutes after the contest started Ashe of Syra- Cll4O countered with I tally a fee moments later, while John Oen ther Saar ed a 1)1144 from Klause anti put the Thielmen out in front again ablite quarter ended Jim Riddell came into the game for too minutes, notched up a neat goal, was tut down by /I big Or angernan and helped from the field Shoeing plenty of zip, the boys from S;t incase tallied twice ill a hash of hi illianc> Buser and Ritter retaliated MEI a malt of Nittany seal es, elilt Scheimerhorn of Syracuse tossing a neat shot into the net to make the halt' count 5 4 After throwing cony scoring op portunitles with 'mkt) genmosity, the Syrucusans tied up the contest us Al! Ante:lean At t Mort ison rang up his Hist And only - tally See sow wits the word as the Blue and White\ Creme: and the Otange's Schet met hot n took tin us slinging the pellet into paydit t Score f G That ended things for the Ot- angetnen In one of tile neatest 4eoring splurges ever to grace Neu Bemei Field, Big Benige Mt Inlet-finite to send long, to shots seedling into the net Ott Wuen schel, playing his best game of the season, conttibuted to the rout eith .1 tally of Ms nun A last goal- be Syracuse and the game was over Under a blaring sun the Nittany men displayed their best stick sork of the year Accuracy told the story—State made 42 pm cent of its shots good, the Orange 18 per cent Playing a fast, driving game, the local stickmen got nut is front and stayed theta The Nittany defense showed up with Meyets mahing even more phenomenal saves than non ' all Ritter, Blair and Wuenschel pooled• theft efforts to do a' stellar job at the centertield posts, For theh part, the Syracusans appeared a trifle slowed by the heat All-American Art Morrison failed to get started, and the fam ed Orange attach functioned only at. odd moments The locals, salt foot debits overbalancing their tno I%IIIS, will attempt to men the count next week end,'s ben thee face Hobart and Cornell nutty Ethell Cracks Two Records , As Cubs Win The freshmen cub sptinteis had a field day as the 'Nosh track team downed the Ohio State cubs 7216- 67; in a telegraphic meet Satin day Led by Barney Ewell, who bloke the fieshmen 100-yard rec ord and tied the vacuity mink in 00, John Taylor, Bill Bates, and Al Price all ran the 100 in 10 flat oi under to sweep the event Not satisfied with one new mock; Ewell tore over the cinders in 21.4 irothe 220 sprint to tie the frosh record in that event. Barney was followed by Price, uho clocked 222, and Bates, who was timed at 22 5 Coach'Bob GI love's proteges ex hibited plenty of fire, and if they stand up to expectations, the Cor nell freshmen will get plenty of stiff competition next Saturday at ItFoca. GroaS, Maxwell Spark Lions In 2 Wins With vietoi les to the tune of 5-4 and 7-2 ovot Cot nell and Pitt i evectively, the vol yty Impels stepped into the &stein Intet collegiate Golf Association lead last &It'll day on the college links It was the sixth sti night tii umph fm the linksinen The Lions barely edged Cm - null in the mining, thedeeision lemming in doubt until the final match was played Scott' Maxwell, playing number six foi the Blue and White, was the deciding file tot in the play, his victory over Tom Midgley of the Big Red pi ()- Ming the necessaiy margin of Inanity It was co-captain Bill Gloss of the powerful Lions, though, who was the hero of the day Gloss defeated Tony Kay, vaunted Pitt ace, 1 up, handing Key the fist defeat he has suffmed in thiee years of College Competition Gloss took medal honors in the Pitt match with a 74 The lowest acme handed in the morning play was the Big Red'S . Jack Stet hog who posted a 73 The summaries Bill Gross, Penn State (74), de leafed Tony Kay, one up Bill Daddib, Pittsburgh (79), &route( Ken Klingensmith, one up Bes. Ball lAnn by Pittsburgh, one up, 1 , 1 holes Jack Mahaffey, Penn State, de feated Bill Reilly, 5 and 4 Bud Miller, Penn State, del ea ted Home) McClintock, 5 and 4 Best Ball wan by Penn State, G and 4 Jack Bland, Penn State (78), defeated Bob Seybold (79, one up Scott Maxuell, Penn State, de feated Chuck Mathia,, 8 and 7 Best Ball WOll by Penn State, i, and 5 Jack Steihng, Cmnell (73), de feated Jack Mahaq (71)), 3 and 1 Sid Slocum, Come)) (75), de ' feated'Bud Mille' (79), 3 and 2 Best Ball won by Comell, one up Ken Klingensmith, Penn State, defeated Dick Meister, 5 and 3 Bill Gloss, Penn State, defeated Jim Bostwick, 7 and 5. Best Ball eon by Penn State, 5 and 4 Bill Billions, Coma) (75), de feated Jack Bland (71)), one up Scott Maxwell, Penn State, de tented Tom Midgley, 3 aml 2 Best Ball won by Penn State, 2 and 1 Cubs Win As Medlar Hurls Four-Hit Ball 'With big Charley Medlar lung log four hit boll, the freshman baseball team pounded out a 7-0 victory over the visiting Syracuse Freshmen on New Bemer Field Satin day afternoon afedlar, taking the mound fot the first time this year; struck out 12 men, allowed no walks, had foul men teach first on singles and three on errors Doling the whole game only five balls were bit. into the outfield, three of these for singles Meanwhile, the Linn cubs were pummeling Lawson, S,lzactime hurl et, for eight singles, scoring three runs In the fourth inning and four more in the Nesenth LASTING MEMORIES Foi this year's Mother's Day, give a pet manent temembrance We have a wide variety of gift suggestions, including: .. \ ie Costume Jewelry • Handkerchiefs • Syracuse China , • Spode , Complete Line of Hand• - _ Painted Mothers' Day Greetings What-Not . Gift Shop , State Theatre Bldg State College Lion Tossers Shutout 7-0 By Syracuse Bedenkmen Face Pitt Today Tomonow; First Game Jn Fifteen Years Its winning stieal. cut shoit it five sti.iight by i 7-0 setback on Saturday at the hands of- that old Jonah Syincase, Penn Stole's baseball team faces the Uhivei say of Pittsbuigh'h nine today and totem ow in the rust base ball game between Pitt and State since 1929 In conhast to the heavy bit ting they shoved in then 15-7 talumph as ei Temple Thin sday, the Lions came fin ough with only foul bugles in the Change shut out Peany Cates' double to cen tet ssas the best hit of the aftet noonqm State Peons Gates, Ed dy Sapp, and Bud Shinn in each hit singles Toni Watts stinted on the mound fat State but isas relieved by Ed Bastian in the second in ning after giving three inns Bits ban, Coach Joe Bedenk's peren nial teller huller, gave the Spa- cusans three tuns in seven flames Trio of these %%me on fluke wild pitches The Syracuse nine, .1 poweiful hitting combin Won, composed mostly of 200-poundets, hit any thing :Watts at Bastion had to offei As one Lion playa put it; "They were Just good" Pittsbuigh, maugulating base ball this yeas fa] the first time in (Continued on Page Four) Your •. • , Mother - Will Enjoy 1. # 4" The Glee Club Concert SATURDAY, MAY 13, 8:00 P. M. AUDITORIUM Reserved Seats 50c On Sale at Student Union Page Three' STEP OUT WITH MOTHER NEW PAIR 01? SHOES- Styled by S AKS. NEW YORK "The Shoe of Tomorrow" 11lown and WhitCN Black and WhlteL, Blue and White., All I,Vlute, $5.00 HOLEPROOF HOSIERY 79c ei $ roams Oppoote Old Aldin - Simi. College