Page Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Successor to The Ace Lance, established 1887 Publishedsemi-Weekly during the College year, eNeept on holidays I* students of The Pennsylvania State College, In the Interest of the College the students, fortuity alumni, and friends Tur MANAGING BOARD TORN A TROANOVITCII . 19 Fdator CRANCIC A C VOSTFRS JR . 10 Moine+. Manssrer lIF RRFRT II CAHAN IF ROME SHAM!. R Snort• f Mier Adverti•enu Manager ROl 5 NICHOLS JR iq RICHARD W hOOMAN 99 Managing Fdnar HimWien Manager SALVATORL S SALA 9, 9 RALPH H (HINDI ACM 19 News Editor Promotion Monnuer ALAN C MeINTYRP 9 19 DALLAS It LONG 'l9 Feature Editor Foreign Athertbike Manager THOMAS A BOAT) 19 11/!51 .1 SAMPLI, 'l9 Assistant Managing' I.liter Senior Ressetnry BRUCE 11 TRARUE "Pt I.IIPILLE GRPFNLIERG 19 A••tntont Sport• Editor Women's Editor HFITA SHEEN '39 Associate Woolen's Piittor Associate Editors A William Fngel Jr '4O Bernard A Neornrn '4O I mount Roth . 40 Herbert 'Roman 40 Women's Associate Editors Phyllut li Gordon '4O Associate Business Managers r Russell Eck 40 I Morton Nieman '4O Dons G Gutman .40 CCCCCCC NTISO MR NATIONAL. AOVENTI•ING •Y National Advertising Service, Inc. Cot/etc Pubisshers Representative 420 MADISON AVE NEW YORK N Y Cmcwo SOSSON LOS ANGELES • SAX SMARMS° Managing Fdttor •flux 14511 e NPUS Fditor Thi• IS. V --- A Love all, the Collegtan 10111 be Niel an! .h`ta to totem', Met I in 'anion and Mel(' Tue , ,clay, Novembei 1, 1938 DEATH TAKES A HOLIDAY WAR HUNG over the European continent hlse a cloud of death last month Adolf Hitler was clamoi mg foi C7echoslovakin's Sudetenland England, France, Russia, Italy, Po land, Hungary, Rumania—all weie digging in for the "inevitable" Soldiris were being rushed to the most 'vulnerable fiontim points Sandbag: wale being piled about strategic buildings as a pieenii (ion against es.peeted attacks Gas masks were being clamped on all civilian , Piepaiations foi exacuation (ruin danger spots were being made And all the while, Dui:lnes P 1 me Chaimbei lain played piilv-foot with Ilitlei, listened to his demiinil,, finally capitulated to them when Si it seemed elosei to le Oily than Old Nmn'• hand at midnight Yet, in the welcomed Me ailing spell that fol lowed, Amencans weir wont to hold in then souls a bittei dislike of Si stam's "timai dice " Sunday night the whole American continent stood up and listened The radio suddenly boomed out that New Jersey been invaded that gas i'alS rising from the Jersey swamps choking offevery bit of humanity in its wake, that 7,000 soldiers had been annihil ated, that hystmical people had jam-packed Times Square, fleeing in disorder; that ships were steam ing out of New York herbal with thousands of refugees; that black fumes of death were seeping through the White Way Ina moment, the night, became .t Cant:iglu! di cam —eene, boa able, unbel evable Arne] ic.ins fainted Americans cried Americans prayed Amei icam, bade reluctant fat ewells to I i zenus and pi epared to flee or die Then fi oin the londspe ilcci came the announcement "Th 1 , , is the CBS pi ecentation a 'The Wm of the Worlds' by fi' (I Well', " And we thought the Blitonq we] e cowatilq when they ran away fiem mat ' STRAWS IN THE WIND LAST WEEK, after completion 01 the imoor plehmtnmies, the fieshman political campaign got into full swing nith the 042 Campus Chque's ap pointmeni of two vitally important committees— one to te,ommend nominations fogy class offices, the Mlle', to recommend a platfoi 111 Nest week; these committees are scheduled to present the results of their studies to then rem e seatatzves New a few years back this matter may not hay. been of much importance to any of the students other than those whn wcie membeis of the commit tees or of the clique itself Today, houevei, it is of panic impoi Lance not only to committee member., not only to the elima, but to every member of the freshman class and even to the student body as a whole For today time exists on this campus a new and an enlightened student attitude toward student pro blems, an attitude which has aided matettally in lifting campus polities to a mac decent and more sensible level And it ik, because of this fact—because of the great mini ovement noted in campus politics dui lop the past two yews or so—that the matter becomes of