Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, November 04, 1938, Image 3

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    Friday, November 4,1938(
', - ig . .'ooter , •••• Ptee:
Roth Teams
This =Season
It'll he a'hattle between two un
defeated teams When the- fame I
Nittany soccer squad of Btll Jeff
rey' meets \the powdful , Mulclie
iNevy 'on 'New Benvei Field at. 1
o'cloo'clock tomon ow afternoon
the bathe4tretch of .1.-
'l,gthi r consecutive season unblem
ea by defeat, the' Jeffreymen
look-to the contest as the most
crucial home meet, of their 1914
Tlreqiiiiishipineil have cnnqueied
Yale, 3-2 , ',l•afayette; 3-Q; and have
tied Lehigh, 1-1
- , Lion, Record Impressive
impressive,‘ lime% ,
the,recorit of the Lion hooters
Teams they have vanquished this
season ale. Gettysburg, 4-0, Buck
, Western Mai vland, 12-0,
Sytracuse, 11-0, Army, 1-0; and
`Navy, took a :MI beating, lien o
' gat:West season and thesearin he
f'-=Vastly unmoved now, the
Middies have forged to the ,top
ranks of Eastern soccer )competi
tidirlVOld Mont Annapolis has ii
that', "It's time someone Stopped
Penn ',State."
iTY.hc > tentative starting lineup
for Afie' .Teffievmen i'S'• Dick Haag,
goat,Holi Schuler, tight fullback,
George Kerwin; left fullback, Walt
fiosterrnan, tight halfback, ,Walt
Feudal, center halfback, Fled
Spyker, left" halfback, Van Hatt:
man, outside light, Bob bract, in
pile light; Flanny-Ililegiall, ten
forward; Sant D.cvies, inside
left, and Gus Bigott, outside left
- Woody Wodock, ivingman, in
jured in the hest game of the sea
fiin against Gettysbuig when_ he
bailly,twisted , his khee, id definitely
out fin sea Son ,, according, to
aelhiey - -Wdrlock . .' has beenl Awed
y Hai tin'un
rieshman Booters
- Face Mont Alto In
Season's - Final Tilt
' , Attempting, to' legistet ' its Ara
+victory- of the e seasodr,tlie-Ileih
lean "loccei team 'thV'field
tomorrow 'at. noon against the un
refetited Mont Alto Foresters' in
the',lase game on the schedule
' Conch ..Clyde Undert'vood feels
roaVtomortow's game a be the
ughe - se of the season and has
been &idling the Cubs on team
play, then aeakest point, in an
s ffoi t to finish the season swim
ously •
Although ,he has not, definitely
( decided the staiting lineup, it pc o
hably will be the same that started
the . , Cm nell game last weelc
I' Women in Sports
-White Hall is officiallroiien for
ail women's iihys,:ed classes Al
though the swimming pool is' not
open yet,-Miss Arbuckle hopes that
it Will be soon When it does open
Miss Haidt „,is planning to have
plunge hours in the after noon and
'ouesat night., _ ,
L—Pzots; women and men students
,please hotel Miss Haidt has do!
;MO 'that the& e be 'absolutely
encl . ; smoking in White Hall—ndt
lesion n quick ding in the wash:
Vv. Outing Club meeting has
:keen;. changed from Monday; to
ITudtday,inglif at 6 30 in Room 2,
'All members of the
.. Outing Club interested in going'bn
either, or,2both, cabin oveiniglits,
',November 12 and 19 should sign
upon the White Hall loom
board by, November 5..
The ' , Variety Club will meet at
6 3 0 0 , p.m Tuesday in 'Room 3; in
,iyilfte Hall'
Thß„NatiolMl Hockey Conference
'will inset in - Philadelphia on Thurs'
,day, v_Saturddy.- - ,of
Thank4giving vacation All 'wome.i
7bniorested in attending thelConfer
': once , are asked to'iee;Mther: Ni%
"Lucy or Maly O'Connot , '
„.„,% Ohm - State team of 1935-hadlso,
idifferent offensive ploys, probably
a rent
. •
Contains . the
11 1/ge Fin W r hi b• 7 ' .
