Page Two PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Suteessot to The Flee Lame, established 1887 Publlvired 8.1I•Wfl lily during the Concoct year except. on Wilda,. by stink nni or The Pennsylvania Slate College in ot allege On 01,1,1. a,. /aridly alumni and friend' THF MANAGING HOARD JOHN A TROANOVITCH 19 FtMot. FRANCIS A C VOSTFRS JR 'go llnAnAvr IiCRBERT B ( - ARAN '39 'FROND.: SHAFFFR 'II Spot, Fibtar Alhortking FOY R NICHOI S IR . 1.1 RICHARD W I,OOIIAN Mann, inv Cireulnlinn SALVATORE S SAT A '''9 RALPH H CUNDLACH 'VI . N.. 1. I data.. Promotion Ni111101(er ALAN (. MINI rnr Ti DAI LAS It LONG IS AvPirtont %Loom", Eli,. I °room Nitro lining Nonaaer THONAS A III) AI. la .. NAR 1 I ',AMPLE ' M Sisal tent Nianoping Elliot. S. ntor Serretory BRUCE ailr THABUr I 9 I UCILI E GRI-PNBERG :PI 'mrpttant Simms Elinor Women n Mtn.. RFITA t SIICrx 19 tvNociali. W.I. n rdttor Associate Editors A Wdßarn 1'1n,41, Jr 40 Bernard A Newman '4l, rainnual Roth '4O fftrbert Idipon 4a Women's Associate Editors it Gordon '4O Associate Business Managers Misrlon Ni, man 40 Morris Schwab MO Burton C Willis, Jr 40 Jon, I. F Story '4O C .10 nroyimor 40 Don, G Gutman 40 Monorring Editor Tids :Aso Ni.vir Editor nth !tome._ Ti'l iday, Septembei 23, 1938 FROM THE DOLDRUMS WHEN THE JUNIOR e lams Nino of sort ety; Blue hit', last yeni pi °misfit] Lt alinut-csi ind "justify its ii‘ustenee," seasoned disci vei s n - customed to seeing fa , se hopes dti ft away will , the In ems looked ashanee it the pi onouneement Today, however, thei e seems to be n•. doubt alum the way kilue Key is going For dui ing the past 10 days Blue Key ac complished 11101 e than it did 1141 Ing Its prolonged pound of um! Inaction all last ye n Though the eagerness of Blue Key to come back Into Its own by aiding In the rigid en- forcement of freshman customs, campus spurt has been reborn Already, 23 violations of cus toms have been reported to Student TribunUi, which is something approaching a new record But Blue Key is not the only honm y -ociety attemptmg to make good—and, thank ttally, mak ing- a good job of making good Pm anothet soctelg, so long mactne that, come hail reason to beneve it died a natural death, al;“ us•conung buck That •octety ts Di mds, sophomot I ,ol7tTra , V Beside; aiding materially in the eill'amLement Imeshomo custom.", Dllllll, two weel, ago helped ztage one of time most ,ueeme,ful fiesnman get-to hallos in the 1 , 1-yeam history of Freshman Wm e here Stich are the chatacteristics of a new era In Reno Elate undergraduate life, an era of tran litlon, an era of enlightenment, an era of resit, •rectlon that promises to produce a stronger Ind a closer fellowship among students here ]loo long it will take for other student mgani vations to catch up Itith the piesent !anthills now ora% a matter of time - 1 1 he Collegian toady believes, hawevei, that these of gainrattons which are af :id ,to iis up - and late the nice conditions and new problem,' digging then own gpavri this, dime is (.111,e not foi sadness but fo regoeing, because student oiglinuations which ntt t con to aid the students have 110 ioghtful crust. SENATOR McGINNIS IS PEEVED SIN THE FLOOR of the State Eon ite Wed nelday, Allegheny County's Senator Bernal d B lliCinnis unloaded his wome, ileGindis is peeved, it scent,, beefillqi" wnom he i ecommentled to: scholar slgps •it the Collcg,e'heie the, year woc not admit te • Senator lleComp, told the Senate Nom, ashy Senate McGinnis shot. , I he peeved to-001. exactly deal Ile admit:- on his ono volition he has a lettet floin"Piesident R ilph Il Ifetiel exp , i - oning that the foot students could not he aenutted because the fleshnum quota had alt eadv beer Idled - That alone should have sutheed to answm eh the whys the Seentot may have had in his head But