Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, January 17, 1939, Image 3

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    Tneiday, January 37, 1539
Cagers Face Carnegie Tech ln League= Opener Here
Inexperienced Matmen
Kriot Nebraska,, 14 14
Experience and lack of experience were the Lelhng fact
ors in 'the Lion wrestlers' 14-14 tie with Nebraska in the
;season's opener in Rec Hall Saturday afternoon, as four ,of
-Charlie Speidel's fbie veterans' won their bouts, while the
,other three , giapplT s,stepped off on the wrong foot in their
,versi yce)u ti , tchanges possible in the other thi ce
The ,4:1 , 1 five velollll4—unp-
Don 131M11111811 at' 165 pounds, Cliff Keen's Wolvet Inc% frivoled
'Call King at 121, Frank Craig- to let= their Big Ten title this
limuLat 128, Joe Scalzo at 155, winter, staited then season by
'and Elmo Bartz at 1715—will copping second place in the Cen
probably be the backbone of the tint A A U championships in
',Nittony team that faces a power- Chicago last month They boast
, ful Michigan outfit in Roe Hall veterans in all but two classes
Thuisilay night at 8 o'clock, with -', Satuiday's meet was settled
when, with State behind 14 to 9,
Coinhuskei Heib Rosenthal de
faulted to sophomore Joe Scalzo
because of the recurrence of a,
shoulder injury that had kneed
Comb .Jerry Adam to call off the
bout 'until it 'MIS seen that the
outcome of the meet /lepended on
Eugene' H Lederer
114 E Beaver Ave Dial 4066
State College
Duke!' Univeisity
Four terms of eleven 'weeks are
given each year These may- be
taken consecutively (graduation m
three and one-quarter years), or
three terms may be taken "each
year (graduation in four years):
The entrance requirements are in
telligence, character - and ' three
years of college work, including
the subjects specified for Class A
`medical schools Catalogues ,and
application forms may be obtained
from the Admission Committee.
.No" Oth'et : Pi) e 4 .7"hzs
Mainifacpred by M:Linkinan & Co., Chicago
• We Have Your 'Every Kitchen Need
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,To keep your energy up te`par,these chilling
winter days eat heartily of pure.: wholesome, ? Premium
rpoxis ~ ,Keep an amplesupply on , hand at all Peas ,
flutes Stock up' , at Nittany Meadows Farm No: 2 "
Store . today , ' 2 cans
'Pofßoast‘,.:. —., lb. 22c 29c
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"Star Bacon ,; .. .. . lb. 35c, ,; , I T' o. rn 2 -
Bologna,lb. 22c' 2 cans':
.-Cranberries 2 His. 39c' 25c '-
Florida. Oran.qeS, ' 23c.' and-33c doz. , , Beechnut
-Swee - 1,-POtatoes : . elbs. 17c Ca4uP
: t r 4% 2 cans
, - ,
Dial 775'
T'ie default came after only 2
minutes of wrestling dining which
Scalr.o took the Nebiaska man
to the mat twice, tiying desper
ately for the fall that was needed
to tie the score Seaman was in, a
near-full - position when Rosen
thai's shoulder became dislocated,
and Referee Paul Spitler of New
York's Downtown Athletic Club
stopped the bout
Call King'staited things off the
right way for the Speidelmen by
winaing a one-sided decision over
lanky Milton Kuslca in the 121-
'(Co7tln ' ued On Page Four)
Mermen Break
Relay Record;
-Down Carnegie
Breaking the pool retard fot the
300-yard medley relay in the open
ing event and going on to annex
eight out of nine first places, Penn
State's varsity 11101 men submerged
a Carnegie Tech outfit, 57 18, at
Pittsburgh, Saturday
Mark Vinzant, haelcsti eke, Al
Boileau, breast stroke, and Capt
Chuck Welsh, freestyle, all turned
in excellent performances on the
medley relay team as their time of
3 16 "I clipped over two and a half
seconds off the record sot by Tech
1934 Boileau knocked two set
ends ,off his best thno for the
breaststroke bit of the race
Another thriller was the 440
yard freestyle grind with Penn
State's Boyne Wood_commg from
behind to nip Tech!s Vance on the
next to the last turn and then hold
ing his own in the spurt to take
second as Lion Ken Bunk finished
far out in front in fist place
,City McLaughlin prosed that his
victory In the Penn meet.
