Penn State collegian. (State College, Pa.) 1911-1940, April 27, 1937, Image 1

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Volume 33—No. 56
Federal Grant
Of $5,000,000
Is Anticipated
B o a r'd Acts Without
Actual Knowledge
, Of Receipts
Hetzel Discloses List
Of Structure Priority
The Board of Trustees carried
plans of a hoped-for five million
dollar Ci)liege building prograM
from PWA hinds as'far forward
as it could Saturday without
knowing just what funds would
be available and when.
Action of the committee on
architecture, the' executive com
mittee, and the board at large
consisted of outlining a• tentative or
der for the construction of buildings
and specifying where they are to be
located if secured.
The general . State Authority that
is the go-between for the state to the
PWA administrators sat yesterday to
consider the . five million dollar,pro
gram. It is though that definite wofd
as to the actual alottment will .
Bids which were let some time ago
for the women's donnitoiY,' that is to
come from privately raised funds and
not from the PWA together with the
nearing completion, of the architect's
plans led Adrian 0. - Morse, the Presi
dent's executive Secretary to say that
possibly work on the dormitory would
start "within, a 'few days."
The women's dormitory added to an
approved five' million dollar federal
program would bring over six mil
lion dollars worth of buildings to the
campus next year.
President Ralph D. Hetzel in dis
cussing the order 'of structure said
that the following list was in accur
ate order at the present time. He said
that if the money secured did not take
care of the entire list, deductions
would be made from the bottom.
. The list of proposed buildings fol
lows: '
. Central Liberal Arts Unit—This
structure will connect the two ex
isting wings and will be one story
Water Lines Connections for
carrying water from the wells drill
ed some timefigo north of the barns
will be built to the new water tdwer
for storage.
Forestry Building—lL will be lo
cated bn 'East,Prive,:below the
stock judging paVilion and facing
the .rend.
Education Building—This struc
ture *lll be located' north of the
Zoology Building and 'facing the new
Central Liberal Arts Unit.
Libragy—lt will be built across
the north end 'Of the Liberal Arts
Drive, facing South. It will cut off
the street now running past the old
(ConthluCd on page two)
Bookplate Collection
Displayed in Library
Loaned for exhibition by the Amer
ican Society of 'Bookplate Collectors
and Designers, a collection of' book
plates is on display in the College li
brary until May . 5. The exhibit. is in
the first and second floor lobbies and
room K. .
Illustrating the different mediums
in which bookplates are. produced, the
exhibit includes plates made by cop
per, zinc, photogravure, and wood
cuts. There is a wide difference in
design. and subject, matter.
Founded in 1022, the American So
eiety of Bookplate, Collectors and De
signers fosters the use of, the book
plate and : brings the collectors AO
designers . of bookplates into closer re•
lationship.r• The society has two col
lections, a permanent one which is de
posited in the division of fine arts of
the Congressional library in Washing
ton, D. C., and this traveling book col
lection. •
.. .
. . .
. .
. • f.-;' ^74 ''' 4r
AMU #tatr
.. S. orargt
. , ..
Named Physical Education Dean
Locate Building's for Proposed Program
Retires This. Year
Dean, Robert L. Sackett
Physicist Speaks
Here TomorroW
Dr, Haas, Professor at Vienna,
Gives Illustrated Lecture'
On Nuclear Engery
Dr. • Artinir Haas, professor of
physics at the University of Vienna,
will deliver an illustrated lecture : on
"Subatomic Energy an d Nuclear
-PhYaics'!, atja,n;onennteeting.of.Signia.
Pi 'Sigma, honorary physics society,
in the physics lecture room, 100 Phys
ics building. at 1:10 tomorrow after
, Dr. Haas is at present a visiting
Professor at Notre Dame University.
The talk will be an attempt to explain
in nOn-techniCal language the results
of recent developments in• this new
field of physical research:
'The talk will be of interest to oth
ers than physicists; because this (mei
tion has extensive application in the
fields of chemistry, mathematics, zool
ogy, and botany.
Included in the talk will be an ex
planation of the 'process by which
chemists have succeeded in transmut
ing the baser metals into silver and
gold. Dr. Haas is well known as an
original • theorist' and will explain
many of his own theories.
The staff and graduate students of
the physics department will entertain
Dr. Haas •at a luncheon Wednesday
noon, prior to the address.
