Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, October 03, 1938, Image 2

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    Page Two
Successor to The Flee Lowe, eqtablp,heil ISB7
Cott!kited aentl-agall doting the college year excrnl
Milo., to students of The Pi nnqylvrtnia State College in the
Were. of the Collotre the tooth ntg fneolty alumni and
I RANCIS A C VOSTPIC. 411 "1 , 1. Huoiner• Mang,
Spnriti rditor Alcrtisint. Ninnnrec
Po': 11 CI101" , q RICHARD NV kOONIAN 19
Mana NI
ging rtillot Circulation Manager
Nnu. Id.lnt PronnAinn Manager
Al AN 11 WIN . ] YIN , In DALLAS It lONh
A-non.nnt Mamma. nlitnr Inman A411..11011.1 Mannfr , .r
Astt.tant Alanaiong 1 dont Snob - Jr s,rnlnt.,
. n.
161 TRABur, .19 I 11111.1.1. nnuNitriin
Frwriv hlitor Women'n rdstnr
w0m. , 0 rl,nr
Associate Editors
A Whim". Engel Ir '4O
Ilernard A Ntotmcn 00
I ronnitel Roth '4O
Herbert Ninon 70
Women's Associate Editors
R Gordon 4n
\lotion Nem,. 40 Nlorn4 Schwab '4O
'Horton C Ws 1111 Jr • 40
lonet C Story 40
Rmw«U Frk 40
'/ Weamor '44
00414 6 Clitman Yn
Manoglng I Odor Tlus hone
. NOVI F One Ibis 1,,
--- -
Tuesday, October 3, 19.',8
'LATEST DEVELOPMENTS seem to indicate
that the student mob demonstration last Tuesday
ugut nuts instigated by a group of fraternity up
That this group incited members of other neat
by ft ate: nities to join the demonstration,
That they m Li ehed up to the men's dornntorie ,
\ %nth the intention of di agging f: e.hmen from
their rooms to jom the demonstration,
That they marched ove, to Frances Alhc , rton
Hah in an effo t toget the co-ed., to join the dem
'that dining, .t.I this time, they weie planning
detract alely to %vied( parlang meter, and !mil I
the honfue which caused pos,ilile &images of ap
p,oximotel% No thousand dollars.
NOW THE Collrgdan does not know how much
It uth Iherr ICsto the , n reports Rot the gond of
all concerned, the Collegian hopes that all these
reports will frurle nut ss nothing more than ba , ,e
leas rumor,
But a" the , niolce begins to cleat, the Cam in
teals such will not he the ease
For, through an investigation of its own, the
Collegian has learned that there sins to I, of de
ctioytng pal lung meter, cven berme the pro.e , .sion
had reached South Allen Street on its ‘‘ay from
I must Lane to the men's dormitories
this point on, then, it, would seem to in
dicate that. on the part of at least some of the
demonstrators it was wilful, deliberate, planned
ini ennOnet
And tins presents a vastly different picture of
the zdnation ,
NOW - kS Collegpin ,tid 1.1,t hiiday, If
the clemon , liation 11.1% of spontaneous origin
g owing oid, of the natural desire to cut loose and
Jebel against exelything at times, then perhaps it
(all bJ ...waged
But, it the demonstration was not of well origin,
if the demonstration uas wilfully instigated by t
group of hell-bent r nu1 , t1 , ,, then it cannot he en
And this Is chat we should determine
I'l' IS MR this icason, therefore, that the Col
legian non calls for a detailed investigation of
the mattes by every available student agency
It is fin thi , - reason that the Collegian calls
Loon Student Board and Student Council, as the
highes!, student governmental bodies on the camp
it., to
;tart an investigation at once
It 15 foi this reason that the Collegian calls upon
Interfraternity Council, governing body of the hf
ty-odd fiaternities here, to situ t an investigation
it once
It i, foi this reason that the Collegian wants a
del ailed inveqigation—and for this reason only
IP IHE investigation should find that the dem
onstration was of spontaneous origin and that no
one s•hnuld be punished, there is nothing to lose.
On the °Him hand, if the investigation should
lind that the demonsti Litton was not of spontaneous
origin and that some one should he punished, then
there is everything to gain.