such (Ines not seem to he the t - Fm. Senator McGinnis still is peeved because the College could not nape room rot the foul students whom ht recommended for seholatshms And because Sen trot McGinnis is peeved, the Collegian is Mole than overjoyed Why' Because If Senator McGinnis and many oth ere betide him have not realized it before this, - they certainly must realize now that , hu . ndreds - and thousands of state residents. are peeved : each year because the Pennsylvania State Cot. !cue, theh state-aided institution, cannot ae. comcdate them. And Senator AleGinnis must know now how it feels toi .t student to be !erased adinssion to „ College, to have hi', educational oppottuniticte. fadc for a full semester oh a full yeah on longm perhaps because of conditions over which he has no control eked of Senate)) McGinnis would only multiple this by, say, one thousand, he would hove'a piettne which would apploNimate somewhat the conditm existing m Pennsylvania today Tim :4 why the, College now, vi'm the midst of ci five-tmlbon-dollai mop am mhteh w:II merenqe its faethtie% by mole than one-half. - Tlits is why the College is seeking soothe' foul million dollars foi additional educational facilities for adiltional housing facilities. This is why the College is prepaini:„; for an in crease of some 3,000 in its enrollment This is why—not because the Colfege likes to-see state appropriations come Its way for appropriations' sake, but because the College , was created to serve a Commonwealth and. as , such should grow with the Commonwealth. Silent Period Dunne; the recent. silent periods Nl nen the big fiat boys could ielax mei in Bite, the nee lunch ei MT bar and dance Flom was the high .pot ChM \ of last Satuiday's dance was Geroge Yeekley's interpretation of "Mus.e. Nhestro, Please" sung a la Alyce Faye, complete with pas , nig Item table to table Campy's spies iepott the. bmoc Yeeldev 1 , , not. too had on the ea, Other qt Intel ims found Hank Ca- on and his rut gang ni goo I attendance, "Petrie Remy and the Qum] yville blonde scotching, an of course, the eves dependable sae's in force While pinmen were hellink it in Bfte, the lush el.; chow big, Ind I ewistown Thiee n. w Icappasig pledges, Bob Chislei, Lloyd DiNon, and Bill Mayei lea, ned about life in the]. first break nom Lome chapel oned I y one of Lewistown'c retennill hal Sundays lashing found them sly with Ihst old feeling Pun) S Haldeman Jr . 10 Orsdley Owens • 40 Robert L Wilson 4S (Lowe D ',chins. SO Pop-In While pop-m night is a sacred cow ni the campus d I. about time the Thespians use it lot a theme ni the') new show It is so good that it , possibilitie, ale untanned Although most of the dirt is dusted out of the dm in t nnoticed one piece I ampy think, is petty fan is the incident that happened when '4'MA thetas said midi) "pupping, in " "My, what food von gill.. haver' Quite end= 1355e41 WP) e the) schrn lammed tint it was Sally's Sandwich P:011 S Ilablemun 1r '4O _ (14401 ye II S. Sim, 4 Lale Dale Although a seems a little late fora ,unun prom ,tmy, the hest of the "cmiy, eln't cone's" has just happened !Inward Knox, ace roomer, mote a sums: deliven y invitation to Mt girl in Mulls, last sprim, asking hei I'm a dale lot the big dance Howeve„ he didn't knon that she had moved H_ waited an I waited—and didn't-go Finally last week comes •i lettei Lam De'awaie. The ono had ,ast receive,. his I,mil inv [talon She mote that she didn't think •he could come tam Casanova Rides Again asanm a C . :m.l,ler, the aitny's pide Ind toy anti', bane of 110 and I l/100 , /, of the to-eds w at it again , Looking mound I m net s one night this meek, campy hemil the "molt" whistling in •the entrtol Hotel Francis Atherton. All was quiet except for the con slant tinging of 500 telephones Ptcttv soon fi eshman woman peeks out to eNchange honeyed with State's oetennial lover Love Finds Tribunal Qiute pm WI hed was the,tribunal the other nigh: when, it heaid a plea to have a fresh couple be es eased, from customs because they were so much in love that they were afraid of a break-np due to the no-dating, rule Diplomatic members talked of great Penn State tradition and did wonders foi the boy, but the woman's tribunal met a stone wall in On, girl Seine to date Tillman! 