Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 20, 1939, Image 1

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To The Free Lance,
Established 1887
VOLUME 35—No. '33 Z 658
IfiG- ,
:.T S
--.. 4 1 ,
it l , /
Co-Eds Join
In Request
Foir Review
Blakemore Notifies
' Senate:Of - Plan
'A solid ktudent front stood
malted in favor,of a mad-year
vacation today as the Senate
of Women's Student'Govern
meht Associatan joined the
fight to have the question re--
dpened in older to permit the
students - to ;present, their
news on theimatter
- iStudent Board and Student.
Council, highest legislative organ.;,
ill Men's Student Government As
sociation, hlst Finlay ordered let
ifirs'sent to every =mhor of the
College Senate and the Calendar
Committee Isking that the ques
tion be ieopened '
14leeting Tuesday night, the NV
S. G A Senate postponed definite
action until it could sound out wo
men's opinion on the question Ac
ccadingly, co-ells eating in Mac
' and, Frances Atherton
Hall: were asked to lender then
view., Wednesday The, I manse
Was . ,„ovel whelmingly favor — of
mid:Yein ieeess -
' Ycitet (lay, Dom is Illakemoie
piendent ,WSGA, notified the
&Mate 'thiit''thi.V"Wom'en
conun r rn ,the 'action, taken , by
Mei“- Student Goveinment Asso
ciation to reopen the_case
Low -- ,Sytohilitie Rate
fOund FOi Colleges
(sffh• Two .in,l,ooo' Siudents
Afflicted; None here
A teeent. survey'', of
.8:3,000 stu
dents in 500 ddrelent colleges has
slam m that among !Atte ~ Eudents
them ate only 1'99 eases of syph
:lN among every 1,000 pupils, Di
Attnw F Davis, m charge of
health mist: la Lion, told the Col
legian 'yestecday
In :„Nilusserrinin tests given to
LON students hew last yea' not
one positive inaction was Sound,
Di' Davis Said+ He pointed out in'
this connection that, although the
test. hem weie volunttuv, no ap :
jneci tble 'd h tF eienie has, been
fout.d m othei, schools between the
aveiage lot volunteei exaninni-
LIWIJ and the avetage lot 'entitled
examination, , •
The national survey,
Davis quoted, has been %made by
(he , Amei man Asset-talon of So
'lnal Hygiene ;It found elle ayer age
inuttuer of cases considerably low
er than expected loot white mules
1116 average
per 1,000 were
203 and fur Women • 78, Among
2,300 liegioes lit 11 thliet ccl
aeded schools the_ avet
siderubly higher,\ 20,8 cases per
‘.` '
floethlie,-, - StUdenls
"Publish , Six Poems
_Theedoie coati uetoi
'nglish ICOMPOSILIOII, and two
members _of the ' secentl3,-estab
belied locaLbliapter of the College
-Nett y-,Society ',have • had' poems
7,51 r. Roethke's poeni, , "To ,an
&mous Lady," aPPears in the
Janne' y issue of, the New Ypt It
while' the poems of ..Jeun. • C
',Ginn:heti:a '4l, and , A' 'Boyd Hui-,
tier , '4l, -were published' in, the
eim.Z.nt issue.of College vet se„of
ficial otgait , of the College' Poetiy,
.Society - Five 'out, of, six prus
silbautted by. ' the local ' chaplet
-weto, accepted, -
.Sigel '35 Honcireit.
",Harry Sigel '3s,,,traek and foot
ball, star.,,iwas 4 4 1..3i -witty elected
president of tble'Northwesteredts-
Laces' 'of the State Association of
Physical Education: Be Is ecoach
and'physical education teacher, at
1 , , , ,! 7 -, i NNIA s i ff\
, ran #t a f r .
