Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, February 24, 1939, Image 3

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    Friday, - Februaiy- 24, 1939
Pitt Court men, Navy Wrestlers Here. Tomorrow
Between. The Lions
Hy, HERB CA RAN. Sports Editor
State fans will be deprived of one of the season's most
important Nittany Lion spot is events. That boxing meet at
Army, tomorrow up at, the Point may indicate the champion
ship possibilities of, Leo frouck's boxers
Here is the getting
Both teams ale undefeated -
Aimy, with a team of veterans,
is the ine§ent Easton Inteicol
',spate titleholder
And both teinns.ale appal catty
strong in the same weight classes
Although the-Cadets have not
nioduced the same lineup nn every
meet( they have thi ea of last
year's Eastern champs and one
titleholder from the year before
' Cooper Points For Win
In the opening bout Mike Coop•
ei will face Cadet LavendtiSky in
their third meeting in two years
The , Seldiei defeated Mike in the
finals of the Intel collegmtes and
in last - season's dual meet, but
'Little i Micbiiel has been pointing
f - for
Seniof Ball
11 _
: ' A
. R
. The Florist
222 W._ Beaver
Dial 3151
13ririg Your Date To
Excellent Prod Quick Service
Dancing This
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I A Week-End?
B&Sure You 114v,en't Forgotten Anything,
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A, Toiletries ••
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-Allen StreA, Next' to Bank Clock
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Federal Deposit lnaurcuice:Cin:;Roiation
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for this encounter and ,he warns
us that the outcome will be dill'-
, emit this yea'.
With what vague information
we have been able to gather (the
service academies seem lathe'
skimpy with their publicity ma
terial), improved Al Tapman ns
slated to go against a champ of
two yeas% ago, Cadet Bess—and
we remember him as a typically
tough little Amy man,.
Another Aimy champion, Cadet
Hull, who, wan the 155-pound
crown in 1938, has moved up a
weight class and Jim Lewis will
meet his toughest opponent of the
,When Champ Shanley, the Cad
ets' 1:15-pound winnet last year i
and now boxing at 145 pounds,
steps into the ring against burly
Red Stapko the loathe', is sure to
fly; haid,and fast Shanley - is an
athlete of the bull-neck viniety
and isn't easily hurt—but neither
is the Nittany Lion red-head
,Harry Stella, Aimy football
captain and a newcomer on the
tcam, is supposed to be an ace
:adman, and it will be tackle
versus halfback when he meets a
iapully improving Penn State
sophomme, Johnny Pataick.
That gives the Cadets a vets,
possible five points, ‘i , ith no in
formation on who 1 , , slated to meet
the three iemammg Houckmen—
Capt.' Roy Hanna,, Heinle Sand
and Johnny Patiick Semen
But that doe , ' not mean that
A t my's elmmptong ate unbeatable
—tt is an expel tented and int
inovefl Gaup of larcets that En
Leo Mot tan Hotielc will qcnd into
the, ring
Hockey Games Slated
Piepping his Lion hockey men
for the Lafayette tilt March 15 at
Hershey, Coach Arthur Davis will
hold'an extensive scrimmage to
morrow afternoon on the College
Pond Another game:is scheduled
for the Hershey Ice Palace a week
later with the limshey Junim
Boxers Meet
Soldiers Away
For sth Fray
A band of Lion watrims will
leave this morning from Nittany
Valley to invade West Point's
gatilson on the Hudson
Well-fm tified with bushels of
left ,hooks and right hands that
sti ihe thas, the Penn
State' boxing team is detra mined
to settle an iinpin (ant issue and
realm to thee• lan with victory,
which would mean five in a - 1 ow
They will be met by a rugged
foe , in the Atmy boys, howevem.
and the fnewolks are expected to
resound ovem a gmeat amen when
these two teams meet, fem the
Kayilets also boast of an unde
feated record to date ''
—ln fait they temain.undefeated
the past two yews lot they sailed
though an undefeated six-meet
season last yea] and went on
Awn theme to Like the Intmeol
Two '3B Champs Back -
Thee ' cadets were crowned
champs and, of these three, two
sue mamba's of this yeses team
Lavendusky, 115-pound champ,
and Shanley, head of the 135 di
vision, mill be in these battling
fin then Millais again this year
Captain Hallman, 165-pound tit
lelpldet, was giaduated
But Bess, semational 116-pound
champ a two yea s ago, and Neg-
Icy,' Hull and Taylor, other mem
i)Cl9 of last year's classy aggte
gation, will also be included in the
chai gee sent against the Lions to
mm low afternoon
That makes up the t.onsign
ment of belting-beauties Len
/Boucles oilmen must face But,
to heat them talk, it's going to
be vatoi yat bust Mihe Coopm
is only too - anxious to meet up
with latvendusky once again and
et ase defeats of, the past season
Lions Tuned For Soldiers
AI Tapman and Captain lioy
Hanna meet newcomers in Bristol
and Rising Red Stanko Is as
lugged a fighter as Shanley and
is expected to give the champ a
teal battle.