1, Lovemad couple 0, with half the game to be played Campus Trivia \Vitty men students, propose that college name walk to Francis Atheiton Hall and Maly Beaver White Building, the "white-nth" wa'l fi oU edge! Flanagan states "Pent State student bode is a whole is pretty sad" we think you're pretty •ad too, funny man .. plan by the seam' collegian board to have prevue of Ms: '42 was squashed by , Uean it ty, who towns on beauty &onto* , au ginai idea u,as to select 12 fresh, one foi each memliet of the stuff newest ath hall innovation is telephone talk , , to shut-ins and amlids sults to date is a date for the promote, . tainpf adds to list of maniac's: pfft romances that of collegian boy and one transfer student cornet looming as usual is Less Schoellenberget and Plus ste Long who hate been used to it fo, three yeats , well in hand, also is Bill Green, Jane Kistlei Oran with Jane's sister, Ruth, n...w seen with liddl boo, Tmett: what float stys about Dog gie is true by actual test one free pitchet lot buying IT CAMPUSEER EMEMEMEI Ifli -CAMPS u'll Enjoy The Corner unusual PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Engineers Acquire '5 -Foot Shelf Of General Reading! Room 110, Main Engineeling, is a !ending loom Room 110, Main Engineering, Is also a place where all good en ginem mg student, go to icad up on any subject from Electio Dyttam- ICS to Calculi], But Room 110, Main Enginem Dean Hammond, School of En; + + + DEAN HARRY P HAMMOND Chairmen Rap Rushing Code (Continued From Page One) he four how•os which accepted the ,ew colt without cut otican Lee Thorne, t ushing char man of , state, his as fol lows "I think it is the tallest u,2,. have had in .1 long time More ,•lent pet 100. allow the fteshmaa a bale) imam tunity to deter mine its choice" Stv. Richard hang. Lambda Chi Alpha pi esident, •"I think the code s much iminoveil and lacks °ill', i \dew details to make it entnelv atisfactoi 3. The open house, al though misuse.] by sonic houses, is a deculee. mnovement," In tined (anti act with the lout • uppoi tang houses Mete the 1.3 fi a to nate.; who disappioved in this list were Alpha Gamma Rho, Alph t Chi Rho, Alpha Phi Delta, Beta Theta,De'tm Chi,"Kay fa Delta Rho, Phi. Gooi'mu 'hi Kappa, Pi Kapp' Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Pi, Sigma Al oha Epsilon and Sigma Phi Ep don "Poor AttOmpt" Most obi opt denouncement was nada by Flank Andetmn, rushing Zliallmar of Phi Gamma Delta, a campus fi ate nity "I Ifelielre mat the In'erfiateinity Rushing Code I'm 1908 was a , miy nom at =empt to stiaighten oat the num ous problems calif] on brig fi atm - inties in gene al dining the& lash ing seasons It MOI11(1 to much WI9- ,1 In once again put the for met ..=stem into use with such impioye ments a. tue deemed necessary It vould be an imposibi:itv to reviee he 19.18 mile in a manner that could be satiefactoly " i „ "Failed In Its Purpose" lham Walkei , iu , h chan man Pi Kappa Phi, likewise voiced disappinyal withal.; pulling his pinches "I, don't thirm much of , it Open hoase and info , mal peudds me out I am in favor of a longet oral rushing pet iod with out-of rcan pet nutted Although his would lend to mwu lead -uln a-Ig, it would be an immovement, as the present code cubs itishnig ,no much The how , . were good, out. as a whole, the code failed