Tuesday, December 14, 1937 Skiers Compete At Lake Placid, Dec. 30 The old team will take part in an intercollegiate meet' to be held: at Lake Placid, N, Y:, December 30;31, and .Tannary 1. Twelve .teams from eastern United States 'and 'Ciinada fire expected to compete. • Members of the Penn State team include Jim Wilson, Charles. Hilferty, Harry Hitchcock; and Paul MaSsey. Coach Ben —Harriman, Dartmouth graduate, will accompany the group. Scheduled. events are downhill; sla lom, cross-Country, - and relay, races. ' The• team has also been invited to participate in a meet to be held at Cornell; JanuarYl.s and 15, .Colgate and - Cornell. have entered the :compe tition thus far. • . •• ' MORNINGSTAR' ... BREAD ' "The Well Baked Home-like Bread" . . ~. .. . MORNINGSTAR BREAD is fine for .every purpose. It makes sandwiches that are pleasing : An taste and at the same time nourishing. And if you want crisp toast that fairly melts in your mouth, this is the loaf for you. , ' +. •' . MORNINGSTAR SALLY ANN AND ' PURITY. BREAD , . ' ?— ••' --- 7 -- f. 7. - - t * .." . ";;In' 4.. '.." 1 4111 11 411 11111111111- :' ' / ./. . , •..1. - . ' . .. . . Approved by •, - • American - Medical Association SPECIAL. COLLEGE RATES AVAILABLE UNTIL FEBRUARY 1,_1939 . . The following reduced rates, :' originally confined to Faculty Members and their families, are now offered to the Student Body as well. SINGLE ROOM.. . .'Privateßath ... . . . $1.50 DOUBLE ROOM . . Private Bath ...... $2.00 DOUBLE ROOM . . I private Bath. (twin beds) $2.50 2-ROOM SUITE Private - Bath (2 or 3 persons) $3.00 2-ROOM SUITE . Private Bath (4 persons) . . . $4.00 , Early reservations suggested for best accommodations . _ 400 .Ftreproot . . Booms ". HOTEL LATHAM. Excellent . Garage , Factlities . , 75c Located 281 STREET at FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK Nightly North Atherton Street Dial 3281 State College; Pa ' RA ILW vi I " f7gmXPRESS AGENCY o INC. NATION-WIDE SERVICE 30 ENTER BOXING SEMI-FINALS Mit: finals Scheduled , For Thursday;. Entries For Winter Games Due Sat. With more than 30 boxers going into the semi-final bouts to day and tomorrow, the intramural' finals are scheduled for Thurs day night at 7:30 o'clock in Rec hall. Although no knock-outs were scored in Thursday's matches, yesterday's provided plenty of excitement for the crowd that jam packed around the ring. Roy Hanna '39, Sigma Chi, started them falling when 'he floored, Woody Horn '39, Delta Chi, in' the third round. In succession came knock-outs by Becky Mitchell, Phi Delta Theta; and Dave McKinley '4O, Independent. • Meanwhile, entries for other, winter intramurals wrestling,' basketball, swimming, volleyball, and handball— must he in the. hands of - 'the respec tive intramural managers before Christmas vacation Results 'of Thursday's bouts are At 12 . 5 lbs. Myron Myers '4O, Independent, de- Lfeated Milton Litch '4O, Delta Upsi lon.l (decision) At 135 11;;.' Divid Greer 2-yr., Independent, de feated William Harrison '4O, Phi Sig ma ,Kappa. (decision) John Nicholson 'TV, Beta 'Theta Pi, defeated Dale Boyer '3O, Kappa Delta Rho., (decision) Gorge Wade '4O, Alpha Gamma ?Rho, defeated John Phillips '4l, Inde pendent. (decision) Edgar Ruff 2-yr., Independent, de feated Elbur Purnell '4l, Indepen dent. (decision) , At 145 lbs. ' John Byrd '4O, Delta Upsilon, de feated Kenneth Smith '4O, Pi Kappa I 1 SHOE REPAIRING 808 MINGLE NEXT TO FIRE HALL Phi. (decision) Prank Stanko '4l, Sigma Phi Sig ma; defeated Roger Clapp '39, Delta Upsilon. (decision) ' David Bauer '39, Chi Phi, defeated Harris Crawford '39, Kappa Sigma. (decision) At 165 Ihk Carl Ziegler '9l, Sigma Pi, defeat ed Richard ,Davis '4l, Independent. (decision) Heber Lessig '3B, Independent, de feated Boyd Fore '4O, Alpha Zeta. (decision) Robert Van Benschoten. '3B, Delta Upsilon, defeated Roger Maurer '4O, Phi Delta Theta: (decision) Heavyweight John Bachman '4l, Beta Theta Pi, defeated Robert Hughes '9O, Phi Del ta Theta. (decision) Dave . Nemeth '9O, Independent, de feated John Hunt '4l, Delta Upsilon. (decision) The results of yesterday's bouts are: At' 125 lbs. George 