.. \-..;\ w -, , ,,
\</., ~,,,
...,:2_15,..:„. . ,
Unites With Men-Ini SFig ht for Mid-Year Recess
Senate Welfare Group
To Weigh Housing Plans
At Session I p: m:Today
The College Senate Committee
on Student Welfare v.lll meet. at
4 p m today in-the office of the
Dean of Men to consider deli
nite proposals to alleviate the'
bodsing situation in State Col
The meeting will be bold Joint
ly with the Collegian and prob
ably representatives of tho oth
er groups Interested in forward
ing specific action
Chairman of the session will
be - Dr Warren_B - Mack
`Religion In
Life' Week
Slated Here
Program To Take Place
Late in February]
"Religion In IMfe Week," aj full
week's program designed to bring
the modern conception of religion
to the campus, will be held here
from February 26 to March 3, It
was announced yesterday
Sponsored by the Federal Coun
tit of Churches of Christ in Amer
ica and,: the student bramhes of
they 51^ C A. and Y W ,
the week of religious. meetings,
tonferences, seminars, discussirs,
and talks will Ming to the campus
approximately 'l5 nationally known
leaders in religion,
other fields
'' - 'l`lurp - rearlini for isbe
leg prepared , by a committee of
over 100 faculty members, towns
people, slid students Prof Victor
Beede, head of the Forestry :de
ad] tweet, will be gene'ral (hair
man of 'the week with Bursar Rus
sell, W Clark as treasurer, 'and
K Herzog '39 and .1, Ditain
Moore '39 as student co chainnew
Began in January 1938
'rho A eek's program - will be the
21st to be conducted among col
leges of the natfpn since the first
in ogi am' was Inaugurated In Janu
ary. 1435, at Ohio State I.lolVfirsitY
With a sum of $1,400 at Its dls•
posdl, the committee has shandy
seemed it' list of 16 speakers and
Is t °electing such mental, John D
Rot.l,efeller, Jr, philanthropist,
slid Dr Arthur Compton, Nobel
Pi lie „physicist of the 'University
tit Chicago '
The week, specially selected be
cause no athletic contorts, dances,
br,ollie - r large student gatherings
conflict with it, will begin on'Sull
day night„,-Febiltary 26. with
Mut student faculty-town meeting
In Recreation Hall Musle,l'vill be
hiiitished by the combined College
and town church choirs
Cameron to Speak
"Building Safety into the * Ala
chua, and-the Process" will be
thd subject of "W. T , Common,
Chiet Safety Adviser of the -Di
vision of, Lahor_Stindaids, Unit
ed Mato, Department of Labor
who speaks in -the Home ,Econ
omies Auditorium-at 7.45 o'clock
BOOk Mtitilations Cost
`Library ',5500 Annually
blutilation of liound veluines of ringazines is one of the diet
cousin; Itir, the apploximate;ssoo spent yearly by the, Libiaiy for re
binding ivoin volanes .nii - Cceplaeing is.ties of inagazines_which have
beep damaged by students scotch of lefereneeAnatei
Miss,Gladys It Cranium, assistunt librarian in (Amigo of book
binding, stated Tenterdayihat no furtm•m binding of cat,tain maga
'mei _will:be done until the books ale moved into the new LihrurY
where they will, be under closer observation.,
"ft - is unfortunate," MlBb Cron
mer ,stated, "that, magazines, es
peually bound velumes.which are
most used for elasswoik and most
damaged by thoughtless students;
'shot.ld have to be kept on closed
shelves' , ,
Hoped to Clinon Stacks _ _
"We had hoped that in,the lIOW
Tabtary we could have open
stads, bull we 'cannot do this if
the damaging of books, especially
bound volumes of magazines, ‘Oll
- added.' „ ,
One. of the worst examples of
mutilations of bound =games
Students To
Register In
Set Periods
Semester' Enrollment
Takes Place On'
February 6, 7
Strond semeseer registiation
will take place in Ree'cation Hall
Monday and Tuesday, February
6 and 7, with students requited to
omen m definit9„ periods, al ranged
alphabetically, itegisti at William
S Daman announced yesterday
A fine of $1 will be imposed on
any student iegisteling- outside
Ins imi'peliod, and a $5 fineifot
i egi tea mg after p m Tuesday
Before iegistering, students
must report to their scheduling
officer, and secure an approved
