Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 27, 1937, Image 2

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Successor to The Free Lance, established 18S7
Pt/WM.4loAlsemi-weekly during the College year. except on holiday!,
by dents of The l'etaarleanin State College. in the interest of the
College. the etudentx. faculty. alumni. loot friend.,
141[1.11C.CIATIAT. /JR NAIIO.I, AL0.1111(11146
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Collar Publishers Representative
420 MADISON AVE. Ncw Vol.. N.Y.
Editor Business Manager
Managing Editor . Advertising Manager
News Editor Circulation Manager
Feature Editor Promotion Manager
Women's Editor Foreign Advertising Manager
Associate Womert's Editor Senior Secretary
Associate Women's Editor
Thomas A. Boat '39 Herbert. It. Cuban TO Brace M. Trabue '3O
William It. Jonehint Jr. '39 Aloe C. Mclntyre 'B9
Roy H. Nichok Jr. TO Salvatore S. Sala '39 John A. Troanoviteh T 9
lawille 0. Creenbers: F! nee E. loos: '39 ROD* E. Sheen '39
,Ralph If. Cundlark '3:l Richard W. Sunman '39 Dallas IL Long 'B9
Jerome Shaffer '39 Francis A. C. Vosters Jr. 'B9 Mary J. Sample '39
lllLinuleinu %inter This Issus_
WWII Editor This Issue
Tuesday, April 27, 1937
JULIUS CAESAR found Gaul divided into three
parts when he set out to conquer it. Some 2,000 odd
years later or so, Dr. Carl B. Schott comes here from the
hills of \Vest Virginia on a campaign that is to make
Julius a piker of the first water.
At least that is his aim. He is to be the original gui
nea pig for an idealistic theory distinctly of more than
three parts and which is this:
The School of Physical Education and Athletics
will he integrated to include the supervision of the
physical education program for both men and wom-
en; to direct a much-battered intramural program.
utilizing and developing the outdoor facilities and
natural resources that are a part of this district; to
cooperate with the College Health Service; to ad
minister a four-year professional curriculum in
physical education and athletics; and to supervise
this program in conjunction with' the program of
intercollegiate athletics.
At 50, Dr. Schott is going to 'find a lot of Gauls to con
quer. Re is to go to bat for an experiment that is
idealistic and probably very desirable. Whether or not
it will be a successful experiment, of course, depends on
the quality of guinea pig. That is, to a certain degree.
Dr. Schott will prove also whether or not a job as this
one can be handled by one man. His actual appointment
is an indication that the emphasis is to be placed on
physical education and not intercollegiate athletics. He
will find it difficult to prove this idea to a lot of people
whose chief interest is in a winning football team. He
will find it difficult to prove to 21,000 alumni from
which can be found 21,000 intercollegiate athletic di
Dr. Schott will hold a unique position. Not being an
alumnus he will have the boys worrying just what he is
for as much us they worried what Hugo Bezdek was all
about. Dr. Schott might be termed an efficiency expert
that has been called in from the outside to tackle the job
with clean hands.
This physical education problem has been kicked
around for seven years until the boys could ease out
*Bevdek. It has been bruised since last fall when that
was 'accomplished. It is about time the brain-child be
nurtured in somewhat of a successful fashion.
It is for' that reasonthat,Dr. Schott .3 viy be on . the
spotfi*.themorne he sets foot on the:. .
for; . .that .. .';•easOn that Dr. Sc:hott'.he More tlian 'a'eaesay.
The sucegiis . 4 the 7 whole idea depends on him. if 'he
fails, it is:logical that the program will fail.
He comes with no particular enemies and no particu
lar friends. He is a man on his own on foreign terrain.
He conies as a firm reminder that the President is adam
ant in his intention of continuing his program after it
appeared to waver when Dick Harlow appeared "in" this
Experience indicates that this "fair-haired boy" of 50
had well be thick-skinned to succeed. It is traditional
here that the blame for a losing football team be placed
everywhere but on the shoulders of the head coach. Dr.
Schott will find this one of his burdens.
It is hoped that he will get a fair break when he
comes. It is hoped that he will have cooperation and
support. It is hoped that he will he a success, both for
himself, and for Penn State.
When he comes may he be greeted with more than,
"Well, pal, you asked for and you got it."
The Players' "Bury The Dead" the past.week.crid, in
addition to being extremely well done, was the strong
est protest against war that has appeared on this 'cam
pus. Commendation is due the performers, their direc
tor, and the technicians for the excellent job they per
It is in a manner akin to this that the campaign
against war should he conducted. An appeal to the
emotions is stronger than one toward reason. Reading
the display of anti-war posters collected by Dr. Tschan
and displayed last week in the library should be proof
enough of this.
