friday, April :43; Between the Lions Wherein The Alumni Goes To . Bat But The Prexy Singles To Center Whether or not the administration will be putting itself out on a very dangerous limb will be forecast tomorrow when the trustees meet in Harris burg to decide, among other things, just who will be the new Dean of Phys ical' Education and Athletics to succeed Hugo Bezdek. At a standstill over the selection of the new man since December 3, 1936, it has become apparent that somebody was getting, a bit desperate and that others were becoming impatient. The alumni, supposedly all-powerful, en dorsed a person who, first, was a Penn State graduate, and second, was a power in intercollegiate athletics. But last week, the Collegian discovered that the man probably to get the recommendation of the president and perhaps the appointment of the trus- Sigma Nu Cag" . ers. tees met neither Of the requirements of the alumni. Dr. Carl Schott, the rumored appointee. has served. for. Capture IM Title nine years only as Dean of a School of Physical Education and has had but little to do with athletics. The administration wanted an aca demic man as dean. Dr. Schott may ho this, although he has done little in his field. It- seems rather queer that the administration did not force an academic person, with a thorough knowledge of both the physical edu cation and . athletic pictures here, to take the position. We refer to Dr. Ellwood C. Davis, who, as. chairman of the committee running the School at present, won the respect of the conches and others. It is rumored that Dr. Davis was offered the position and refused it. If this is so, he probably did not wel come the athletic - responsibilities. But the appointment of Dr. Schott, supposedly not' an acadeinic man, mixes the situation up again. IL Dr. Schott secures the appoint ment tomorrow, it will only be fair to give him a chance here. Perhaps he is a capable handler of intercol legiate athletic problems. If so, he .will have to show it to a - critical group of students and alumni. Although boxing rightly so has been shunted, into the background by spring sports, there still is time to bring up a last-minute bouquet. Johnny Sayers, a sophomore, was-an intricate part of the undefeated Lion mitmen although he never appeared before an audience in boxing togs. Durin g the week, he sparred with Sammy Donato and kept the welter weight in shape. On Saturday nights, he came into his own as trainer and second to the ring team. He worked hard, and his quick suggestions and soothing hands probably won more, than one fight for Penn State. When it came time to award the boxers for their services, Johnny wasn't named as winner,oL a; major, "S." Probably, if hi remains - here, he will be honored when he is a sen ior. It would be a fine gesture of the athletic administration to- pay homage to a great sportsman before he has left Penn State. Writing a sports column • brings accusations that one is a' • sideline Freshman Ba.seballers Play At Mercersburg Tomorrow Seeking to avenge a 13-2 wallop ing administered last year by ,Mer cersburg, the Nitteny Cubs will leave tomorrow morning for the southern Pennsylvania school. Counting on three weeks of fair practice days Leo Houck will present a well-knit team on the diamond. Bob Goodrich is slated to take the mound for the Houckmen in the open ing game. - Five pitchers besides Good rich will, accompany the :players' to Mercersburg.; The;.starting lineup finds Chuck Plumber as..lehd:off-hit ter with Sherwin batting in the sacri fice position. Dean Stover, shortstop, and Paul Menzie, third basethan, bat in the clean-up positions.. Chuck Quailei, left fielder, Mike Cooper, cen ter fielder, John Relic, right fielder, Paul, Sieber, catcher, and Goodrich, pitcher, complete the' lineup. Coach Houck expects his usual good season of only one loss and the rest victories. He is 'noted for whipping teams into shape on short notice as, for example, his cubs of last year who sent a strong team on the field with Plumbing and Heating Heating Systems Installed 808 TAYLOR DIAL 2722 AFTER. THE ATHLETIC EVENTS VISIT . BOOT'S. DINER 110 E. College Ave. "BOOTS" RIPKA, Prop EndT Make SURE Political Grafi V ote Independen Of Reform Last Minute Onslaught Tops Phi Delta Theta, 36-26, In Hard Battle ' Sigma No won 'the intramural bas ketball championship by defeating Phi Delta Theta, 36-26, after a last minute scoring spree which netted the winners 13 points to climax a nip and-tuck contest, Tuesday night. Coach John D. Lawther officiated: In making their way to the finals, Sigma Nu downed Unit 6, Watts Hall, and Varsity Hall,, while Phi Delta Theta topped the Comets, Unit 2, and the .11-R-B Club. At. the end of the first quarter of the title tilt the score was knotted at 8-8. In the second period, Sigma Nu outscored their opponents 9 to 5, and at half-time the score stood 17-13. Phi Delta Theta launched a• vicious third period attack to again tie the count at 21-21.. But just as the quarter end ed Denise sank a long shot to put .Sigma Nu out in front. Scheuer - High Scorer In the final frame Phi Delta Theta, apparently stunned by a sudden bar rage of Sigma Nu points, was com pletely routed and the 'game ended 36-26. Don Schauer, Phi Delta Theta for ward, had a brilliant evening at the basket, registering six goals and three fouls for a •total of 