signed schedule Fees will be paid
in the Ai mory, February 'l6
and 17
Tee alphabetical divisions ale
so a:Ranged that during a normal
four-yens penod in College, a stu
dent Registers in each of the four
pei locis They ale
A to 1361 Tuesday 8 to 12
Boa to Co Monday .1 to 5
Cr to E Tuesday 1 fo 5
F to G Monday 10 to 12
II to I 'Tuesday 8 to 12
to K Monday 1 to 5
1.7'11e to Mar Tuesday 1 to 5
May to 0 Monday 10 to 12
P to It Tuesday 8 td' 12
, S to Sp '` Mond ity Itd 5
— "Sr t'''''Tfiegaay — rar , 5
IV to - Monday 10 to 12
Additional ,$77.50i
Riot Costs Voted
By Student Board
An additional 37759 to covet
conts,of tepaiiing ..11 parking me
ters daniagea, during the student
nub demonstration lust Septem
ber has been , voted by Student
Board, raising the total riot costs
to $41020
The Board previously - aulhorlted
payment of SSJ2 78, Including
$B7 90 from the College damage
fee fund, to Lover Borough, Col
lege and private in operty dam
Of Lbe entne.coaLs, $522'18 will
be paid 1w ,by money taken trout
the Interelasa Fund,
Good Postuie Seen
In 20%01 Students
Only 111/ 57 per cent of Penn State
students have perfect posture, sco
wl-ding to a sin loei recently cum
plated by Di Charles D Diettericb,
abslbtant college physician, based
upon the class of
Moro than three fourths of the
students, however, are classified
as having "B" posture, which Is
average . , among college students
Pour posture is evident in 3 0 per
ent while obly 04 percent of the
students shoW very bad can loge
which Miss Crolllller has discover
ed is the set of Industrial ArtS
and Vocational Education , Maga
zines ,Every volume front 1015 to
i lnifik has several pages of articles
torn flout it.
' To leplace . tlie issues of only the
Incluqiial , 'Alb ? and - Vocational
Education 'Magazine' and to ' re
bind'each-voliiifieln the set would
cost 'about $l3O. which, according
to' Miss Ctatimer could otherwise
be spent for ,new books or for
binding new , titlevnot yet started
GSA To Continue,
James Talk Hints
Special le Ole Collegian
HARRISBURG, Jun 19-'--Arthough Goveinoi 'Aithut II James
refuses to commit himself on the futile of the Geneial State Author ity
And its huge undertakings, all refeieni es his inauginal address
Tuesday seem to indicate that he will not scrap this part of Pennsyl
cam's Little New Deal that came,m under the Eatle administiation
"At the proper time I shall sub : l - ,
mit to Washington - Pennsylvania's I
,;ings would he diminished, how
requests foi farther PWA and'l'levei, was made evident in his at-
WPA grants," the new Covet nor
tack on public pump-pi iming and
sum 'There is no season to expect I
. latac-stale borrowing and his
any t hug but a fuvoi able response
statements on govet Tullman! eco
to those requests, since it is my in
tent.on to do my full shame in see.' " nl7
mg that such moneys ate expend-' Inventory—To Be Taken
ed lei pi ecisely the purpose for t Ju't how much this slush will
which they were raised—honestly' anatint to will depend most likely
expended foi worthwhile Noma:, upon the results of the inventory
that will famish employment to of the state's finances which
men and women who otherwise Jarms has oideied
would have to be suppoi tell by "I he first job which the new
relief': 'administration faces is to take in-
Inasmuch as the General State venteiy," the new Governor ex-
Autnority was cleated piimarily plumed, determine what the
to circumvent -the constitutional -financial condition of the State
interdiction on the state's borrow- actually is We must diagnose be
ing pone', the new Governor's fore we prescribe The results of
words intimated he would let= this inventory will be made pub
this agency for borrowing federal lie as soon as they are available,
money ' which probably within a
That the size of the undeitak- few days "
Wylie To Play,
At Cadet Ball
Goerder 2 ;39-Annotinces Duni]
For Military Ball Feb. 10,
Plans Decorations
A 'tin Wylie and his swing oi-
chestia will play for the Milittuy
Bull, Chairman Robert L Man
del 39, announced yesterday.