in .Li pul poNe " "We don't think it a. satisfae tory no it Al ts been in previous em s," was the Mateo cot issued In, Magnus COI /11, president of Beta Theta Pi From the =Jou ty group on the horde' line came many suggestions gest 'of the hate] n.ties in this entegoi y commended the Intel ha lm city Council in np king a sten tin wail. "Theoretically Tops" ' Raymond Rice, Theta Kappa Phi ruching chilli man, claims uisappi oval in the ailangement of 'the _introduction of freshmen to tmaccomparied by fra teinity men "Theoretically the plan is tops—but actually it will not work on these new students," Rice stated, "because they s ate not sufficiently acclimated to the bias ieiing life of a Universitv_camp -114 " ' The event of Rain on Open House date% was brought out, and in eali fast dates- were declaied - useles , , bj numerous homes. Wayne Boi tz of Pi Kappa Alphn- recommended lutich ,, on and dinner dates -AT PENN STATE Oh ill al 123 W NITTANY AVENUE ALL ROOMS WITH RUNNING WATER , Homelike! Comfortable! Moderate Rates ng„, has a new ltne ineeling calls tho. new thing "Th.? Enginem c' Five-Foot Bonk Shelf of General Reading" Believing that engineeting stu (tents, fin the most p.ut,,need to bionden their scope of leading, the Dean, Piofessm Theodoie Gates, WlBald Los is, libi alien, and set eral otheis have collected a iepie tentative poop of books of a more coition] natuie in an effort to spin len& intei . est foi papule' litera tale among the engincei s , LEEII22= Coves mg a consider able I ange the collection is made tip of book. each int.] insic in value fin its lit yiniv milt as well as fm its in- Iciest The collection includes the best in recent avel, pope lot novels, autobiogiaphy, arts and popular science Tim ty-sis. books in all, the eel !talon is made up of such hooks as Feene~'s 'An Amet t n DOCtOI odyssey," Room ors "Tile-To aye! of Matto Polo," Adam's "Ameli a% Tragedy," Robert's "Atomdel" and Itipling'4"Kom " klso fisted Mencken's "The A mei [tan Language," Whitman's I:cut esentative Model n Di auras,' 'Vu! ace's "Nex‘ ontiei s," Dui - 's "I W'i to As I Please" and 't e Cut te's "Madame Cut le " The collection will lie changed and enliti ged faom time to time as the 'leaflets' trite! ests duAnte, Dean II =mond sand New Regulations Issued For Usage Of Library Books Regulations govet twig use of the Lin illy books lot were an ounce(' yestei day by Wield P Lewis, College lihnutan k line of two cents a ,lay includ ing Sundays and holid tys will be unposed, as usual, foi each over due e•cept tesetve hooks The hne foi overdue two-horn cecec ve book, well he 50 cents for the lb st how and 10 cents I'm each succeeding horn The fine fm oveidue thi ee-clay —nd Seven-day ie,eive books wall Le 50 cents fm the fii.t clay and 10 cents Sot each succeeding. fray' I=l On 'all tines a : eductuin of one half will be alloWed fo cash pay ment when the6oret due book is le to t nerl A service charge of 50 cents will he'added to all student accounts or $1 or mole sent to the office of the Bui sat lin collection The loss of a lihi any book, Lew.; eat nod, should be repotted Immed iately to the desk fioin which the look was borrowed. - Books not returned after three notifications will be considered los' and the lam zowei will he billed at 'toe office of the But , at fat the total cost of the book' 45 Junior Members Named to Blue Band (Continued Prom, Page One)" Jacoby, P Mlns; 0 C Mc- Cullough, S M illcltlunht, M It Schartnet, C U Schless. R B,Sey bett. C Smith, C Wa gner Alto Clatinet I A Bone Alto SoNophone It V Gilliam Bari tone Sax W B 'Canner Term' Sax I) Scheuet,l) B MacMil lan Batitone W P bleicinson 'Pitimpet W A Blelslti, B Gainer, P A 'McCormack, I L O'- Shea, A P Wagner, H It Webb Heflin R S Beek, W K 11ile, J MacEuelilan, E A %ticks ,Trombone 11 E Attie], F R El lenheiget, G Mock, .1 M Mut iny, W L St lager, R B Shoe make), .1 R Sundetiand Ba 4 G I) Leyillcic, A B. Owen, E M ' Pennington, .1 W Shigley Snare Dunn R NV Saunders, W E Yo del Bass Drum C It 'Whetter Under Nen;:Head Sally'a SandWich Service will op erate this yem andel new manage meat The new manager is Dean Pi OM BUY YOUR .. • 2 ., Student -,Lanips-,(, , • LEMON . &," GILMER College Ave. Dia1 , 3361. „_, Faculty A. A. Booklet , Sale Begins Monday At Athletic Office Faculty boobs foe fist .4einev tei athletic events will ,cro on sale Monday at the Athletic A4.30C1.1- lion ticket office, 107 Old Main, Humid R. Gilboa, avisfant to graduate manage! of - athletics, announced yesterday The stile will co - Ai - nue until October 1, with the puce set at r 00, plus federal tay., Reserved seat tickets fm Buck nell, Suracuse and Lafayette football games_ will be distribut ed to faculty member; when they poi chase athletn. hoot., • Tickets lot the Dads' Day gild. game with the Umrei say of Mai fdand, Oitobei 1, will he on sale al the A A ticket office preceding the game All tielcets ale genet al admission, p, mad at $llO , r Co-eds' Change . Dining Sy'steni :Dorm Program Will Better Social Connections _ Among Women An end' ely nee 1111113g-100 M pro gi am with bet lei soc'3.ll «nine( - lions wiiong en eds as IM pi imaiy aim in being Illilinted in Mont es Athei ton McAlliMet „Brills / this Sett 11311P1 the dii &lion of Mamie I. Mot ling 'l9, chub man 'An etiquette pi ogram whit li has been aof keil out by Betty Bell Edna Albei t , lieu cia L ling '39, Illetinoi Beam '4l, mid I. \Yea ver '4l Is tunt rea lm e of the pi ant um 14tlquette sheets In the town of, beatitudes e being made out, and skits on etiquette 11911 be ormientea at the It m4i man meetings An °Me: ' pi °Mons in etiquette will be te ported to the ( onunittees Chairman Is Hostess Etc li of the two dm mitm les Mc, a committee, headed by a genet al thait man %%hose duty it is-au act av hostess for the dining hall, at !nage for guests, plan int null s, and check on girls coming front oth ea dos in hot lea These committee , . ate Fiances Atherton, Dm rally f Snyder 't9, genet al chat! man, Selina Al Williams '9O, and Beverly E Dibble '4O. Mac Hall Eleanot B Acher - 'l9, gen mat, chap man, Mafgai et,C Allan '4O, and .Cathei hie 19 Alien t '4l Since: It Is necessary' to segre gate the Pr eshwee flow-the upper class women 'because of the rush leg code, the former will always eat In the West I% mg of Ather ton, w idle llPPerelass women way, eat In either wing Freshmen will I n trite every two weeks, and upper (lass tables will change location in the dining rooms each eight weeks Bach girl is requited to act as has 1,155 for one week I Welfare Committee Proposes New,Plan (Continued From Page One) he Committee, the 1 illowing code hall be in effect 'thichapeioncd won en guests, if Iwo 01 mom e ate mese , t, may be onto' tamed m the soc.,al rooms of the fa atm nay houses until not let t; than one o'clock on'E't Ulm/ and, Saturday nights, tin o'clock on Sunday nights and..eight o'clock other nights SUM e item taanment shall be std ictly limit 'd to the so uul of the houses, nhich .hall be kept open and pi opeil lighted Dm .ng such enteitain„ a dent intoxicating, 'mums - shall not lie sea cod to our used by womei guests and those students' enteri taming them'." New York Liked It! ' Talent Called _ By /Thespians Kennedy Prepares POI' Show On' October 28 With ' College Glee Club ' ' Anvous to get pi oduction'work :in the Thespian fall show undei Ditector J. Ewing '("Sock"), Kennedy hno issued a tryout cal. foe ado's, singers, dance's, and echniciuns fin Schwab Auditorium ~t 7 10,p m &Indio; night Win on the coming show;to nett in conjunction with the Col ' tge Glee Club