Page Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Successor to The Free Lance, established 1887 Published semi-weekly during the College year, except on holidays, by students of The Pennsy lyantaState College. In the interest of the College, the students, faculty, alumni, and friends THE MANAGING BOARD JOHN A TROANOVITCH . 39, Editor TT...vim A C VOSTERS JR 39 Eliminegs Manager HERBERT B CAIIAN 'l9 .IFROME sgArrna '39 Swims Editor Adtertking 11faliager ROY 13 NICHOLS JR. 19 RICHARD W NOOM,AN 'l9 Managing Editor Circulation Manager SALVATORE S SALA 'l9 RALPH II GUNDLAPI 'l9 New. Editor Promotion Manager ALAN C McINTYRF, 'l9 DALLAS It LONG 19 Feature Editor Foreign Atheittaing Manager THOMAS A BOAL '39 MARY .1 SAMPLE 'll Arsittant Managing FMtor Senior beeretary BRUME M TRABIJE 'l9 immix GRF.F.NI3F.R4 19 Altistant Sport, rd.tor Women', Minor REITA C. SHEEN 'll9 Amoriate Women', Fdttor norOR NATIONAL AOVERTIRING UT National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publobo, Repremotoisee 420 MAOIEON AVE NEW Yet. N Y EmirAeo Bost. LES AHEM* •OF Owlets.. Assoclate Editors A William Engel, Jr 40 Bernard A 'Newman 40 Emanuel Rath 40 Norbert Nmenn '4O Woriien's Associate Editors -Phyllie 11 Gordon '4O Helen 1 Omit/ '4O Associate Business. Managers C Russell Eck 40 D. Burton C Willis. Jr •40 inset E Story NO 101 7 030 Nieman '4O Dann 0 Gutman '4O Managing - Minor Ti, 14511 P - Neu% Fdgor Thm Wm , ' Above all, the Collegian will be tolerait For to tolei mire there in vision and the,a mo might Friday, February 1,0, 1930 BRIDGING THE GAP ANOTHER STEP toward the sueessfpl qpd constructive solution of the pressing, housing problem was taken Wednesday night when a half do2en groups, representing every section of the student body, established by unanimous action a Student Housing Board What specific functions the Housing Board will serve have not as yet been outlined. What is m om taut for the present, however, is the fait that a Housing Heald such as this can serve. primal ily as a focal agency wheie all students may and can file all theta complaints in all confidence, an agency which can lender invaluable service as a liaison gioup between students and townspeople and adininistiation. • And what is most important of all Is the reali zation that after all these years we now, have a student body which Is becoming increaslngiy aware of i ts problems and Its responsibilities, a student body which Is gradually being welded into a powerful, moving force behind the enlight ened iradeiship of conscientious studiet repre sentatives Under such circumstances, therefore, it was only natural to expect that when a legal hotly like the Board of Health, which has authority untie' qale laws to regulate housing condttions within this borough, minces to do so, the students ,hould take their own welfare into their own ha nds SOME TOWNSPEOPLE, of course, will quake in then boots at this reawakening of the student body. These, however, should be in the maim ity. For the Crlegian hopes to reassure those towns people who supply decent conditions at de ,.eni pines that they have nothing to fear In fact, the Collegian's housing campaign i, alined not so much at raising the standards of all Imase , , as it. is to bring the laggards up to the •.1 amid' ds of the better houses in town In th,s way, we can attack the 'problem,from two entirely deffeient angles' We can promote the welfare of the students by setting up regula tions that will make available to . them the best living conditions at the price they are willing to pay And at the same time we can prpmote the welfare of the townspeople by, eliminating unfair competition from landlords who wpuld fall to comply with these regulations As foe competition flora the College, the Col legian does not believe any assyrances-aie neces ...ley on this point Poi the entire past history of this College shows that even when ,dormitories have brut built, townspeople have