15 pointS. Denise with five goals and a foul and Thomas with five goals were high scorers for Sigma Nu. coach, etc: This writer wants it known that what goes down here is just one person's opinion, and wish es to emphasize the point that other views are welcomed. Any letters pertaining. to sports_ topies,,sent to this coluinn will be printed, either . in full - part. We are only follow ing the statement made recently by Leo Houck in answer to suggestions from "experts" as to who should make the freshman baseball team. "Come, up today at four," said Leo, "and help me pick the team." —.T. W. only three hours' practice. This sea son, with three weeks of pre-game practice, much is expected of the sluggers. Mercersburg Boasts 4 Victories .Boasting four victories out of five starts, the lifercersburg nine should find little trouble in cutting down the Cub team. Wins over Harvard and Princeton . freshmen feature their 1937 record. Captain and first base man of their squad is Joe E; Brown, Jr.',.-son.of Abe-famous cnciyle:sta . r ? and: 'ex-,Yfinkee'thiid.beieraan. Completing the squad to make the trip to the Academy includes: Amery Dunn, Bill Bile, Al Bolder, Milan Bu- Chan, and Sam Stiver, all pitchers. Utility men to go are: Martin Valeri, Sam .DeFranco, Dick Parsons, Joe Hetra t and Roy Genslerc—T:A.B. THE HOFBRAU Warm weather am here— . yow sir. Famous for Ham burg sandwiches. Our draught beer always the right tempeiature. Nine Resumes Home Stand With Colgate Frank Smith To Pitch • Against Raiders Tomorrow Idle since last Saturday, Penn State's baseball team resumes its scheduled six-game home stand at New Beaver field tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, with Colgate's Red Raiders supplying the opposition. It will. be the Lions' third home game and sixth of the season. Steady rains soaked New Beaver field Wednesday, forcing postpone ment of the Dickinson contest until Wednesday, June 2. .Because of final examination week, however, Graduate Manager of Athletics Neil M. Flem ing said yesterday that the faculty committees of both schools will be asked to advance the game into May. Smith's Arm in Shape -His arm again primed for pitching duty, Co-captain Frank Smith is slat ed to face the Red Raiders in the 13th meeting of a series that began in 1895. Colgate has been able to win only three of the 12 games. No marked changes are 'expected, the po sition of right field, as usual, depend ing upon the opposition's pitcher. ' Smith, with two Victories in three starts this season, may meet a...tartar in Colgate. The Red Raiders will come here with practically the same line-up that althost spragged the high flying Nittany Lion machine last year I at Hamilton, N. Y. The greatest dis advantage that the Raiders will have to overcome is the loss of Bob Wright, brilliant southpaw who held the Lions to eight safeties in their last meeting. The infield will again consist of Mel Vonarx at first base, Windy Wear at second, Harry Harrison at short stop, and Johnny Waters at third. Co captain Mike Kornick will be behind the bat. Miehoft Paces Batters Getting• four hits in ten' times at bat, shifty Sol Miehoff tops the bat ting list with an average of .400. Brake is runner-up, With five hits out of 13 .attempts for a mark of —385. Other marks are: Harrison .286; Adessa .263; Crossin .250: Waters .200; Vonarx and Benny Simoncelli, each .107; Wear .150; Kornick .136; Batter Chittter , Simoncelli blasted the Red Raiders single-handedly last year, topping his eight-hit performance with a dou ble with the bags loaded to give State a 7-4 victory ... Incidentally, Colgate got off on thi right foot last week, nipping Cornell, 4-3 ... Bedenk takes his usual daily, workout by serving them up to his batters in practice ... Brike exemplifies the perfect Pepper Martin, head-first, belly slide.--J.A.T. The ( . = 71 DEN las.. RESTAURANT Open Friday and Saturday. Evenings, 8-12 OPEN FOR PARTY ENGAGEMENTS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday evenings STRIKING-LDRAMATIC—BURNING "BURY THE DEAD" Presented by ME Tonight and Tomorrow, 8:30 Tickets 50c I . IIE PENN STATE cuLLEuIAN Spring Sports Writers' Assignments Announced here are the sports writers who will sorer the spring sports for the remainder of the year: Baseball John Troanovitch Frosh Baseball____Tommy Boal Lacrosse (Frosh, Varsity) Sal Sala __Herb Cahan __Bill Joachim Frosh Track ' Roy Nichols Golf Bruce Trabue Spring Pootball____Al Mclntyre Intramurals Herb Cahan, John Troanovitch,. Bruce Trabue, Al Mclntyre 8 Women Placed On Rifle Team More Varsity Matches Held This Year; Baseball Practice Will Open Monday By CAROLINE TYSON Rifle honors were bestowed upon eight outstanding shooters who ful filled the requirements of• winning at !mist one match and completing the season 'with an average of 90 points. The honorary varsity, includes: Helen Adams, Olive Brown, Betty , Evans, Margie Lloyd, Madge Norton, Maybel Penley, Budge Saunders and Abie Taylor. This year's rifle season has been more successful than previous recent seasons, not only in the number of varsity matches won, but also in the total number of participation hours. One hundred and four women signed up and were active in the sport with ! the grand total of 1275 participation; hours. Saunders Elected Eleanor Saunders has been elected by the W. A. A. board as head