Page Four Conger Awarded National Office Physical Education Group Also Honors E. C. Davis; Slate's I. M. Program Praised At the annual National Physical' Educational Association conference, Ray Conger was elected national sec retary of recreation for that group. Dr. Elwood C. Davis was elected to the executive board for a period of five years. Intramural activities at Penn State were commented upon favorably by the Association. The elective system. of physical education was given much) publicity by that group, as the one in' use here is vastly different than those! employed by other colleges. Many of the colleges having elec.' tive activities allowed students who had need of physical education to be excused from them entirely. Other schools went to the opposite extreme, excusing none. The system here is a compromise of the two. Reorganized by Executive Council A reorganization of the whole Asso ciation was accomplished by the ex ecutive council, of which Dr. Davis was a member, during the last con vention. The purpose of thy shake up was ta make the association more efficient and of greater service to the members as a whole. Realizing that with 8,300 members, close contact with the executive heads was impossible, the executive council devised and formulated a plan to div ide the organization into. many sub comMittees. !These committees would represent the many districts, states, "and institutions. In this way the in dividual would be able to present his theories and ideas to a district com mittee which in turn would pass it up the line. Take Orders Monday Senior invitations and announce ments will be on sale at the Student Union desk starting Monday, accord ing to an announcement made today by the chairman of-the committee. T AN Y Evenings at . . . 6:30 and 8:30 Complete Show as late as 9:05 p.m. Matinee Every Saturday . . 1:30 TODAY-WEDNESDAY I EDWARD G. ROBINSON "Thunder in the City" -with- BRUCE LULA DESTE! . . . CATHAU ~ M. A Warns. Brolhcalluattc. •. Shows at - 1:30, 3:00, 6:30, 8:30 Complete show as late as 9:05 p.m. I LAST TIMES TODAY I • WEDNESDAY Also ul the NITTANy Thursday I THURSDAY ONLY I BRET lIARTE'S immortal story• of the gambler and the painted woman—with the colorful back ground of the spacious rip-roaring days in the gold fields of early California. I'RESTON FOSTER in "THE OUTCASTS OF POKER' FLAT" frith JEAN 31 UM kttendance at Stock Contest Sets Record The Little International Exposition, the largest, in 20 years, drew spectat ors from all over the state and neigh boring states to the stock judging pa vilion here Saturday.' John E. Paseoe,'39 and Robert K. Shearer '3B were awarded the judging contest cups. The cup, given for the member of the team who has the best 'record, went to Morris S. Huntzinger 1'37. Edward H. Danko '3B was named Grand Champion Showman and Jo seph Beckenstrater '4O was named Grand Champion titter. The judges were Kenneth Clark, of Frederick, Md.. and Fred McDowell of Fredonica, 'Pa. Following the judging, a dinner was held at the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity at which the cups and medals were awarded.. - Alpha Chi Sigma Leads In Penn-Allen League The race is already under way for the championship cup in the Penn- Allen fraternity mushball league. With only five games played to date, Alpha Chi Sigma. last year's cham pion, is leading the group with two victories to their credit. The league was organized last year by six fraternities in the vicinity of Allen street and Fairmount avenue. Alpha Chi Sigma, Delta Theta Sigma, Phi Lambda Theta, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa. and Theta Chi banded together and purchased a cup to be awarded to the winning team: The fraternity winning it three times gets permanent possession of it. lota 'Sigma Phi, women's chemical honorary recently initiated :Myra E. Cohn '37 and three graduate students, Ruth Everett, Mary S. Clements, and Stella Zoyas. Helen E. Borton '3B will be initiated at the May meeting of the fraternity. The requirements for membership are 20 credits in chemis try and a "2" average. L ,• 1.41 women like leni 5 14191 In the Big. Town, you see lots ,of empty packages. That means that pack after .6) j e i i • pack of refreshingly mild, good tasting Chesterftelds have satisfied .hundieds . . . ' . maybe thousands. Way out in Goose Creek Junction, you meet up with men who tell you • „ that Chesterfields are milder. see . ladies who tell you how good they taste and what a pleasing aroma they have. Literary Society Names Bell Head Newly-Formed Group Convenes At Princetori To Orgariize Two-Point Service At a