not, suffered In'fact, the College counts'upon housing students in town and when it builds doimitories the usual pi ocedine has been to inciease student enrollment. lirindiu to fill up the available rooms—in town as well as on campus It is foi these reasons, then, that, the Collegian once again "Presses its most fervent wish that townspeople who are far-sighted enough to real lie that their welfare is intimately tied up with welfare will join hands with the students and the College and make possible that cooped a tive %milt which Is so vitally necessary to keep State College and Penn State marching ahead in per feet i hythin Refoi in must come conner-or later Why delay it any (anvil ACQUIRING. A NEW WORLD - WITH THIS final week of ryalng,. - freahroan women ale coming into close contact with the Creek•lettei world of the sorority woman. Appio‘smately 200 women will become a part of one pour) rn another The question IV which glom)? ~ - Two queutions--money and doubt, whether to join dm glom) of that., or none at all—loom like ii mountain on the freshman's horizon Whatevel your final opinion—take time and be ewe the group you choose is the right one from, your personal point of view. , Don't let mob rule override personal wishes and desires. Yom expetience with Greek-letter'groups and the attitude which you formulate toward them Will become an important part of the world which yoii acquire in college. The friends you choose now Will be 14atnig IP their influence on your Rersopality apd character Acquire the tight kind of a world.—P.R.G. Suggestion-Of-The-Week Club: whet mu Campy steps nut of chtracter to place a set 101.1 S ISSIIP squarely in front of each and every Penn State student Tommiow night Leo Houck's honing Lions en tertain their tinditianzil iival.—the Orange ring men horn Syt acne Pot the past fey yeas~ s feeling of unmerciful hate for Sp:wire has been,evidenced in'the shape of childish booing and a genetally revengeful at titude on the pact of State boxing fans It is Campy's purpose in tins essay to ask foi a rediess of grievances concerning this situation It IC only nalm al foi two pet onnially teams to point foi inch other It is. not at ill nattla al ra this intense iv/ally to be shown outsiile the ripg Tient the Syiacnse team as you would have Syracuse heat out team Assault And Battery: Paul S Haldeman. Jr '4O Bradley Owens '4O \ Robert I, Wilson '4O ' Geome B ,Beblats '4O sv,oirls and soldier, snits, Sant Btrmn belts and 'cattle' boota Tonight's Mil Ball Is in the ail, Thank Gad that it's a elasd alTatt Valentines Since Valentine's Day will hose come and gone berme this depsitment gets another chalice to recognizr it, and since it comes but once a year anyhow, Campy takes this oppmtunity to dish out, with his usual ungiudgmg lavishness, a few ' le mots d'amoui" to some of his better, friends To tammy Cann (The Cionnel) You think you're heaven's gift to gals When you begin your mooning But what you really sound like in -, A piano that needs tuning To I ennie CoopeL,( Political Boss) You like to give the unmession That you i eally me the "stuff" But eveirme ran plainly see That you'ic voy much a "Bluff " To Art El on (A Swell Dancei 9 ) You ~ ay although you'ic heavy You're quite light on your feet But the gsls who date to dance with you A Wtllinnt Engel Jr .In ernitnuo Roth Nit Wish they'd never left. their =eat To Linda Bilginrin (Cigarette Fiend) : Light up anothei, keep pulling away, I'll het you smoke at least ten maks a day But he nonchalant, SMOICP plenty and often And save all the coupons to Luy a nice coffin Add: "How To Win Friends• And ..." Oveibeaid in a local hook stole. ,"!fio you have a textbook entitled 'How To Win Fuends With Editois And Influence The collog,an' 9 " o It was Burgess Within "Adolf" Leitzell ' 'Rat Race Review Moiry Peldbaum was Zachary Moe Zilch, Cur ley Pomeiny was Silas- K Vanderlouse Hin i irt Stubbs, Siste's most publicized freshman, was been by the