Pitga - Fotif Lion Harriers Crack Up Before Powerful Syracuse Team, 17-38 State. Saved From Shutout As Olexy, Maule Salvage 2 Places In One-Sided Contest Nittany Captain Suffers 2nd Consective Loss As 3 Orange Runners Finish In Dead Heat, 200 Yards Ahead By muds TRABUE In their third meet of the season, the Lion varsity cross-coun try runners puffed over the Syracuse course behind the Orange team to what amounted to a crack-up, as only two State men; Capt. Pete Olexy and Frank Maule, managed to place in the last scoring positions. The final result was an overwhelming victory for the Orange. 17-33. Showing spectacular form, the Orange trig of Capt. Steve Ro manowski, Charles Southard, and Jesse Caviller strode three abreast around the major part of the course at Drumlins Country Club in 'Syracuse Saturday morningf Norm C. and C• of ordan and Herb Nipson of to lead the field to the tape, breaking' Penn State, Syracuse. it together in.the time of 27 minutes, five seconds. This trio has done the By winning Saturday, the Orange same thing in the other two Syracuse overlanders avenged the drubbing meets of the season, • Alfred and Col-I they took from Coach Werner's Limn gate. team last year. At the one-third mar . • • Syraeuse. runne placing fourth in her of the race the Syracuse stars, r the five-mile meet was SentifT, who Romanowski and Southard, were lead trailed the winning three by 100 yards jug the pack, followed by Cavalier in 27:24 .at the tape and led Olexy, Iwho had equalled their position by the two-thirds marker and maintained first State Man; by 'the same distance. Olexy did the hilly grind in 27:47 to it to the finish. be followed by Lion Frank Motile in 28:19 in No. .8 place. Following Maule in order were Hahn