. , , ESTABLISHED! /...1. 2 1 ('' 'r,'-; I',. 1904 , 1 rim #tatr ..ff , .--.--) Totirgi 0-•:.. , A, ,=-., ./...iass• / _ - Volume 33—No. 55 Political Campaigns End Sunday Night, Elections Begin at 1230 Monday 150 Attend Mass Meeting Tuesday; ROTC Issue Explained, Candidates Introduced; • Use New Election Rules The five-day Campaign for class offices opened officially in Schwab audi torium Tuesday night, with approximately 150 students attending the first political mass meeting in the history of the college. The campaign will close at 7 o'clock Sunday night when each clique must file a report of its expendi tures with Joseph F. Griffith '37, chairman of the elections committee. Elections will be held in the first floor lounge of Old Main, beginning at 12:30 o'clock Monday afternoon and continuing until 12:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. The polls will close at 5 o'clock on Monday and Tuesday after noons and reopen at 8:45 o'clock the following mornings. They will remain closed from 12:15 to 12:46 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. R. 0. T. C. Issue Explained After a 10-minute delay, the meet ing opened with a short talk. by E. Townsend Swalm '37, who explained the R. 0. T. C. question which will be included on the ballot in the coming elections. With only a dozen students in at tendance without political ties, Grif fith, who presided at the meeting in the •absence •of Frank A. Osterlund, scnior class president, called off the scheduled discussion of the platform issues upon the approval of the clique representatives. The various candi dates were then introduced by the party chairmen, campaign Posters were distributed, and the meeting ad-' journed. New rules, included in the recent elections code modifications, will be in effect throughout the three-day elec tion' period. Electioneering in. Old Maio will be prohibited, and only members of the elections committee and voters will be permitted to enter all parts of the building: A viola tion of this rule will cost the offend ing party two votes, with the penalty doubled for each succeeding violation. One member of each clique will-be allowed to cheek voters:on' the polh books in Old. - Main;%burhe will not - "lie permitted to ask anyone how he vet- I cd. Clique; Chairmen will be free to consult their lists every half-hour As in the past, students will have to present their matriculation .calds before entering the polls. In the event that the student'has lost his card, a note - from the dean of his school will be required. • Infraction of this rule leaves a student liable to dismissal from college. Chemists. , Isolate Sex Hormones For Study. The School of Chemistry and Phy sics scores another triumph. Congratulations poured in" on five members of the school after they pre sented a paper before the AMerican Chemical Society in Chapel Bill, N. C., announcing the isolation - , identi fication, and synthesis of a new male hormone. News of the research was sent from roast - Cy coast. The scientists, Profs. Russell E. Marker and RalphV. McGrew and D: M. Jones, E. L. Wittle and Thomas S. Oakwood in the isolation lind!syn tilesis of, the new hormone, have tak en the' latest step forward in throw ing light on the sex hormone . mystery that has to do with secondary sea characteristics, as deep voice of the male and the hairless face of the fe male. The hormone, named epi-allo-preg nanolone, because of its chemical stucture, shows essentially male char acteristics though' it is secreted byi the female during pregnancy. The discovery draws the conclus ion that many of the aspects of sex are more chemical in their nature than physical. Today the chemical re actions themselves are believed, more important in determihing, sex chara& teristics .than the 'chemicals involved in the reactions.' The research reveals that the hormone is a substance con siderably more potent than andros throne and differing frail) it in that it has two more carbon atoms in the molecule. Professor Marker reports that ,pre :lions to this investigation, the stal lion was 'the only male animal to pro duce the female sex hornione theclin. Now,- a female animal, woman, has been found to produce a hormone pos sessing male characteristics. 4 Named to Honorary Mary E. Bechtel '3B, Amy F. Mc- Clelland '3B, Henrietta B. Nichols '3B, and Bernice E. Zwald '3B . have been elected to Omricron Nu, senior Home Economics honorary. The selection was based on scholarship, leadership, and personality. 