Odder' 28,4 Fall tiousepai ty week-end, will , liegir i.ext week The gAup will offer ia:t-movingoni,sical revieW ;tint filai to the top-notch' 'productions • i.f last year. ' Eleven ,thireient fiends of woil. within /the Club give every' in ' te. este(' membei 'in the student icily an (ppm tunitv fm wide An iety- in di amatie work '4 The Cnib program ranges from cling to posts on the business and ,tage const. action staffs 'Team sql staff appointments will cow.. widen a tinge of deem talents than hei etoh» e, including stage, dee- Li man, coqume, and pi opei ties (6-Edits Both 'ft eshmen and upperelass women 111 e in o'ceil to the W S G A ladies party in the Ai mot} at 7 tomortow night Costumes aie tequested No moi e late pelmissions fa_ student, attending dances at Hecla Park nil] be granted, Senate 'has announced Adviser:: to the women's senate ale Miss Helen It Faust, nee, Sophomin - e Dean, and Miss,,Betty Bell, Dean of Freshmen "Women Miss Bei kholdei Is adsoser for the Uouse'of Ftepre,,entatives- 10 even o'dorks have been tie. noun( ed tot all, Ir eshmen attend ing the Ag Home Er It olic in See Hall from 9 to 11 p nt Friday; September 10, following Fan-Hel lenic, 'item night Hoeevet, they must go and retain - unescorted, since the tin ee -weeks dating bun will still be in effect , `- Something else for- the conve nience and entertainment_ of the to eds radios and pianos have been ordered for the, lobbies of Frances, Athm ton_l-ralh ' , , ~Committees 'f'o r Pan Hellenic qtnne night, to. be lielLiu the Ar tnory from 7 to 9 p m Friday, Sep, tembet 10, have been, annoonceil Mary Ann Rhodes, •genetal chair man hulges committee Ruth . A7arctiq. AM Phi, pi In committee Nita Chambei s, t Cili '0 , t efrealiment ,omintttee Aim Palmer, ',TPA, Miliam,,Skladal, Pin Mu,' Marty Shatter man, Alpha , CLi 0.- and Mali Ann Plitt, Delta Gum , Mo. :it Davis, ~ P amliellenic adviser who was ,a llay 'all laq year 04 0 1 was milmilluted Pot by Alice Callnane, will legume, lie: duties 3Us it A Berm euter ,is the other ~/dviser Meetings Resumed , Meetings or the Germair Table will be tesumed`every Wednesday at ?2, o'clock in the Sanduich Shop, Di , Lucretia V T Simmons, head, of the Deputment. of 'Ger man. ha, announced' AU students alai faculty members inteteqed r in the chyle are invited to join ' Two; - Publish Article An 'article on core tenting' by hulloactlve methods WI itten Eby Helmut La ndsberg, assistant I too ream geophysics,:' and 'Albert Ingham has"been, publiqted - In` the - "Oil Weekly" - ' ..Wshether - Ton're Short;;Heavk,;Slender 'or . Broad, W,e CauFit , ' ou gcLI ~, PPE4R-N; CRAFT7:' :ICLO;' .). 2.5. , , F. ~ ,There'll be no guess-work ~ . .7\ n omneertainty abOut: Your being fitted properly: We an•show,you one that ,1 - seemingly has been made,tohrder-fm :'~ro~~n; obne - , Old Main - State College "; Ciwlleg! , Ave.,..;-, • Prigay, Siptember 23, 1938 Director Announces ~ _-, ' Decisions, Not Iliaily, ~s; --Om NY A Applications Stanley B Maddox,' Direictoi of NY A, mequests,that students , efiain fitim calling at the NYA • office and inquiring at to whether in not then application has been appiovcd So many applicatio n s have _ been eceived that it may take the committee thiee Weeks to some all of them and no decision can-be made plum to that time,, he ,said Students will be noti li ed through the Collegian when sear ing of, blanks by, Ow committee and tentative appi oval of woil, ers is completed " lii: Trabile ,Attends ' Employment Confab Dean :llama It nubile of the School of Education is 'attendim, a meeting of the United,,State. Ent mloyment ServiLs in WirMingtoti, D C today , Dean 'flotilla was finale) ly 11 loam of that gavel narnt oi gam- , nation and is now inembei of th 2 Federal thinned of the . I.l` S , En4 Moyment Sei vice