Page Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN SUCCPESOI to The Free Lance, eshblished 1887 Published semi-weekly during the College year except on holidays, by students of The Penns) Ivanta State College, 'n the m•erert of the College, the students, faculty, alumni, atm It tend. THr MANAGING BOARD JOHN A TROANOVITCII '39. Editor ritAlscis A C %METERS IR '99, Rnatneva I.lanager 11FRISFRT R C A.ll A N . 19 IrROME SHArFER M 9 '2110113 Cclitor Ad.. .Using Manager RO" 11 NICHOLS 1R 19 RICHARD W hOOMAN 'l9 'lamming Editor Circulation I,ltinoger Silt V ATORC S SALA 'Pt RALPH H GUNDLACH Nova rditor Promotion liinnagor At AN G McINTI It/i DALLAS R LONG 19 rentln Editor nrelgn Ad. ?Ultima Minima? THOMAS A BOAL .19 MARY .1 SAMPLE 419 onmitont Managing F.ldor Sotto, Narrator." BRUCE: 91 'I RAMIE I lICIT LE GRECNBERC Avvlvtant Snort" Ettitor Womenla Plitor REITA E SHEEN 19 Peonellte Women t FALtne Alannying rclanr This I:iny Nan, Anlitor Ingie Match 21, 1939 Tuesday, SOMETHING TO WRITE HOME ABOUT (1,1PR15817116, Mach Pi —Two bull which 01 mop, ate $5,5'14,445 foe ma wren- It pellYeS JO, the rovnnp Linkman to the rno• gluoma State College—the nowt amount allied in its sr, king studied halal, in the Stole Legislatil e —Penn State Collegian, Wail, 17 ) COMMENT. That 'N very nice So what These, m eNactly five woi and a question m,u6, N the Ivo age student )(action to a new, ~ tory that males with it the f atm e de , ,tiny of the Penni,ylvania State College And yet, how many among the few who even took time to lend the at tole which appealed in idav's Collegian stopped to tealwe just whit effect that five and one-half million-dam sppi opt 4:Won would hove on on ah eady-ei owded Penn State 9 11 to Collegian's oupposition that in Mal arat ren bets this tiguie.N.ould be paltry And therefore, the Collegian feels, it is about time that the undergraduate body of Penn StaLe be clearly informed concerning so vital an issue It is about time that some sort of understanding be leached among this same group with refer ence to the amount of an appropriation which is well-nigh Indispenslble It Is about time that Pepn State students act on behalf of this all-im ptrtakt measure In view of tins apparent gloss incomprehension rind shem unconcern, the Collegian seeks -I—To enlighten an apathetic student body about a problem that may be a ci um' tinning point in the life of the Colege i2—To show the incinheis of thqt group how they, then IMP small way, elm help solve that - CONVENIENTLY' SITUATED here on the campus are nine stwdy, new buildings Some me completed Some me neming completion And colt:wily all will be moody for occupation by next Fail That is, of coui , ,e, provided the new apple piatmn lull intioduced last week by Senator Lel?. lei paned by the State Leg)%lame If, however, the new appropriation is in any way diminished, these new buildings are Just as likely to be as bleak anri desolate next year at ti Is time as they are now Certainly, by all that is cane and sensible, this would not only be a detriment to the potential educational facilities at the dispssal of the College, but also a great and ruthless waste of public funds And uho among you, the Collegian asks, would n,t ue the first to condemn the wanton destruc tion of basic food commodities while thousands go hungiy , Who would not assail the =tailing of pi eduction when only a pi ivileged few have the common luxuries of life? Who would not lambast any other equally assmine movement , And yet, is there not a great gambit ity between what will happen bete if the apinomiation Is de feated and what has happened in agmultme and industry in the past. 9 The answei is decisively Alit motive • • • DARK AS THIS manic may be, the question is now asked "But what can I do—a student not yet of voting age" The ensue' is simple Certainly of the 8,000 students and piofessol s here, 1,000 ale old enough to vote All of you, tegatdless of age, come train homes uhieh possess at least two if not three di i et!, 01 :mined, vote. To be on the safe side, this estimate is pathetically consei votive Now then, what legislative body would not take heed to the wishes of a welhorganized group pos sessing upwards of 15,000 votes? It is up to all of us, therefore, to interest our families, our friends and our relatives in this much-needed appropriation. A feeling of apathy on ot u • putt oil! avail us nothing We must fight foi what we want and for what ac feel is fundamentally light and just It is by making those inteieqed in us