Froth Offers Prize
For 3 Oddest
Lion Coats
Win fortune as well. us fame for
your Lion coat. Details of an unique
contest for the best, screwiest, and
dirtiest Lion coat decoration were an
nounced .today by James Dugan '37,
editor-in-chief of _Froth. The winners
will. receive cash prizes and . articles
• of merchandise.
The winning coats will - be - pictured
en their owner's backs in the 'Junior
Prom issue of Froth, Dugan 'announ
ced. First prize will consist of $lO in
cash and publication; second prize
will go to the Craziest coat, for which
the owner will receive a case'of beer
donated by the Hofbrau; •third price,
fa the most salacious coat ; will con
sist of a fresh .new Lion cent to• re
move the'shame of it all.
The ladies will, not be forgotten.
The best feminine design will be re
warded by suitable merchandise to be
announced 'later. The judges will be
Louis H. Bell, journalism; Francis
S. Hyslap,'ilne arts; and Robert S.
Galbraith, English composition. The
contestants will conic to•the Froth of
fice in person, wearing their coats for
the judging, the date of which will be
announced Inter. Due to the nearness
of the magazine's deadline, the judg
ing will be held early next week
' Editor Dugan will hot. promise to
publish a picture of thelmost sala
cious toot because of. postal regula
tions and the Society for the Suppres
sion of Vice. Designs must be leg
ible but need not have been drawn by
the wearer of the coat : Contestants
should watch the next. Collegian for
final details.
Trustee Board Grants
26 Changes in Flculty
Dean Sackett Retires As Head •Of School Of
Engineering; Chambers To Leave
' Alter Summer Session •
Resignations, sabbatical leaves, advancements' and appoint
ments of 26 faculty members (effective at the end of the college
year) were approved at a meeting of the board of trustees of the
College at the Penn Harris hotel in Harrisburg, Saturday morning.
Retlrementsr—Robert L. Sackett,
dean of the School of Engineering,
becomes dean emeritus; Dr. Will
Giant Chambers, dean of the School
of Education, becomes dean emeritus
(effective at close of summer ses
sion); Prof. John A. Ferguson, head
of the department of forestry, be
comes professor emeritus.
A. Howry Espenshade, professor of
English composition, becomes profes
sor emeritus; Prof. Edith P. Chase.
director of hone economies, becomes
director emeritus (effective at close
of summer session); Dr. Alvis L. Rho
ton, professor of education; Oliver
P. Medsger, professor of. nature edu
cation, becomes professor emeritus.
Prof, Frank D. Gardner; head of
agronomy department, becomes pro
fessor emeritus; Benjamin W. ,Ded
rich, assistant professor of _ milling
engineering; Thomas H. Tayldr, in
structor ,in woodwork; and Merritt
141. Harris, professor of English corn
position, becomes professor emeritus.
• ResignatiOnS:—Dr. Willard Waller,
profegoor, , of ,, soeiology;: , -will—go. , -CO
Wayne:University;"Dr. Jesse - E: Hun
ter, associate professor of agricul
tural and biological chemistry, will
leave for 'a commercial position im
mediately;' and Dr. Austin L. Pat
rick, professor of sop technology, will
accept a position with Federal Bureau
of Soils.
Sabbatical , leaves:—Dr. Elwood C.
Davis, professor, of physical educa
tion and athletics, second semester, to
study and ,write; Dr. Wayland F.
Dunaway, prdfessor of American his
tory, first semester, for research in
Pennsylvania history; Herbeut Koepp-
Baker, assistant professor of public
speaking, first semester, for graduate
Prof. Harold A. Everett, head of
the department of mechanical engi
neering, first semester, to attend lu
brication meeting in London and to
visit English and continental engi
neering -schools; Harold E. Hodgkiss,
professor of entomology extension,
from now until September to study
suppression of insect pests; and M. K.
Goddard, instructor' in forestry, both
semesters, for graduate work.
Advancements:—Henry S. Brunner,
instruct& in agricultural education,
to-be head of department of rural ed
ucation as associate professors; Dr.
Raymond E. Murphy, assistant' pro
fessor of economic geography, to be
associate professor.