, The• Ball, a, closed dance con- 1
ducted annually, by Scabbard and
Bla,te, advanced It O.T C honoi
aiy, will be held in the Aintoi y
on , "ebi wily 10
A color scheme of green and
gold will be used In the datum-
Lions, and an appioptiate
mg system will be set up The
new advanced coil's magmas, me
tal Qtuuldei inedalions woln next
to Iha insignia of lank, will make
then first appeal ante- at the
Wylie Directs With Violin
"Dance awhile to the Wylie
,tyle," has long been the slogan of
the well-known Ohio band Austin
Wylie directs the group with his
Sit adivai ititr violin He and the
band have betin feutui ed_at soy
ei al dance - spots of the Gt eat
Lakes section and have appeared
on the NBC network froth w'rnm,
Dean Trabue Named
Head Of ,Association
lli 'Mar o n R .
Trabue, dein of
the School of Education and 'di-
I cella of 'mintier sessions, has
bees elected president of the ed
ucation section of the Amm man
Association for the Advancement
of Science •
Doctor Trabue has been 4 mem
ber of the association fot mote
than 20 years and has served on
the executive 'committee for the
past siic years.,
B , •fore coming to Penn State in
(937, Dean Trabue set vechon - the
matt uetional, research, , and 'ad
ministiative staffs a.Columbia,
Stanford, Minnesota, , and North
Cut olina Universities. ',
DuPont Fellowships
' - Are Offered''Here
Tee,College is one of 18 111 the
country eligible to receive, fellow
ships given -by E I duPont :de
Netnews & Company for,resemeh
in cheimittly, - accordinglo. ad an
nouinernentliy the ehemistly' de
- ,
Sre_ pdst-doiitorate - fellowships
!or. fiintlamental research in or
game' chemistry worth $2OOO each
and 18 post-gradnate fellowships
wet ih's7so ' eachlari being. offer
ed. fir the academic year 193940
Poll Discloses
Work Desires
Business Trend Among
Students In L. A.
A definite trend towards business
an theii desire for occupation teas,
found in the results or the ques
tionnaire which was distilbuted
lust week to all students enrolled
In biberal Arts curricula
questioonairc, distributed by
the mealy formed committee for
Career Conferences at Penn State.
ass compiled yesterday and show
ed that advertising. salesmanship,
and accounting were most popular
or the 13 occupations listed
Jam autism, banking, teaching.
chancatics, :111141(.. Insurance. Intl,
commercial art, statistics. and pub
lishing followed in that order.
Select Prominent Speakers
The' committee arranging the
confereuce will secure names of
pt eminent men in the most popu
lar occupations as selected by the
students and, with cooperation of
the differ eat departmeal heads, so
lest the men to speak al the con
It wax pointed out that the first
conference ell( be held Kline time
berme Nue ter vacation
The committee consists or the
presidents or the campus honorary
Knit:lien and the editor or the Cot•
Series Of Speech
Clinics Announced
The College .Speech Clinic will
conduct a set le, of mobile chines
tin °ugh the Alts and Science ex
tension dui nig the second seines
lei„ Di Herbeil Koepp-Bakei ,
head - of the clime announced Sat
in day
The lust clinio will be held in
Bahr, whet e sevetal:stlioul dis
tricts will cooperate' in taansport
ing,Lhiltlion fioin an extensive ar
ea 'for examination and. d agnosis
of speech difficulties.
In connection with the clinics.
a teaches educatiow program
be tamed on, in which sound
films will be used to demonsti ate,
speeth disorders and their educe-,
tumid significance
A. D. S. Initiates Nine
Alpha Delta Sigma, national
udvei Lisnig halm ary, uutinted
nine men at a meeting in Sigma'
Nu ham nay Wednesday night
Thenew men are William S
C. Bridforil '4O, Donald M Cress
well!!4o, Hayes J. Darby AO, Ron,:
ald G. Dickinson :40, Emerson II
Rupert '4O, Robert H Thompson
'4o,:Jelin A ( Wenger '39, Finder
ick 'L. Newmeyer '39, J 4. Kent
Ski Busses
Start Trips
Leave At 1,2, 3 P. M.