Ts cos
io )
fr: Pt "
Nit L.
' "
• ,
f,c • A
Tickets To Penn Tilt
Will Cost $2.28; Soli ,
Begins Here Monday
Tickets for the Penn football
game at Philadelphia nest Sat
diy will be sold at $2 28 each,
tax included, from Monday
morning until Thursday night
at the Athletic ticket office win
dou 107 Old - Main, Ilai old R
Gael, assistant to graduate
manage; of athletic,. announced
yecterdny Tickets fm the La,
Fayette game hei a tonmu ou will
emain on sale at the ticket of
fice until game time it 2 80
They are paced at $2.20
'42 X.Countrymeit
Will , Oppose , ' Pitt
Squad 'Tomorrow
'Piaveling to Pittsburgh with the
firm intention of closing their dual
meet sen.on undefeated , th 6 Lion
cub bni , will battle an un
knovin squad of Pitt yearling cross
counti ymen on the rugged Schen
leY Pail, emu w in Pittkibui gh to
mai low
After walloping the Cot ne.ll
fiosh by a_perfect , colei the Cubs
defeated a strong Syracuse outfit;
22-21, ow the local Louise' last Sat
urday With everybody in excellent
condition, the Cubs have a good
chance of nosing out Pitt and wll
be a strong factor in determining
the winner of the,Freshman IC4-A
thampionships,in Neu Yolk City,
November 14
Goffberg Heads Squad
ei man Goffbeig, short-striding
close-to-the-grfiund runnei who
knocked two seconds off Bill Smith's
fieshman record lust week, will
head the .yeazling contingent Em I
Buckwaltei, winnei of thud place
I in the Syracuse meet with the ex
cellent time of 16 02, will` be a
lgood bet to place way up front
Vernon Koth, Flaiold Thiel, and
nold Olsen, winners° of fifth.
sixth. and seventh places,;:respec
, tively„in the Syracuse meet, will
also make the trip
Completing the squad will be
Ale\ Bourgeiie and Stuart Rhode
: Rhode, a foiestly student now at
!Mont Alto, earned the right to
make the tup when, cunning with
out anumbei, lie defeated Gem ge
,Rairison, Cub's seventh man,- l in
the ~Syi acuse contest Rhode has
been.taaming by himselfoundei
coaching of George Hat vey '35,
former Penn State cross-country
captain' and now Recreational Di
rector at Mont Alto" -
Fwit ball Statistics
_ .
Times NetYds ;
Carried' Gained Avg
____ _____ 17 ' -310 5 4
Hai tison _
Ickes 1 57 : .3211 5 7
Atetio' ___ _____ _at ' 185- 01
Rollins ___ ____:, 59 - 340 ‘- 5 7
Ewalt _. _. 5 ' 90 1 8
Pctei s - z 371 251.' 9.7
White ^ 9 0 218 109
J.R. nitric]: - 0
thannantomb 1
Queen ,' 4.. `- to
Gentilman• ,
Wuenschel 1
-eine! , , ,
00 0 ,
i 1 0-0 ' b
P S Opp , - P.S , Opp
Firat Downs :70, 35 ' Punts , ' 24 40
Yds Gamed Rushing 1895 ,76314 Distance of punts ____ 794 1452
lards Lost, Rushing__ 104 101 Average diotpnce ___, 165 186
For. Thisse4, attempted 42 .. 44 Runback of kicks ____ 491 538
Fm Pasies„ comp',____ 14 9 Fumbles _..,_ 'l2 6
Yds Gained, passing.. 210 98 Own fumbles iecov -__ ~... ti .2
Passes intercepted by 12 .5, Yds lost, penalties__ 160 1151/2
"Order today for delivery tomorrow"
Bo y
, 1 YS• - t.rt6 nis ).1- At The GLENNLAND
Navy Here;
IM Swimming,
Grid Tourrieys
In Semi-Finals
Phi Kappa, Delta Chi, Alpha Chi
Sigma, timl Phi Kappa Pot battled
then way into the semi-final, of
the TM god toutney, uhile a pou
crtul Dolphin outht paved the way
alto the swimming semi-finals
