Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, December 20, 1938, Image 4

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    Page Four
Lawthermen Begin Drills For 4-Game Holiday Tour
10 To Leave
Su'nday For
Suicide Trip
Thole will be no quill thing as a
long Cinistmas vacation for
Penn States basketball Lions she
begin intensive Mills today in
nieparation for their four game
holiday test - tour
Having alleady lumped tin ough
a tilo of conditioning tests. the
Lao Mermen. 10 stiong, m ill leave
next. Sunday night for Chicago
where they mill face DePaul Oni
veteity's Blue Demons on Monday
night The following Wednesda}
night the Lions tangle .with a
sl rong Michigan State live at East
Meet Syracuse Again
Soeeping eastuard to Syracuse,
the Nittanymen take on the Or
ange in a repeat performance Ness
Year's Eve Climaxing the suicide
trip the Lions, aided and abetted
very ably by Colorado Univeisity's
Ballatoes, iunneis up for the Na
tional Invitation Basketball title
last yvai, sill turn the Ice Palace
at Hershey (Pa) into a setitable
melting pot.
The 10 men v.ho mill attempt to
keep State's basketball escutcheon
unstained throughout the stiff se
ries ale regulars Max Corbin,
Charley Prosser, Johnny Barr, Bill
Steppe' and Cliff McWilliams, as
well as Kerm Christman, George
Chalmers, Norm Remit], Jim
Richardson and"Stott Moffatt uho
will do i °serve duty on the trip
(11 Reserve Strength Seen
Lliv,ther's reserve strength vas
ldenoeti on Saturilay afternoon
en the seconds shipped a
0, o ng Lock Haven Teachers' quin
:, .19.36 Both Kenn Christman
unOtee Moffatt played - impres-
HIVy against the Teachers Mol-
Jett r
etitled himself as a canny
- long s ot artist and a good feeder
while %Ostrom', still a meek de
fensive pinye'r,'showed promise of
becoming ‘•ta, 'dependable scoring
that cat 't ` ,, ; . t,
Folios an
Pel, lug
.. Vic holiday tour d
before anothei , lasue cit;the Colle
gian is publlsAd`, hho'Elons sill
tontinue their pri4niiftaimice build
up nrogranipVlllthltimes here
against Weskornilteseme (Jan 1)
and RutgeroJan 7),
Before taeliiiiig Carnegie Toth in
their openin,,Eastern Conference
assigninmit ithtinight of Jan 17,
the Lawthopmen/ ‘,lll, do battle
A% itil 131rckiiell's 'Bisons and Muli
limber gam' ules
Sehott,To',Attend Meetings
I*..Cack.P. Schott, Dean of the
Schbol. Oflhysical Education and
AthletiEs:4will attend meetings of
flfe National Collegiate Athletic
AY,ociation and the College Phy
.ocal Education Msociation in
Chicago from December 27 to 30
Hoc Hall Accomodates 6.600
Rec Hall has a Lapacay of 5922
,pec.tatm , , at anal basketball
game t On-a sport's night when
theta is no basket-ball game, 6600
persons can be accommodated
pertly repaired, portable and of
lice numblues for sale or rent Dial
2.142 Harry IL' Mann, 127 West
Beaver avenue BE yr.