'Faber '39, Delta Chi, de feated Howard Hinson' '4O, Indepen dent. (decision with one extra round) William Massey '4O, • Alpha Chi Rho, defeated 'Edward Perlstein Independent. (decision) • At 135 lbs. David Greer 2-yr., Independent, de feated Charles Mathews '9l, Phi Kappa Sigma. (decision) Roy Hanna '39, Sigma .Chi, defeat- ed Woodrow Horn '39, Delta Chi. (technical knock-out in third 'round) Bucky Mitchell, Phi Delta Theta, defeated Ray Brooks '3B, Tau Phi 'Delta. (technical knock-out in third round) Harold Lupowitz '4l, Sigma Tau Phi, defeated Dave Holahan '4l, Sig ma Phi Sigma. (deciSion) At 145 lbs. Frank Stankb '4l; Sigma Phi Sig ma, defeated Richard 7.. arr 'B, Kappa, D'Olta Rho. (decision) John Hetrick '3B, Alpha Chi Rho, ==l MUM USINESS 'TRAINING Courses that offer thorough preparation */,,: `,• for young men and women who intend to 114; makebusinessacareer second T drme7s e te d r!, h 7:4:l7 31 For InTamalion,adorimrteptstrar PEIRCE SCHOOL A Common' Expression in Town and on Campus " It at METZGER'syy You Can Get HOCKEY R. FIGURE SKATE OUTFITS . . . . \ 53.75 and up GIRLS' WHITE SHOE OUTFITS $6 75 HOCKEY STICKS . 25c to $1.50 PUCKS . . . . 15c to 50c DOUBLE RUNNER TUBULAR SKATES pair $1.15 SKIS, Pine, Maple, Ash, Hickory . . .. ... $1.75 to $lB.OO POLES . . . . $1.60 to $6.00 BOOTS . . . . $4.95 and up SKI BINDING . $1.75 to $6.00 WAX . . . . 25c to $1.50 TRUCKS, NOVELTIES, , JOKES 5c to $l.OO Riot Your Friends TOYS BOOKS GAMES See the New DIRECTOR BILL FOLD $3 50 and $5.00 An Ideal Gift for Dad Schrafft's Delicious Chocolates in Christmas Wrapping . 6 . 0 c to $2.00 CHRISTMAS CARDS . . . ..... 5 for sc: 3 for sc; 2 for 5c BOXES - OF CARDS 15 for 19c; 16 for 29c Real Values SHOP AT METZGER'S THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Lion Cagers Continue Drill In Preparation For Opener With the pre-season victory over Bucknell's Bisons servink only as an appetizer, Penn State's hungry basketball lion sharpens his claws in prepa ration for a thi:ee-day campaign that will officially open the season December 30, 31, and January 1 Billed to meet Akron University, Kent College, and Western Reserve Co-ed Interclass BaSketball Opens The 1937-38 basketball 'season was opened last night at Rec hall. The complete schedule for the .interclass games is as follows: . Jan. 3-7 o'clock, Junior .and Fresh man;' 8 o'clock, Senior and Sopho- more. • Jan. 4-9 o'clock, Senior and Fresh man.' Jan. 5-0 o'clock, Junior 'and Sopho more. . Jan. 6-7 o'clock, Sophomore and Freshman; 8 o'clock,' Senior and Junior. ' '- Jan. 10-7 o'clock, Junior and Fresh man; S o'clock, Senior and Sopho more. Jan. 1.1.—0 o'clock, Senior and Fresh • man. Jan. 13-9 o'clock, Junior and Sopho • more. Jan. 17—Army-Navy game The games scheduled for Monday nights will he held in Roe hall; dur ing the week all games will he played in the Armory. • The results of last night's games between the Sophomore and Fresh men 'mid between the Junior and Sen lop classes were not known as the Col legian went to press. All women interested "in hockey managerships should sign up on the Mae hall bulletin board. defeated William Lewis '4l; Kappa Sigma. (decision) At 15:3 lbs Jrhn Hartranft '4O, Independent, defeated Edward McGinley ;41, Theta Kappa Phi. (decision) • ' Raymond Stoyer '4O, Sigma Pi, de feated Harry Strewn '4O, Chi Phi. (decision) ;• Braden Leichliter '4O, Delta Chi, defeated Thomas Dietz '3B;;Tndepen derit. ',(deciSiOn) ' • , David__ McKinley '4O, Independent, defeated William McDermott '4O, In dependent. (technical knack-ont in third round) Bowling, Results— With a two-game lead over Theta Chi in the Intramural league, Delta Sigma Phi bowlers will meet Tau Kappa - Epsilon on the Dux ,club al leys tonight at d o'clock. Other 9 o'clock games are: Theta Chi vs. Alpha Gamma Rho and Al pha Chi Rho vs. Phi Sigma Delta. At 7 o'clock Sigma Pi will bowl Kappa Delta Rho and Tau Phi Delta will meet Phi. Kappa. Standings: Tuesday Night League • • N. L: Pet. Delta Sigma Phi____ 58 14 .806 Theta Chi 56 16 .791 University on three successive nights, the State courtmen are expected 'to be taxed to the limit on stamina as