Bernie Sandson has been tun
ing up ins left jab for Veteran
Negley,,Jim Lewis has his right
hand cocked for Hull, and John
ny, Patrick Senior will do well
against Taylor if he shoved up as
he did in the Virginia meet
Johnny Patrick Sophomore will
Dade blows with Stella; Captain
of next yeni's Army football
team, in the unlimited division
Lavendusky Beware!
' Cooper Is Aiming
"I've got a score to settle with
that guy Lavendusky, and I'm go
ing to give all I have, and maybe
more, to dO it 'tomorrow_ after
tinagine little Mike Cooper mak
ing that statement. and looking so
determined ashen he says It Well,
he was plenty hot under the collar.
(He had Just finished three strenu
ous rounds on the heavy bag at
Rec Hall)
But, even taking this into con
sideration, v.e asere convinced he
meant every word of It
- Mike's‘'size Is no Indication of
his abilities Battling the past
Ow years as varsity 120. pounder,
Coop remains undefeated thus tar
this season Not' much taller, than
a plot Ot peanuts, he has had to
face all taller opponents '
Never fitting a boxing glove on
his, hand before coming heie, it
wasn't until his sophomorb year
when he decided to try his hand
at the ,intramurals_ But Ms In
ability. to,
_come, doves to 120
pounds forced * him to forfeit the
match and he urns eliminated from
tho tourney
Contintring to work out with the
boxers, however, and before the
season was tiro meets. under way,
Little Mike learned enough to edge
Hen Byrd out of the , 120:pouml
berth ,
He modestly explains that .Alex
Sopchak, la responsible for all this,
for it was Al, he says, who encour
aged 'Mit and - taught him most of
tho fundamentals
, -_,:Vitat, statistics. Was on fresh.
man baseball team . played two
Years of high, school football and
basketball '.-. comes from a min
rang town near,.Wllkes-lilarre ..
peethoverOs Moonlight Sonata:just
gets hinr. . got up,to the finals
in - the Intereolleglates" last year
his , mother:ls' his greatelt
tight' " "
Alpha Zeta notched its third
win in as many Intramural Bas-
Icetball League struts by edging
Phi Kappa P'3l, 12-10, in Rec Hall
Monday night Section 1 Alpha
Zeta joins Alpha Chi Rho of Sec
tion II in the three wins, no loss
es gioup
Chuck Bowman paced the Be
ta. 3 to a thrilling 21-19 overtime
victaiy over Alpha Chi Sigma in
Section Iff for the feature battle
of the evenirg Bowman tallied
Weighing-In For• Mat
Tourney Continues
Weighing-in tar int: anal al
wrestling latch began yester
day will continue in Rec Hall
today, Manager Robert. T Le%l4
revealed yesterday
Bouts will begin Monday aft.
einem, but no definite schedule
has been 'dam(' Contestants
, will be notified by telephone
the winning field goal in the ex
tin pealed after the seine was tied
at 17-all at the end of the regula
tion time
Sigma Tau Phi Wins,
Sigma Tau Phi kept its slate
clean with a 23-16 ttiumph over
Beaver House with Sid Hausman
and Shep Fteedman chalking up
eight points apiece Tau Phi Del
ta (hopped Phi Kappa Sigma,
12-8, in Section VI
Only two Independent League
contests were scheduled Monday
night with Mac Hall Waiters
coming out ahead in then initial
encounter Los Canes B.tsiochos
bowed, 39-18, to the Waitets in
Section VII, with Jaclt Watford
scoting 16 points for the victois
tnit 1 decisioned thrigsfoid Lil
-1 es, 18-15, in Section VI
Sunday Games Listed
Gaines Sunday 2 30—Faiimont
Hall—Varsity Hill, Poiestiy So
ciety—W atts Itnll, Dionnes—Hai
vey A C , 3 16—Beta Sigma
Rho—Alpha Chi Rho, Pi Kappa
Phi—Chi Phi, Delta Chi—Beaver
Howe, Beta Theta Pi—Sigma
Tau Phi, Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Kappa, Delt i Theta Sigma . —
Tau Kappa Epsilon
in the howling competition at
the Dux Club Tuesday night, Al
pha Phi Dolt shut out Alpha Sig
ma Phi 8-0, while the Chemist.,
and TKE blanked Delta Chi and
Theta Chi, respectively, by the
same qcoie
Football Conch Dick Harlow
has been annotated curator of oo
logy in the Harvard University
museum , of compauative ioology
Oology is the rollertlon and study
of eggs
`SiSter' Thinks Ernie's
Wrestling Good . . .