meeting of forty college literary societies at Princeton last week, the Bell was named chairman of the newly-foinied Intercollegiate Literary Association. • Assisting Penn State's literary Magazine to fill the offices of th . e or ganization are Princeton, elected to the position of secretary, and Alber tus MagnuS, treasurer, The publicity secretary will be the magazine from New Jersey College. The Intercollegiate Literary 'Mae elation has been organized to bring into closer contact the various literary magazines and clubs on campuses throughout the country. The group of forty colleges which met last week and formed the Association has the distinction of forming the first such organization in the country. A two-point service decided upon at the. meeting last .week is included in the, organization. An agency will be organized to handle and attempt to market manuscript submitted by col lege writers. Another service planned is the operation of a critical service bureau, composed of prominent New York writers and critics, to Criticize con=structively student manuscripts submitted for that purpose. Speakers at the meeting included Joe Freeman, author of "American Testament;" Leone Zugsmith, author of "Time to Remember;" Curtis Hitchcock, publisher, and Arthur Brock, New York Times Washington correspondent. The next meeting of the Association may be held here. , 1 :51: : • i !. 1 :. , ... :-:)•••,,:.:-",,,..":. - THE PENN STATE COLLEGIAN Ng. Students To Hold Frolic Saturday Night The Ag Frolic, all-college festivity sponsored by the Agricultural Stu dent Council, will be held at 9 o'clock' Saturday night in Recreation hall. George Rohde and his Pennsylvanians will play for the dance. As in PrOViOUS years, fake cur rency will be the medium of exchange with which frolickers can gamble and barter at the booths of .various stu dent 'clubs of the School of Agricul ! tare. Dean Ralph L. Watts will present keys to, the members of the livestock; dairy cattle,' dairy producti; poultry, and, apple judging teams.., "Tickets may be secured at Student Union or from any Ag, Student Council member. 198 Graduates Take Alumni Council Posts RepreSenting 'alumni districts over the entire-world: 198 Penn State grad uates haVe::been' elected to the alumni council. Thoseelected.from the Centre 'coun ty district. - are. Dean of AgriCulture Ralph L.'Watt's '9O, Thomas Beaver '98..9. W.. Decker '25, K. J. Haines '2B, W. S. Jeffl;ies'24, R. P. Campbell '3O, and W. K.:Ulerich '3l.' Group Will Show Films of Horses Recreational POll Indicates 60% Student Body Interested In Horsemanship .The recent recreational poll Con ducted by Ray N. Conger, Physical Education and Athletics, showbd that GO per cent of the student body is in terested in horsemanship. In accordance with this preference, a showing of films on steeplechasing, fox hunting,: and a horse show will be given in room 206, Agriculture build-1 ing at 8 o'clock tonight. - The pictures have been, maned by Mtirlin . W. Nicely, a two-year student in animal husbandry, who owns a string of horses at Ligonier, where the films were taken. The organizations which co-operat ed in making the pictures are the Se wickley Horse Show, the Rolling Rock Fox Hunt, and. a branch of the Na tional Steeplechase Association. Besides Conger and Nicely, the committee in charge also includes Dr. James F. Shigley, professor of veter inary science. Dairy Show Planned Members of the Penn State Chapter of the American Dairy Science As isociation arc completing. 'arrange- ETOR BOLE way of burning tobacco cooler. cleaner. Car- Lion cools smoke. Keeps owl absolutely thy. coney. At dealers' now. IST DISCOVERY IN PIPES Going East . . . Or going West . . . Chesterfield satisfies 'em. CLASSIFIED TYPEWRITERS—AII makes expertly repaired portable and office ma chines for sale or rent. Dial ,23 , 12. Harry E. Mann 127 West Beaver Ave. 38 yr. G. B. FOUND—Ski Club coat. Owner may have same• by calling at Student Union and paying for this ad. 2.15-ItcoGß LOST —L. : Reversible topcoat, dark • brown Gaberaen, 'light camel hair top. Phone 3322. Reward. 21.6-ftpdGD, LOST-Log-Log slide rule in North Liberal Arts building Monday. Name,' : Dan E. Hower on it. If found,.—pbone '2661. 220-ItpdGD menu for - the 15th, annual dairy ex position to be held here on Saturday, May 8. Lee 1 1 4 . . Poorbaugh '37 is gen eral superintendent of the exposition, with William E. Youngdahl '3B serv ing as assistant superintendent. .'4 . :' : men like 'em Tuesday, April 27, 1937 TOBACCO NEWSPAPERS MAGAZINES CANDY FolloW. the Salient Sifter Again This Year NITTANY NEWS 110 West College Ave