Page Four Watch Our Window! • » » The Salient Sifter will tell you what will happen before it happens. » » THE NITTANY NEWS STAND 110 WEST COLLEGE AVE. • IT TAN. . . . Y . ..... • :.... A Waffler BrOs:Theat.:l. ~. Evenings at . . . 6:30 and 8:30 Complete Show as late as 3:05 Matinee Every Saturday . . 1:30 . I TODAY and WED.. 1 ~. Rich humor . . . goon!, remanec ..', thrilling action .. .. all combine to bring fiction's best-loved char acter to life— WILL ' R A ROGERS. REPEAT , D - AVI. D SHOVING• - ' • 'HARUMT . c I. THURSDAY ONLY , I .: , . Returned by local reauests— :. j a iteitemAr ivl rli 1 1 , ow* w-wiv. - %- / 40i ,. ' AYLWO • 4 • novo.. ~., = =="- - ----4. ' .-•••• ' , . . ~ . . . „.. CLASSIFI TYPEWRITP,RS—AII makes expert ly repaired. Portable and office ma chines for sale or rent. Dial 2342, Harry E. Mann 127; West Beaver Ave. 38 yr. G. D. I won't graduate, but I don't care, 'cause I'm going to the Student Un ion Dance, May 22. 212-Itpd-GD LOST—ollendorf wrist watch on in tramural soccer field, May 5. Re ward. Hurwitz, Beta Sigma Rho. 223?-lt pdGD LOST—One Structures Design Prob lems and drawing, on N. Beaver, S. Frazier or Engineering units. Finder please call Hutton 851. 224-Itpd GD W ANTE 0— Three or four-room apartment with bath, by married couple; member of faculty; no chil dren. Write and state price, to Box 11, Student Union. . 225-ItmIGD LOST—Slide-r . ule in Home Ec T.". Andrews on black case. Please turn in to Student Un ion office. 226-2t-pdGD FOR RENT for week-ends, at thi! Colonial, 123 W. Nittany. Dial 3881., 222-ItpdGD WANTED—Protestant co-ed to work for board. Must ,be reliable; no children; for summer and 'fall term. Reply to Box A, Student Union. • 22.1-2tpd-CD . .. .. _ .. . _. . . . Evening Accessories' . -,.. ...,11,:: BATT E KY.,- . . . ~ . .4- 5 1-:,?: , ' • Junior Prom ealYCE ,r ' - ' ; ' - '' 1 ' - • . .\, \-r fori --: GOOD GULF GAS AND OIL • EGOLF'S' 's -,. R. F. STEIN MOTOR CO. . D ial: 3151 121 S. Burrowes St Campus Bulletin The first meeting of the new stu dent council will be held at 4:10 o'clock in room 305 Old Main. Freshman and Sophomore candid ates for the Thespian business staff Will report to room 409 Old Main at 4 o'clock. Freshman and Sophomore girls de siring to be "big sisters" w•il1 meet in Home Economics Auditorium tonight and tomorrow night at 7 o'clock There will be a meeting of the lied Wing Society at 7 o'clock in room 7, Home Economics Building. 'The sophomore edit staff of the Stu dent Handbook will meet in room 407 Old Main at 6:45 o'clock. TOMORROW The initiation and annual meeting of Phi Kappa Phi will be held at 5:30 o'clock •in room 405, Old Main. An informal banquet will follow in the Old Main Sandwich Shop at. 6:45 ,o'clock. Reservations, 75 cents per plate, should be made with V. D. Kin sey, 108 Old Main. THURSDAY The l'enn State Club Elections will be held in the second floor lounge of Old Main at 8 o'clock. A meeting for the organiiation of a College Garden Club «•ill be held in Home Economics Auditorium at 7 o'clock. WANT TO BUY—A second hand trunk. Sec Musser at Beta Sigma Rho. 220-ItpdGD THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Golfers Win 1 Of 3 Tilts Team Wins From Princeton 6-3, • , 'Loses Play to Penn 6-3, Georgetown 5-4 In the first golf meet of the season on Friday and Saturday the varsity itolf team met three tough opponents onlienwood course in Washington, D. C.; polished