And It Is !
Presenting All-Around Man of
the Week—Ernest Frederick Bartz
oho halls Pion) Punxsutawney
(end he's aloud of it)
Ernie did enough in high school
to giNe him an all-time all-Amer
ican ranking, even if he hadn't
bothered with dny activities after
coming to College
For Ernie oas 'one of the nth
leticest of Pun ♦y' s athletic
Groundhogs oith four years of
football, too of basketball, too of
wrestling, too Of track, and one
of baseball to his credit.
, As a freshman he played center
on the Cub football team,. then
went out for wrestling (his favo.
rite sport), won the fresh 175_
pound post, and was elected hon
orary co-captain with Midge Xing
Last year, a sophomore, he
wrestled in the heavy weight class
Although' he weighed only 180
pounds, lie made a good showing
against men who outweighed hint
by as much as 60 pounds
This year, in his normal weight
class (176 pounds), he has piled up
a plenty. good record So far he
has pinned Levitt of Cornell, dee!.
sioned Hendricks of Array, Hark.
lessof Princeton, and Condon of
Nebraska, and lost only close
matches to Don Nichols (Michi
gan's Big Ten champion), and Le_
high's Bob Matthes (undefeated in
sic years of organized grappling)
Vital statistics. Husky, blend,
sic feet tall, always grinning . .
has a "Mettle (quotation marks
are Ernie's), who is also a Puns
sutawneyiee and, like "brother"
Ernest, a Phys Ed major loves
to eat, especially "sister's" home
made bread . . spends summers
as a lifeguard back horse .. big
gest thrill was first time ."sister"
saw him wrestle greatest am.
bitioo as a, kid was to be a pro
grunt.and.groaner, but now. be's
satisfied with being an amateur
Cagers Win,
5440; Move
To 3rd Slot
Custci got aff light
'The scalp job that was done
on the genes al and his little band
iwas just a haircut and singe com
pared to the 54-90 (in fight)
trimming that Penn State's bas-
Icettnil Lions gme West Virgin
ia's II ounta ineei s Wednesday
But :mom ding. to John Lawthel
"We'll have to play better ball
than that to beat Pitt" whom the
Islittanymen face in Rec Ball at
8:10 p m tomm tow
Pitt Dangerous Opponent
Having eliminated the Moan
lanleels horn the fester of sen there
by moving into the Eastein Con
' fei &ice thud place, the Lawthei
men face, in Pitt, probably the
most dangerous obstacle in then
'metentic einem toward the Con
feience clown A victory, over
Cmlson's "glamor" boys to-
Mei low night would put the Lions
in a tie for second place with Cai
negie Tech's 'Fattens
By whipping West Virginia
the Nittany cagets annexed their
thud consecutive Conference vic
tory It was a game of offense
against offense with the Lawthei
men waxing hot behind the ex
pelt basketeei ing of Charley
Piossei in the last quaitei totuin
the contest into a. complete rout
Brooks Tops Scoring
Despite his brilliant evening
at the basket, Prosser was not
high man Cliff McWilliams'. 17
digits topped Prosset's aggre
gate, but Cliff was second in
points to West Vit pitta's linnet
Bu oaks uho iegistmed 18 mark
ets Second in Conference scor
ing, Brooks set a new league foul
ecoi d (11 stiaight) against
Penn State last eeck
State played flashy but etia'ic
ball thinughout the first half, but
led the Mountaincei s, 19-13, at the
half after trailing, 5-4, at the eel
of the fit at quaitei At the end
of the thud petted the Lions woe
ahead, 30-21
The has state
West Vagina' fld fls tls
Hockenbeny, f ___ 2 1- 1 5
Mcenttney 1 1- 1 3
Blanks, c 5 8-10 18
Mandieh, g 9 1- 1 5
Lothei, g 4 1- 1 0
Totals 14 12-14 40
Penn State fld fls tls
Bair, f o 0- 1 4
Moffat 0 0- 0 0
Sapp, f 1 0- 0 2
Prosser, c 7 2- 4 16
McWilliams 7 3- 4 17
Cotbiti, g 5 Q- 0 10
Cf .timer s, g J 0 0- 0 0
Stopper 2 1- 1 5
Totals 6-10 54
West Vaginal __ 5 8 10 17-40
Penn State ____ 4 15 11 24-54
Tankmen Face
Rutgers Away
On the rebound allot being wal
loped 56-19, by Pitt last Saturday,
the Penn State I,arsity swimmers
will attempt to regain a win-stride
against the Rutgers University