Both tom nament., ale expected
to end next week, uhile play At the
golf, ,putting and hot seshoe pitch
ing eliminations is piogiesoing
f,,lonly ,
Touch Football
Phi - Kappa am, Beta Theta Pa
fought to a 1 . -7 tie,l the former
holding a 4-1 advantage in first
downs The winners. , four first
clowns came consecutively Phi Kali
scored on a passOm Art Seibel
to Sam Cents° - The losers tal
lied on a classy 5-lateral play
which‘netted 85 wards, Bob - Kith\
Delta Chi took over ATO, 6-0,
scpring when the loaers! primed af
tet recall/mg a punt, Elvin—Pit c
hock intercepting, rimming the bail
back k2O yatdm and lateraling to
Harold High for 10 more and the
touchdown •
i Hoffman, Sparks Wins
Poi the second. consecutive time,
Alpha Chi Sig Won on a safety,
and both times lack Hoffman 'aas
iesponsible Wednesday. night ln`
nailed Pete Palermo of Alpha Phi
Delt behind the goal ,line after
Harold Mayo had punted nut on
the 2 yind , lme
Phi Kappa Psi upset last yam',
IM cup winneis, Phi Delta Theta,
3-0, in a nip-and-tusk battle, ~Zoii
ng on Will g's 25-yai d field
Othei seines Phi Kappa 9, DU
6, Beta Theta Pi 6 ,
Alpha Sigma
0, ATO 6, DTD 0, Phi Kap
pa Psi 12, Phi Sigma Delta 0, Del
la Chi 6, Lambda Chi Alpha 0; and
Alpha Chi Sigma 6. KDR,O
Dolphins reached the ,semifinals
with a 36-21 rout of Delta Chi and
forfeit over Lambda Chi Alpha,
mho earlier in the week beat The
to Xi., 39-18 '
Delta Sigma Phi took over Al
pha Chi Sigma, 33-24, and Phi Sig
ma Kappa defeated SAE, 34-23, to
enter the quarterfinals
The only man in Pacific Coast
Gonfetence, ,hisbiry —*mei , to. - be
named All-P C C ,player for three
successive yeah s was " - J.t me a
(Monk) Mosel ip, Stanford ' end,
19:3:1-34-35 ,
4 1-2
, I 0-1
I. 8-12
I 0-0
2 0-0
2 0-0
2o 52
5 12
1 1
Established Since 1896
, • PIPES -
• •
pennOylvania's Largept Indoor Pool
Blocking Captiin
Don't let this passing pose deceive you' 'rimy Giannantonlo. who
will lead the Lion gridmen against Lafayette tomorrow as Acting Cap
tain, seldom flings one "Gee" is the sparkling blocking back whose
remarkable defensive play against Cornell and Syracuse has won him
loads of recognition
Lafayette_ Game Recalls
Thriller Of Decade Ago
When Lafayette' , football team invades New Bea‘el PION on Sal
uiday to battle Penn State, fan:. will lii reminded of the 029 meetin_r
of, die two teams which will go down in' histoi v as one of the most spec
tliculai football climaxes eve' witnessed on any field
• ' Heroes of the yarn ate Coopet%Ficncli and Plank thechich, an
eathei edition of an amazing combination such as existed' last real
with Windy Wean and Han y Rawson as the pi menials
Penn State was sluggish against.
Lafayette that day and- although
the Nittanv Lions were holding the
uppei hand, a field goal by Cooke in
the (list petiod gave Lafayette a
3-0 lend which appealed safe as
the game t h rew neap the close
It was thud down with - 15 - see
onds to play with Lafayette in pos
session on its own 8 Second-guess
ing says that the Leopai d shouldn't
have kicked, but they did because
Woodf in, bulliant Lafayette back,
was an above-pal puntel
Woodcut, standing 'on his oun
goal line, got off a 60-vatd Inca .