Of eons e, the Collegian already r, expect , ng to
hear one retort
Is it just to penali7e, say, two or three or five
Of ten 4tidentc, ahen It least, u bundled partic
pated dilcctly ,n the deinonsstration t
To this, the Collegian has only one answer:
Pcrliaris it 18111 o'4 to penahie five for the dam
age caused by a hundred, but certainly it is mole
jest than to penalive six thousand
ALWAYS A SORE'spot as far as student dent
onstratinns arc concerned is Alumni flomecomml
This 3 ea], in the light of N% hat happened last
Tuesday night foi no apparent reason at all, it I,
only logical to believe that student, can be - whipped
up into a frenzy in shorter,time than ever for les,
reason than evei
Thus—ielying upon the assumption that a pre-
Tentative is worth a thousand cures—the Collegian
sincerely submits its proposal for an organized pep
rally and bonfire next Friday night under the sup.
ervision of responsible parties—a rally that mould
give students and alumni a decent opportunity to
sweat out their enthusiasm and pt the same time
keep within the bounds of sensible restamt
Catch As Catch Can:
Here they ate, anolhei list of beauties born the
Clas , of '42 And maybe Maniac didn't have one
helluva time getting them Girls, uhv don't you
near those blame namecaids so they can he seen—
noChulden under a coat, jacket, ni tu, ned inside
out We can remember .tt least three Is'whaAc
names ue canted but couldn't catch And please,
don't %talk so Ant We caught these on the tiv—
alyi a Pitt, Mai gie Bet v Shellet, (tarp,.
(ue didn't get it a I), Pat P itton,
gtnh.,s, Ann Evans, Pt edit n Pottasch, Je 111
Ni( hnlo, tenet 'Ni lichen, Peggy C , Pegg
FIIIPI v, P.tti Behney, Peon Wilson, and Belts'
Wetli , i ill And Bottle Sat al it, too, wen if SIP
doesn't rive n- a lamb e
S lialdwnon, Jr 40
Bradley 0, ens '4O
!Whet.: I Wilson '4O
I.eorsre Seblns '4O
One l'hino Leads To Another•:
Lho,i;e bit of c minim ilyr,plw in the
iid ectol vof Atle, moo Hail 1),,,e,0 :moot the
isot the h , t IS divided Ihn, .v•tv ,
Wit to WIII
VI/ ID In woo
- - _ rmrinuel Roth NO
Noll S llalJeman It '4O
Pin A Rose On Me
Connie South, the Thespian thoi u' gad who
hold. the I. ippa hou-c 'mord col phone tal , ,
giving fruit Milli the merry-go-round She', been
ma np Flu] is I) U pin fen a while, but gave it
!leic till, weekend Coome ha, a date with some
one else loi housep a tv, but her tumpaign
mtlude eti aving toe pin .inei the anniril hell
Best Crack of the Week:
1 , 2 ,ttro wed to Gem ge I:ttk, TNI sage 11
elattua that you eau'l,lnake ,t (fly out of .t two In
town even Ity netttto, , nothing melets and one wa
•tterts In It
An Ode lo Odnbei
Apolceoe; to the Phila Inquire, for the. poetic
lento - oh:I of the psommite of Fall Houser ill)
Where There's A Will:
Cettang the natc9 .Mav on time as tht ays a pa ata
blem for tee checker~-nt at the women'; fraterm
tic, "tlarnae he.o d tumot , , of the .attte,, that Janet
Iteee, rhathrt fit , t of Dr tat Gamin a, tt.ta, Mamma;
We anreqtmatc d and , : th all wonder that they fro
home on tame
She hrice , them into subini;sinit
Nice wnik, but how tines Delta Chi's fig Clwg
Rate' ieel :Mout it,
Add Similies:
- nhoui as nwrinal ati i Wm -111114 ravoi
And So Forth:
It ,y Johmton, T E, is having the same Dou
ble were a I }riving the 49b1 number wa. busy
for so long that he cent Hank Cuttei Ins me-sage
by telegram The pigeons in the Cathaum SA-
W day night were icleased by two, fi e:hmen from
Theta Clu they were put up to it liv then
tippet class la others Jesn Wood] alf was had.
in town to see Tucl,ei Flaws Jean Lyman
came bad: to see Bill Stopper Bud Col don
spelled State, 5-1-a-i-t, alter he'd hail a fey, in the
lfarkland 'rat Welt , and Miry Jones wante,l
to get then names in the column these are am
numbei of ways, girls . Estelle Margulies, A
E Phi smoothie, still is seen with Joe Caplan
Churl, Wheeler, last yeai's Collegian edam, and
Lois Beatty ji.,t, men% togethe my more
Chuhl , y Cholly wanted it that way and (lemma
Powers 000 hack an town yesterday looking bate'
than ever After a long illness Reita Sheen,
menthe] of Collegian hoard, has retail ned to
Have you seen the new Corona Zephyr?