off the first one, Prince ton; and found that it had bitten off a little more than it coUld chew in the following matches with Penn and Georgetown. In the match won from Princeton G-3 on Friday afternoon, the Tigers' Denmark ceked out a victory over Jay Albere one up on the last hole. Johnnie Bennett, Albere's partner in the foursome, retaliated for the loss by eeking out a similar ;victory over Princeton's Maxwell, although the bout-had to be extended over two ex tra' holes to do it. State got best ball • point. In -the second foursome the only point-Am Penn State was won by Heinle Burkett, who beat 'Konoye 3 and 2. 'His partner, Bob Siegler was clipped. by the Tigers' Clark G and 4, best ball this time going to Prince ton:, , The. Lions in the third -group copped all three points for their play; Bill' Gross, who shot the lOwest score MEE ...:,......„„:„.....„,,...,....„....„....",,,..„....„..,...., 4 „, ~......„.........., ... .......,....„,„.„. .......„: ...,.. . ,"..., ..... ..„.....,..,,:„...,:.,,.,..,,,,..... . .....,.......2.....K.,,.3...„„,„„......:,..„..„,..„........... Taste that says "Come again" I.M. Track Meet Will Take Place Thursday Postponed from last week, the in tramural track meet will be held on Thursday afternoon at d o'clock, Er nest T. Kinkead '37, manager, an nounced today, Coach Chick Werner, seeking material for his track team, will be on hand. Lack of entries, which total only eight thus far, forced postponement of the meet, Kinkead said. The dead line for entries has been extended to 4 o'clock this afternoon, when all names must be registered in ➢Liss Kel lar's office at Recreation hall. The entrance fee is 25 cents per person. Individuals will be limited to three events. The winning team, as usual, will receive a trophy. and best game of We meet, defeating Marks of Princeton 9 and 8; and Joe Stevenson defeating his rival divot eel., Parker, 3 and 2, with best ball point going to State. In the match with Penn on Satur day morning, won 6-3 by the Red and Blue and played mostly in. a down pour, Williams of Penn took over Jack Mahaffey one up, and Johnnie Bennett beat Morpeth 2 and 1, also winning the Lions the best ball point. Augusburger AVM front Siegler 5 and 4, and Burkett won from Peel 4 and 3 with best ball going to Penn. All points went to Penn .in the last four some. Moore and Sitwell defeated Gross and Stevenson one up apiece, winning best ball. . ,< ~>3; «` - , . „ „ ~ , , , , , ' • / ,1• - •' . ' , ' , ' ,- ,-- , '.‘, '; „ :. v) , :l . ' i t i l fo/ '' ''''' ';':' ''' '''''''''''''''''''';l:' %:'' ''''''''..i.'''U:4."'„:„.'..,7..'.,....:,;";,;.....:,...2.,- .;;,, ;'~%' ;.. Mildness, that says "Come often" . . . for the full measure of the good things you want in a cigarette we invite you to enjoy CHESTERFIELDS Before Junior Prom visit GEO. L. SMITH'S Powder Puff Barber and Beauty Shoppe XERVAC TREATMENT BY APPOINTMENT Dial 2201 107 S. Alle Service Our Motto AVIATION FLIGHT TRAINING Carefully supervised instruction. Why not t advantage of the low rates? Special payment pl can be arranged. STATE COLLEGE AIR DEPOT, In Phone 9-2941 • City EARN REAL. MONEY THIS.SUMMER Easy - Pleasant - Certain FULL-TIME or SPARE-TIME • NO INVESTMENT • • • • Write Today for Details ,• . •• (please include your home address) D. R. GOURLEY, President .ftp,._.."'" / AUSTIN LIME CORPORATION. 68 South Water Market, Chicago, 111. '" Tuesday, May 11