' Appointments:—Robert' V: Hooch- ! I
er, associate professor of agricultural I
bio-chemistry, from AMbrican Can
company as research chemist (effec
tive Juno 1) ; John 11. Kirk %DJ,. in
structor in general extension, was'
district representative in Erie; Allen
E. Wierman, assistant superintendent
in division 'of correspondence instruc
tion; and Alfred M. Swift .'27, news '
assistant in public information office,' .
comes from Erie Daily Times (effec
tive May 1).
It was also announced that a gift 1 1
was received from the David Michael
company of•sso a year for ten years,
toward the expenses' of the dairy I
products judging team. The next trus
tees meeting will be held here, Satur
day, June 5.
10,000 Tree Seedlings
Planted by Fotesters
Ten thousand tree seedlings are be
ing planted in Stone Valley by stu
dents of the. 'department of forestry
under the direction of the Resettle
ment Administration. ,
The group has 'completed an ad
ministrative building for the geology
department, and a building for the
forestry department is also under con
struction. Plans are being drawn up
for a building for the civil engineer
ing departthent. The three depart
ments will lie allotted land in the re
search forest for instruction purposes,
especially summer practicunt work.
SDAY, APRIL 27,1937
Dedrick Awarded
Research Meeal
Phi Eta Sigma Also Gives Honor
To Babcock; Morse Made
Honorary Member
• Benjamin N. Dedrick, mechanical
engineering, is the 19:17 recipient of
the Phi Eta Sigma research award,
it was announced today. James A.
Babcock 'TT has becn• selected as the'
Senior, of the fraternity deserving of
special commendation. '
The award .is made each year by
the freshman scholastic honorary to
the facility member of the college who
has most nearly_ typified the true sci
the betterment of • mankind. Last
year's winner was A. Dowry Espen
shade, formerly of the department of
English composition.'
Came here in 1910
Dcdrick is an as - sistant professor of
milling engineering. .11e came to this
campus in 1910 and established the
first milling school in America. He
organized the Association of Opera
tive Millers and was its first presi
dent. .He has written prolificly on
milling subjects and has done much
in the way of milling research. De
velopment of a quick method of bread
making gained him world-wide recog
Babcock will be awarded a medal
for his commendable record at 'the
same time Dedricle is awarded his.
The occasion will be the Phi Eta Sig
ma initiation dinner to be held
May 5. Babcock is president of
Tau Beta Pi, engineering honorary,
president of the Honor Society coun
cil, and a member of the Student Un
ion board. Adrian 0. Morse, assist
ant to the president, will be made an
honorary member of the fraternity at
that time.
Priestly Session
' To Begin. May 4
Dr. George H. Clowes, Chwitical
Research Head,•To Give
Lecture Series
The 12th annual Priestley lectures
will be delivered in the Chemistry
Amphitheatre, beginning next Tues
day, May 4, and continuing until Fri
day, May 7. Dr. George 11. A. Clowes,
research director of Eli Lilly and
ccmpany, Indianapolis, Ind., will
speak each night, starting at 7 oU:etc.
The four•day lecture session, inau
gurated• here in 1926 'in recognition
of Josph Priestly's , outstanding eon,
tributions to American chemistry, is
regarded as one of the leading scien
tific sessions conducted in this state.
As usual, the lectures this year will
be conducted by Phi Lambda Upsilon,
honorary chemistry society, and the
department of chemistry in co-opera
tion with the department of agricul
tural and biological chemistry.
Doctor Cloves is a graduate of the
Royal College of Science, London, and
the University of Gottingen. He came
to this country at the turn of the cen
tury and was assistant chemist of the
New York State cancer laboratory
until 1918.. The following year he
became biochemist for the Eli Lilly
company and in 1920 vas made re
search director for the Lilly labora
tories, his Present position.
3-Day Elections
For Class Posts
End Tomorrow
Electioneering Barred
In Old Main; New
Rules Prevail
ROTC Issue Features
Student Opinion Poll
Up to 5 o'clock yesterday, 06
students had cast their votes in the
student elections.
All seniors, in addition to . mem
bers of the three lower classes, will
be permitted to vote on the ques
tion. el optional R.0.T.C., it was
decided at a meeting of the'elections
committee , just before the polls
opened yesterday.' afternoon. •
Two other referendum questions
were also added to the ballot, to be
voted upon by the entire student
body. They concern the retention of
the 23-cent semester debating fee
and the assessment of a 75-cent
blanket fee for all activities.