well as playing skill. Captaincy Selection Delayed Meanwhile, Coach John D. Lawther has announced that no captain will be elected until after the annual Penn game on January 5. Acting leaders will be appointed for each game be fore then. Although. a clean sweep of the cir cuit would definitely stamp the Lions among the topnotch eastern powers, a hot, free-for-all race is anticipated for . the Eastern Conference cham pionship. Danger signs were flashed from the western frontiers late last week when Pitt's defending champions rip ped a perennially strong Northwest ern quintet, 27-22, in their season tune-up. Carnegie Tech, Temple, Georgetown, and West Virginia also have been strengthened considerably. Stress Coordination With a steady stream of fresh play ers necessary under the new rules, Lawther and Freshman Coach Nick Thiel, who is assisting him, are em ploying daily half-court scrimmages in an effort to mold three five-man combinations to be substituted inter changeably as distinct units. Although the combinations are be ing juggled about considerably, the starting line-up is expected to consist of Sol Miehoff and Poe Pi•oksa, for wards; Charley Prosser, ,center; and :lake .Reichenbach and Max Corbin, guards. The players are not scheduled to leave- here until the middle of next week and will return Monday, De cember 27, to resume preparatiOns for the season openers. Ten men are expected to make the trip. Alpha Gamma Rho__ 44 12 .785 Alpha Phi Delta 48 24 .666 Tau Kappa Epsilon__ 42 22 .656 Tau Phi. Delta 36 20 .644 Kappa Delta Rho____ 90 24 .625 Phi Kappa '0 36 .057 Phi Sigma Delta____ 18 28 .321 14 42 .250 Sigma _ 8 56 .143 Alpha ,Chi 'Rho_ Independents 0 16 .000 Thursday Night League W. L. Pct. Beta Theta Pi, 34 6 .850 Alpha Sigma Phi-- 20 20 .500 Beta Sigma Rho 18 22 .450 Phi Kappa Tau 0 40 .000 Beahm Leaves 'College Harvey Beahm '4l, star back of the Nittany Cubs' football aggregation, has left College to go to West Point. Bertha!, while a member of West Phil adelphia's football team was one-half of the famous Bealn-Harrison pass ing combination. Wrestling Clinic Attended By 100 High . school wrestling coaches and some of their grapplers, numbering about 100, came here from all 'over the state Saturday to pick up a few pointers from Charley- Speidel's sec ond annual wrestling clinic, ' , Dr. Carl P. Schott, in his welcom ing address, stated the aims and pur pose of the clinic, Ile said that the service was given in order to find ways and means to encourage, pro mote, and increase participation in the sport among the athletes in the secondary schools of 'Pennsylvania by exchanging knowledge and ideas among the coaches and to attempt to solve individual , problems. The morning session, held in the Home Economics auditorium: was de voted mainly to talks by the visiting coaches. Arthur J. Weiss,'non-wrest ling coach of Clearfield High, 'dis cussed the problems confronted by the coach who never wrestled. The meth (AS of coaching high school groups Wan discussed by William G. Stark, dean of Pennsylvania high school wrestling. Dr. John P. Ritenour held a forum on the prevention and treatment of the injuries usually sustained on the BOALSBURG AUTO BUS LINE REGULAR TRIPS I.v. 10:30 A.M.—Meeting trains going east 11:44 A.M. Lv. 3:15 P.3l.—Meeting trains going east 4:38 P.M. SPECIAL BUSES SATURD_AY,.DECEMBER .18 Lv. 1:30 P.3l.—Meeting trains mug east 2:43 P.M. Make Reservations Friday at State College Hotel Phone 733 Why Not Shop Before You Go Mine Old Main Art. Shop 136 E. College Ave. A'Complete Line of Gifts for Everyone Page Three mat while Paul A. Spitler, New 'York A. C. wrestling chairman and vice chairman of the Olympic wrestling committee, interpreted the 1938 rules. A few members of Speidel's squad acted as demonstrators in the demon stration period at Rec hall in the.nf ternoon. Spitler, to point out the du ties of a referee, officiated bouts be tween Bob Reynolds and Carl Ring and the Craighead twins. Aldo , 2azzi submitted to illegal holds taken by Wilfred E. Cann, former Olympic coach and trainer, who explained the hold and then told why such holds were barred.