While..the ball was in the an, the.
whistle ~ ounded, ending the game
When'this °cm% the play must oe
completed •
French, the Lion safety man.
caught the punt on his own 40 He
united until he was' newly tackled
and then thieu a 20-yatti latmal
to Htechich, who ain, %%luting along
Let's Ta
, - Why Not Make An Appointment Today
PENN STATE'PHOTO'= 214 E. College
is ,Wdre
111111 11111
et:*l ,
• ' 1 ; : 11 .
. _ inns
The smartest "training table" in town with rooms and hotel
facilities to satisfy the most exacting college man Students have
, designated this house unofficial headquarters for a decade because
it has though extierle,nce adapted its
' complete appointments to
the college mani
Room i ates are attractively low beginning at 52 75 with bath.
daily Sensibly priced,menuc invite your patronage in our Gone
Shop and Dining Room
President and General Manager
Daneing—LTwo Floor Shows—DeLume Dinner, $1.25
• • ' , No - Cover Charge at''Any Time,
,39th and Chestnut Street
Unrestricted Day and Evening Parking
Harriers Meet Pitt Away
the:Adelmes fin the pi e-auanged
Wedlich dodged and panted his
NN.ty thiough half of the Lafayette
team until hi., into fel ence fanned
Aftei. getting thiough a few more
Leopaid , ,, Medi ich bloke into the
clear ; and sewed standing up
Penn State led then, 6-3, having
scored in what has been estimated
as 2( seconds aftei the game_ended
Throe was no chance to by foi the
e\tia Amint because the mud
Zi% Allred onto` "frehr Tra 'ell
each and Diechich off
i Every Friday and Sunday
8 till 11
, 7 Miles E of Bellefonte
Smith Risks
Clean Slate;
Runners Set
The varsity cioss-countiymen
"took to the hills" this seek in,
pieparation for then battle with
the Panther harriers osei Ithn
mountainous Schenlev Palk (mince
in Pittsburgh tomon
Detei mined to keep then unde
feated i ecord intiNt, the Nittanu
men have been uorking nut on the
steep slopes of the Centre Hill,
Golf course and plan to be in pet
feet shape for the killing five-mile.
grind up and dorm the rugged 11 , -
es in Schentey park.
Bill Smith, Lion pace-settei who
is undefeated in collegiate ci oss
country competition and who look,
like' the man to be leading the
countiy's best. haulms at the fin
ish of the IC4-A championships in
Neu York City, Nov 14, till In
matching sti ides with an old i ival
ashen he meets Panthei Ray Stein-
Sterner Vows Revenge
Smith defeated Steiner in the
ft eshman meet here Inst fall when
Stetner was the fmmite Then
last suing, the too got together
in a two mile IMO on the eindeig
After cunning about a mile-and
t.-qum tei , Stei nei pulled al ound
Smith and team-mate Fia nk
"So long, bow , ‘," he "aid, "I'll
<ee you at the end of the lace "
He saw Smith at the finish—but
lie UR , ' looking at his back
Steiner snoi e that he nould ev
en things up this fall in et oss
counta v and has been going stt ong
all season Ile is undefeated in
- foul starts and «dl pi ovule Smith
nith about the toughest compel.-
t ion
Lineup Intact
Coach Chick Wei nei plan , Fe
ion the same seven vaisity men
Mai defeated a powerful Swamis:6
sciatic', 25-30, hem last Satuidas
Should_ Len Henderson, iegulai
aisity han lei mho could not com
pete against the Oiangil because
of a pulled leg inu%cle,tecovei suf
ficiently, he will make the tit!)
Along with Captain Chatlei
.14 . i •
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"Miracle Tone
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Beautifully Toned Tremen- and Police Calls with features
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Take it with you wherever • g u At.i n A ntenna .
you go just pack it in your • Beautiful band-rubbed walnut
suitcase. _ cabinet.
"Other Emerson Models from $9.9E to $169.95"
Allen and Beaver
Melee and Bill Smith, Pt ank
Made (oleo out to. iip Stci net ),
GI chain Millet, Johnny Strange,
Um b Nippon and Bill CI test will
battle air tinst the Panthers
Model AX•2I7