surprisingly complete, yet weighs only
8 pounds. 15 ounces. with case. Fits into
brief case. Has 84 characters, standard
/ ,
keyboard, and back spacer. Only $29.50
Ortotrt, Qt lobe'
Itztt it to Isetto SIIIII'I
Cathaum 'Theatre Building
6,784 Students
Enrolled Here
Registration Shows Increase
Over Same Period LaSt,
Year, Hoffman Says
A total College acclamation of
6784, collect to September 10, hao
keen announced tA Reg' , Aloe Will
iam S !Lam in
This is in e‘cern of last Vent's
total of 0141 on October 12, but is
less than the 12104 S t emsti ation of
bast yen!, which ,enched 6806
Registi ation by classes at the
latest count t%as Graduate Stu
denta, '422, Sentotz, 1238, J00:0
till, Sophomore„ 1616, Ft esh
, men, 1503, Two-yearn Students,
192, and Special Students, 182
The fi ern.liman egi‘tration at the
p,e.ent time is gi eater than 1 st
ve fl OS, of I 71;
Campus Enrollment 6,176
The numbet of students enrolled
on the eanipui is 6176 There .ue
11 pr ithee teachers at Johnstown,
,117 foresters it Mont Alto, ind
:110 students moiled in the Sou,
undeigi iduate Lenteis67 at tin
' ontoun, 158 at Dußois, 01 at Ha,-
Jelin), and 111 at Pottsi.dle
' 111:1. total Clll ollinent at undel-
Iparluote center , 1 , , an inelease of
IS; over then gins, en,ollment for
ithe vent 19:17-18 . .
—PWA Aide
(Continued Frnni Page One)
nioaect at ht.; own e•renqe if it
held "any doubt about the quality
.. - f the wail."
"A PWA enginem-mrpectot av
aiiidgmeil to ein.h paNect whet e
il) government fundi, vie in-
I Myer'," Cray ,aid
•tiva.h in.pectot, e appointed
by the Ado - must: ator of Public
Wort (Ickes), and aeprot to the
Piddle Win It, Arinunr ti titian
"Neithei the spousal., of proi
eas nor tonsti action contractms
have,anything to do iiith such ap
pointments of iis , lgnments
"The duties of these empliiyees
aie to see that the work is done in
onformity iiith the p 1 ins and spe
cifications, and with PWA legukt-
' This , afeguoi ding _of, ftteral
funds," he added, "does not of
coin se d elieve the sponsor, of his
own in9ection, which Is coined
nut according to c%tahlished i coo
t; uclaon inflame
"The Public Wm ks Administra
tion has no contractual relation
ship with tha const notion con
tractor on any project, hut' only
with the Sponsor, in this case the
General Pennsylvania Authoi itv "
Then, refei ring ihrectll to the
Authority, Gi ay said
"The Public Works ,k(lministin
tton has enteigJ into cm tam azi ce
ments to assist the General Penn
sylvania Authority in the construc
tion of opecitic ptojects
"Questions teen ding the qppli
catlon of om legulations
neee , saitly anise on so large and
diversified a plogiam But do the
whole the woil, is pioceeding`
nlonmwly "
Six Seniors Attend
'- Livestock COntesi
The Pennsylvania State &lege
General Livestock Judging !Team
attended a contest at Balti ~ foie,
Maryland, yestei day, in connect
ion with the Minium e Liv4stock
Show '
Composed of sr membms of the
Senica class in Dairy Husbhinh v
and one Junto', the team, undo,
the supei vision of 'MI W
Thofessoi of Animal 'Xis
toothy, left State College Slaulay
mm num
At show, -twelve clasies of
livestock weie judged ty theteim,
which is/composed of Nelsonl3lau
mer, John Pascoe, John_ Vogel,
James Vincent, Jack Cobb, Alfred
flortree and Marlin Koch.
Advertising Society
To Hold Ist Smoker
Alpha Delta Sigma, advertNing
honorary .oeiety, will . hold its
first business smoke' at the Kappa
Delta Rho fiatetnitv at 7 30 to
nn row _
Pt of Donald IV Davis of the
Journalism Department, and Don
ald Wright; pi esident of ;Alpha
Delta Sigma, \ will be speakers
Other °lrmo s of the society me
Francis Wasters, ti easurei
aid Kooman, vice-pi esident, and
Dallas Long, secretary, all seniors
50 Ass - Cried Designs with Envel
opes $1.60 Finest grade, a work ,of
art, assorted, $3OO Name, in
scribed on each if desired. • An,
ideal Xmas Gift.