All work guaranteed Rackets
called for and delivered. The Re
etringer, 206 West College avenue
Dial 3360 BB yr
POW fthiNT—Doublo room with
omfol table single belle Inquire
132 b Pugh Ott eel or dial 3.156
135 2tp1.113
WANTED—little to Philadelphia
or vicinity Pride). December 23,
for 1110 paskiengein Inquire Stu
dent Union Odic° 149 ltp-BB
Fort RUNT—Large single room to
student Jimmy 1 inquire 113
East Park avenue 150 2tp-TB
FOR RENT—Double room with
single beds Inquire 3JJ S Ath
ol ton street. Dial Stl7
152 ltp•BB
LOST—Blink wallet Important
personal cards Needed badly
Cull Dean 1000 Reward
The student who was sold al di
iectory flunked for students liv
ing in elation, Clearfield, Clin
ton, Columbia, Crawford, Curn
bealand and Dauphin counties is
asked to return it to the Regis
tiat's office and "receive an un
marked Directory in its stead
itYour Way Miiiie4
Houck NonCommitat After
Last Season's Poor Guess
Below. last year's boxing season got uncial m..ty, mospetts wale
so ought that' a championship club was pi echcted foi Coach Leo
Houck's mitt team
But these predictions were never ieahzed, fot when Houck', two
ace mittwieldess, Billy Soose and Nestor Kociubinski, were declared
inelligible because of piofessionalism, the Lion team went to fiagments
With two definite point-getters
out of a possible eight lost to the
team, the Houckmen went on to
gain a mete three-win and four
loss season
ecause of "breaks" such as
this, Leo makes no piognostica
tions fin the coming season
But the shrewd professor of
sockology has been all smiles these
days, and it's because of a nice
mop of mates ial he's been develop
ing up in the punch foundry.
This material is made alio:
veterans fiom last yeas's team,
present intiaminal biffets, and
some newcomers
A few teal threats for varsity
bet ths come from members of last
,yesn's freshman team, what with
Red Stanko pressiZg hank Sil
vestri, varsity 145-pounder, jim
my Lewis claiming tights to the
155-pound position, Les Cohen, a
165'ei, and heavyweight Johnny
Patrick- (junior)
Bernie Sandson and Johnny
Patrick (senior), both flashes in
then freshman yeas, have return
ed to , the fold after a layoff of one
and two years respectively Both
look good in then daily workouts
and may be called upon to supra
sent the 155 and 155-pound berths
Coach Houck has a problem in
the 135-pound division for, if
Capt Roy Hanna is not able to
make the weight, and it looks that
way at present, he will have little
=tonal to pick fiom
The °ther divisions ate packed
platy well with material, with
Al Tapman, Alex Sopchah, Hank'
Schweitzer, Dave McKinley, Spike
Alter, Nate Handler, Ted Nemeth,
and Leon Gajecki making up some
of the gioup
And if ever Houck; fat sonic
season os other, becomes in dire
need of .1 heavyweight, he can al
ways call on the manages of the
boxing team Pat Costello who
flashed some sale him in the in
ti annuals
Bat ney Ewell's flashy Pasta.
match to the finals in the 155-
pound class moved the exciting
peak among 33 inttamin al box
ing-bouts in Rec Hall Thursday,
Fu day, and Satin day. Etsell cam
back Saturday to down both Bob
Band and Johnny Hai ttanft af-
Names of the intramural box
ing champions are posted by the
Collegian in the Corner Room
window Final bouts were held
in Rec Hall last night after the
Collegian went to press
tci thawing with Baud in a hot
battle Friday
Summaries (excluding finals)
125-pound class
• Bill Bieene '42; Theta Kappa
Phi,.won decision oyes Raymond
Gobdnol '4O, Delta Upsilon
, Paul Cavanaugh '4O, Phi Delta
Theta, won by decision ovei Walt
Francis '39, Delta Chi
George Hankins '4l, Sigma Phi
Sigma,, won decision oval Bill
Massey '4O, Alpha Gamma Rho
Jack English '4l, Independent,
non decision over Paul Cavan
augh '4O, Phi Delta Theta
George Hankins '4l, Sigma Phi
Sigma, non decision ovei Bill
Etienne '4l, Theta Kappa Phi
135 pound class
Hairy Finney '4O, Sornia Phi
Epsilon, won decision over Elvin
Firehock '39, - Delta Chi
Heiman Goffbeig '42, Indepen
dent, won decision over Bill Hub
lei '4l, Beta Theta Pi
John Phillips '4l, Mangle, won
decision over David Gieei, 2-yew.
student, Independent
Edgar Landon '4O, Kappa Delta
Rho, won decision over David Se
gal '42, Independent
Heiman Goffbeig '42, Inde
pendent, won by forfeit over Ed.'.
