Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, May 11, 1937, Image 3

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Tuesday.„ ,
+.++ .
The' Track ream "Runsßackwards
.And Catches . The Good Old Days
No amount of praise can be taken away from Conch Chick Werner and
his track team. In upsetting a strong Pitt squad Saturday, Penn State indi
cited that it is well on the Way toward track greatness missing over-recent
Pitt defeated two great teams—TeMple, and Notre Dame—and boasts
of such nationally known stars as Joh
nett, Ken Ryden, and Gene Taano. It
to collect a track team on a par with
Werner has done a great job •wi
years, despite the fact that he Vorks'
tion, adveise weather conditions, and
a: non-subsidization policy. It is a
tribute to his coaching ability that
he has taken fair competitors 'and'
converted them into leading' parlor
My Dear Sir
The only statements in your last,
week's column to .which I have any
objections to voice are those which
read into my, half columnar cunt
meats "an' iMpliiiation 'that I am 'an
aware of the progressive work being
done by present •members 'of • the
Physical Education 'Staff..
man and in other places I have often
publicly commended their'effiirts. '
Whatever opportunities and prob..
lems the new Physical 'Education
Dean' will meet have' been Create? by
the increasing size 'Of - fhe — Stilden't
body 'and the increasing demands of
the students for more recreational
opportunities, and not 'at all byshortz ,
comings or deficiencies 'in the 'Phys- •
ical Education stall.. To 'a-large'
lent he probably will give increased
executive direction to Proje - cfs:whiefi
they have already started and.will be .
encouraged ti carry on. 'ln.soitie re
spects, however, real. pioneering work
will have to be done,' for' I' think' few
of 'us realize or can imagine the la-
For Wear and Tea►
Let Us Repaii
DO not iiart — thiiit
to buy your .formal gown for
Moore's Dress Shop
East ,College• Avenue •
nny Wooilruff, Don Mason, Pete Den
is no secret that Pitt has taken steps
s football team.
th Penn' State track in the past few
'under the handicap of little cowed-
tent' possibilities in a campus-wide
and valley;.wide' prOgram 'of "PhySiCal
eduCatian and recreation in the in
comparable. Penn State - environment.
A. It. Warnock
Coach Joe Bedenk's baseball' team .
seems' to be out of its hitting slump
at last. Most interesting of the
change is the fact that the compar
ably weak hitters 'of last season are
leading the parade . now. - Sol Miehdff,
the squad's pace-setter, sagged near
the end of 1936 after doing only fair
work . .during the schedule frOm his
Tead-Off position. Dien 'when' he is
put out, Sol. really hits that ball.
Perhaps the biggest surprise is
:Johnny 'Waters, the shufflin' boy
from up Boston Way. Johnny was
at Vittom'of 'We regulars' bat
ting list last year, but now he is
coming along with the leaders. He
the ,only,
home-run hitter on the
'37 Lions: Arid,.incidentally, Waters
haypena'.to: be one_ pf the best third
basemen in State history.
Cub Nine Loses; faces
`LoCk'Haven Tomorrow
Lanky Bob Goodrich fanned 13 and
yielded only seven hits, - but the Lion
Cubs dropped a close 6-5 decision to
Kiski Saturday for' their first loss of
the year. Kiski combined one hit with
two errors by Dink Stover .to score
two runs in the last inning. State's
freshmen collected nine safeties, with .
Fritz Seibel's three singles pacing the
attack. Jim Sherwin walloped a triple
and a single.
The Cubs meet Lock Haven State
Teachers' College in their third game
of the season at 'Lock Haven tonior;
row afternoon.
Track Team Upsets Pi
Bauer Turns
In .2 Surprise
Hurdle Races
Dave Defeats Favored
•Pitt Pair; Redmond,
Clark Set Marks
Spectators - at the State-Pitt track
ineet ean'tell you that Johnny Wood
ruff won three events. They can tell
you all about his farm. They can tell
you . that Bob Clark and Jim Redmond
broke eollege records' in the pole-vault
and-high=junip respectively.
But • few of the spectators really
know what' turned' the meet in State's
favor, causing One of the big upsets
lor the year. lewas Dave Bauer, run
ning in-.rare form, who broke up the
hitherto undefeated Pitt hurdle team
of Ryden and Lasky to cause the
swing -in points that won the meet.
Runs Dead Heat
Bauer had no business to beat Ry
den and.Lasky. That was how it look
ed on ,paper. But Dave ran a dead
heat 'With - Ryden in the high hurdles
and then came back' later with a fierce
spurt in the low hurdles - that carried
him to the tape a winner.