such importance It is Impoi tont, most of all, because it will show just %%hid' way the political %tin& are blowing in the Class of 'l2 If the committees choose to follow the prevailing political thought and dwell moie on issues than no personalities, then all is good and well if the conmuttees choose, however, to shun issue , , and dwell instead on pet sonalities, then the time will have come to move quickly and foicefully to citi , ,h the iebuth of gutter politics and insuie the continued betterment of student welfare HMMM! USING THE logic employed by some pfople hereabouts, the Collegian is expecting to see any minute a concerted drive to oust Ossie Solem as coach at Syracuse University. Any reference to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Houseparly Hell Raising The Big Weekend'has came and went with no casualties, just as many di unks,„ and the worst looking clop of imports in years Luckiest house Finlay night wale KDR, DTD, and Theta Kappa Phi Something went wrong in the Powei Plant leaving the thine houses halides, From 10 15 to 11 :10 t h e boys mind girls were dancing by candle light Plenty of embanassment when the lights went on . Jock Woods and Bob Wetterau mete doing all night with a couple of Indiana Nominal School tendons OM the weekend Acacia had the best band Sum day night Smoothest looking guy at houseparty was the boy who Clamped bar e foot thinugh the Cot nei Room di used in tails Johnny Prince got back into College foi a little ''ollllll/111g to see Anne Stillman . }lei intone Hunt and Paul Dean wine skipping happily down Allen St Sunday night Mils. lie good boom to have -toll a lasting NINA SWoman Jr '4O Bradley Oxen. '4O Robert L Wilson '4O Gnome II Schloss 40 _ Ask The Boyfriend Monk Schwab 40 Sultan C Willis .1t '4O Janet F Slat.; .44 In phdosaphy 7 class Ftidny, Aiistoile's disciple, Dottmei, iias explaining that subjective idealism ii •t •el 'es of sensations m expeilencei Catol (Phi Mu pi exy) McConnell piped up, '•4nt I ilea! al Just an espet lent el" Spirit of -Brotherhood Gents° B Schle•x 40 Itobort I, Wilpnn 40 Fddis I emdlatt, phi.ep pretty boy, and lii data h foi &Molloy's game in different sec -11011, of the `Anna Eddie couldn't convince the to let him sit next. to his love so 1)11(1 turnoff 110%1,11 to stodgy Iry Supow and borrowed his tMei's label Femblatt and date were usheied l.y fiatii Ilimolf to seats on the 50 yaid line . . 11r6/Izerhood: Add 1 lltuvei Seavy varied into th Alphaehisig kii- Chen the nthei clay and saw Biotbei Roomer bent non t tilde talking to C ‘ tmer Caldwell Spay) planted his foot on the seat of Roomer's pants in no noel a table talking to Cateim Caldwell. Seuvs Won't be eating, this week because Roomer Wasn't Itoomei, but a food salesman The honest Crook: Pm Sigma Kappa pledge Lowell Williams lent Las dad, Lai to pledge brother Kimbei Giulia' Fri day night Ci m m left the key , ' and all in front of Ihe Beta hotMe When he came nut he could find nn s." Satin day night these wa, the car in front el the Bell house again, intact and with a couple of galling, of gas still in the tan!, . ~ .. War' Scare Effect No. 91951321 Sunrise on Mt. Nittany: Pete Griner, Lee Morrison's - import, took Lee home to,Atherton Hall Saturday night at 3 When he came back for her at 5 a m., Lee was still sleep mg He sat down on the back steps of the dorm for a brief snooze Our everwatchful Campus - Cos found him there and was ready'to arrest him for vagrancy Lee finally arrived at 5 .10 Maternity Ward Thei e's a new name for the Alpha Zeta farmers Ever since then mascot, "Lady," had a litter of , a‘ pups on Biuce Beethees bed, the AZ house c.. tailed the Campus Araternity hrime . . You Figure It Out hfelville must hare been thinking of Lepley' psych 2 Louise when he mote this in hfoby Dick "An attempted delineation of mans bewitched' Horsing Around Last yeas phi gam's Bus Andel son had a hm se and buggy This yeai BUS neglected to bring the horse back (pun unintentional) with him. But. the Phi Cams still go nut foi buggy rides. The froth ..apply the liaise pour] These Are The Christmas Cards You Have Been ' Reading About dirMBROWSING THROUGH THE MN AMERICAN ARTIST GROUP CHRISTMAS CARD CATALOGUE IS LIKE WALKING THROUCIII THE ART GALLERIES AND VIEWING THE FINEST PICTURES IN TILE COUNTRY HERE ARE ASSEMBLED