For Bald Eagle;
Fare Is 10e
Penn State's hi ,t ski busses
will ell tonic.) row and Sunday
aftu nouns, Ray Conger, Chair
man of the Student Reel cation
committee, i evealed yestetday
Making tegulwly scheduled
hips, busses will be available to
students at the coma of Fiariel
Sti cel. and College Avenue at 1,
2, and p m tonna tow and at 2
and 3 p m on Sunday
Tne busses will ti anSpOl I stu
dent, to the College ski bail, lo
cated on Bald Knob Mountain, a
mile past Boulsbuig
10 Cent Fee Required
A fee of ten cents each way u di
covet the cost of ttanspottation
and pay lot a set mg of hot cof
fee and doughnuts at the Ski trail,
Conga r said
The bail is almost, a mile long
but. with the present snow only
the lower 2000 feet can be used
Can qtr octed by the forestay de
partment and the Ski Club, it is
one of the fastest in the East
B, g fleet will find excellent
sloimt. on the towel tied and the
slopes nem by, am:tiding to Con
get Nomskieis may go along as
mieciatorn-and-will-find• good-hik
ing [Jails in the vicinity, he added
Instruction for Beginners
Coach Max Delt= and
members of the Ski Club will be
on hand to nista uct beginneis,
Conga, said
Busses will taut n at. 3 30, 4 30
and 3 30 Loam tow allot noon and
at 3 ')0 and 4 30 p ia Sunday
Millet skating . , another activity
sponsoied by the Rem cation com
e, will be held in the Ai mot y
as usual ty,innii low, Congo, said
State, Bucknell End
Debate In Deadlock
Gm et nmental pump pi iming, up
held in Bucknell and denounced
by Penn Slate, failed to I egister a
majmlty vote pro or t on as the au
dience attending the first of a Ye
Hen of palliamenlary sessions in
Home Economies Audltmium Wed
nesday night. deadlocked, 2626.
"Resolved Thai the United
Staten Cease to Use Putllc Funds
(Including cl edit) fez the Slime
lotion of Business," non the home
voted upon Raymond r Fish
buye pit:seined the 'ebullition
following to regain] affirtuntive.
negative debate
Edward G Couch 11 aided Fish
burne in roguing against the nov
el 'fluent's continuation policy of
spending !new O'Malley and An
than Seenny, both seniors re - pre
nested Bucicnell
A substitute motion made by
Chattel; C Sweet Wt. "Resolved
That 'the United Stutnslikkdopt a
Policy of Modified Socialism as a
Cure fen Economic Ills,' was re-
Jetted by a slight mm gin
IFC Approves Refugee
Aid Scholarships Here
Sec oleo lettin box and cdttoilat, "Res Non Ve, ben, Paye:g
The campaign to aid refugee nts by providing scholarships
lime was given a decided boost Wednesday night when IntetfiaLeu n Ly
Council gave its unanimous approval to the State College Council fm
,Non-Settation Refugee Aid
Council is tit ging flaw'
for the Theatte Benefit to be held .1
next Wednesday, Thuisday, and Fi
Tie tickets, on sale at the leg
ulat mite, ate good for one ad
mission to either of the theta' es
dating the tin ee l .day pei tod
Scheduled fen tut e , pictures • ate
"Toopei',Takes "Son Of
Ft anketistem," ",,Off the Record,"
and "Disbat ted "
' Distribute 3,500 Tickets
Over 3,500 tickets have been
distributed- among the member
groups of the geneiul council,
Burgess Wilbur F Leitzell
9 Named To
For IF Ball
'Zed:maker, Yeckley Get
Co-Chairman Posts
Wi K itockmaker '39 and
(.cage W Yecicley '.19 «coo ap
pointeil co clout men of I I , 13.111
committee at a meeting of Inter
(late! day Goan Lit Wednesday
nay 111011(1 h Co',kt•lV '39, pleat
dent of Council explained that
such an call) appointment uas
In ough t about so that selection
can be made of the bent available
bond for the date of the Hail,
Nai iii 11
:rile Het CM remainhig menthe's
of the tommittee are Janu•s M
llosteltlei, Sidney II Bergman,
lobo G IM,Neeley, John N Van
Kith, Robert C Butchel, and Vic
loi Sand,itn, all saloon, Joc.k Al
len 'ltl a•an the only Junior se
lei tell
Woodcuts, Paintings
Of Heaney Exhibited
A. e \hibit of tempotal paint
ings and newts by Chat les
Heaney. most of them wood cuts,
is now ott display in the College
Alt Gallery, thud Not Main En
gineeting building
The exhibit, sponsored by the
Division of Fine At ts; Depot t.