gar Landon '4O, Kappa Delta Rho
John Phillips '4l, Tillingle won
decision over Hauy Finney '4O,
Sigma Phi Epsilon '
145-pound class
Pete Dunbeig '4O, Independent,
won deepaon eve! Hairy Morfoid
'42, Independent
George Genn '9l, Independent,
won by forfeit over Andrew Paton
'4l, Independent
Charles Mattern, '92, Indepen
dent, won by forfeit over Wilburn
Corbett '4l, Kappa Delta Rho
George Genn '4l, Independent,
won decision over Leo Russell '4l,
Kappa ,Delta Rho
Charles Mattein '42, Independ
ent, won decasion eve: Pete Dols
berg '4O, Independent
155 pound class
Hal Fiy '4O, Phi Delta Theta,
won decision over Aubrey None
make' '4l, Independent
William Rodd '42, Phi Delta
Theta won by forfeit over Robert
Davis '4l, Phi Sigma Kappa.
Bob Band '42, Penn State Club,
won decision over Stanley Glabal
'42, Independent
John Hai tranft '4O, Junior
FOlestel, won decision over John
Meehan '42, Independent
Barney Ewell '42, Independent,
fought to a draw with Bob Baird
'42, Penn State Club _
Hal Fiy '4O, Phi Deta Thad,
won decision over Kimber Gin=
'42, Phi Sigma Kappa
Myron Woolman '9O, Indepen
dent, won decision over William
Rodd '42, Phi Delta Theta
Barney Ewell '42, Independent,
won decision over Bob Baird p 42,
Penn State Club, after 'drawing
memos day. -,,
Balmy iwell '42, Independent,
won decision oven John Multiunit
'4O, Junior Fore,tei
Hal Fty '4O, Phi Delta Theta,
won decision over Myion Wool
man '9O, independent
165-pound class
Wilbert Scheel Beaver
House, won decision over John
Kauffman '39, Delta Tau Delta
Bepjamin Seem '42, Indepen-,
dent, won decision o'.er Dick Carl
ton '92, Independent.
Wilfred Baughcr '39, Delta Chi,
won by forfeit over Bob Moyer
'4O, Independent
Benjamin Seem '92, Indepen
dent, won decisions-over Frank
Williams '9O, Phi Delta Theta.
David McKinley '4l, Indepen
dent, won decision over Wilfred
Baugher '39, Delta Chi.
off the records
Out vote foe the best tecoid of
the week is Larry Clinton's THE
of Clinton's own compositions Sty
led stthilat to SHADRACK, it has
a definite appeal to swing funs
The band bi togs the plaster down
in the windup JEEP ERS
CREEPERS on the othet side in
cludA a good vocal by bombe:list
Ford Leafy
Toonny Dorsey tuins out
vocal style that made his MARIE
famous Tommy plays 'some hot
tiombone on the ieveise, TIN
cautions us not to wait till THE
to be good The feveise is EV
ace excellent dance recordings in
the swing and sway style with
good vocalizing by Tommy Ryan
and the Three Batons
Richaici Himbei, who did so
well with MINUET IN JAZZ,
does a beautiful job fot Victor
with two new popular songs, DAY
A KISS Another Goodman swing
classic deftly made Benny's
best ,manner is TOPSY and
One of the most populat songs
of the day is YOU MUST HAVE
and it takes Russ Morgan to put
the numbei across leaving noth
ing to be desired His vocal helps
make it one of the best of the
week. The ieveise is THIS IS
MADNESS, festal' ing a classy,
vocal by Gloisu Whitney
Bing Crosby fans will go wild
over his Decca tecoitling of MY
REVERIE He gets together with
biothei Bob's oldest's to tecold
this and OLD FOLKS on the oth
ei side of the platter te .. These fans
will probably like Donald Nevis's
'molding of TREES accompanied
by Eddie Dunstedter at the organ
Audi , Rub and His Clouds of
Joy 'mold I WON'T' TELL A
SOUL fm Decca This well-hand
led, popular numbed is backed up
with TOADIE TODDLE, an ap
pealing novelty number. Fiances
Langfoal, ' accompanied by the
Paul Taylor Climisters, bangs
ROSE OF SUMMER beautifully
Swinefans may mot be interested,
but for loved!; of the near-classic,
these lecoldings will definitely
appeal .