Seniors may vote at. tuiy time dur
ing the' regular election period by
presenting their matriculation cards
in Oni first floor lounge of Old ➢fain,
the elections committee said. .
Elections fur class officers will end
'promptly_ettt —l2:3o.,OlcloCk..,,tomorrow
afternoon, it was announced today by
Joseph F. Griffith '37, chairman of
the elections committee.
The polls opened in the first floor
lounge of Old Main at 12:50 o'clock
yesterday afternoon, closing at 5 o'-
clock. They will reopen at 8:45 o'-
clock today and tomorrow morning.
Vcting•will cease for a half hour this
afternoon, beginning at 12:15 o'clock.
The question of compulsory R. 0.
T. C. appears cm the ballot for the
first time in an all-college election.
Results of the poll will be used as an
official record of student opinion, to
be presented to the Boai•d of Trustees
next June, when optional military
training will be asked.
New Rules in Effect
New rules. embodied in the elec
tions code modifications recently re
leased,.are now in effect. The rules
prohibit any electioneering in Old
Main, barring clique chairmen to en
ter the building more than once every
half hour in order to check their vot
ing lists. A member of each party,
however, is permitted to check his poll
books as voters leave the booths.
Questioning of students in Old Main
is prohibited.
The campaign opened officially last
Tuesday night with a mass meeting
in Schwab auditorium. Candidates
were introduced and posters distribut
ed. Final reports of party expendi
tures, restricted to $lO by the elec
tions code, were filed with Griffith
Sunday night, officially ending the
52 Officers Enrolled
For Traffic Training
Fifty-two traffic officers from 39
cities will gather here April •26 to
May 7 for the first annual _Pennsyl
vania TealT i c Officers' Training
School. This two weeks coarse, is
sponsored by the College in co-opera
tion with four ether safety organiza
Prof. 0. W. Wilson bf Harvard Uni
versity, Lieutenant. F. td. Kreml of
Evanston, Illinois; and Prof. Aims E.
Neyhart, in charge of driver train
ing of the American Automobile Asso
ciation, are the principal lecturers on
the training school. Professor Wil
son will lecture on "Organization and
Training," Lieutenant Kreml will talk
and lead discussions an "Accident In
vestigation and Court Work," while
Prof. Neyhart will speak on "The Car
—The Driver—The Pedestrian."
The purpose of the course is to pre
vent accidents by "an intelligent' at
tack by the police upon their causes."
The study is designed to provide a
comprehensive survey on the prob
lems of traffic control and will pre
pare the officers for the solutions of
these problems.
Sophomore English Test
SchedUled for Thursday
The required English usage test
for admission to the upper division
of the Schools of Education and
Liberal Arts will be given Thurs
day at 3 o'clock. Sophomores from
A to L, inclusive, will report in the
Chemistry Amphitheatre; from M
to N, inclusive, in 100 Horticulture
building; 0 to S, inclusive, in 109
Agriculture building; and T to Z
in 200 Engineering•D.
Upper divis'on candidates hav
ing 1 o'clocks Thursday may se
cure excuses for that period in
mem 12, South Liberal Arts build-
Prom To Display
Far East Theme
Temple, Lanterns To Decorate
Recreation Hall at Junior
Dance on May 14 '
' East will meet West with "Manda
rin" Glen Gray and his velly velly hot
Casa Loma baud acting as .intermedi
ary - in Recreation hall at the Junior
Prom, May 14. "Emperor" Charles
R. Campbell '3B issued an edict today
stating that the Brown Decorating
Company of Philadelphia will have
Recreation hall looking like an Orien
tal palace.
''''The -eh tire- cell ing-will-be -covered
with 'tan cloth, and a center piece of
golden yellow drapery with red rut : .
fles will also be used. From the ceil
ing will hang large Oriental lanterns
to lend the necessary lighting effects.,
Nile green cloth will be used over
the walls with a Chinese designed
border. These will hang from the
hallustrade railings. At the south end
of Recreation hall will he erected an
Oriental temple with lanterns and a
brilliant background of magenta col
ored material.