was no fluke by garnering the ex
ceptionally high point score of
118 89 in the fancy dive us Lion
teammate Luther Noy took second
Penn Slate's sophomore speell
stei , Bill Itirkpati kit, snatched
first in both the 50 and 100-yard
sprints as well as aiding the 400
yard freest%le relay team take Its
event (
Ken Bunk won the 220 yard free
mtyle and Mark Vinrant took the
V o yard backstroke as Tech gar
nered ' her only lint place when
Anthony' copped the 200 - yard
scheduled to meet the
Lion natatory here on Satmilay,
cancelled the meet and then
apt eed to reconsider their cancella
tiOn Whether or not the meet
will be held was not known at the
Lime this paper neut. to mess '
(Continued On Page Four)
Gymnasts 'Down .Katz town
In Lop Sided 43-11-Triumph
Sweeping first place in each ev.
bon made,Gene Wettstone's coachn
ing a_k_p:. -sid.2d 43,11 tpumpli ow
outs`„', in Itec Mill; Saturday
With Co Captain Ray Runkle
topping the wining with 13 points
by taking firsts in tumbling and
ring , and - second on the horivontal
bar, the highly-improved Nittany
-nen chalked up the most decisive
win in State gymnastic history
Colgate bowed,3B-16 in 1931 and
Western Reserve lost by the same
' ! ,margin last year
Charles Gillespie, fast-pulling
Junioi tope elimbei, established a
new official Penn State record in
the lope' climb event of 9 9 sec
onds, bleakmg the 5 second mark
held previously by Julian Parton
Thiee second places and two
thirds were the extent bf Mac Mc-
Govern's. Teacheis' efforts with
Co-Captains - Jim Mentz and Rex
Reichert taking runners-up bon:
ors on the horse and sings Carl
Pennypackei registered the only
other Kutztown second on the rope
climb asS Cail 'Hildebrand took
thirds on the horizontal bai and
in tumbling
Veterans on the Lion varsity
lived up to pre-season expecta
tions ,:with _Runkle_ and Gillespie
turning in excellent performances,
while - Co-Captain ,AI Kligman,
Stan Feldman; and Mown Beck
rooked good in sinning their re
spective events,
, Kligman' outclassed all opposi
tion to win the side horse and
joined Beck and Mike Woleschok
to scow a clean sweep on the 'm
allet ' bats Xligman was second
Feldman'* classy front and re
verse giant swings climaxed by a
bacl, fy away gave him a ,slight
margin eve , - teammate Runkle on
the horizontal bat
Wilbur Ward captured second
in tumbling and Page Schaefer,
Ben Stahl, and Gillespie recorded
thuds in horse„ rope, and sings,
respectively, to complete the Nit
tanv scoring ' - '
Horizontal bar—Won by Feld
mbn, Penn State; Runkle, Penn
State, second; Hildebrand, Kutz
town, ,third „
Side\ Horse—Won by Kligman,
Penn State, Moritz, Kutztown, sec
ond, Schaefer, Penn State, ;bird.
Pr.tallel Ears—Won by Beck,
Penn State; Kligman, Penn State,
second; ~NV.ileschok, Penn State.
thud. ' ,
Rings—Wcn ,by Runkle, Penn
Statei, Reichert, Kutztown, seek
'hod, Gillespie, Penn State, third
- Tumbling Won by' Runkle,
Penn State, Ward, Penn State,
second;- Hildebrand, ' Kutztown,
, Rope Climbing—Won by Gilles
pie, Penn,, 'State; Pennypacker,'
Kutztown,'' second;,, Stahl, , Penn
iState, t.hird.,Time•.4.9..seconds.
Skibos Risk
Loop Lead,.