How about using a little more of this subtle emotional
technique and a little less of the long-haired stuff?
Many stories have been told about Sally "Sadie"
Wolf, the Diner's booming babe who waits on tables
as well as amuses the 'customers with her cute voice.
It may be an old one, but it's still all right:
A well-known faculty boy ordered chicken soup
from Sally and after she had yodeled out the order, he
decided he would prefer split pea. He called Sally
over and told her, whereupon she returned to the
counter and thundered "Hold the chicken and make it
Kay Bloom, perennial blonde en-ed, has feared for
several weeks that her name would be linked with
Jack Vincent's in this column en account of they had
been seen around together. But along before I. F.
Ball,. Vincent gave Bloom the go-by and so she is
doomed to disappointment.
Vincent is the boy who had a dream about drinking
beer one night and awoke the next morning with a
hang-over. Which reminds us of the Phi Sigma Kappa
who slept through his nine o'clock last week in order
not to interrupt a dream about Simone Simon.
__Salvatore 5. Sala '39
M. 'r abut '39
The annual Lion coat season is in full swing
and with it comes many. many tales, Most of
the boys make nude drawings on theirs by way of
decoration. Not to be outdone, Able "Florence"
Taylor brings up the point that if men can draw
nude women on their Lion coats, why can't she
picture a nude man on hers.
Then there's the Phi Gam, Eddie MeCony, who
has some very fine-looking Fiji island babes
erouped around a campfire on the tail of his coal.
When he moves they dance. Once a tiji always a
Many pre-med students get away from the
common-place filth and draw paintings of sperms,
eggs, embryos, etc.. on their coals.
Spring ; may be here but it's no excuse for the car
ryings-on of some of the boys. Fletcher Byrom, for
instance, was out at Bald Eagle creek on a field trip
Saturday and after boasting of his grpatness, swam
across in the bitter cold for a bet of 75 cents. He was
plenty cold after that. And his betters were plenty
Leo. Houck was coming up from Harrisburg the
other night. In his own words, "the bus left Harris
burg at ten-thuhty, was to arrive at State College at
one-thuhty: Figuring on three hours sleep, I dozed
off. I awoke with an awful smell, which could only be
Tyrone, at two-thulity. At five-thuhty, I took a. bus
back to State College, arriving at six-thuhty." In
newspaper parlance, thuhty.
Miss Locklin, the English Lit prof., really pulls
the gags when the boys least expect it. Talking
about Walt IVhittuan.the other clay, she told her
class about his tendency to deal with sex in much
frequency. "But the sex in Whitman's work," she
said, "isn't the kind that drives one away from
reading him." We always thought sex. was a
pretty good attraction.
Mary Bruenly spends half her time going to bat for
the Penn State co-ed ...and the other halt condemn
ing the campus big-shot ... who ignores little co-eds
. . . Tat Humes is beaming and boa Sting of a great
big diamond from the manager of the local five and
ten . Paul Dean is still hitting it with the blonde
job, Barbara McClure ....Toe Adessa is covering the
Student Union desk when he isn't in center field ...
but the center of attraction is still •B. 8.... although
we don't mean baseball . . . -yes, Barbara Bowes . .
Tura• 1C1WV7.1.1171 , 1
"Bury the Dead," presented by
the Penn State Players under the
direction of Prof. Frank S. Neon
baum. Written by Irwin Shaw.
The Cast
First Soldier Irving Tersuhow
Second Soldier__Herbert Yanofsky
Third Soldier Clarenc, Evans
Fourth Soldier Dennis Weaver
Sergeant Randolph Graham
Captain Harry Reed
Priest Jack Charest
Rabbi_ __Charles Waxman
First General_______Edward Binni
Second General Robert Cowden
Third General________William Rile
Doctor Elmer Linberg
Secretary Scott Anderson
Charley Donald Wright
Resins • Alvin Heutchy
First Business Man_Chas. Waxman
Second Business Man_Jack Charest
Third Business Man_Elmer Linberg
Private Driscoll Alan Tapman
Private Morgan Johnson
Private Levy Donald Geiger
Private Webster Jack Wolgin
Private Schelling_Morton Wolovsky
Private Dean Gilbert Miller
Bess Schelling Dorothy Clarke
Joan Burke Nessa Firestone
Julia Blake Jane Eames
Katherine Driscoll Florence
Elizabeth Dean Jean Woodruff
Martha Webster_Beatrice Concord
Reporter Kenneth Kagen
Editor Richard Collins
Priest Walter St. Clair
Clubwoman Hilda Hanson
Newsboy Donald Wright
Forced to meet the, expectations
of advanced notices praising the
theme, lighting technique, and dy
namic force of the writing, as Well
as mad ravings of New York crit
ics, the Penn State Pl ayers came
through with amazing strength in
their portrayal of "Bury the Dead"
in Schwab auditorium Friday and
Saturday nights.