mermen in New Brunswick, N J
Conch Bob Galbraith expects
Rtitgels to have strong men in ev
ery meth, but he believes that
State will have more reserve
strength With the 400-yard free
style relay looming as probably the
deciding es eat, Coach Galbraith is
faced Stith the dilemma of picking
his No 4 man Regulars Captain
Chuck Welsh. Bill Kirkpatrick and
Bob Allison %%111 team pith either
Dick Rohner, Phil Bogatin, John
Crocker or Stan Marcus as State's
relit% outfit
Gal Back to Rutgers
Lion Coach Galbraith, Rutgers
'24, will be taking his mermen to
the pool which nun his stamping
ground when he made diving his.
tort' as an undergraduate Return
ing on Alumni Day, Galbraith will
be slotting the school that saw
him win the Eastern Intercollegi.
ato curing crown for three, years,
the Eastern Collegiate champion.
ship for a like number of times,
and then close his diving career
by annexing first place in, the ini.
tial National Collegiate meet at
Annapolis in 1924; Isis senior sear
s k'D' 41 Quick Service
,044 4 . 5 c and up a Print
Established Since 1896
Fencers Seek
Third Victory
In Lehigh Duel
The Nittany Lion fence's hone
to retold their third consecutive
victory when 'they duel an Im
proved Lehigh squad in Rec
at 2 p m tomorrov,
A thrilling match is promised in
the sabers with James Bright, ace
I-nglneer sabeiman, battling Co.
Captain ,Tohn Lipeerlty Bright
guttered only one defeat last year
mid that was a close 5.4 decision
to State's co-captain
State Lineup Same
Coach Harry Knitter will start.
the same team that trimmed Rut
gers last week 13-9 nith the es_
ception of one epee bout Earl
SO oak, «ho has been 111 all sea
von, will replace Roger Kirk in the
No 3 position
Scotty Rankin and Elmer Low
enstein.. the Lions' only undefeat,
oil s« ord-n (elders, are (expected
to silo easily over the Engineers
In their foil and epee matches
Because of the weak spots in
the No '1 foil and epee divisions,
Coach Kruttet will probably use
tno sophomores, Doug Adams and
Ed larger as substitutes, in an ef_
fort to,strengthen the team for the
Cornell meet
Jack Good's excellent perfoi.
mance against Rutgers has dell.
nitelv placed him as a regalin sa.
bei man, and he is :sure to see
plenty of action Saturday
Trials Slated
For Trackmei
With the Indoor IGI-A meet
just u week off, Old Man Wintei
seems to be doing his best to pie
vent the Penn State taackmeii
from getting into shape Since
cold weather delayed the intet
class meet scheduled fm Wednes
day and Thursday, Coach Chick
Weiner plans to ion it oft today
and tomm low •
Undecided les yet ulna men will
make the tip to New Yolk City
next Saturday, Coach Weiner
plans to use the intei-class alien
as a time tint' foi the Inteicol
It seems likely that Captain
Miller Flamm, winner of the 50-
yard high handles at the Penn A
C meet, Bob Clink, denim of 13
feet in the pole-vault in the same
meet, and Nick Vulsmanic,
ner of first place in the shot-put
event in the Ohio State meet, will
represent Penn State at New
A four-mile and a two-mile
lay team may be taken if runners
me found in shape to battle the
higher asking competition they
mill be forced to meet The fi esh
men mill be lemesented by a med
ley relay team
Today's events in the class
meet between the heshmen-sen
'ors and the juniors-sophomores
will be the 60-yard dash and the
mile and half-mile lams TOmor
low, Coach Werner plans to hold
the 2-mile run, the shot-put, the
pole-vault, the 35-pound weight
throw and the medley relay Foul
tea ins, one rem esenting each
class, mill compete in the relay
Appioximately one out of evoiy
nine students at Penn State holds
an NYA job
Morningstar Bread is fine;
for every purpose It makes
sandwiches that are pleasing
in taste and at the same time
nourinsheng. And if you want
crisp toast that fairly melts,
in your mouth this is the
loaf for you
Morning Star, Tru4Vheal- --
Purity Bread and Trophy
Winner Cake.
equ i
, .... ,, , 1 7 "'-
—...... .4..