Win Streak
By 808 WILSON,
Down upon the sacrosanct haul
ood of Roe Hall will come tonight
Carnegie Tech's Terrible Tat tans,
thicatenmg to make Penn State's
belated basketball debut into East
ern warfare a dismal
Pop The game will begin at 8
p rc
TIT Tech% who have forgotten
all about the Highland fling, will
not forget that they have the Con-
The Proceeds from tonight's
game will be turned over to the
National Sports Council to aid in
their drive for fends to fight in
fantile paralysis
feience lead and a string of three
consecutive victories to defend
when they tangle with Lowther's
lard , / Lions
West Viizinia, Pitt and Geoige
towr have already been victimized
by the Skibo's foreboding five All
of which =tits a rather gloomy as
pect on the Lions' coming-out
What s mode, unless Johnny
Bat, and Max Corbin recover suf
ficiently from injuries sustained
in the Malmberg game, Lawthet
\sill be forced to send a pair of in
clocrienced sophomores against
the Tartans
C whin is nuising a had charley
hoise in his left leg and Bali is
' , II - tiering from a painful cut on
the top of ins head. Scott Moffat
and Noun Racusin will pidbably
stint in their stead
Tteh's rust team is eve' y bit
as big te, State's octal ding to
Coach Lawthe: who ~ aw the Ski
be, di eh Pitt i etently And if
ni ess elm: are anywhere ne
:um ate the Tech five levels oft
(Continued On Page Four)
lent, the 1939 Lion varsity gym edi
ingidebut a huge success by 'garner
an,-infet tur.,-Kutztowne Teiiehtera^
'Skiers Will 'Face -
Cornell, Colgate
In Weekend Meets
In its second meet of the season
the Nittany ski team will compete
against Cornell and Colgate in a
triangular meet at Ithaca, N Y,
on Saturday and Sunday
Two of the teams, Penn State
and Cohen. count Max Dercum,
present Lion 'Coach, as their found
er Three years ago as a faculty
merrhei he started slung here and
pievlousfy, as . a Cornell under
graduate he was instrumental in
founding the first ski team there
and mils on the first varsity
squad .
Captain lira Wilscin, Chuck Hil
ferty, Harry Hitchcock, and Bill
glusso are certain to make the
Cornell trip Sam. Crabtree, Sam
Shaw, and Max Peters may also
take part
Over the Christmas holidays
Penn State placed ninth among
ten teams entered in the Lake
Placid College Men's Invitation
Ski Meet.
Fencing Team Wins
Close - 'Pr'actice Tilt
Continuing their training for a
Blue and-White win over Penn on
Saturday, Lion fencers defeated
Wilkes-Barre YMCA,, 93{, to 1, 1 1,
in an unscheduled meet in Rec.
- ,
-Hall Saturday . -
Good, promising sopho ,
more who never before fenced 'ln
a regular meet,/saved the day for,
State when he defeated-Zuren - a,
131.11kes-Bitrre saberinan,,la the last
bout of the meet Zurenda had de
fe'ated Paul Plebiger, No 1 man on
the saber squad, in an earlier bout.
.11ased on round-robin tryouts,
tentative places on the varsity
epee squad have been filled by Co
captain John ,Lipeczky, Dean Foltz,
lack Adams and Elmer - Lowen
stein Lipec2ky, Fiebiger, Daniel
Lyons and Good have tentative
posts on the saber squad
BinhOff Is Honoree
Eugen Bishoff, assistant
profesor of Physical Education and
Athletics and Director ,of Intra
mural Athletics; has been reap
'Pointed for his second' successive
year as-a member of the Publicity
Committee ,of,"the , State Associa
tion' of Health and Physical Edu
Between -
The Lions
Sports Editor
This past weekend—Just about
at the end of the "dull" season in
sports—was probably one of the
most newsworthy and active peri
ods in the'past fen years. Beside
the numerous victories chalked up
by Nlttany Lion., teams, there were
developments in intercollegiate
circles that affect Penn State
sports, present and future, very
The most gratifylng — tiEcurrence
of the Eastern Intercollegiate As
sociation meetings In Nev. York
was the naming of Penn State as
the homer champions of the East
—4t glowing tribute to Bill Jeffrey's
coaching, long overdue
We have already sounded our
congratulations to Bill and hia
hooters for their sixth consecutive
undefeated season, little can , be
added to the symbolic presenta
tion of the trophy to the UNDIS•
of the East'
Then there was that meeting
of the Eastern Basketball Confer
ence, featuring Pitt's - resignation
—to ,take effect next season Al
though it was tabled for future
consideration, the outcome seems
apparent—Pitt will not. be in the
league next year
. _
It has also been suggested that
o ith the Panthers' oithdran al
Penn State o ill follow, nith the
possible disintegration of the
Non, there is no mistaking that
Pitt's reasons are rather nell
founded scheduling difficulties
I and travelling inconveniences pre
sent a difficult problem
Pltt's resignation may weaken
the highly , competitive standing of
the circuit—but, aren't there °ther
equally strong basketball schools
who would welcome' a chance to
Join the league ,
The Eastern Basketball Confer
ence has hunt up an ens table
reputation in collegiate court
Oldies, and Penn State is non ,
basking' in the nuiespread publi
city being accorded this league all
over the ( feints The Conference
Is undoubtedly one of the nation's
toughest—glance over the records
of the member teams—even es
chiding PittlftLeharter_member )
i—as fat
The important alieetion
N% e are concerned—ls Should
Penn State follow Plit's example,
and offer Its resignation froin the
Pastern ConTerenee"
(College authoi hies, as hell as the
Collegial, a ould Me to henr stu
den t ' , reaction )
:With the coming of John Low
ther, two years ago, and Penn
Slate's entrance into the Confer
ence the preceding year, interest
In basketball boomed to a new
high—and, ,undoubtedly, it is non
the most popular winter sport.