merit of AichitecLute, contains 20
Walrus! paintings and 25 pints
The tempotal paintings ale almost
all landscapes of Otegwi and
The guile; y is upon 1 , .1 Oa. pub
hi, t rely day ri um 8 a in to 8 p
Writes -On ,Traeli
Bar M Conger lusti uctoi In
Physical Education and Athletics,
hag o rid en a section on Tiati(
and Field in a book entitled 'Ma
Jul Spoils," t ecen tly published by
Barnes and Company 'rile book
also covets college football, base
ball and baskelbal
uty house to buy a block of tichets
A the Cathaunt and State Theatte.,
t Ida: • ... ' '
witheAVSGA:, ,Cwens, and the In.
tet national Relations Club env:
viihsing the'wommiyQormitot lea,
and the Hiller Foundation ha-M
-imi: the men's, halls. , ,
'The State College;Couneil for ,
"Nozi-Seetalian Refugee Aid is de•
signed to co-ordinate the. efforts
of student, faculty, and- town or
ganuations in order to aid youth
refugees, regardless of religion,
nice of creed, out of.Geintany'
Cites Need
For Housing
Leitzell Terms State
Inspection Lax;
' Submits Plan
"Housing conditions in
State College inc definitely
bad in many places I feel
that these:conditions can be
remedied through the Board
of Health only "
This was the belief ex
di essed to the Collegian by
Burgess ilbw• , F Leitzell in
an interview on the housing
pi of in State College
E (planting' that the only ordin
ances coveting sanitation in State
College govern garbage disposal
and milk inspection, Burgess
Lean)] insiseed that a health
dim ice Much could be applied to
looming houses was definitely
"Should Be Health Ordinance"
"Theic should be i health on
(nuance in State College," BUI gest,
Leittell continued, "but it's up to
the Boaid of Health to take...alum
on one I have asked the Brand
q . ,Health_abutli f 50 _toles to_pivis
such an oidinance I feel we need
TM. But gess Let used inspection.
by the State a "fat Le," potnting
to Vie laxity in the cam cement
of State health t egulattons Ho
emt'ained that IL was the duty of
the Borough Boat d of Health to
ieno.dv the situation
Asked about taunt I cola, Lett
/ell advoLated a plan whet eby the
College would set up a scale of
111 aas fop iouuts of vat tout sues.
accomodations, and tonvemente4,
thec uy eliminating disci epataes.
in cants uncovei ed by the Colle
gian sin vey
"Willing to Cooperate"
"I3e College, howeocii," Lett
/ell .aid, "would get into a jam
it they tiled to adjui,l. differences
haw. en the student and land
lot d "
11,c Bulgess futauided a pre
pusw to alleviate unsandaty and
inadequate housing condition , '
though the establishment by' the
Cuage of spec tic standards to be
enforced by the Bouid of Health
"Mc Borough is willing to (tu
nnel ate with the College in any
pwcyble nay We can't do this
alone, the College will have to act
nisi," Lett/ell concluded
Burgess Releases
Jehovah's Witnesses
'(race Iw - uints or Jeliovah'l..-
Witeesses. al t ested un January 2
for alleged violation of the But -
()Ogle dthanee, have
been released ft um bail and their
Lase disine,sed by, Bui gess Ml
but I Ledzell, it MI, lea! rued yes
ter ddv
'Cho Witnesses —l,alic Snyder.
It A Stone and Hai old Watts.
all of Lea 'stun ll—were being held
undi I $lOO bail end' Cot a sched
uled healing let night — on a
charge of violating the nuisance
eadinante by , first a Muting I elig
mu, pamphlet, fiiiin house to
lan, without a permit.
A cme that came up before Liu.
United_qtate,„Atkiffretat t - 7 .. htdt."." bi ought. a unantMous opm
lon Ailing u sundat city ultimatum
of Gil - ft, Ga uneonstautional
on the 'pounds ,that it violated
both the Tieeckun of ehglon and
Thespians Get Band
Fot the lust time in then his
tory, 'the Penn State Thespians
have then own pit oteliestriL j
'for all shows, it was aniiiiincebd
yesto day
Festal mg "sweet' swing"
style, the oteltestia, formerly nia
del, the !cadetship of Jaanmy Mc-
Adam '42, ismowsander the baton
of hats Kaufman '92. Rehearsals
have ahead! , begun.