EX QUISITE REPRODUCTIONS OF OIL PAINT INGS, WATER COLORS, ETCHINGS, AND LITHOGRAPHS BY SOME OF THE OUT STANDING ARTISTS IN AMERICA SO RICH AND DIVERSE IN SUBJECT MATTER THAT IT AFFORDS SATISFACTION FOR EVERY CONCEIVABLE VkillETY OF GOOD TASTE Adolph Dehn Lee Townsend Alexander Brook floury V. Pont Emil Mingo .Tonne Lie TOllllB Lie - John Steuart Curr y i Charlesßirehflehl Thomaq H. Benton Waldo Pierce Arnold Blanch Nlabel Dwight Agneq Tall And Many Others Sold Only At Catlin= Theatte Bldg - State College OLD MANIA (CENSORED) Some of the Artists KEELER'S PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Lingnan University Undamaged As' Fire Desiroys Most Of Cane ii ' I Linguae Univeisity at Canton, !South China, \vas undamaged dul -1 mg the disastrous hie that levelled most of the city last week, accoi d- Img to United Bess topoi ts e -1 ceiyed yesterday Immediately after the Japanese icaptuie and occupation of Canton I last week, huge flies bloke out and continued unchecked thi oughout Ithe week after destioying the busi iney, dsti lets and many other 'sec tions of the city Shameen Island, !Anew I equientuil section oppos lite centi Canton, me rowly es- I caned desti action FOOT LIGHTS By ALAN G When an audience likes a show, must be gond And the audience :definitely liked "College. Album" •atui day night. The Thespians and Glee Club !teamed up to put on the best mu , sieal comedy the campus has seen !'lce "Pardon My Glove," a coil ple..of seasons ago It was divided ; nto two distinct pal Ls. The first act was a les of takeoffs on phases of campus life The second uas an hilaj tens hip leeque of "Ro- I nen and Juliet" by the Glee club The College Medley fm the open- , in.. number fitted peifectly af ^ tei the Sy: acute vnctoy It re minded the audience of the glin mu afternoon and put them in he mood to enjoy anything If I.he sem e had Ines levelsed, the it'd mice v.ould have reacted dif 2 l mit:ly It was t Heal thi ill to heal the Glee Club sing the Col liege songs, and it sells also a Olin of a diffei eat land to see that chin us, ably led by lovely Hai bat a Thiel The novel online was well-esecuted and en taming The football slot went over big, (thank, to Bud Yanafsky, Cutly i Pmneloy, that two-ton tackle, and l.foe Dobbs The audience was so Receptive, they even laughed at 'that sad Fel aco cinch . The "Star Dust" numbei wasn't too good, al 'though the ballet was fan The Old Main chimes str uck eight just in tune to help the Bells of St Many's parody on the Ai to ists' Com se This number hi ought MA) c applause than any othei skit; and Marge Staingei sine did put Amu in the aisles atei July men enjoyed the take ! nil on I ushing It exaggei ated ae tual lead-pipe timsms in fi atei ni ,ty ushing and I cgistered in high I numbeis on the applause mete Someone in properties slipped up I %. hen they fm got to tell the a iohee to take his pledge button off We'll take that course in Span ish anytime from Lois Jane Haut e] This castanet number was well eNecuted, but }ou shouldn't be afraid to smile, Lois What hap pened to the Klassi oom Kapeis, -Lit 9 We don't iemembei seeing t, and we don't * iemembei falling asleep Green Explains `Stool Pigeon' Origination Professor Geroge It Breen of the olepattment of nature educe' lion yesterday explainer) the, migi tuition of the populat use of the let m "stool pigeon" IWhen passenger pigeons black ened Penus)hania's skies, eyes of live decoy pigeons nem seen Shia and they were placed on a' pigeon !stool" In the woods The pigeon was kicked oil his stool ultenJa flight of passenger pigeons came into sight Because he wet blind, the decoy pigeon den in a shmt circle, screaming, until he found his perch or stool again The flight of pigeons settled alound him, believing hint Wined Then a huge, net. arranged on ttedn and bushes. wan Mopped over the birds and they mere captured hence, Professor Green said, stool pigeon came to mean a per son used as a decoy Prom this the term degeneratedlinto its pres ent meaning' of infra met Tice 'CI eighton Univel say TZ 0 T C has issued oi del s that all members must - appeal with inch and-n-half haircuts PRINTING ' for ' Fraternities and Clubs + Letterheads • Envelopes , Statemaits ~ • Nittany Piinting , & Publishing Co.' ‘ Between eorner and Movie. Lingnan's campus and buildings