Background in Yellow and While
The entire background will be
draped with a section of yellow and
white striped material, in sharp =-
trust with the green, gold, and red of
the temple. Two specially designed
gong towers with banners attached
will he placed on either side of the
The ',Valhi will be draped in festoon
effect, blue, yellow, and red striped
drapery, and the booths will be deco
rated with nile green cloth and bal.
lustrade rails.
A special gate, painted red and
decorated with a cut-out design, will
form the arch entrance.' The hall
ways will also be ornamented in keep
ing with the general theme.
Art Lover Deprives
Others of Chance
For Appreciation
Rain dripped against the windows
outside. It was early morning, just
the time of day when it's dark and
light all at once.
He grabbed the framed print and
tucked it underneath his raincoat.
Then he slunk off.
Today some student undoubtedly is
happy, but thousands of Other art lov
ers are gloomy and depressed. And
the campus patrol and art depart
ment grimly face their unexpected
The campus • patrol is overloaded
with 5,952 clues; the art department
faced with the necessity of paying for
the print; thousands of students sad
because they were deprived of a
chance to see it, all because one rabid
follower• of art thought the print
would be safer in his hands.
No, it wasn't a nude, although ev
ery Goya nude has been cut out of CV
cry book on the campus. It was "On
the Beach," an original print by Wal
do Peirce, picturing a mother and a
"Well, anyway," mused Prof. J.
Burn Heline, "he had good taste."
But good taste won't impress the
American Artists Group, which loan
ed the exhibition to the art depart
ment here.
New Director
To Take Post
On July First
Pres. Hetzel Approves
Choice of Board
Of Trustees
Has Been W. Va. Head
For Past Nine Years
Dr. Carl B. Schott, was named
by the Board of Trustees Satur
day to succeed Hugo Bezdek as
Dean of the School of Physical
Education and Athletics, bear
ing out of the Collegian story
ten days ago that he would be
Schott, present dean of the
same school' at the University
of West Virginia, told the Collegian
that he would snake a statement of
peliey and views as soon as he had
received official notification of his ap
pointment. from President Ralph D.
According to Iletzel, Schott was the
choice from a field of over 50 possible
candidates. His appointment will be
effective July 1. He is not an alum
nus of this college, having been se
lected • as-tlic ,, man -nearest , the-quali- -
fications desired for the supervision
of .the physical education program
here, lietzel said.
Many Responsibilities
Hetzel outlined the new dean's re
sponsibilities as covering the super
vision of the physical education pro
gram for both men and women stu
dents, the direction of the intramural
and outdoor recreation program in
volving enlarged use of the facilities
which nature makes available in cen
tral Pennsylvania, cooperation with
the College Health Service in the pro
motion of student health, the admin
istration of a four-year program of
professional curriculum in physical
education and. athletics, and the in
tegration of the whole physical educa
tion program with the program of the
intercollegiate athletics.
Iletzcl said that Dr. Schott is quali
fied to administer the manifold re
sponsibilities included in this program
that has a bearing upon the physical
well-being cf 5,600 students, he said.
it was understood that there would
be no basic change in the athletic pol
icy of the college. The Physical Edu
cation School is understood to be co
ordinated en a basis with the other six
schools of the campus.
This standing of the school was ap
proved in MO when Hugo 'Be7dek
was named its first director. The res
ignation of Ilemick last fall as the
dean of the school started a wide
scramble for the position that was
considered at one time this winter to
he practically in the hands of Dick
Harlow, State . alumnus and present
football coach at Harvard.
Following a visit of Dr. Schmitt to
the campus two weeks ago when he
was interviewed and introduced to
various coaches and physical educa
tion men. The Collegian at that. time
(Continued on pope Iwo)
Thespians Score Hit
At Clearfield Showing
Playing to a capacity audience in
Clearfield, t h e Penn State Thespians
scored quite 0 hit with their musical
satire, "Pardcn illy Glove." The show
is n take-ra on State's customs and
mannerisms, featuring two ex-con
victs at its leads.
The show will move to Reading
May 13 to present the musical com
edy there. From there the Thespians
will return home and give the show
the Saturday night niter Junior
John 0. Chambers '39 and .1. Lloyd
Larkins '37, the two male leads, por
tray the escaped convicts front Rock
view. Coming here during Freshman
Week, they are taken for suckers and
pledged to the Beta fraternity: From
then on their rise to B. M. 0. C.'s is
quick and sure.