500 Participate In Peace Strike Rev. Bleakney, Eddie I%Behols, 3 Students Give Talks Against War .. • Over 500 enthusiastic peace-minded students and townspeople attended the - fourth annual peace strike held on this campus. Rev. Edward Bleak ney, the principal speaker, based his speech On the Biblical , quotation, "They that take the sword shall per ish by the sword." "We have had militarism for cen turies believing it the way for the ending of wars, yet it has not gotten us anywhere." he said. "The common people of the world are on the march for peace," he continued. "Get• the peace mind and peace attitude, to daY," he urged his hearers. Prof. Edward J. Nichols, the chair man the .meeting. declared that, "This , . is, a walkout rehearsal for . .the time when war is again with. us." High School Opinion Voiced Frank Smith, State' College high school delegate voiced the opinion that, "Instead of war destroying civ ilization, let uA.reverSe the situation and destroy war with our civilization." ' Frank A. Osterlund, senior Class president, told that European powers are only bluffers because they have no money to back up their statements. "We • are way ahead of them in peace mindedness." he continued, "why not stay ahead?" Genevra C. Ziegler '37 predicted that the women of the world will wield a weighty - opinion and urged the young women to gain a knowl edge of whet is going on to be able to argue against war. James T. Du gan '37 began his speech by reading a quote from the Centre Daily Times of twenty yeaVs ago which stated that Penn State had turned over its facilities for war. Propagenda had State ready a year before we entered ti the war so that when it was declared we became immediately an armed camp. "The United States is spending bil lions of dollars for armaments," he said, "when we need jobs." "The only jobs the government is getting us ready for is fertilizer and burial squads." Dugan urged his listeners to vote "yes" on the It 0. T. C. ques tion which Will be listed on the ballot in the coining student elections. Pinafore Will Return For Second Showing A second showing of the very suc cessful 'IL M. S. Pinafore" will be a feature of the Mother's Day pro gram on. Saturday, May . 8. The same cast, settings ; _and direction, will be trained as.were in the other showing here on January 15. This popular musical comedy of nautical life by Gilbert .and Sullivan, under the direction of Prof. Richard W. Grant, and J. Ewing Kennedy, will feature 23 ensembles, solo and - special vocaLselectiOns by the Glee Club .and the Thespians. I• Who's Dancing Alpha Chi Omega Bill Bottorf (Closed) Sigma Phi Alpha ,Sarners' Orchestra (Incitation) TOMORROW Theta Phi Alpha Bill Bottorf (invitation) Players 'To Give Anti-War Hitt Tonight, Tornorrow at 8:30 Fourth Production of 1936-37 Season, 'Bury The Dead,' Has 30 in Cast; Play Features 6 Corpses .The Penn State Players will pre sent "Bury, the Dead," Irwin Shaw's gripping anti-war smash hit, in Schwab auditorium tonight and to morrow night at 8:30 o'clock. The production marks the fourth of the 1936-3 . 7 season for the Players.. ,Under the direction of Prof. Frank S. Neusbaum, the cast of over thirty will bring to the campus one of the most unusual plays ever to achieve success on Broadway. Following the theme of a future war in which six dead soldiers refuse to be buried, say ing "their business is with the top of the world," the play combines terrific emotional power.with clever technical, devices. 'When the six soldiers refuse to al low themselves -to be buried, the en tire army is' unable to put them down. In desperation, the generals try to get the clergy and finally the moth ers, sweethearts, and wives to make the men be buried. The entire world becomes agog over the situation. Done with Lights "Bury the Dead" is also unusual in its technical makeup. It runs little over an hour and a half, and it is done without intermissions on a single set. The action moves by means of lights, with darkness prevailing ex cept where - the character is speaking. In this way, the story jumps from the trenches, to the generals' tent, to a newspaper office, and to the radio. The show depends more upon the cast as a whole rather than individual stars. The six corpses are portrayed by C.. Allan Tapman '39, Johnson Brenneman '37, Donald R: Geiger '37, Tack L. Wolgin '3B, Morton Wolovsky '37, and Gilbert Miller '3B. ...Female roles, are.played byporothy 'A: . Clarke' '38,. Nesse Firestone .'4O, Jane C. Eames '4O, Florence Mar quardt '4O, Jean F. Woodruff '36, and Beatrice Conford '37. Hilda L. Han son '37 is a clubwoman, while the oth ers are mothers, wives, or sweethearts of the dead men. Others in Cast Others in the cast include. Irving Tersuhow '3B, Herbert S. Yanofsky '4O, Clarence H. Evans '4O, Dennis A. Weaver '3O, Randolph W. Graham '4O, Harry W. Reed '3B, John W. Charset '39, Charles Waxman '4O, Edward T. Binns '3B, Robert W. Cowden '39, and William IC. Rile '4O. In addition to these, parts arc taken by Elmer F. Linberg '4O, Clarence S. Reede Says U. S. Aids Belligerants Charges Americans With Giving Help in Spain Despite . Neutral Standing That the United . States, despite its neutral standing, bus been providing both the Spanish rebels and loyalists indirectly with products , included on contraband lists in wartime was the theory of Arthur H. Reede in the last of the Liberal Arts lectures held in the Home Economics auditorium on Tuesday night. Mr. Reede said that the United States was in no way the worst offen der in this indirect trading. He stat ed that European traders were ingen ious