Theta dehydrated skunk when she Limit to pet It Lucky tot het that it an alligator 13111 Stohlthier, phigam madcap, wine a ted Untie neck sueater . Bill Bottort looked like somebody's scum:low So did Jot Dobbs Mae Wiegnei, alphachm, sins there with het giandad Pletch Byrim, phipsi, was there with some gal Even shoi tat than himself 4nd Campy wssn't !heir , 11a, ha Drop Adds: kmang those seen recently with that glad-to-he buck look on then pans are Johnny Pearce, Billy Simms and Skee Dicl, all loppasigs, Al Blair, thetaxi, Pi ess Postelwaite, unattached, and Jim my ICii I.hoff, Despite all Illinois to the contras y, Betty Lune, a comely tiansfei limn Ceo Washington U last ;yew, will not be bail this semester. CAMPUSEER I=l To A Upson, fi:eqn $940440- VALENTINES Sweetheart AND EVERY MEMBER or THE FAMILY SELECT THEM NOW! KEELER'S Cathaum Theatre Bldg 10•01*frOIP PENN STATE COLLEGIAN • •WHAT* DO YOU KNOW? • WHAT DO YOU SAY? f•-•- By BERNIE NEWMAN ..i TODAY'S QUESTION Do you think students should be exempt from taking a final exam If they are rating more than an 85 In the course? flcegy Scheaffer '4O education think they should, stn dents would have something :10 wotlt for throughout the %emestei And if. they 9110)041 dating- the qemegtet that they know, the rattrap, there is no point in giving them an examination to determine a grade Only [tinge who are not toting too high in a course should he allowed to take the,nnal exam to that they may he enabled to raise 110111 grade" pnpne, Sviager NO, VOITIMPI ( apd Soave -- • Yes II ,wouht — do :way with the awful virltln of II nal exam week, and Cm sun lint mart studenls wnuld shady ,Inuelt harder throughout the semester updrr qua, I,vynlem," Joe Dobbs drnnuttlt•t •Ter sonally, grades annoy me, but if a erson Is rating an 85 rn hotter throughout the (muse, there Is no KIM in examining that nelson Ile hart already e•hown a Inupple- Itonnive knowledge of the (anise" Mary Bruellly 'IS ag hloehem Yes II a student Is nolng high In one retiree and low In another, he would have Ipe opportunity to work hard for the course lie As lower In and forget about the course he already knows Beside., there ore many studenls who can not ha final exams, and many Mmes thin Is the cause of Inw grades" Berme Schectman %Id, education 'Final examinations don't prove a thing, for many stifilents are excil able and nervous when taking any form of examination or quir and therefore are unable to show et, aetly what they know Also, many tim^s there are certain prebiemc or perhaps troubles weighing on one's mind at the time of exam' nations 'which definitely would, hamper him from doing his best." Mark Vinzant '4O, ( ()amerce and finance "Positively When one goes sn to a final exam Stith a grade of Si or over. he 14 at a psy ehologiral (11 , ,advantage because of the fear that the exam may lower Ism final grade" Don Newbury 'lb. general major "Yes I round that eve)y final ex urn 1 have ever taken tended to lower my final grade The /eat of Finals prevents one Nom lining the ant It he is capable of doing" Lecture Course Held By Poultry Congress A sixthly short course in "Prof itable Poultry" will he given at the Pimply Congress In Cleveland, 0, July 28 to August 7, according In a report mode by Professor TT e guande,l, head of the pottitty hus bandry (Imminent The mum will Include a geties of lectures by noted ppeakers In the field of poultry, and (Hyena qre.l4l Involving economic tendon elrs In modr.rn poultry tanthig Thurman To Speak In Chapel _,Sunday Reverend li,o weld Thurman. dean of the chapel s at Howard UM enmity, AVaehington. 