With an unusually large cast of
over thirty combined in characteri
zations nearly equal in importance,
the Players put on a performance
which will be remembered as one of
the best in the 17-year history of
the group. With no exceptions, the
cast was convincing, forceful, and
"Bury the Dead" in its own right
is a play which is bound to go over
in such liberal circles as these. More
convincing than anti-war strikes,
Propaganda; and' itiettectiim speech
es against the horrors of interna
tional struggle, Irwin Shaw's drama
was enough to put across the great
est arguments ever advanced
against war.
It would be absurd to omit com
ment on the fine work of the light
ing and sound, technicians which
distinguished "Bury the Dead."
With absolutely no exception, the
intricate light cues, were followed
without flaw. In the Friday per
formance, it appeared as if there
was a slip-up for a period of less
than a minute. This was due to an
error of a character, rather than
one of a technical crew.
There was a sharp contrast in
audience reaction between the two
showings. There was little laugh
ter on Friday night, but a larger
crowd the next day, plus a shade
finer 'handling of lines by the cast,
brought laughs from every 'clever
line. The reaction was immediate
and was cut short in time to catch
the next remark of the characters,
who were slightly bewildered by the
change ,of ..attitude, in , the ; audl-
"toritim!'. ,
A difference from other Player
shows may he detected in "Bury the
Dead" in the performances oUthe
women. Six girls nearly stole the
spotlight bY,thcir terrific emotional
appeal, and give promise of adding
much strength to future produc
Although it still must be stressed
that it took the entire cast to really
put the show over, it wouldn't be
fair to mention a few of the Play
ers, who, perhaps because of their
particular, ,lines; were outstanding.
Kenny Kagen as the reporter, Eddie
Hiland Shop
Launderers and
Dry Cleaners
ichols Leads Jam
Session; Hobson
Praises Eddie _
A jam session led by Eddie Nich
ols, together with a group of campus
; musicians, will be held in Schwab au
ditorium, Thursday at 8:30 o'clock.
The jam is being sponsored by Phi
Mu Alpha, honorary musical fra
Eddie Nichols is blessed with an
elastic ear for music, according to
Wilder Hobson, one of the editors of
Fortune magazine. While most peo
ple have only an ear for just one type
of music, Eddie can listen and enjoy
all kinds of sound, formally organiz
ed, as a written composition, or a
swing of the latest popular hit.
Mr. Hobson goes on to say that mu
sic comes from the deliberate formal
organization of sound and isn't con
fined to any set of tonal traditions or
"acceptable" departurei from those!
traditions. He believes that one could
organize five riveting machines so as;
to produce what he would call music.i
In Hobson's experience, Americans
who react to Beethoven do not react,
for example to 'Japanese gaga-ku mu
sic. While Beethoven may have more
tonal architecture, it does not mean
that it is of a superior quality. Ac
cording to Mr. Hobson, Eddie Nich
ols hears all kinds of music and judg
es it accordingly. Whether it is hot,
sweet, or ecclesiastical, Eddie can
judge fairly of its value.
College Awaits Grant
For Building Program
(Continued front page one)
Library and the Liberal Arts build
ings. The street space will be land
scaped and grassed, continuing the
center mall from College avenue to
the tennis courts.
Central Mineral Industries Wing
—Plans include the construction of
a first or cellar floor to 'cover the
space between the two existing
wings to the rear. A central wing
will be on top of this floor as high
as the rest of the building.
Agricultural Chemistry and Zool
ogy Building—This will be built
across from the present Agricul
ture Building and facing it.
Electrical Engineering Building—
This is planned for the south end
of the drill field, facing the Presi
dent's home and the present engi
neering units.: • • •
Chemistry-Physics Building—This.
will be built on Center Drive, next
to the, present building and facing
Holmes Filed and the Drive.
Agricultural Engineering Build
ing—Planned to be located above
the present Dairy Building, this
structure will face the sheep barns
and not the-East Drive as the Dairy
Building does.