The Lions-
Sports Elides
Theta is nothing like the ap
'Heath of New Year's and its-ac
companying resolutions to imbue
one with a feeling of trying to
acknowledge past a c co nip I is h
ments, and stilt of catch up on
"things I have foigotten to do"
Hete ate a\ few of your comes
pondent's omissions since Sep
tembet—Pete Olexy, who captain
ed the Lions' 1937 moss-country
_team, did a swell job in his first
coaching attempt as mentor of
the undefeated frosh hill-and
dalets . of couise much credit
is due Coaches Chick Weiner and
Bill Jeffrey foe then ciack outfits
the wi cutting clinics of Char
lie Spbidel and Johnny Lawthet's
basketball session are doing much
to improve the high school com
petition throughout the state, as
well as popularize these sports
theta is no doubt that Sandy
Kianich's absence (because of his
recent illness) will be keenly, felt
when the competition gets tough
in the strong Eastern Basketball
Conference .
Also, congtats to the following
newly elected 'spotts captains—
Spike Alter, football in 1939 .
Dean Hanley, honorary 1938 grid
captain Flank Maule, moss
county . Len Krouse and
Bill Smaltz, honorary freshinan
football co-captains . Herm
Goffbetg, honorary leades of the
frosh haulms
Syacusc's all-opponent football
eleven did not list a single Penn
State gridder --. in spite of that
33-6 salmis° shellacking . . Lion
vaisity teams have licked the Sy
iacusans in four different sports
this Fall (football, soccer, moss
country, and basketball) . inci
dentally, the Nittany basketeeis
ian up the same number of points
against the Orange as the grid
men —33-- Joe Knipe, foimer
Penn State intercollegiate wiestl
ing champ, and Nestor Kociubin
sky, Lion ring star to years ago.
ate offering their services gratis
in assisting Coaches Speidel and
Chuck Cheiundolo, Penn State's
football captain in 1936 and now
the pivot man for the Cleveland
Rams, was named thud team all-
Pro center that other gym
nast-clown, v.ho assisted comedian
coach Gene Wettstone between
halves of the Syracuse game last
week, was assistant track coach
Bob Grieve . Lou Bluth, a via
sity gild guard heic in '34, , '35,
and '36, was iccently feted for his
successful coaching at South Will
lanispot t High
Tommy Sluisei, football and
boxing captain a few years- ago
and now mit mentor and assistant
in football at V P 1 . , has a boxing
manager named Mike Jacobs' . .
two of the canes in IM boxing
were DU's ring manage' Pat Cos
tello and football manager-elect
Jetty Howat th
Revision Group
Releases Plins
(Continued From Page One)
by lepiesent.itives directly to the
College Senate Committee on Stu
dent Welfare and the Board of
Tiustees, if possible
Inasmuch as the Senate Corn
mitten is devoted to the promotion
of student welfaie, 'the revision
group pointed out, it would only
be logical to assume that aim stu
dent iepiesentative should be
peimutted to attend all meetings
of Senate as a non-voting
iepte'entative of the student ,
...body The same rule, it was be
lieved, should apply to the Trus
tees, e‘cept in cases wheie stu
dent welfate was not immediate
ly affected
The committee, composed of
Chairman Robert L • South '3D,
Joseph C Myers '4O, Robert W.