feel as we feel that no will succeed Thiough our work UtKt thefts we are sane of success. Without that shiivess the cause will be lost Write today WOMEN AND LEADERSHIP MORTAR BOARD is carrying one of its aims forward this week in its Leadeiship Conimenee. This honoimy not only iequiies this quality for enflame, but also develops it thioughout its mem• bees' college lives _ln an effort to fin thee develop this attribute tn the entne women's student body, the organization has demented one day to the explanation of ,the potentialities and practice of leadeiship. It is Mortar Board's contention that every wo• MITI can either be a good lender of an intelligent follower. The confeience Thursday will uttsinpt to establish this principle Every woman ,who wishes to be active dining or - after college should , :71414. OLD MANIA I From The Look Of Things: l iagheq Jinni State Col/em —lf d happen.? heir) Oct 3, 1941—New (Images in the -Lill of the Pennsylvania Stole College have just been an nounced by Heti Dant/saw , head of the new De pal tment of Infoimation Monied Sintabie - foi the Public Ralph D llet2el I emains as administi a tivc head of the College became of his Gelman name Howevei, the P.omd of "Muslims has been I gradated and is now under the dnect supervision of Ben Goebbels, World Ministei of Propaganda and Education Colonel Elie Rrendondotlf takes over the com mand of the neu foul yeas compulsin y ROTC COM ,1" uncle! the command of World General Cori mg Hugo Bendel. 6a, been 'milled limn the bush leagues to bet owe head of the School of Physical Culture Di Dietteitch takes the place of Di Rilenom as head of the Health Sei vile The for in -11 Mime, of the Penn State Chi Mum Ass'n now oil awed by the Penn State Naci Society .__ Roborl I. 1 1 1.4+0n '4l W Itrnd , cy Owrni '4O Oa 1, 1941—New tequuements foa atlnustaon into the Pennt,ylv una Static College have just been announced by lief Coebbels through Het i I tan Imhet Students must he blond with blue eyes and be long to the Arnett( an &m in Ti pope's Ass'ii Men must be 5 It II tn, and women sft 6 in They must have had at least three years of Getman flistmy in high school Date, then frithei mother must have linen pine Aiyan, and ime grandparent must have been born in Germany. In giammai 'chool the men must have served at least two years on the Safety Patrol If hr ha= attended a military academy this may be waivrd The women must sign a pledge dint they will mat iy within four years of giaduation and have five children the ensuing ten yerais—at least three of them boys No ,eNceptions will be made The enti once exam shall consist of a five-hour set itten examination on "Mem Kampf " A 5,000 word palm must be prepared on one of the fol lowing topics "The Boyhood of Hitlei," The Young Man," of "Halm " The men must be able to stand for two hours at the Naci salute without flinching Oct 12, 1911.—The new woad, of the old Penn State song "The Nanny Lion" have been an nounced by Heil Dant7chei Students ale le- Aimed to ~ ing this song berme ln,enkfast each mom rung: With hig eyes co blue Swastika forever, ,Egiblem.of might, ~_,.. Fight lot the Samna Oh where do we go fiom hole, November 17, 1941—Students staged a wild demonstiation at the College bete tonight in an t tipation of a victoi y oven the Rockview Concen tint= camp teem tomorrow 2000 volumes of boots horn the College Lihiaiy weir burned at the Keane), famou , meeting place of Storm Tt oopei v v Mach 15 —Jean Stiles, senioi coed, has been appointed WSGA ptesident Fraulien Stiles was chosen because of hei beautiful blond han, her Aryan features, and because bee great-uncle solved uncle) ITindenbui g on the Maine Because they also typify the tine Aryan type the following coeds will serve on the board Joyce Brayton, .Tane Stanton, Pat Behney, Laura Hill. Itlaiiniie Strode, and Helen Swansbn May 20, 1011—A stonecutter was sentenced to day to 30 years at the Rockview Concentration Camp when instead or cutting the pane Koehn on the new Mahn hbtai y, he absent-mindedly cut Cohen —The Maniac THE MEIN KAMPF KAMPF* - - The Reyna] anti Hitchcock edition. Complete and definite, fully annotat ed and prepared under the auspices of Di. Alvin Johnson of the new school foi` social research: Johii Chambei lath, Sidney B. Fay, John Gunner, Carlton, Hayes, Graham 'futton, W L Langer,' Walter Millis, R. De Rou , isy de Sales and George Schuster have prepared the notes. 093 Pagess3oo. ' The Stackpole editionf ,corripleternn authorised and without notes, edi torial hoard, if any, annoymous. Pays no ioyaltys or publislung pghts.,6ll9 Pages .