in this matter and that they also have been sending goods to Spain by roundabout routes. "There exists no body .of interna tional law that makes a 'country stay neutral during a foreign civil war," the - speaker said. "The limitation placed on a nation is that it shOuld not intervene, for rebels until they 'have openly di2clared themselves as such." Mr. Rude said that the fact that both combatants refuse to be called the rebel party has complicated the situation.' He said that the de facto recognition given to. Franco was a prelude to stronger intervention by fascist nations. The aid given to the two sides has fluctuated back and forth, Mr. Recde 'continued, and the present trend seems to be toward Franco. lie said that the de facto recogni tion should not have been given as Franco has not yet held Madrid or any land under his control. He con cluded with the thought that the Spanish rebellion has led to .the col of all diktrmament plans. STATE COLLEGE, PA.,, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1937 Anderson '4O, DOnald +W. Wright '39, Alvin E. lleutchy '37, Kenneth S. Ka gen '3B, Richard F. Collins '37, and Walter W. St. Clair '9O. The technical stall is made up of Morris H. Wood '3B, general technical manager; Frank L. Herr '37, electric technician; Eugene -H. Zierdt '4O, sound technician; Hebert M. Ludwig '4O and Robert H. Peterson , '39, as sistant stage manager's; :Mary E. Fry '3B, costume manager :',Joan C. Sper ling '39, askistant costume manager; Helen L. Gorham - '38, - property man ager; Dorothy A. - Getitzel' '39, assist ant property manager; and Lillian. J. Lawyer '37, house manager. Mortar Board To Hold Conference Vocational Guidance Talks Aim To Instruct Wmiaen; Nine Speaker's' Picked • In order to present the opportuni ties and varied kinds of work open to women, a vocational guidance confer ence under the direction of Mortar Board will be held:in the second floor laungzi of Old Main • Monday, Tues day, and Wednesday' afternoons. The meeting, is especially for fresh men and sophomores; although the other classes are 'allOwed to attend. The object is to provide a source of stimuli in vocational guidance, and if possible to help' the,underclassmen to realize how they can choose their vo cations. Anyone who wishes to attend these meetings will bb excused from classes. An.exhibit of books,tpamphlcts, and sther literatore,,will*On„display:in the library. These Will inchide both general information . and specific ma terial on work in more than 50 fields. The conference will be opened on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by Dr. A. K. Anderson who, will speak on "The Medical Technician and Allied Work in Chemistry." At 3 o'clock, Mrs. T. F. Struck will address the group on "Social Service." On Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Miss Julia Brill will discuss "Fields Open to Liberal-Arts Students." At 2 o'clock, Miss Phyllis Sprague will talk on "Home Economics." The third lecture Tuesday afternOon . will be given by Dr. Van Armer on "Person nel Work." At 4 o'clock, Miss Marie Haidt will discuss "Physical Educa tion." On Wednesday at 2 o'clock, Miss K. Stokes will speak on "Library' Sci ence." At' 3 o'clock, Mrs. Merritt Scott will talk on "Fine and Applied Arts." The concluding one. given by A. 0. Morse, will be "Choice of a Vo cation." Home Ec. Club Elects Lucia E. Ohl '39 was elected presi dent of the Home Economics club at a meeting Wednesday' night. The oth ers elected were R. Dawn Harden '39, vice-president; Jane . I. Gruber '39, secretary; and Marjorie F. Davies '39. treasurer. Study Saves Wear and Tear On Hitch-HikingThumbs, Legs Vacation hitch-hikers anxious to make Pittsburgh or Philadelphia in time to take the little girl to dinner can now plan their trips accordingly, simply by consulting the new "Hitch- Hikers' Timetable." This much-need ed' work is being arranged and com piled by George D. Thomas, instruc tor in industrial• engineering, from material gathered by I. E. students in technical English:' Averages computed from interviews with 123 hikers, covering a total of 17,003 miles, show the probable trav eling time to Pittsburgh to be 6.16 hours; to Philadelphia, 7.22 hours; and to Harrisburg, 3.93 hours.' The average speed fcr ail trips listed was 23.7 miles per hour. A composite picture of the hiker who will get there quickest reveals that he dresses neatly, curries one piece of luggage with a 'Penn State banner or sticker, and starts from the Atherton street stoplight at 11 o'clock on a fair day.. He must use the "plain thumb and arm smotion," but may use his'own discrimination as to R.O.T.C. Issue Faces College Opinion Vote Peace Council Effects Inclusion on Ballot At Elections Trustees To Act On Poll Results In June On the ballot for the first time at 'an all-college election, the question of compulsory R. 0. T. C. will be placed before the student body at the class elections next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Inclusion of the R. 0. T. C. issue on the ballot :is part of a