Redmond defeated Pete Bennett,
1.C.4-A. high jump • champion as he
broke the 24 year old college mark of
G feet 1 inch. Jim also won the brand
jump and finished third in the high
The weight men came through as
was expected, winning all the events
but the javelin throw. Mike Brown
and Dean Hanley were first and sec
ond in the shot put; Tom Priolo,. Bob
Cornman andHec Howard swept the
discus . throw as did Gene Feldman,
Hanley•-and Jack Fiir the hemmer
throw.'Priolo and. Howard took sec-
Mid and third in the javelin toss.
'Pete Olexy' and Len Henderson ran
a tie race in the two mile event, re
turning:a good time of 9 minutes 97
seconds. Pete' gave Woodruff a good
face earlier in the day in the one mile
run but didn't . have quite enough
stuff to stick with; the Panther ace
when'he applied the pressure.
'Adrian . Markowitz furnished Wood
ruff with the most• opposition in'the
last race of the 'meet. Murky closed
,fast but Woodruff,
'Watehink - . ..earefUllSr over hiS shoulder,
manaked[to:si.ay, out irr front.
Bob' tfarit'• new • record leap of 13
feat 1• ineh • in' the pole-vault marked
the 'that the sophomore
Ctib-Storint Weakness Gives Pitt Victory.
• Pitt's' - yearling..traekmen reversed mance went to Sterner of Pitt who
the' score. that sent their varsity tol showed real middle-distance kick
its first defeat of, the year and nipped I
the finish of the two-mile run. Lewis,
the Lion cubs, for a
. 74-01 victory on
New • Behvei- field. Saturday after- freshman negro star who took four
noon. • State's 'weakness in sprint firsts and a third place, was Pitt's
events - was,•aPparent when the Pitt most consistent scorer. The firsts that
freshmen Took each place in both the Nick Vukmanic piled up in the disc:us
lOrand 220-yard, dashes and the first and javelin and the second place in
two. pinees •in the: 440: • the shot put were expected of the na
'Most spectacular, freshman perfor- tional scholastic javelin champion. -
Makers of the Only Official
'PendState Men's Class Ring.
The Ideal Graduation Gift.
Batting Averages •
Players G AB H P.C.
Slabodian ' • 3 12 . 5 .417
Mieholf 9 31 11 .355
._..8 26 8 .308
_8 31 8 .258
Ades .8
__s 18 4 .250
_lO 33 8 -.243
___7 22 5 .227
!Jamison 10 37 43 .216
Kornick 10 40 G .150
Vonarx 10 35 5 .143
_9 3( 4 .111
A 18 1 .056
Simoncelli _
16 Mushball Teams
Enter 2nd Round
• Of . IM. Tourney
First round eliminations are 'ex
pected - to be completed in the intra
mural mushball tournament by 'to
night, according to Bud Gordon, tour
nament manager. Sixteen teams will
then enter the second round of con
tests, and if weather is favorable the
tourney will be completed in two
weeks. The Betas 20-5 defeat of Tri
angle, and Alpha Phi Delta's 26-3' vic
tory over Sigma Phi Alpha headline
the week's results.
Don Householder's loime run and
two doubles contributed to Alpha Chi
Sigma's defeat of Delta Theta Sigma,
12-7, which kept the winners in pos
session of first place in the Penn-Allen
league. Delta Sigma Phi maintained
their hold of first place in the Locust
Lane league even though they loSt a
. 3-0 decision to Alpha Kappa Pi. Al
Wunderlich's run in the first inning
gave the victors their winning margin
early in the game. Drennon's pitch
ing kept the losers at bay throughout.
Pi Kappa Alpha and Delta Theta
Sigma were crowned champions in
their respective intramural soccer
leagues during the past week's compe
tition. Deadlocks in the other • two
leagues will be played otT by tomor
row, and the semi-finals between the
winners of the four divisions will get
under way.
Johnnie Mallory's goal gave Pi
Kappa Alpha the championship' in
League 4, when theydefeated A. T'. 0.
by a 1-0 score. Bob Thornburg was
the scoring star for the Delta Slime
Phi booters in defeating the Phijqps,
3-I,' thereby tildng,League 3 honors.
star has set a record this. year. His
latest improvement was one inch bet
ter than his old mark.