1) C will speak In chapel Sunday on "Thy IClngdom Come Mr Thiamin Is a graduate of Morehouse College soul Rodiestet Theologit_al Seminary lie has preached extensively among Amer lean colleges and universities THE , FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF= - STATE , COLLEGE Member of - Federal Deposit Insurance , Corporation' Co=eds To Hold Confab Here Discussion About Leadership Set By Mortar. Board For Late March A Leadership Conference amn ia' to one, presented annually at the University of Pittsbulgli ts being organwed here for a date in late Alaich by Mortal, Board; rn collaboiation with the Dean of Women's Office Talk, by faculty lIIPITII/PIS and 'lnbm story hauls conducted \by students fou practical application of (he plmciples discussed by ominent speakeis will constitute a la] ge pal t of the coats.' mice'. Tentative purposes which have been formulated by the committee of campus women, headed by .Iran Stillwell , :sa for discussion pm Ind.= e I—To 41 nave into PRI w leadei qiip and shorn its pi netieal ap plitalion in one's life 2—To et vale e,,pon sibility' in seholai leader ship and set vice ft—To make every gii I awn) e of lie] potential qualities of lead ' Pt ahtp Comnuttees which have been se lected are. Program—Miss Betty Bell, Paula Wohlfeld '39, Frances E Holm '4l, Fanny AI Arrinti '42, Betty F Gibson '42, Velma L ('lark '42, Lillian R Wallace '4O, Sally 11 Notirs 'lO, Vera L Kemp '4l, Lois Meyers '4O, Betty .1 Boman "19, Publicity—Melissa Manuel) ',lO, Ann C Brlllloll "19, flaiel Sir one '4l, Arrangesueul —.Jeanne AI Walker 'B9, Rphy . .ll Hai Los '4l, Barbara M McChu e , 89 and Mon tar Board Letter Box To the Editor A very unfortunate incident re 'Lently mimed in the' Alt Exhibi tion Room of the Main Enginem ing Building The Scaiab Prato n ay was sponsming an exhibition of diawings and paintings by students from a number of col leges, one of these drawings was stolen Bad enough if it had been stolen from one of our own stu dents, it is infinitely muse that the piopeity of a student flora another campus should he ial.en. It will be a great diSappointment to Moms Kn shenbaum, the sin-, dent artist, an insult to Citiriegie Tech, the school to,which he goes; and a reflection upon Penn State, and its students and faculty _, 'lt is hoped that the person ies ponsible foLthe disappemance of the drawing will see his error and iettnn the pictuie to the Scarab Fiateinity oi to the department of al chitdcture Description of ,the (hawing A nude female figure executed with a graphite crayon , (similat to pencil) on a newspaper stocic, about a font and a half of two - feet high The model was standing with Most of her weight upon one foot (Signed) Sem)) Pt ate, nay Per John R. Syd " Neyhart Presents Course Ptofessoi Amos E Neybart,, 10,- 41'1E1111f ptorettnor of engineering extension, Is in New Roselle, N .1 . [hit, week and will be In Rich -month Va , next week presenting C 011114 1 ,4 in terithei training for high school automobile Icing classes -AT PENN STATE 4 de :- ... er : •...., 1 a 'When In : ,Dpubt About { • , krßoom • i) outet '1 I23'W NITTANY AVENUE ' ALL ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER 1 You'll find COMFORTABLE rooms at THE COLONIAL, 123 W. Nlttany Ave.—stoker heat, running hot and cold water in all rooms (constant aquastat control). Newly papered thru out ' SCRUPULOUSLY Clean. Quietly conducted for rest and study We WOnl'E'n Bushing Reason Just wouldn't be i willing season if someone did not misinterpret a Panhellenic ruling• . _ This year unto' tunately is not the exception. Recently soroi ity women have started to think about second senkester. arrivals on cam pus. Some of them see no reason why illese wome,ii should not be rushed Numerous reasons ale obvmus enough to one familiar with Pan het and its, workings Rushing of second semester students Is not allowed at this time, Vivian -Doty, Panhellenic president, has an nounced. TO begin with, IL et not logical since these women can't be pledged , until next Septembei In addition. !muted expense accounts do not allow for any further hoidens Scum ities should he concenttating mithe present prospective pledges, not an those of are months hence. Lastly, and probably of mime impm Lance, i';'the conmdm atoll of the letdown it would he I'm a