What creates so much interest
In the sport is the fact that by
being a member of a league there
Is a definite goal in 'winning ball
games Whereas, if we compete
independently, there is only the
immediate contest ip question
There is something to "bite"
into when your team is named the
Conference champion
Here is our stand—Penn State
should NOT withdraw from the
Eastern • Basketball Conference,
UNLESS It can better itself ath
letically by becoming affiliated
with another established or newly
formed basketball league of top
notch basketball rating
Lawther, Davis . To
Teach This Stimmer
John D' Lawther, assistant pro
fessor of physical education and
athletics and coach of basketball
and Dr Ehvood C bay's, profes
sor of physical education and ath
letics, will tench at other colleges
during the summer session of 1939
Coach Lam ther will take a post
Lion at the University of Teens,
an instructor in physical educa•
Dr Davis will return to the Uni
versity of Southern California
where he will teach health and
physical education for the second
successive summer.
Schott, Riley Author
'39 Boxing Rulebook
Edited by Dr Carl P Schott,
dean bt the School of Physical
-Education and Athletics, and Hugh
"Ridge" Riley, Director of sports
publicity for the College, The 1939
Intercollegiate Boxing , Rulebook
has just been released
Dr Schott is a member of the
'is/CAA 'Boxing Rules Committee
Nationals At F. & M.
The National Collegiate A A
wrestling championships will be
held at Franklin and. Marshall Col
lege, Lancaster, on March 17 and
411, it was announced .yesterday
Mitmen Impressive In
Win Over W. Maryland
Taking six bouts, three of them via the knockout ionic,
and gaining a draw in one, Penn State's boxing team launched
its 1939 campaign with a 6 1 / 2 to I', easy victory over West
ern Maryland last Saturday night in Ree Hall, giving the
Lions their tenth triumph over the Green Terrors in the thir
teenth meeting lietween the two institutions
A:though the visitois were not
too well for with mates sal,
the Houck lads displayed plenty
of talent with the leather nuttens
and left an impiession on the ca
pacity crowd that they ate des
tined fm a .. gteat season and will
be all prepared fm the visttois
from Bucknell Univeisity next
Satuiday night
The Jim Lewis-Dave Calhoun
slugfest in the IGS-pound festi
vities, leminiseent to Ole Penn
Stateis of the famous Hall-Lev,-
is fight, was the feature of the
evening', pi ogiam Lewis, a slug
ger on the codes of his brothel
Al, who captained the Lion sing
team in 1932 and who went on
to become a national champion,
made his debut as a varsity belt
er by standing toe to toe for al
most three sounds with a much
hearer opponent
The end tame in 1 minute and
20 seconds of the thud round
1% her he butted heads - with
the Maryland slugger Although
holding a decided edge arer his
opponent, the fight was stopped by
Coach Leo Houck when the cut
'started to bleed pi ofusely, giving
the fight to Calhoun by a TKO
vei diet
Johnny Patrick, Al Tapman,
and Red Stanko Aimed plenty of
chis—and powea when each
seined knockout %nett.' les in the
hit toundi, of then bouts
Patrick Impressive
Patiick, another Lion making
his debut in vaisity company, un
col ked a smashing light 42 sec
onds after the opening bell, send
ing Joe Oiloski into the tank
Johrny looked plenty Simla fm
the few seconds he was in , the
.mg, moving mound with the ease
of i polished peifoimei
Hardly a blow waS thrown by
eithei man until the time Pat' ick
sent a most perfectly-timed tight
that ti eyelet", no_ moi e_ than _six
inches and in lightning-like fash
ion That was the end
In the 145-pound entanglement,
the cm tam (hopped 40 second, Id
le). Red Stank° tote out of he,
coiner at the sound of the open
ing hell and threw a barrage of
lefts and rights to the head of
Dick Landert, knocking him to his
knee , . The referee intervened,
giving the fight to the Houck
pupil as a TKO.