Nine Meets
Tthors At
4 Tomorrow
Lions Nip Susquehanna
5-0; Smith Hurls
5-Hit Game
Penn State's baseball team, back on
the mend again, will face Western
Maryland's Green Terrors at New
Beaver field this afternoon at 4 o'-
clock. Benny Simoncelli will attempt
to fireball the Lions to their eighth
victory in 11 starts,
Coach Joe Bedeck oildd his baseball
machine Saturday and succeeded in
removing enough of its kinks to pave
the way for a 5-0 victory over a futile
Susquehanna team that had been pre
viously trounced by Bloomsburg
Teachers, 22-8. Co-captain Frank
Smith's five-hit shutout pitching fea
tured an otherwise drab affair.
The Lions iced the game in the very
first inning, shoving four runs across
on singles by Johnny Waters, Co-cap
tain Mike Kornick, Sol Miehoff, and
George Slohodian, two errors, 'and a
pair of stolen bases. They scored their
final marker in the third when Ray
Brake walked, took second on a passed
ball, and rode home on Jce Adessu's
infield hit to third.
Indifferent base-running spragged
a budding Lion rally in the sixth
when State packed the bases on three
successive singles with none out, yet
failed to tally: Miehoff opened with
a single to center. Joe Adessa dump
ed a perfect bunt along the thisd base
line. Slobodian then bunted sharply
to short, and the bases were crammed
when he beat the throw to first.
But big Mel Vonarx popped meekly
to third, and with Smith at the plate,
the Lions dozed off on the basepaths.
Mieheff was trapped between third
and home for the second time and a
sharp peg from catcher Whitey Keil
to shortstop Danny Cotton nailed
Adessa - as he slid into third to corn-
Plete an unusual double play.
Two of the cylinders on Bedenk's
new model still failed to function well
High School Harry Harrison and
Vonarxa•emained in their lethargy...
• and
West 'Beaver Avenue
Keep 'Cool
through the summer with
New White Suits
Thespians Return
With the Spring Hit—
'Pardon My Glove'
That parody . on college life that everyone is talking about
Saturday, May 15
ttsburgh, 74-61
State Drops Tilt
To Army Ten;
Score: 5-2
West Point's "Reserve Strength
Levels Lion Laerossemen
It took 30 Army lacrosse players to
preserve their undefeated season and
to snap State's winning streak at four
games when they defeated the Lions,
5-2, at their field Saturday. State,
using only two substitutes, suffered
its second defeat in six starts.
•As in football, the final result of
the game rested on the power of the
substitutes. With State leading 2-1
at the end of the third quarter, the
West Pointers threw a steady stream
of fresh men into the game in the last
quarter who tired the defense to the
extent of allowing them to score four
goals, two of them within the last
minute of play.
Coskery and Captain Conley were
responsible for the State scores, the
latter tallying on a beautifully ex
ecuted screen play in the third quar
ter. Meyers was outstanding in his
defensive work and had much to do
with Army's low score.
Army regulars were on the bench
when the opening whistle blew, but
saw action before the first quarter
was over, although they led 1-0 at the
time. Monk Meyer, playing his first
year at lacrosse, used his football
sprinting ability to good advantage
but weakness with the stick kept him
from scoring.—S. S. S.
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SOFT AS FINE YELYET.;:wItite all .$
s.' . l
the way through...a full bodied (yet light
weight) porous leather that ;lets your -„. i i t
_.,. . m .,,.„
feet breathe. Cool, comlbrtable, 4 Smartly i• /en', ,; Ii 1r
dressed feet by the thousands will 'he • " i '!' )''' ° N's
found in Genuine flurfethins..hy Freeinan.
Every Fitting Proven' by X-Ray
Allen and Beaver . • - --- ' S tate College
Carnegie Has
Girl Net Star
Naomi Thompson Plays
Here Tomorrow
Shades of Dot Anderson! Remem
ber? (Fr eshman
, and sophomores—Dot,
was State's only woman who earned
a varsity letter. She was undefeated
in' her one season on the tennis team.)
Well, Carnegie Tech brings one
Naomi Thompson here tomorrow al
, ternoon in their match with the Lions.
Naomi, if she wins, will be the cause
of humiliation for some Penn State
tennis adonis, and they say site's
pretty good, having quite a bit of
tournament experience out Pittsburgh
But, back to last week-end, we find
that the Lions made it four losses out
of five matches, dropping a pair to
Syracuse and Cornell.
Al Hildebrandt, up - and - coming
sophomore, and Dick Campman, were
the only double winners in the singles.
Al and Dick won against Cornell Sat
urday when the Nittanymen lost, 7-2.
On Saturday, Capt. Paul Massey,
Campman, Hildebrandt, and Arnie Co
hen supplied the State wins in their
5-4 defeat at the hands of a "lucky
Syracuse team."