Order at Once
Rockmart, Georgia t,
1 Letter Box 1
To the liffiltot
To me it seem', degrading that
an Institution of highet learning
like Penn State to not patriotic
enough to 11% the American flag
I doubt very much. if the Penn
gffivanla State Camp of the Patri
oth, Order Song of America be
quested the too flag poles on the
Omit tempos to the College tamely
for purposes of beautilleation
Rather, I believe the} were placed
there for the use of the College
Occaslonall)-1 might gav often
--enough lo know that the% ate
still In the posgeggion nt the Col
lege, me see the national nag and
the stste•llag thing glorffillsh net
OM campus
W hether it he the tine of the
jandot of Old Vain, the Student
t nion Cl grime other group to (ate
lot the nags, I 11111 asking that the
Collegian, as the official organ of
the Penn State students, bring
this matte: before the students
and LI% to get at tion from the 1e
spongible group
I =
(Ed Note—The Collegian is only
too glad to publish Mr Young's
letter, but is sorry to say that it
does not share his views What
ever may be said about Mr
Young's case, the Collegian does
not believe that patriotism can
be measured by flag-raising or
flag flying as Mr Young seems to
indicate in his opening pare
graph Usually, the best patriot
is the one who doesn't go around
and brag about it )
(Note to "Interested Observer"
The Collegian will be willing to
publish your letter, provided you
supply your name and address.
Both will be withheld at your
request if you so desire )
38 Are Named
To Symphony
Orchestra Is Now Largest
And Rest Trained; Two
Concerts Slated
Thitty eight new musicallys have
been named to the College Sym
phony Orchestra as a result of try
outs held last meek, Prof Hummel
Pishinon tilt eetor, announced Yes
With — this new:increment of play
the otchestra now numhets ,8
menthe's the fat gent numbet in its
history According to Fyliburn,
the numhet of students trying out
and the state 01 their training was
far super for to that of oily other
Harpist Included
For the lit st time in five ears
A harpist It ill be Included in the
At least two conceits « fll he
given by the orehest , a this feat,
Fish horn stated
New member and the inqt 'i
ntents the play at e Wilmet K
Burke! '4l Man V Coopet 'l2,
Mat tin Ft itch '42, John Crag 'll
Hat oM Mager t.'y '42, Robert L
Hat det 42,, Eleanor lleckmun '42.
Mace Ilendel shot '42 Abe-linden
'42, Doroth) Johnbon '42, Eugene
Lederer '92, Elsie Lund '42, Carl
J Schmidt '4O, Ruth Shollenbet ger
'l9, Ilse Spt in - ger '42, Dorothy
Wilson '4O, Joseph Yanor4l4l '4l,
and Koury 'WM we '42 hollow
Others named are Shuman Re
maid '42, and Muir Trainer 'l2,
Velma. Chalk '42, Edmard
C Foul '42, Helen Heir '4l. and
Rachel McMaster, cellos, Charles
Mt 11111 '42 and I Al ,Perlmuttei
'42, basses, Barbara Rottman '4O,
hat p, Henry II Fall '42 and 'MR
died Llebelman '42, antes, and
Roy C Miesse '42, oboe •
Additional alarms selected are
Donald Schapel '42 and Dontild
Sti able 'l2, clarinets, Chili Wag
net 'lO, bassoon, Call I) Sassa—
man '4l and Robert IV Wiley '42,
horns, V V Mum '42, trumpet.
Walter James '42 and John Mar
in,. '4O, tiombanes, nail Ndwurd
ikei '42, drums,
A Place to Eat
Every Day
Many things are neces
sary to make meals day
after day in ,the same
place, desirable
'The quality must he
right always, the prices
muse be reasonable, and
a good variety must be
We Measure out sue;
cess by the many people
who eat all then• meals
'Whether you are look
'ing for a place to eat
every meal or,Just an oc
casional' lunch 'you will
find our food, service and
Rea' and Derick
121 Allen St
Neit to Bank Clock
Garden Clubs .