state-wide campaign now being ccnductell by the Peace Action Council in an effort to eliminate compulsory military train ing in colleges. Speaking at the political mass meeting in Schwab auditorium Tues day night, E. Townsend Swalm '37, one of the student leaders in the fight for optional R. 0. T. C., emphasized the fact that the poll would serve only as an official record of student opinion. A similar poll of the fac ulty has already been taken, and alumni Opinion will scon be obtained. Results of the three polls will be pre sented :to the Board of Trustees for final action next June, Swaim ex plained. Discusses Federal Funds "The Merril Land Grant Act of 1863 states that R. 0. T. C. must be offered," SWalm added. "The idea that federal funds would be curtailed or diminished is a false one. We will still have R. 0. T. C., but it will be optional." Elimination of compulsory It. 0. T. C. by legislative action in North Da kota last month brought the total of states having optional military train ing to—three. In 1923. Wisconsin :be came the first state to pass a law to this - effect. Minnesota followed in 1931.' 6 Fraternities Apply For Grad. Counselors Applications for graduate counsel ors have been filed by six fraterni ties, Dr. Charles C. Wagner, assistant dean of the School of Liberal Arts, said. The six fraternities are: Beta Theta Pi, Delta Chi, Lambda Chi Al pha, Phi Sigma Delta, Sigma Chi, and Sigma Nu. In. exchange for room and board, the graduate students act as advi sors to the fraternity that house!: them. The aim of the plan is to raise the level of the . fratennitie:i schohis tinily, to promote social poise and control, and to bridge the gap be tween the fraternity and faculty. Dr. Wagner expects the trustees to approve a suggestion to have one or more advisors in each' of the dormi tories, Irv i n hall, at present, is the only dormitory to boast a graduate advisor. -College graduates with a high scholastic rating arc eligible for the counselor •position: They must also have a record of fraternal life and possess mature views on social and economic nroblems. S kNDEItS By 11E111 a "casual and unconcerned manner," a "quick enthusiasm." or a "pitifully downcast look." Passenger cars are successfully stopped just 7.87 times as often as trucks. Correct thumbing instruc tions were given by one hiker as, "Arm extended, steady sweep of arm, for about two feet. Thumb repeated ly going from vertical to horizontal." A small minority found a simple dig nity, preferable to any thumb motion at all. "It's foolish to start earlier than one hour after sunrise," one report stated. "The best time•is early after noon; after that traffic dr.*, begin ning about 7 .p. In. After 9 it falls off again and after midnight trucks are the only possibilities." 'Most of the bikers advise strongly against any night. travel. A measure of consolation for the aching arches, weary thumbs, and worn-out shoe leather involved may be derived from the fact that d grand total of $421.12 in railway fares was saved in the 718 hours the hikers spent en the road. ' att. Building Program, New Phys.. Ed. Dean Await Special Trustee Action Meeting This Week-end May Clarify Possibilities Of New Buildings, Retirement Cut; Expect Action •on Schott . Chief concern of the Board of Trustees at its special meeting in Flar risbtu•g this week-end will he the proposed building program to come from Public Works Administration funds in the near future. It is believed that discussion of this program will occupy a good portion of the time alloted for the meeting. However, it is a strong possibility that the selection of a new Dean of the School of Physical Education and Ath ltics may be decided. The Collegian learned last week tl school at West Virginia University, b time. It is expected in many circles pointment or rejection, May 11 Date Set For AA Run-Off Committee of Coaches, Captains To Choose Candidates; l'lan Amendment Candidates for president and secre tary of the Athletic Association will be picked six to ten clays before the preliminary elections, according to an announcement made today by Robert E. Mcrini 'O7, president of the asso ciation. As all the elections have end ed in a plurality instead of a major ity, a run-off contest will be held May 11. The candidates for the position arc selected by the coaches, captains, and managers of the various sports with the help of the retiring president. Six men arc chosen to run on the ticket May 10. The following amendment to the constitution of the Athletic Assoeia tion -will be voted upon at the same election., The proposed amendment is• in full. • The junior college is defined• for the purposes here concerned as a college with a two-year objective, which does not give a degree, and which requires graduation from an accredited high school for admis sion to it. (a) The one-year residence rule may be -waived in the case of a transfer from a junior college, pro vided that the certifying college re quires as high scholastic standards of the transfer student as it re quires of its resident studMits un der similar conditions. (b) And. providers, that the cer tifying senior college counts all ath letic competition in the junior col lege just as if it had leen place in the certifying college itself. It is' understood that any competition with a team of another school or college which the student had with in twelve months following his en rollment in a junior college shall count as freshman competition. (e) That the total years of "in tercollegiate" competition shall be limited to four. including the year or years of competition while in the junior college. 