Baker '4l, Robert S Voris '4O
and John A Tioanoiitch '39,—isre
sented a tentative report to Stu
dent Council Sunday, iequesting
additional time to study thd pres-
ent setup The request waegrant
Members of Delta Kappa EPsrlon
fraternity a Brown University
chattered a plane 'to fly to the
Dartmouth-Brown game ' ,
Merry Christmas
And a
Happy New Year
Dr Davis, professor of physi
cal education and athletics, was
recently elected president of tire
Pennsylvania State Associatiod
for Health, Physical Education,
and Recreation at a meeting in
Hai iisburg He succeeds Dr Wil
liam F Meredith of the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania
Dr Davis Will speak on "Teach-
Teaming Goes 'Round The
Mulberry Bush," report on a five
year study of teacher tiaimng,
act as chairman of a committee
iepoiting on teaching minciples
and technique, and be a member
of two panels on requu ed physical
education in colleges at the 42nd
annual meeting of the Collegiate
Physical Education Association in
Chicago, December 28, 29, 30 He
will also attend concurrent meet
ing of the NCAA and the Amer
man Football Coaches Association,
as will Dean Call P Schott and
Coach Bob Higgins
Varsity Sinks
Coach Bob Galbraith's varsity
swimmers proved themselves too
strong for a hard-lighting but in
experienced yearling outfit as they
overpowered the,thilis, 41 ,to 25, in
Glennland pool Friday ,
Upsetting veteran Boyne Wood,
yearling Tom Reissman 'took , first
in the 220-yard freestyle The two
were neck and neck at the last
turn but Reisman's sprint pulled
him out In front at the finish
Elmer Webb, fresh back stroker,
also copped a first place The Sal
sify's Mark Vinzant, holder of the
pool i ecord foi the 150 yard back
stroke, was not competing
Closest race of the meet was the
100-yaid freestyle won by varsity
man Bill Kilpatrick Kilpatrick
and Captain Chuck Welsh battled
on wen terms through' most of the
distance At the 75-yard mark,
Welsh moved Into the lead but KR
Patrick whipped it up to take the
race by a hair ' -
The 100 yard, medley relay saw
the fresh team edge out the var
ally as letterman Guy MLLaugh•
lie pulled a Corrigan on the last
lap and ended up at the side of
the peel instead of the end
The varsity won the 200-yard re
lay and McLaughlin took the div
ing with varsity man Luther Hoy
nosing oat cub Al Price for second!
hat Allison of the varsity took
the 50 yard freestyle and sopho
more Al Boileau won the 100 yard
breast stroke
The University or Illinois 1,
building a new student union build•
ing at a cost of $1,000,000.
Get Those Last Minute Gifts . , . .
• CUmpacts
, . • Beauty Sets ,
• Shaving Sets t ,
, ' Next, to Corner Room ...
4 - s- and a
EGOLF'S '-'-
. . ~.
top at
New Regulations By NCAA
Will Speed Up' Wrestling
Wiestling is_koing to be a In,
At least that's the intention of
curb those unnecessary evils that
and intentionally going off' the m:
mat to get of a dangerous spot.
The penalties for these misde
meanors of the mat have been
made stringent, by giving the
refeiee powet to ionise the'wres
tleis' Positions or disqualifying
the offendei after one of mole
Stalling Time Out
To further cut down.the waste
of time caused by wrestlers, es
pecially ,in the heavies weight
classes continually going out of
bounds, another new ruling states
that a'legal fall may occui when
the defensive wiestles's head_ or
any past of his body except his
shoulders as oir the mat.
The Rules 'Committee has also
adopted three new weights for the
lightest classes-121, 128, and 136
pounds—confirming rumors of a
change this fall
Meanwhile Coach Charlie Spei
del Is doing his part in Inman
spectator-intelest by molding what
should be a colorful team.