Matmen Set
For Sailors;
Match At 7
Na.% , .'s 'Midshipmen typlitional
measming stick for Lion wrestling
seasons, will be in, town to pass
Judgment on (Marne Speolel s 1919
product In Rec Hall II 7 p m to
Last sett tln Nutanymen
knocked off the Salim lads, and as
a result chalked up the 19:4 sea
son just a shade on the success
side of the ledger, fet men though
a State mai team studs up with
out a single Hasten 0 champ a win,
user Nasy definitely sases it from
bring classed as a failure
But ibis year things etas be a
little tougher fm the local grunt
ers, for In theft first season under
Ray Sunni, es-assistant to Pop
Gallagher at Oklahoma A and M,
the sssaliS from Annapolis have
detected North Carolina, Harvard,
sod Penn (a 30.0 chiles ash), and
in theft onit loss the, gase Lehigh
a tough fight
In less than a full season under
Sulu tz, the Middies arc beginning
to show the results of being
pi cached the Oklahoma style sum
mat lied by Gallagher's motto
"When you lay a hand on your
opponent, eon him" Instead of
the typical shifty, fast type of
wiestlei found in the Midwest,
houes,m, the Navy men me most
ly slower and sttonget
Leigh Wins 5 Straight
Chuck Leigh, Na%3 s captain
and 136-pounder boasts a record
of five sta aught urns, four by falls
Another out , ,tanding man is
‘ Geozge Could, senior 123-pounder
Item Oklahoma Heas%weight Al
len, Bergner, the Middies' MU
gi Id captain, is the strongest man
in the academy uelghs about 215,
and has shahn imps moment in
e‘er 3 meet this pear
The lest of the Nat) lineup hill
pi obabb conskt of John Landreth
at 121, senior Luther Reynolds at
115, sophomme Bob Serale, at 155,
either Toinmy Ta‘lor or a strong
hot named Limb at 165 ninth lo
wan Heim Spector aL 171
State Lineup Intact
The Lion lineup will Probably
be the same as In the past two
meets, since Davie White took
mei Carl King's 121-pound duties
Waite is getting Omer the erects
of tenting damn a weight class
and should shin some real stun
tomot low Either lobo or Frank
Ciaighead (even Chatlie isn't al
mals sure) will be at the 128_
poundpost Frank Gleason mill
again perfoi in at 136
The Lions' success depends
Inigel) on the header end or the
squad—toe Scaizo at 145, Roy
Gensler nt 151, Don Bachman at
161, Ernie Bort/ at 175, and War
ren Elliott dt heaNy
Matinee Roller Skating
Sun Afternoon 2 to 4.30
Evergreens, State College, Pa
Best For . . .
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Purity, Quality and Taste
I ! Is the pasteurwed Nittany Meadows milk.
It tomes from the finest heeds this ter
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i s ' one of these cows is tuberculin tested for
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your protection, they're housed, fed, and
handled in modern scientific ways that
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Meadow's customer, become one, start en
, toying this better milk today.
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4 11 1 , ., [l ,, , Also, best foe purity, quality, and
''taste ni e the high quality meats of
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0 ...4, „. : They ale also reasonably priced.
• _ ,
Nittany Meadows
Farm Store
Dial 775
Page ,Three
40 Answer Lacrosse
Call; II Vets Return
Nearly 40 varsity lacrosse can
didates ansuered the opening call
by Coach Niel( Thiel Monday - and
were started immediately on stick
practiCe and conditioning
Ele‘en lettermen led by Captain
Ray Coshes} form the backbone of
the squad, and help is expected
from the sophomores The sched
ule includes games alth St John's,
Maryland, Se art)] more, Penn
Army S}raeuse Hobart, Cornell,
and 1 obigit
About 20 pet cent of Penn Stale
students need eye glasses
' Eastman
High 'Speed
Kodak Film
For dull days or
indoor shots
212 E College Ave.