me at piesentiseiving as a refuge fm destitute Chinese women and children' United States sailms ate now gdaiding the Untveisity, the Nen Yolk office of the UP states. These sailms are from the U S S Mindanao, a small gunboat with a mew of approximately 60 office, s and men The Mindanao has been stationed at Canton for the pi otection of American citirens land piopei ty since the Japanese land and naval campaign against 'Canton began 123E3233 I The digs at Leitiell and the hoi r ough council were really good That boy l'anorsky was even a br (lei LeMtell ,than Lot7ell IS College Pioni helped make the I show last longer, but that's about tll The Small Pry numbe: was vole popular with the audience mid with us, too The Jamin' and l'aminne made us want to shag up the aisle, but we wme held b ick .... Wee Willy Shakespeare is mob- Lblv getting ilizry from tin fling we; in his grave alto the Glee Club maw tam:ugly mum deied his "Romeo and Juliet" iti - the second pall of the show Sammy Gallu', come was supei b, and Sammy was right in the-e, too. His ad libbing, as Romeo, together with that, of Phil Rhodes, the nurse, stole the show Boyd Bell as Juliet and Walt Llewellyn as the apothecaly gave exceptionally , good pm fin m unces The singing of the Glee Club made us leave unsatisfied We liked it so much we NI. lilted to hem mole we wete going to pass out ichid ue would i,ee that Bud 1 mot ,ky, Sammy Gall u, Joe Dobb,, Maitre Stt ingei , the basi addle), Ruth Ma,eus, fm het shag ing and the e hole Glee Club ie iewed two apiece for then out land mg pet hut - ounces_ Got d 3 Thomas and Maul ice Feldbaum de ep ye thi cc apiece tot wt iting the kits, and five apiece, to the foot- Jan 'team fm heating Syracuse Co-Edits Winifred 11 Watson '4O has been named acting junior member of J 0 dicial Committee in place of fan ice 11 McPhail '9O Jane A Stanton '42 tuts elected sect etat'y of Freshman Council' Pledging - and - , initiations , ' are again 'a highlight in fi aternity no tit flies Chi O's pledged Ann Lobed] '4l Kappas Initiated Jane Anderson , ' le and foul sopho mot es r Clinger, Bee McKech nie, Penny Nichols Kitts, and Pauline Sweigait A 0 Pi's hill initiated Betty Lee Cannon 19, Ma bel Cuss '4O, and Min Nonage, Alice Tonal% Evelyn Lanham and Mat ty Meschko '4l on Monday Alpha Lambda Delta, sophomore scldilastic Ironer at y, pledged Katie et toe Cochnauet last 'Wednesday Phikites Initiated Julia Cals.; IS, Vliginia Riess, Ruth thiberlen, Dm othy iioi ne, Ann Longln V. land Rena oe4ehgei '4O, and Lena Car ter, Margaret Rider, Joyce Ferris, Lillian Fluke, Ann Bessemer, Thel ma Mean!, and Vivienne Wiesner '4l Theta Sigma Phi initiated four ^mars last Wedne - sday=they weir Florence V Watkins, Jeanne M Rlieta B Glueck, and Mai v R Kt ypel Music fills the air—Women's Building entei tinned the' Penn State Club at a 'closed vietiola lance en Fi alay Evecy other Wed neNday the Louise Homer -Club holds an informal tecoid musical at 7 p in in 917 Old Main The nest musical fat the benefit of mombeis and then friends will be held Na: vembei 9 /31118110 ' 11 Mill tea . 01/ transtei 3Ludents on, November 6 , m the i.hild floor lounge, Fiances Athei ton Leona FelAtein is chairman of the tea . • IP! •:, , A1) , ;.. 4 4. 1 t ll9 is , arty Le . ar, • ;? P P' .44 ii w if 7,ar07,1,0 . Lenses - Duplicated From Broken Pieces EXPERT REPAIR WORK PROMPT ,SERVICE DR. EVA , 8.-ROAlil 402 East College iivenee , Opposite, Athertot:!,Hal,l A shallow &Aft vessel, the Mm danao is of the same type as the ill-fated Panav which was bombed and sunk by Japanese warplanes in the Yangtze River Dec I'3 'last Also on duty at Canton are Brit ish gunboats The Washington bureau of the UP reports that the U S State Department has received no uord tire situation at Langnan but the mete absence' of repro to in dicates that the University es caped conflagration 'hying N Lumen, United States 1 K ing Sugar Dad, Court To Rule Novel Dance " Are )ou it potential King Sugar nati-aY' If so, make sure your girl takes you to the Mortar Boat(' Spinster Skip, in White Hall Ft May night, so that you can he recogniied liowned and admired Any and all men attendi ng the dance aie eligible for the Imam, and, If '3O don't make out as ICing, maybe von can lie Mr Joe ('allege, 1111 Jitter bug, Mr Esquire, Mk Suppressed or Mr Tar