Wings for Mechanical Engineer
ing Laboratory—This will be finish
ing the originally planned structure
that fauns - fraternity row to the
west of the regular engineering
Wings for the Textile Chemistry
Building—This, too, will be complet
ing the plans for the original struc
InfirMary Wing—A wing is plan
ned for the present infirmary.
Service Item—A provision was
planned to service any constructed
buildings with .heat, water, roads,
landscaping, and walks.
Five Judge Tourney
John H. Frizz° ll and Joseph F. O'-
Brien, Herbert Koepp-Baker, Clayton
H. Schug, and Harold P. Zelko, of the
division of speech, acted as judges at
the Pennsylvania Forensic and Music
League tournament held at Altoona
last week-end.
Binns as the general; Harry Reed
as the captain, Mort Wolovsky as
one,of the corpses, Dorothy Clarke
as the farmer's wife, and the sing
ing of Bud Yanofsky, must be com
The Players should be asked to
repeat "Bury the Dead."
we women
The drinking problein again raises
its ugly head. 'Of course 'many' dOn't
consider it a problem because actually
there•is Ile hard and fast .TtliC..There
is just. a simple statement to the ef
'fect that' W.S.G,A. disapproves• of
drinking and will deal with all cases
To settle the doubts that are lurk
ing in our minds, W.S.G.A. has pre
pared a paper explaining their views
on drinking and appealing to our mor
al standards. Underneath a cloud of
'idealism the paper seems to take
compromising standpoint. You gather
that they wish, to discourage drink 7
ling but don't want to make a definite
rule against it. You understand, that
an occasional glass of beer, ill betol:
erated,but not sanctioned.-'oth
er breaches of conduct they will-pun
ish those •who overstep the line and
over-indulge. • .
Are' you satisfied with the state
ment that - is vague and lax?. Would
you prefer-a moderate drinkinestate
ment that doesn't beat around the
bush or.a•rigid Prohibition?'
"Know Your .Sister FraternitY" : is
the title'of the Panhellenic party fOr
pledges'to beheld in - the Hugh , BeaVer
room at 6:30 Thursday night., There
will be brief talks given by the pledge
Cathpus Bulletin
Sophomore edit staff of Student
IlandboOk will meet in room 418, Old
Main, at .7_o'clock.
Red Wing Society will meet in
room. 85, ,Education building, at 7
o'clock. . •
All students interested. in for Ming
lan archery club will meet in room
1 301, Rec. Hall, at 4:15- o'clock.
I French Circle will meet at the
!Theta Kappa Phi ihouse, E. Hamilton
avenue, at 7:15 o'clock. Officers' will
be elected.
The sale of invitations and, an
nouncements for commencement. will
begin at Student. Union 'office nett
Monday, it was annouced late today.
l'ractices for the women's inter-
._ Jl uestlay, App L'L7„1937
Schott .- Appointment
ApptoVed by Hetzel
(Continned from. pope one)
predicted that -Dr:. ,
Schott would he
the. new. director. .•
The noir dean, 50 years Old, is a
native of Nebraska,' av graduate of
Nebraska 'Stilt° Normal, the Y. M. C.
College. of Springfield, Naas., and
has B; M: A., and Ph. D.:degrees
from' . Columbia University.
• Prior to his position at West Vir
ginia he was director of physical edu
cation and athletics at Western State
Teachers 'College, Kalamazoo, Mich.,
and was ;physical education director
and head - basketball 'and - -baseball
coach .at Pomona 'College, Clarernint,
• Hel was the first president ,of the
Nest 'Virginia State Basketball Of
ficials' Association, and was .funda
mental in the organization and direc
tion .of the annual state basketball
clinic held, at West Virginia Univer
.Dr. Schott is the chairman of tie
rules revision committee of the Na
tional Approved Basketball Officials
Association, a:member .of the Char:
term! Boards of Approved Basketbdll
Officials, and a member 'or. the hoif
or-awards committee of the Amcrica'rt
Physical Placation, Association.' .
The mew dean .has won varsity let
ters inbaseball, basketball, and ..foot,
ball.' He has officiatedin 'football for
Harvard,,Army, Navy; Cornell, Pitts
burg, Michigan and'other institutions.
Dr. Schott. also has 'officiated at in
tercollegiate basketball games.'
class 'swiminin meet, \Vednesda
May '5, will be held today and to
moyrowat , the. Glennland pool. • .
. . .
• • PRESSING ' '
Vote Now 'For
Cfflnpus 1940'
Jerry .Howarth' [X]
vice: ,
Morris Schaffner[X]
§chaefei [X]
Don "Cresswell . [XJ