26 Members Elected • To Pi Lambda Theta The recently elected pledges of Pi Lambda Theta, women's education honorary fraternity, will be installed May 1. After the initiation the fra ternity will hold a dinner in honor of its first anniversary as a national. The 25 active members and the 25 present pledges will attend the din ner at which past presidents of the former local fraternity will speak. The junior pledges are: Edna G. Albert, Lois J.. Anderson, Margaret L. Bean, Sara E. Blackwell, Emily AL Blair, Dorothy E. Bollinger, Beverly B. Brenizer, Frances A. Duritsa and Kathleen E. Gilbody. Other juniors elected are: Helen L. Gorham, Frieda Knepper, Ruby C. Klymer. Eleanor W. Ley, Martha J. Miller, Esthe• Parker, Jessica L. Sell- Minky, Arleine I\J. Schnure, Sara. E. Scott, Mary E. Taylor, Catherine J. Stirling, Kathryn E. Walker, Ferne L. Warner and Bernice E. Ewald. The graduate student pledges sic Maude L. Blakeslee and Nora E. Witt man. Gretchen M. Haffley %.17 was also elected. Attend Practice Camp During the coining summer, the sophomore forestry praetieum will be held at Mont Alto, instead of at an abandoned CCC camp in the Alle gheny National Forest,. as had been planned. COMPLETE CAMPUS COVERAGE PRICE FIVE CENTS hat Dr. Carl Schott, dean of the same the number one man at the present hat the trustees will act upon his up- It is not deemed possible that the meeting will throw any light upon the general college appropriation. It is generally known that the appropria tions committee of the legislature does not act until the session nears its termination, whereafter the gov ernor has 30 days in which to make assignments. Another issue that is a possibility for discussion is the method in which faculty members will be retired un der the provisions of the recent re tirement act. 5 Millions For Buildings The amount of money from the PWA for cdlego buildings has varied from time to time since its probabil ity was - known, and the final figure has not been set. Until the federal government awards contracts there will be no positive assurance that any particular building is "safe." The trustees are not expected to be able to ask for. bids or make any final approval of the plans for the new women's dormitory, fostered from a private loan by the board. Traffic Program To Open Monday Training School Plans Include Accident Study; State Patrol Sends Men With outstanding traffic engineers, police officers, educators, and special ists in the safety field serving as in structors, the first annual training school for Pennsylvania traffic offi cers will begin Monday. The training course, which will last for two weeks, has been designed to provide a compiehensive and practical survey of the problems of traffic con trol which will prepare the officers in attendance for the solution of these problems and stiMulate them to pur sue a further study of the subject. An attempt will be made to train the officers to attack the accident pre vention problem from the point of view that the number of deaths on the highway can be reduced materially through an intelligent approach by the police upon their basic causes. 'Advance registration has assured a representation from at least forty Pennsylvania cities. Delegates will also be present from the Pennsylva, nia State Highway Police at Harris burg. Lawrence B. Tipton, of the North western University Traffic Safely In stitute, will nerve as director of the school. Other administrative officers are Dr. Harold F. Alderfer, executive secretary of the Institute of Local Government; .1. Orvis Keller, assist ant to the president; and Hugh G. Pyle, of the extension services. Miller Will Address Sunday Chapel-Goers Francis P. Miller; secretary of the National Policy Committee will speak on "Seeking First the Kingdom of God" at Sunday chapel service in Schwab auditorium at 11 o'clock. He received his A. B. degree from Washington and Lee university, his B. A. and M. A. degrees from Oxford, and a certificate from the Postgradu ate Institute for Higher International ISudis in Geneva. He has lived abroad sonic 11 years since 1917. Miller is author with Helen Hill of "The Giant of the Western World." He was co-author with Richard Nie bur and William Pauck of "The Church Against the World;" and au thor of "The Blessings of Liberty." lie was u lecturer on international and social questions at Yale university from 1931 to 1931, and field secretary of the Foreign Policy association for a year.