$3 00 1 0 New Republic, Match 22, 15:19 KE,ILER S S AtthapT Yhfatrp )3,oldl i ithg ' Heil to the Lion Loyal and titre Heil to lien Httlei 1::=:=1 PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Independ 3 Groups Now In Unity Move Anchorage, Y-Lee-Low Club Are Newest Members Two ,not e waling hou...eß -,the A nehm age and the Y-Lee-Low Clnb—agreed to back the college wide 01 ganintion duve fm inde pendent unification, it was an nounced ye , ,tet day by ,Wilhnm %V Calbi nth '39, char man of the inoVeillent When they elect offitems and ac cept the nwoeintwn program er in the week, the two clubs will become Units No 2 And 1 under the lIPV. Independent set-up The B R B Club, officially oigani/eil last week, was the Ihst unit to hack the pi oposed plan , The ill-inclusive survey of non. nity men which began last, Thin sday night will end tonight secmdmg to David E. Pei gi '4O, than man of the survey commit tee Results of the poll should be ready fin -publication in Fi iday's issue of the Collegian, Peiglin AL a, ?lel! .diended mceting or :hone leittleis last Thursday Gal-, Meath mauled chive sympathiz els against injecting polities in to the organiiation movement The oigani7aLion system was also, nutlined and explained oil the records The Andrew Sisters are riding, the ci est of popularity again, Then BOLD TIGHT iccording made this old fish peddler's song the hit of Februaiy, and now they have made a beautiful recoiding for Decca of BEGIN THE BE GUINE Bob Ciosby's Bob Cats accompany the girls on this and the catchy ieveise, LONG TIME NO SEE t Jiinaly Dorsey, back East in New Ygi k, tan ns out three Demi ieleases, the best of which is ROMANCE RUNS IN THE FAMILY and GOOD FOR NOTII IN' BUT LOVE Helen O'Con nell's vocal 111 the foe mer "makes" IJir lecoid FATE and LET'S STOP THE CLOCK feature good lyrics by Bob Eberly. Bing Ciosbv sings that penemal favorite, MY MELANCHOLY BABY, as it's navel 'been sung before He singe the piipulai BETWEEN A KISS MID A SMII - on the leverse. , 4. Clp,n Gray and his ,Casa LOrna oithestra return to v.tor. with COULD )3E feataning Pee-Wee Hunt's singing Clyde Buike takes the ill Kenny Saigent's place and dors veiy well with the lyrics of I WON'T BELIEVE IT (till heal it from you), Brunswick features Billie Hob day's sepias song with Teddy Wilson's erchesti a She sings WHAT SHALL I SAY? and IT'S EASY TO BLAME THE WEA THER She appears again on Vo cation with hei own band includ ing Chu Berry; Chadic Shavers, el s, and Co/s' . Cole, and sings DREAM OF LIFE and THAT'S &LL I ASK OF YOU Lovers of old lush melodies and ballads will enjoy the latest'Decea Album by Frank Luther and the Lyn Muriay Quartet Included to the many songs with piano and harp accompaniment are Kath leen Mavournecn The Rose of Trit lee, Keity Dance, Harp That Onte' Tliro' Tara's Halls, 'and Where The River Shannon Flows New Library Service 4 speual service now available I thiough the Library to faculty members is a messenger system though which books 01 journals I can be delivered for two-hour pei- I mils to any office on the campus Degrees Do Not Show Field The diploma granted for the degree of dodo' of philosophy does no' indicate the field in which the demo° is gained in 16 of 20 colleges and ,universittes polled by the Pr tat ' State Graduate School. 4gigfi* .I,:pctpfet EsT4irg 114,E.,Bepver Ave. Dial 4066 - ~ State •Co _ _ • .„ Show fp 4.1* glasses Aftgi a Dance a GLENNLANA An11.;11 .ppgt Street - Formerly Nott's nt Drive Adds Two Hotises 0 * FOOTLIGHTS o <> Excursion -Play by Victor Wolfson, presented in Schwab Auditorium March 17 and ;18; produced un4er di rection of Frank Neusbaum, Margaret Jones, as sistant director; Dorothy fit, Scott: etal:gn director THE CAST Captnin Obadiah Rich ___ Herbert Doi oshow Jonathan filch Bartholomew Linton lolin Unlit ist DnWir Pop Cern ge Berstein 1,11.4 Gemling Catlleum Coltman Alike Gangling Alvin Weinbea g Martha Ruth Wagner 'Veggie llettie Ruth 1111111 min Mae Colman h w s l n SLhWaU L/ Miss Dowthe • Jean Matthes 14114 _ _ _ trinnt Delp Even though fundamentally philosophic, with a tinge of the disillusionment brought about by metiopolitan social and economic "Excursion's" elm' octet Lo tions and light treatment sidmin-, 'sieved by its author, Victor Wolf son, augmented by the Neushatim rhiectm ail touch, added another delightful evening to the Penn State s' long ing of fol loiv-ups to Bioadway hits , An unusually large, and well