To Meet Here
Hort Department Sponsors
Contests For Amateur
Flower Growers
Gulden Days, an annual activity
sponsored by the Department of
ticultuie, will be held heic to
nna ow, Thursday and Frulnt
The atran is open to all garden
clubs and ainateut florists Pilees
will be awarded to the individual
traveling the greatest distance to
attend and to the largest group
attending outside Centre County
Faculty members and leader,
of gulden clubs will lend (119CUS
SI0115 On t01)11.. , I clevart to grow
ing and pi epating flowers for e>.-
maintainnig fertility in the
soil, Limbo! of gimlet] pests, plan
ing, and othet inoblems which con
ott :,; , tirdtneis:
Lloyd Pillou, a graduate of Penn
State about 45 yeais a'go, will
show get ern], reels of calmed mov
ie, of gat den , . in and mound
Pittstairgh at 8 30 Finlay night
in the. At 11101 y claw 00111 •
4 Get fibiary
Resignation Vacancies Filled;
Circulation" Assistant,
Cataloguers Named
Font appointments bare been
made to the stag of the Penner!
earth! Slate College library to re
place forme: menthe', mho have
entiv resigned
Anne E Malone, a gratin
.rte of Weiitmlnate" College and
Emory Univeisity l.ibtnts School,
tin', been appointed agilcultural It
brallan in place or Alla, Elliabeth
Cataloguers Appointed
1111', Sall% Smith, a graduate of
nt IThn lmhersit% and the Colitm.
btu Sthool of labial) Service, and
iill, Mance. L Alacoughtry
graduate of Indiana University and
of the Unherbit) of 1111004% LI
brat, School, have been appointed
u,qlstanto cataloguers to tatceeed
1111 , q hula Whitmole
Nis' Edith Anthony, a graduate
of Carnegie In.titute of Technol
op, and the Catnegle Library
School, has been appointed circa
lotion ,acsistant. to replace Miss
Candidates Called
By Bell- Magazine
The Bell, student litei my maga-
Ala; asks all editolial candidates
to meet in Room 318, Old Main, at
7 'lO tomoriots night
Jeanne M Weikel ';0, in issu
ing this call, wishel , to stress the
fact th it positions on the 'Bell
staff ale open to all undergi ad
nate, Not only fa eshmen, but also
uppeiclassinen and , -tiansfei stu
dents may vie for both business
and editorial bOards
Bell publishes short stories, ant
ides, poems, festal es, and reviews,
and all students intei cited in'
these Monty holds ate in ged to
try lot the stall
" ' - T`
E ,
DON'T MIS S-;:,,,-. ~, H „, ::
,„.„ 4
.„. I
✓ '
„4 ' * GlANtif,,_'., - ,
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4 _
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0, _,, ..., , , , •..
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•.,, ,\ AT- . STUDENT UNION - '..-- -]
NY A Applications Not
Yet Scored, Maddox,
Director, Announces
Rectum of animal difflettliy
In scoring application% the NYA
cOIIIM Mee will be unable 10 corn
plete its %coring in time for work
to begin oh, Thursday as mos,
planned, Statile , . D-,ldadtlA, di
toctoi, or NYA levelled yeqter
dal .._
A. lecorel number of applicants
the majority of V. bum insist that
NYA aid is necessm, for their
continuation of schnoling% uUS
given no the reason fat the tie
183' Fm ther announcement in
legmil to NYA nlll appear in the ,
Reports Blame -Riot
On Upperclassmen
(Continued From-Page One)
men's dormitories, where they pro
ceeded to haul freshmen nut of
their rooms , to ahr In the demon
Co eds Refuse Participation
Then according to reports, they
trudged met to Frances Athet ton
Ilan in an effort toget`the meth;
In Join the celebration, but failed
On the way, It is said, some ol the
students tossed stones of the Li
brary -nindous and - the Green
house, but ,no serious damage sins
Front the women's dormitory,
the demonstrators then marched
po - wn College at once, ripping Mr
parking metets and' Clitnaxibg the
celelnallon I‘ith the bonfire
Itt,t ben Intuit truth lay In these
epos 1,4, line evel, and whet action
Atonic! he taken - Jemmied in doubt
ns Student Brand, meeting lot the
that time slut e the demonstration
occult red. was kill in ‘ Ne,stan al
pre.sttnie 11191. night 2
—SEND•your weekly laundrr
Tuesday, October 3,1933
./E's sniatt to, ;":L.,:a:
ipt i A X
by Forest Mills -
Perfect for your it formiil
moments, this new Cardigan
racket is easy to slip on and
handy when, you're in ,a
hurry Smartly tailored, it's
so comfOrtable you'll wanr
to wear it constantly
Of sweat shirt fabric and
washable, it comes in a [Me t ! 4
tweed pattern. in four
, 'shades: Hunter, Wine.
Grey; Tan.
Dress Shop
144 S. Allen St i