- No Breathers
There ate no "Menthe's" at
the beginning of the schedule, and
Chatlie will have to work fast to
get his boys back into shape after
the inevitable holiday let-down
For on the second Saturday af
ter the Christmas recess—Jane
aly 19—the Nittanymen open a
week full of top-notch competition
when they face Nebraska in Rec
Hall, followed by Michigan here
on the ensuing Thursday, and
Princeton away on that Saturday
, As a warm-up for the gruelling
opening week, the matmen' have
only the Interclass finals'c'm Janu
ary 7 Instead of having finalists
in class eliminations wrestle, Cap
tain Don Bachman '39, Ernie
Boltz '4O, and Zoe Scalzo '4l will
organize upper-class teams, while
Joe Knipe '37, will select' the
freshman group, and wheievei
team posts are disputed. ' ~
Ski Coach Names Six
For Lake`Placid Meet
Sie membeis of the Penn State
Ski club have been selected, by
Coach Max\ Deicum to participate
in the Annual Lake Placid College
leek ski meet on December 30
and 31 and January 1 and 2
Captain Jim Wilson, Harry
Hitchcock, and Chuck Mlle' ty
will each enter four events, the
14-kilometer cross country, slalom,
downhill, and moss country relay
Entering two events each will
be Bill Mosso, Sam Crabtree, and
Max Peters None of the State
entrants will participate in the
Jump competition.
Mme htan 1,900 guests, horn
states attended the recent Media
College high school day
Merry Christmas
,and a '
Happy New Year
ore interesting spot t to watch Jilts
he recently-adopted NCAA, i ules to
slow up so many bouts—stalling,
:t or puslung:thci opponent oil the
Trackmen To Meet
Ohio State Jan. 28
- Swadded in towels, sweat
clothes, gloves and whatever else
they can find bandy, Coach Chick
Werner's winter 'tiacknien have
been working out regularly on the
outdoor boards in spite of cold
weather and adverse conditions in
preparation tel then -meet with a
powerful Ohio State outfit in the
Buckeyes' fieldhouse in Columbus,
0, on January 28
Tryouts Jan 4
Tryouts for the Ohio meet aro
scheduled for January 4 in meads
including the 60 yard dash, the 60-
yard high and low hurdles, the
440, 880 and mile rum Tao milers
and shot-putteis will also have
Hampered by luck of a: place to
practice,' high-mmpers Will Doe
nert,, Vie , Sandham, and Disk
Smith will probably ,have to go
against Ohio State's Charlie Walk
er, brother of the world's record
holder' and a jumper who has al
ready turned in performances bet
ter than six and a half feet,' with
no actual jumping practice
Ordinarily, Coach Werner sa)s,
the Lions could give Ohio State a
good battle, but held back, by POOl
training facilities, the Nittanymen
must enter the meet as underilom
( • . , -r , , 4 i
A happy holiday, like. any other' successful7,l*,
event, requires a little planning. , ' -lc
Do folks knOw when to expect you ,homer. ":), 2
Let them knoW by ,telephone. Are friends now . -, ''
planning parttes and wondering' if you'll be
available? Drop a hint by telephone.
Is that favorite' boy, or girl-friend going - to be
all dated up when you arrive,/ Make your dates
in time by telephone. ~ •
Are You wondering what in the'w — Orld to giyeli f
Aunt Agatha? Call hoine for expert 'advice:
Rates are-reduced on most Long -Distanea,
calls every - night after Tend cll day'Sundacc--;7;'
® :',' --
" N
- .:yith' .l s:
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A ~..,4,,,,,,..
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i11.A . 7,-4,.
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Tuesday, December 20, 4938
Kutz Tops Fencers w`.,
Les Kutz '4l gummed (list place
in Les Sabi curs' annual all-Col
lege fencing tourney in , Rec
last Saturday. Kutz and1;13111
Sheriff" '4O, runnel-up, received
gold and sant keys respectivelY;
awarded by the fencing hondrary
Coach Confab Draws Higgin
ILion grid coach Bob Higgins,
will- take putt in the Foothill!
Coaches Association meeting in
Chicago during the vacation.
Arrow Shirts $2.00 Lo 's3.so_
Neckwear ____sl„oo to $2.00
Interwoven Socks 35c t0'52.50
__s2.oo to $5.00
Pajamas _
Sweaters $2.00 to $5.00
Gloves 'sl.oo to $7.00
Handkerchiefs _2sc to sl.fio
Jewelry 50c to $5 b 0
Novelties " 50c to $5.00
146 South - Allen Street'
1 '