selected, cast of 36 did not hinder the ease of movement and subtle thrusts at oui modern socio-eco noinic-order ,Smilioth dialogue, ev es y-day characters transplanted an uppieciative audience to the decic of the S S Happiness. Al though the show was almost stol en on seven al occasions by humor ous juvenile characters, it was kept inthe realm of reality by its 'clown-to-earth flavor. "Excursion" begins peacefully enough A unique airay of inetro politandes,—old, young, men, wo inenL--all disillusioned, dissittis fiepl with, their roles in life—on a Coney Island exeuision steamer, making its last voyage—that's the netting of the play. Jonaguln Rich, the Ciptain's brother, influences him not' to e n to New Yolk, begs him to head met for a remote West In dies isle where everyone would -start life anew Dubious, Cap tain OLuHiah,Rich decides to fol low his;' brother's advice. The - \Worn - en _ - Pah-ile1), council's cniestionnaire on rushing has been released and' the rushing 'ecfmmittee'is waiting for the results before formulating next yeai's code \Vlll itte first semester rushing, the ellmi ation of-formal rushing oith pledging first semester, the same plan used this season, or will acteptable to the majority Sorer. women hltve their chance to de cide thislis,ue ..Thoughtful answering of the questionnhire will result n a code acceptable to the majority Soror ity , women must resolve to accept any Loge since it will be evolved from suggestions they are offering Phone calls duriny, rush hour.; on the 4961'suitchboard have been cat to flye miputaii—a necessary measure since most calls averaged tiny beyond this Women In Ath erton Hall 'have cooperated by eliminating calls between rooms from 6.30 until 7 30 every night but Sunda) :With only 21 trunk lines into On and with ;1,0,00 men flying to phone 1,600 wom en . on campus, all wometi must help by obeying the jive-infinite limit' • ' With Senate still considering , the combined Student Government plan women students should study the ruopoved constitution objec tively They should at least show sufficient initiatlye to decide about the plan without the help of the current boyfriend LA Titlk Set Tomorrow Miss Pelen C lleyneu, super.. intendant of the rural extension unit of the Stade Department of yielfate, will #ll , ,etiss "WeHare Needs In Pennsylia nla." at R p m. tompriow 1n 'teem Op. Old Main The.tallc Is the ,flflll In the ,current perles of Liberal Attu lectures. Mt Winch ... Pauline WIIIL.II - Stanley Winch John Kennedy - Ittiq. Fitch) _ _________ ______ Winn Sevn4 Mr. s Piteltel —___Leontud Pnihum!' Cnndy Boy Daisy — Rah' Shins@ Magoon Joseph DAIWA Eileen Helen Neubaum lack Sachs I Mis Boome) Ruth Luteho.o L 2 Sat a Rome! Audi ey Rewbi dge Second Photo Gill Jane Psestein Lcd Pitman Peggy Schaeffer Richard Putman - Robot t Robinson Pat Sloan ._ - Chai les- Seymout Eugene Scheftel Wood , : Tony M==E thought, moreover, of giving up his beloved boat ciushed him trite pia-sengeig betnine , panielcy !Mt decide to go along when they come to the imilization that no future, no hope is in stoic for them in then forme! hum-ditun, disillusioning society ,C'east genic! tuttei .4 are called out to halt the -"escape" of -the "S S I lapputess " New Yet k goes wild. And it all ends as the U S Coast Guard takes po , ,sesston of the vessel aftei a slant gun battle, informs the passengers that the boat has teeny been go ing :11,0,1111d 711ClICICS off the Jersey shot e And' bark to New Yotk it As set 10L14 :14 the plot itself sound', lhiectoi Frank Neusbaum did an excellent job in his inlm pretation Young "Sock" Johnny Kennedy, sweetly (lemma 'Nancy and-Helen Neudnitum, and Fresh man Alvin Weinbeig (a New Yolk ITuck Finn) played their minor isles with an adtoitness night on to peifectioninself—to such an extent us to "steal" the scenes in which ,they appealed Vetet an Playet lletb Doi o sho's poi ttayal of Capt un Oba diah Rich looked and acted the pout' of the old weathei-beaten seit-finer, but his diction, at time ', , was too' refined, sounding mote like a .well-bi ed „executive iathei than an idenlv,tic °Mune seaman Len Pal kin , ,on's Vitae' wa., the top chat acteiyation of a group of excellent pieta' nations, even to the ,typically Yiddish shrug of luti shoulders Ills voice was perfect His,makeup ac tions were pCrfeet Ruth Wagner, as a flighty, talk ative, pants-susceptible shop gill, mlapted herself to what or (finality would 'have been a thf fiLult role Joe Dobbs and Ruth Shtasel, usually cast in starring