Tapman Floors Opponent
Al Tapmaii, stacking up against
a much taller oval, clubbed away
fm the entne first round with
lefts and tights to Bill Beck's jaw,
send•ng him to the canvas just
as lie bell rang for the end of the
first iound Chailey Havens,
coach of Western Malyland, asked
that the bout be stopped
Captain Roy Hana was the vic
tim of a very, very close decision,
merely gaining a thaw after ti ad
mg wallops foi thiee whole
rounds with Bob Rickel in the
135 pound class
The remaining.boutg held little
excitement in sfore Mike Cooper
A Common Expression in Town and on Campus ,
"You Can Get It at Metzger's"
Bob Sleds, Flexible Flyer Sleds and Skis For Rent
Buy REVIEW BOOKS For Your Courses —70 c, 75c, $l.OO, $1.25
Snowfall Holds
Up Tracksters
lialnpet NI by the ten incheg of
stuns v.hlch blanketed the boatel
track Saturday, Conch Chick Wet
nee% tinter ttacktnen ere un--H
able lo run off mlieditled time
trldlq Saturday
Renlizing the need of stiff plena
talon fot the meet mini Ohio
Stale at Columbus. 0, Januaty 28,
Coach Werner pot his men through
a tinted motion last night and
sot run off tryouts for the Ohio
meet on Satinda‘
Distance-men Bill Smith, Len
Henderson, Frank Monte, Graham
Miller, Jam* Strange, Beth Nip
son, Jim Hostettler, Chet Sndyer
and Emmett Bredenberg mill be
battling tot the mile and tvcrmile
Highiumpers Handicapped
Will Doenert and Vie Sandham,
handicapped by having no place to
plactice, will probably be foi ced
to enter the meet unprepared
Bob Claik has been working out
under the Went Stands and should
lie in fair condition for the pole
%atilt Captain Miller Frarier iti
qeadily imprming in the hurdles
along with sophomore Bob Hutch
got toed chasing Jack Rouse, a
southpaw, around the ring. Rouse
managed to bad peddle it foi the
elan e thtee pound,, pith Cooper
,getting the decision
Bernie Sandmen edged out a
dose victory over Captain Red
&tide' in the 155-pound class, aq
did Nate Handle] over Put Pet
] met in the heavyweight division
Drop in foi results of all confoeure
basketb(ll games the same night (hey
are played.
w College Di
Always Open
Fake Three
Soose Is Presented
To Garden Throngs
Billy Soose, lormel Lion ring
star, was Introdueed from the
Madison Square figrtien ring last
neelt Immediately preeeding the
Conn- Aposntoli light Tommy
ra , healyneight eon' , was
intiorincril at the same time
Resting an injnied hand for the
past ten months, Soose is in Nen
limit non untie' the guidance of
Ttahnet ftaN Atte! and Jigs begun
paining at Stillueni's grin for ,o
light within the nest month
Dr. Davis Chairman
Of National Board
Di Elwood C Davis, professor
of physical education and athletics
hati been appointed chailman of a
national committee to study on
detgladuate and graduate teacher
tinkling in health (11111 physical
education in the United States
'file appointment mao made al
milday convention of the CoDeg,
bytdcal Edneal ton As , oriat ion it
'hicago from December 2S to 'lO
This Winter's Ski Trails
nill Blaze with Brilliant
Combination Ski Hats
Ski Mittens
Si and $1 50
Ski Shirts and Jackets
1 , 1.95—57.50
Ski Mufflers
$1.50 and up
Kahn's Men's Shop
Home of
Hari, Schaffner & Marx