rifle manager for next season. Assisting her from the junior class will be Hel en Adams and Miriam 'Skiadal has been elected the sophomore manager. Baseball practice ended yesterday and the annual inter-class competi tion will, open Monday with - the sen ior-junior and sophomore-freshman games. Betty Wirtz will manage the sophomore team while Camilla Binder has been appointed freshman mana ger. Before I hand over the sports type writer to your .new,Aomrrica l ator, hearty thanks are in order to Miss Haidt, Jean Northrup and the board who made it possible this year for the Collegian women's sports writer to attend board meetings., I only hope that, in return, the column has been constructive to the board and to the actual participation. Penn State's sportswomen should be commended for their excellent en thusiasm, which is comparatively greater than that in other colleges where better facilities are available. Quakers Here To Meet Lion Lacrosse Ten State Out For Third , Straight Victory From Penn Penn State's lacrosse team will seek its third successive win at the expense of the Pennsylvania, squad on New Beaver'field tomorrow at 1::30 o'clock. The Lions will line up against. big Penn combination, most of the players cooling from the football and boxing wars. The Quakers' ace goal tender is captain of the boxing team and a blocking back on the football squad while their star attack man, Alva Nye, plays end on the eleven. In their defeat. at the hands of a strong John Hopkins' ten, the Penn men dis played a rough-and-tumble blocking and checking machine that makes for plenty of fast action. The Quakers defeated the Philadelphia Lacrosse Club which consists of former college players. Last year, the Lions nosed out !Penn, 5-4, in the closing minutes of 'play, to begin their season. That was played on • April 25. Tomorrow, des- I pite the fact that they are playing the 'fourth game of the season, Coach Thiel's .boys have not as yet reached itheir top form. Preachy Julian, All-American la crosse player from Rutgers, will ref eree the game. Preachy is considered the best official in the business by his colleagues and lacrosse coaches. His stunts and acts on the field have given him the title of the "acrobatic offi cial. The following is the probable line up to face Penn at the opening whis tle: Cohen and Coskery, homes . ; Bus er and Snook, attacks; Captain Con ley, center; Hoft and Hontz, defenses; Eisenman and Proksa, points; and Meyer, goal.—S.S.S. Lion 11 Plays Teachers With a month of intensive spring practice behind them, the Lion foot ball squad will engage the gridmen of Bloomsburg State Teachers College in a 'regulation length practice game at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon cm New Beaver field. It will be the grid., dens' second practice game this spring. 15 Trackmen Run at Penn Relays Today, Tomorrow Coach Chiclc Werner's three relay quartets and three individual entrants make up the Penn State delegation which left early this morning to take part in the 43rd annual Penn Relay Carnival at Philadelphia today and tomorrow. The first team which will see action will be that of Co•captain Howard Downey, Burt Aikman, Len Hender son, and Pete Olexy in the distance inedldy relay. The four will run in this order. Each man runs a differ ent distance, Downey a 440: Aikman the half-mile; Henderson the three quarter mile; and Olexy the mile. This is the only event in which State will take place today. State will be up against one of the greatest teams of all time in the In diana distance entry. The mid-west team will star two Olympic runners, Don Lash and Tommy Deckard. Lash set a world's record for the two-mile run at Princeton last June, The same four will make up the four-mile relay team for Saturday's event. Here again Indiana is the big threat. Downey will probably start off the race, while Olexy will run the anchor leg. A favorable break, but one that will not have much effect on the out- conic of the races. is the one by which both of the Lion distance relay teams GEO. L. SMITH'S Powder Puff Barber and Beauty Shoppe .SERVIdE OUR MOTTO PIONEER SHOPPE—ESTABLISRED 1920 Xervac Treatment by Appointment 107 Allen SI. Dial 2201 Page Three drew the pole in their races. The race is so long that the effect of start ing from the pole Will he almost neg ligible. ' Coach Werner expects the other Lien varsity entry. the shuttle hurdle relay team, to provide plenty of op position for all teams entered. Miller Frazier, a sophomore, will join with three veterans, Dave Bauer, Jim Red mond, and Greg Thompson, to make up the team of four. This event will also take place on Saturday. Bob Clark, Gene Feldman, and Co captain Mike Brown are the three in dividual entries. Clark recently set a new college mark in the pole vault. Brown holds the college shot-put mark. Feldman has been improving rapidly and stands a good chance of placing in the Carnival hammer throw event. Asa result of a fine showing made in Monday's time trials, the freshman relay team will also compete. Hutch- Galer, Yohn, and Kauffman will carry the baton for the freshmen in that order. Kuufrman won the time trials, nine against the "wind on a track, in 51.6 seconds. Hutch, Cider, and Sohn were all under seconds. This places the freshmen at least on a par with most of the first •ear squads in the east.—W.l32.