sec ond semestm student to be lashed consistently fm 10 days and then not receive any, buts - n c 1 If you happened to be deficient in &girth Comp 1, don't [weak any WS C A rules Judicial Com mittee may a,,c you:to write a paper, on "\Vhy the Might moon fast night made me hoe minineq late " Landsberg, Klepper Will Preseal, raper Dr Helmut LaMigherg of the de' partment of mining and Month. It Klepper '39 will he in' New York next Wednesday to deliver a paper they have prepared on "Tests of Radioactivity for the Correlation of llorliong" 'the occasion will be the annual meeting of the American Institute of Mining and, Metallurgical Engineers The paper will deal with a new method_of testing rock samples in the laboratory for radioactivity Since earth layers of the game age have the Fame content of mineral' as well as the game tontent of tadloattivity. this mellmrl prom ices to he of some importance in, finding land guitable for prospect• lag biOne H. - Lederer _REAL ESTATE 114 E - Beaver"Ave. Dial 4066 ' 'State ' ~_,,ez ' New Used - „I._ and-. ~.„., HAMAIERMH,L • ' ,„. BOXED STATIONERY'4 - _ , TYPEWRITER PAPER - • . „ - -_, - 35,c -._5,0c - '4sc . i p 500 Sheets . . '•. _ . $l.OO _ 1110 SHEETS- 7 100, ENVELOPES 89c , . 250, Sheets '• ' '606 - ' FOUNTAIN PENS, ~- 2 ,- . 1. „_ -' SPIRAL NOTE BOOKS : ' WAH . /r -- 5c -10 c - 15,c , -1 15c ' WATF:RMA& - . - L , - ' , , „ , .., - PAIRIM 4-,-- R . - '- - „i - National Loose Note Books , - ' _: - - SfIEAF,PERI_ '' ” 50 P' 7 7 5c - :$1 ,0 : 0 , „-- -/ '• - 13-00 -$0 - , 0:- ' ,'•1 . - • ' ;:;t- :I FILLERS TO PIT ALL-' -10 c, ' , , -.15c •, :"‘ - -:4 - - NOTE BOOKS -'- --,INKS - ,-, ,„ _ , -, -z --, , - , TYPEWRITER RENTALS,- : COMPLETE LINE OE” , I .:_ . _ ' $3:50 - for 6 .ihreekg .... ' - -SPORTING GOODS ARTIST_ ':MATERIALS:* _.., -: - --,,,.- COMPLETE, _OUtk IT§,., F,Q.4 , , - , - • ,:.''.:l•, - - - - ~; 4t , ' ' .OIL COURSE .' : _.; '' ' - ',,:,, - 4- 'POSTER COURSE', 1 - -: , , • - -T.-, - L ' -•- - - , • OIL COLORS -•- --- `• ---/' MATER ' , ,COLORS : -, , CAMP STOOLS ;- '--/ -' ' _EASEL& , • ~,--,,-: PALLETTES -• '" - - • :_- ' ' '',CAN;, :-,,,, - , - ACADEMY,f.BOARDS , ' - -,`"- - - WEBER=WINDSOR=7NEWTON4A,Y,OR-401L, - , ,„, , r: The Athletic - -,Storelitito PHONE 2158. ' 4, ~ OpPOSITE . ;IVLtIN- GATE, ' -;',-; , - I:lfsik,i,,py . .EN,:t4p :., Thursdny,'Friday Set - For fainnent Of Fees In, Armory; Fine Is $5 Payment of fees will be made nest Thmsday and Friday in the Armory from 9 to 6 p ns No breik fo _r - the noon hour will he given A 'fine of 45 will be imposed on those malmig their payments later than:these dates. s As in,the 'past year, betiFed windows wilLhi , ...spread arnica the Arinory floor' to lion dle payments mote muckly • Club_Wilk Sponsor Cbos Tournament Registrations lot the second an nual all-College chess tom nament, op'entto both students and 'faculty and Iponsoied by the Penn State Chess Club will be accepted al 8 o'clock tonight. in the second flour lounge - of Old Main • The Club's chess Lenin, cool pined of leading players, will meet any othet group .. in matches made by appointment with Rob- LC South '4l, seetetary of the inganwation, it was reported. _ A present. to last thr, A gift.that will weail Makes7an ideal, Dahl See Our Coi Spring Costa 0 it] G L Lfi a :11 - -;',Erard., — s* c 74 '7O MAKE THIS' A BIG WEEK-ENI)„ , ' _ Sail a Straight.Cqurse on the .... , ..GREEN ROOM'S , NEW. SHIP-BAR , i .. , , , , . at the . 11 1 ()TEL MARKLAND ; - Central, RennsylvaniasOnly Ship Bak '- 1 BELLEFONTE, PA. Friday, February 10,1939 Alinapi Board To Converf The executive hoard of the }lnn State Alumni Association ill hold a meeting in the Alumnirof fice-ip Oil Main at 10 o'clock to morrow mai ning, Edwaid Hibshman, executive secretary , of the, association, has, announced. Dr Ralph D Hetrel, president of the cbllegeowill attend the meet ing :otyyh tigrty-nine. her the march oflime iiO/tent•Valent,ine. replete Line of tome Jewelry GEM